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The Bonds of Brotherhood (update: Moritat)


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  • 2 months later...

A few months ago, I posted this:




And then disappeared for a while. Just spending time with a wonderful individual while the weather has been great. Beach, pool, driving around the wonderful country-side. It's been fun. But, I miss my hobby. I've gotten back into it for a few weeks now, working on Fantasy stuff. But, as much fun as Fantasy is, 30k is where my heart is. And 40k too, I suppose.


I haven't played a game of 7th yet, but I have the rulebook, and have skimmed it a bit. Seems a lot like 6th, but with a psychic phase.


So, as for the Bonds of Brotherhood, expect more 30k, and more Chaos. As well as some Loyalist scum too. I did receive a few packages today, one from Forge World, the other from ebay. They're going to require some work before they can make it on here though. In fact, they may be set to the side until I finish some other projects that I still have to work on.


Ave Dominus Hydra!

Chieftain Skarra Cadeyrn, The Battle King of Chuvin, Master of the Charnel Wraiths, Former Captain of the 100th Company, Lord of Sorrows, Bringer of Despair, Cleaver of Skulls, Chosen of Khorne, Counts-As Khârn




  • 3 weeks later...

A great beast walks amongst us. A beast of iron and steel, a beast of burning rage incarnate. It is a God-Machine, the fury of the Dark Gods made manifest.



  • 1 month later...

Alrighty, while I have a multitude of projects on my desk (literally), I figured I might as well update this.


I have a very special box set being sent my way, in the meantime, I'll leave you with this:


The New Project is going to be two-fold. Astartes with (two) allies. You'll see soon enough, but three armies in one.




Credit goes towards the creator, CommissarMuskeg on Deviantart.

Working on a test model now for color scheme, but here's some fluff...



Azure Serpents


Founding Chapter/Gene-seed Descendant: Unknown, gene-seed markers unrecorded

Founding: Unknown (First appeared in Imperial records in early M38)

Known Descendants: Unknown

Chapter Master: Thought to be a dual rank, with two individuals, "Primus" and "Ultimus"

Homeworld: Unknown

Fortress-Monastery: Unknown

Colours: Azure blue

Specialty: Infiltration, sabotage, all-out assault from multiple angles

Strength: Unknown

Battle Cry: Only recorded one being: "For the Emperor!"


Expect another update later tonight.


UGH...I miss my old camera...These are the best shots I could get with this one.






I'm going to be ordering a new camera, I think. I can't stand this thing. Makes it look like an Ultramarine. Anyone have any recommendations?

  • 2 months later...

The shoulder pad is a 3d print that I found on Shapeways.


I should probably explain this project...Oh boy...


New Year's Eve, my girlfriend and I decided to stay home and drink rather than go out. Safer, cheaper, and probably was more fun. Video games were played, beer was drunk, and somewhere along the line we decided that we would do a massive, conjoined hobby project together this year.


A Chapter.


Yes, we drunkenly decided to build a Chapter.


Luckily, I had quite a bit of Amazon gift cards, so what I drunk bought that night ended up not costing to much out of pocket, which was the Adeptus Astartes Strikeforce, a Space Marine Strikeforce, and the Strikeforce Ultra.


Once we sobered up, we went over our drunky-notes, and decided it would be best to just work on a couple of companies, rather than the whole Chapter.


And thus, the Tempest Born were...well, born.

  • 1 month later...

Yeah, that was kinda the intention. The Serpents are a 1,500 point army, the Eldar is an 1.850 point. The idea is simply just for her to play a game, not be any sort of competitive match. Plus, with her newness to the game, she's got a slight handicap. Not that she needs it, apparently.


End of Turn 1:


Things were going well, I won first turn:



Then Seize the Initiative kicked in:



Eldar moved forward, scatter laserd my line, killing 2 terminators (including the heavy flamer, which I stupidly left out front). The wraithknight but a hullpoint on the dready, and for the sake of simplicity, we're ignoring psykers for the moment.


The Azure Serpents responded by moving forward, the scout snipers missing their targets by miles, and pretty much failing to do anything thanks to the dang wave serpent shields. Until the vindicator lit off its cannon. Boom! One dead wave serpent.





Turn 2 Madness!:


Things are getting kinda hairy. Eldar moving up, shooting killed a few marines in the bunker.



Wraithknight charged the Dready...and killed it dead.



My turn, assault marines prepare:



And actually manage to gravpistol one to death. But end up rolling absolute jack squat for charge.





"I can take 'em!"



*Proceeds to roll crap*


Wraithknight attacks back, continues to roll crap. I don't like these new dice. Maybe it's just bad luck because they're Word Bearers dice, and I'm not playing Word Bearers in this game.



Dead Primus:



And rollstompted.



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