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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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Transmission 12, received ’68,

Sector King, Zulu, King
Durega System

++ Transmission Begins++

++Random Static++


..I watch the servants of the Corpse God crawl along the edge of the straight razor that is the Imperium of untruth. That’s my dream, that’s my nightmare, crawling along the edge of a straight razor of falsehood and surviving...


++Random Static++


..Brothers and Sisters I thank you for your greetings.


We of the Broken Silence stand prepared to resume the long war. In our decade long absence from the front lines we have rebuilt our shattered company, after the short lived but hard fought conflict with the Lion’s angels on Durega IV.


In the aftermath of Durega we were granted a boon, we have absorbed the remnants of Brother Captain Thua Erret’s 172nd Company ‘The
Crimson Hand’ and for the first time since Tsgualsa we are approaching full strength.


Thua Erret himself a veteran of the battle for Terra was mortally wounded in the surface war on Durega and has been consigned to one of our two
remaining dreadnought walkers. Our other honoured brother interred within one of the legions precious sarcophagus is the venerable Shi Gjaku the Thrice Cursed, Brother Vexillum of this Company until he too was critically injured by the Raven Guard at Urgall.


Our void strength has also grown with the addition of Erret’s Strike Cruiser Tenebris Vanis joining our own flagship Corvi Necem’although heavily damaged during a boarding action by the Lion’s seed we have finally effected repairs and our small fleet led by our void commander Bosluk Savasci stands ready to sow terror from the skies.


One of El’Johnson’s sons, Brother Abraxas of the vaunted Deathwing, captured during the boarding of the Tenebris Vanis has seen the truth
and turned his face from the golden throne. He has proven his worth and although not Nostroman born has embraced our methods and purpose.


Although we can count none of the Atramenter amongst our number we have scavenged a small number of suits from amongst Abraxas’ fallen brethren and our dark mechanicus allies have ensured we can field a small number of Terminator Clad brothers should the need arise.


Brother Sergeant Kirmizi Yagmur leads the remnants of the Broken Silence’s Terror Squads, this cadre ‘The Scarlet Rain’  numbering fourteen of
our Nostroman brothers now devotes the skulls they take to the blood god and whilst I disapprove of their devotion, their effectiveness has increased


Our Raptors ‘The Feral’ led by Kantali Kabus numbers have swelled with the recent amalgamation of our companies, The Feral live up to their name,
the degeneration of their ilk from proud Nostroman born into little more than animals that inhabit the lower decks of the Corvi Necem. However their worth in combat outweighs any feelings of disgust I may feel.


The other claws of our company are almost rebuilt, veterans of the long war all, led by the likes of Eritos Cremucia the Dusk Walker, Vdejka E’Nates, Nositel Noci the Butcher of Thranx and Rshotha Nagyot the Manflayer.


We stand united in our Oath of Hatred.


Like our Father born unto Darkness, our eyes open to the deceitful nature of the corpse god, we bring retribution to his servants, we are the night.


Fracta Est Silentium


++ Transmission Ends ++

Edited by Corsovitt
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Excerpt from my little bit of fluff:


The Apostle put his arm forward, in place to receive a warrior's greeting. "Lord Apostle Meligar, I lead the Austral Host." The Night Lord looked down at the arm extended in mock friendship, regarding it for long moments, he chooses his words with purpose.

"Forgive me my personal axioms, but we have not bled together and so words will be all that we exchange." Combat stims suddenly flood his enhanced bio system, his heart rate increases, and the subconscious urge to power his murderglaive nearly overcomes him. Where was the threat? The reactions all screamed "Enemy!" But from where he had no hint.

A thin smile showed on the Word Bearers face, as though he knew, and his eyes shone with some form of dark amusement, "Of course Commander, perhaps afterwards?"

"Perhaps..." He replied, although he truly doubted there would be any sharing of victory here. "How many with you, in your Cohort?"




Hope it gets the message across...

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I just got a message from Kol_Saresk asking me to check out this thread so I figured I'd help out with the original bit of story I wrote to set the scene for my own Night Lords about seven years ago.



The crowd cowered together in the court yard of the great Myotis Palace. It's once majastic pearl white spires stood pitted and scarred, blackened by the swift brutal attack of the Astarte invasion forces.
Nobility and servants alike huddled together. All divides of class, creed or wealth eradicated by the overwhelming aura of impending death that surrrounded them.
Captain Lasiurus Artibeus stood impassive on the second tier of the courtyard looking down over them. The faintly glowing red lenses of his visor giving the skull terror marking on his dark blue plate armour a horrifying life of it's own. For all intent and purposes he and his men resembled death itself.

"People of Myotis," He bellowed over his helmet's external vox caster "you have been found guilty of violating Imperial law!"

"Murderers!" A woman screamed as she defiantly stood to her feet. 

No, Artibeus thought to himself. Not murderers, killers. 

Murder was an act of extreme emotion, uncontrolled and indiscriminate. An unfocused and blunt action, fueled by passion and rage, ignorant of the consequences. Killers acted with a cold sense of efficiancy and logic, unquestioning in their purpose. 
Artibeus recognised her as the Minister who'd first greeted him apon his arrival to Myotis over two years ago. She had openly welcomed the Astartes of the VIII Legion along with her people and through their conversations he had grown to appreciate her company. 
She had brilliantly argued her people's case despite her youthful appearance, which harboured the wisdom of someone many times her age. Her skills had proven a worthy addition to their cause persuading the other nations of Myotis to join without a single drop of blood being spilt. 
She had proven to be a visonary among her people, a true master of wordcraft and diplomatic ability that commanded even the respect of a seasoned Astarte like Artibeus. 
With the simple gesture of his head to his first sergeant a single bolter shot rang out striking the Minster cleanly in the chest. The force of the explosive round lifting her off her feet and carrying her across the courtyard to crash down amongst the serving tables.

"You have been found guilty of consorting with aliens," He continued impassionately as the broken form of an Eldar was flung into the courtyard "and taking up in arms against the Imperium." The shattered remains of General Hrantyu were thrown over the balcony landing before the wailing and screaming crowd below.

Having said all that needed to be said, he simply turned and left. 

Around the top of the courtyard Astartes of the Night Lords Legion stepped out from the shadows onto the second tier. 
As one they raised their bolters and began firing into the crowd.

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Wonderfull piece of fluff, you've really captured the essence of the Night Lords.

Now I wonder, is Artibeus From Terra or Nostramo? I get the feeling from the story that he believes that the atrocities his legion comits is the means to an end rather then the end it self.

Edited by Koriel
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Thanks mate, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I think the Night Lords are a complex Legion and I can completely understand how they managed to get out of hand where the means becomes easier to justify with each passing victory.

Although I have yet to read the most recent background at the time of writing Artibeus was indeed one of the original Terran members of the Legion. Deep down he probably sees his Nostramo brothers as savage animals, thieves and criminals pressed into Imperial service even though his loyalties lay completely with his Primarch.

I think that if he had a failing it would be pride. He sees himself as old true Legion and his brothers as a tool to achieve his Primarch's ultimate goals.

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Thanks mate, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I think the Night Lords are a complex Legion and I can completely understand how they managed to get out of hand where the means becomes easier to justify with each passing victory.

Although I have yet to read the most recent background at the time of writing Artibeus was indeed one of the original Terran members of the Legion. Deep down he probably sees his Nostramo brothers as savage animals, thieves and criminals pressed into Imperial service even though his loyalties lay completely with his Primarch.

I think that if he had a failing it would be pride. He sees himself as old true Legion and his brothers as a tool to achieve his Primarch's ultimate goals.

Good stuff man, It always seems like the Terran members have that core of nobility and idealism. They were there to see the start of the great crusade, they held the Emperor's ideals as their own and were proud of their part in his grand plan. When the Primarch became part of the legion and brought the influx of Nostraman recruits with him it injected an undercurrent of repressed savagery into the legion. You had proud Terran veterans who saw what they did as a necessary evil for a brighter future, mixed with new Nostraman recruits who only knew a life of carefully hidden bloodshed, criminality, and fear. The Nostraman blood only sought to perpetrate the brutal examples made by Curze on those weaker than themselves, whether subconscious or not. Basically the same as victims of abuse going on to abuse others.


I think this is a key part of the division in our legion, thus why I love the dichotomy and difference of opinion between us Nostramans and you Terran-born.

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I think that the clash of different ideologies within the legion is one of the main reasons why people like the Night Lords, or atleast that's why I like them. It provides a setting ripe with possibilities for really amazing fluff.
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Flint13: Originally it was the 5th, put him down as the 11th to fill in the gaps in your list though. I'm working on a lot of true scale Legion stuff at the mo so once I have some pics of the Night Lords I'll post a couple in here to help you out a bit.


Brother Heinrich: Totally agree with you there mate. The idea of Terrans having to deal with an influx of troops from an alien world and culture has always fascinated me. 


Koriel: I think so too.

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Hail to all my brothers in midnight clad!

VIII Legion 42nd company

Current commander: captain Vezis Shan "The Shredder"

Battle doctrine: urban combat, boarding assaults. Members of 42 company prefer fighting in narrow streets, where they can attack their opponents from flanks without engaging in frontal assaults.

Notable members: Sorcerer Skelos, champion Gheshatt, third claw sergeant Zogar Sag "The Undying One", terminator squad "Five Deadly Venoms".


"Gheshatt, bring me their leader."

"He is not fun anymore. He's just lying there in a pool of his blood. Without a head" - replied company champion. Sorcerer looked at the remains of eldar farseer and sighed, he should have thought twice before leaving valuable prisoners alone with demented swordsman. He turned to the last remaining eldar guardian.

"Now listen carefully, xenos", - snarled Skelos. Sorcerer took a small stone from one of dead eldar warrior and crushed it with his armored fist - "This galaxy belong to us. It belongs to the Eight Legion. Go ahead, run away. I want all of your misbegotten kind hear of this day and of how sons of Kurze slew your kin."

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Awesome! Glad to have you Wade. Can't wait to see some of your stuff in the showcase thread too!


The 11th and the 42nd stand proud in darkest midnight.

Edited by Flint13
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Good Evening Brothers and Sisters,


Loving reading through everyone's company backgrounds, its inspired me to begin rereading Soul Hunter.


One thing I've been thinking about the VIII Legion and Company Numbers there are several occasions where the Night Lords have ended up dispersed by enemy action - notably The Thramas Crusade. If the Company was dispersed at the time of the heresy there is nothing stopping there being more than one claimant to the Company Designation... For example after Terra if elements of the 106th Company were dispersed during the withdrawal there could be more than one formation claiming to be the 106th one being led by the original company centurion and another being led by a brother sergeant/apothecary or other member of the company command staff. This is the sort of circumstance that Murder Duels were created for.


Secondly what are peoples thoughts on whether companies would be mixed Terran/Nostroman initially or would the original companies be mostly Terrans and as the original Terran legionnaires are killed in the crusade would the Nostroman's replace them so as the crusade develops the legion slowly becomes more and more corrupted by the Nostroman elements? 


Fracta Est Silentium



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I'm currently reading Soul Hunter myself (first time). I'm just over half way through :happy.:


Regarding my Company/Chapter (whichever is the correct term), I had planned on having it being roughly a 50/50 mix of Nostraman and Terran, but I haven't worked out a viable way for the Nostramans to allow the Terrans to remain considering the events leading up to Isstvan.

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That's one reason I love the 8th legion, there is so much room to customize to your own vision of who they are. Since they are so fractured, and a decently large legion, you have tons of splinter groups who can all function completely different from one another. Like my 28th is all infantry and infantry support since they were a "Recon in Force" sort of deal. Also I hate painting vehicles, but I made it work for me ^_^


Like Heinrich was saying earlier, the Terrans seem to have that "means to an end" vision of terror while terror is the end itself among many Nostramans (though that certainly isn't a rule.) The idea of the Terran legionaries gradually being replaced by the influx of debased Nostramans is part of the legion's dark history, and a pretty popular route that many of us have taken. But then you have outliers like Brother-Chaplain Kage's 8th. They are all Terran, not even Nightlords. They despise Kurze and want nothing to do with the Nightlords as a whole, so they remain 8th Legion. 


My company follows the same "influx" idea, but takes it one step further.


The 8th originally sent in an "overseer" force of Terrans to keep the Nostraman recruits in line. Then after Kurze left, the Terrans became completely outnumbered and supplanted by the Nostraman hive nobles. Now there are only three or four of the old legion left, and the hive nobility mimic the Terrans' "ruling" of the 28th by presiding over the underhivers and hillfolk who they consider substandard legionaries.

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Exactly. Trying to pin down one specific way or organization within the VIII is a fool's errand. The only legion more convoluted than ours is the Alpha Legion. Our Command structures are organic and fluid, some of us no longer even wear midnight blue, some retain their old company signifiers, other have adopted more 'esoteric' names for their bands. There can easily be fragments of a former company all claiming the 106th company but refusing to follow the leaders of the other fragments. Basically Night Lords follow the the same organization as a pack of apex predators, the strongest and smartest lead the rest and the moment they trip up, someone else stabs them in the back and takes over. 


Though even that is questionable, you could easily have a strangely loyal band of Night Lords who follow one leader heart, mind and soul. No limits ladies and gents, no limits at all, that's why we're awesome and why Chaos is awesome. Cheers.

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Chaos? Dunno how that works. Too busy with all the volkites and having access to all 9 psychic disciplines. Otherwise, well said! ^_^


We are fear incarnate, sure, but we're also the pinnacle of territorial, alpha predators. *rawr*

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That's one reason I love the 8th legion, there is so much room to customize to your own vision of who they are. Since they are so fractured, and a decently large legion, you have tons of splinter groups who can all function completely different from one another.


Exactly. Trying to pin down one specific way or organization within the VIII is a fool's errand. The only legion more convoluted than ours is the Alpha Legion. Our Command structures are organic and fluid, some of us no longer even wear midnight blue, some retain their old company signifiers, other have adopted more 'esoteric' names for their bands.


Initially I chose the VIII Legion because I thought the Crimson Sons had a cool paint scheme and I liked their rules(Nostraman Chainglaives, anyone?), but it was this stuff you two mentioned that really cemented the choice for me. Anyone even mildly interested in the VIII Legion can find a veritable goldmine of ideas to pick up and run with because of their fluid organizational structure and the nature of their clandestine missions leaves a lot of gaps and holes in their history that can easily be filled in by a little imagination.


Even if you don't want to spin an entire story out of it like I am, albeit slowly, there's plenty of opportunities for someone to jump in with both feet and make a part of the VIII Legion their very own.

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Thanks for showing up Ave. The 24th stands in midnight rampant among brothers.



Don't worry lass, in 10,000 years you all end up with us, or dead. So tell me, do you fear death?


Eh, us young-uns don't think that far ahead. We've got a legion to run, technology to still produce, Terras to conquer. No time to fear death, when we're the scariest thing in the galaxy :wink:


Gotta go conquer Terra while the conquering's good!


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