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Anybody who happen to have a tutorial for "fresh" skin? I've only done old flayed skin before, used the technique gw used on the mengil manhide flayers (ei pale skin tone with green/purple washes)

My technique is as follows:

1. paint the skin with Bugman's Glow

2. highlight with a 1:1 mix of Bugman's Glow and Elf Flesh

3. Mix a tiny dab of Rhinox hide, a tiny dab of Red Gore and a couple of pencil wads of Lahmian Medium and was the whole flesh area with that.  

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Would you say this technique works for sewing your neighbor's who kept you up all night playing :cussty country music face to a back pack, or other article of clothing?? Hypothetical situation, of course...




End of Line

For that you want a much larger piece ;)

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Forte got off his ass quicker than me with his fantastic skin tutorial but I've put up my method which is slightly different on my blog.

Can you put up a direct link please. Always good to see different ways to do things.

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I think it's actually on page 4 lol. I'll sort out a direct link when I haven't been up for 22 hours.

Looks good too. Nice idea for the nails.

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Here we go.


A little later than I promised on the chaos forum but here's how I do my flayed skin. Like to hat tip the Night Lords page on FB where I was given advice on how to d0 this which was invaluable help.


1. Cut a rough shape you want size depending on where its going. Make sure the top is a wider than at the bottom.



2. Put a small amount of super glue on the model and stick the green stuff in place. This will secure really well and allows you to play around with the green stuff till you're happy with the shape.



3. Once the greenstuff is in place make one or two holes where you would like to put the nails/hooks holding the skin in place.



4. Roll a small ball of green stuff and put it in the hole (ahem). Flatten out the ball a little so it looks like its been hammered flat a little. Push the green stuff down a bit in between the nails so it looks like the nails are holding it in place.



5. lastly add details but adding further holes/cuts and folds so it looks like it would actual move rather than being held firmly in place. With the holes try and tug one of the edges so its not neat.


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Figured I'd post this here as well as on my blog. Hope you like it.




Gideon was tired. Tired to his core. In the past week he estimated he'd had less than 2 hours sleep a night. Murders in a small farming community would have that effect on a small under-staffed law enforcement unit, especially such horrific killings. Stalavs Point was a small farming community with a population of around 2000, its sole purpose to provide grain and meat for the planet's capital 80 miles to the north. Nothing much happened in Stalavs Point; new technology brought by the spreading Imperium 80 years ago meant that the harvest of the town had almost doubled which kept its small population busy. Nothing much happened. Not until last week.
Gideon looked at the wall chrono: 4 am and still pitch black outside. Normally he would be in bed, deep in a peaceful sleep and safe in the knowledge that the next day would be the same as any other. A day where the most serious thing he would have to deal with was some minor theft or sorting out a problem when someone got too deep in their cups at the week's end. The downward spiral into the sleepless nights had begun 8 days ago; one of the farm hands from the town was found dead out in one of the fields strapped up in place of one of the field's scarecrows. What wasn't public knowledge was the fact that the body was found completely skinned and drained of blood. No scene of the murder had been found nor had any evidence come to light. It was the same for the other 4 killings as well. All found somewhere on display, skinned and drained of blood as if they had been ghosted out of their beds and butchered like cattle. 
Sitting at his desk Gideon looked over the latest file again. last night a young girl of 17 years had been found just like the other floating  in the town squares main pond. Just like the others no clues. No clues at all. He stood up from his desk and walked across the room and poured himself some caffeine; looking out the window he could see the town hall which held most of the town's gatherings. Without realising he was doing so he began rub the charm around his neck; it was a simple thing, cut in silver portraying an eagle with a lightning bolt in its claws. A symbol of the new Imperium. "The Emperor protects" he muttered, taking a sip of his drink. Gideon thought on the irony of those words, he and his 5 staff who were at this moment out on the streets looking for the killer were enforcers of the Imperial law yet the entire town and even the capital defied that very same law. Divinity could not be denied however and despite the Emperor's edict refuting his own sanctity, the evidence was clear: the Emperor was a God spreading his light across the galaxy uniting human kind once more.
The sky suddenly erupted in an orange glow and the ground shook hard enough for pictures to be thrown from their place on the wall. Flames 40 feet high back lit the buildings; running out into the street Gideon could see the vicious tongues were roaring up in every direction, effectively surrounding the entire residential area of the town off. Pulling out his radio he called for his 2nd "Tansker, what frack is going on? This can't be a pipe line explosion." Nothing but static came back in reply. 
Smoke had started to creep down the streets and it looked as if the houses on the edge of town had caught alight, their wooden frames adding fuel to the fire. Several sharp cracks echoed down the street to Gideon's left, a street that lead to one of the main housing areas for the families that herded the cattle. He recognised the sound of a gunshot when he heard it, especially shots fired from a Justificator V2 pistol. He carried one in a holster under his coat and he knew only 5 other people in the town that would be carrying those particular models. Running down the street, Gideon became aware of the screams of those who realised the town was now on fire. More sounds of gunfire and Gideon cut down an alleyway towards its origin. As he ended the narrow path between two houses he pulled out his own pistol and caught his breath; at a few years past 60 Gideon was past his prime and he hated to admit he'd let himself get out of shape with the easy posting to Stalavs Point. 6 green lights on the back of the pistol showed that it was fully loaded: 6 heavy shots designed to need only one to put down a target. Crude but effective. 
Stepping out into the street, Gideon could describe it as nothing less than carnage; several houses were fully on fire and it was quickly spreading up the street. By a doorway a slumped figure could be seen crumpled up perilously close to the inferno. Strangely, there was none else in the street. Gideon would have expected the streets to be swarming with people putting out the fires or helping others get out of the houses but there was no one. 
Moving across the road, Gideon kept his pistol up scanning for threats. His pace quickened as he realised he recognised the figure leant up by the door. Gideon's stomach churned as he saw what a pitiful state Tansker was in: she was shrouded in a pool of her own blood, her clothing torn and shredded by what looked like claw or blade. As he approached she raised her head. Her eyes were dark and blood was pouring from them; it took Gideon a second to realise her eyes had been removed as had both her her hands, one of which he saw was lying a few feet away, her Justificator pistol still in its grip. "Tansker, it's me. Everything is going to be ok. Whats happened here?" Tansker coughed a mouthful of blood before speaking. "Monsters... came from the shadows." More coughing, more blood. "One's in there I think." She nodded towards the broken doorway of the house. "You need to run, Gideon. Get away before they find you." Gideon tried to think of something calming to say; he wanted to mean it when he said it was going to be ok but it was obvious to anyone that Tansker was on her last few minutes. "The Emperor protects" was the last thing he thought before stepping through the doorway.
The monster was waiting. It had been just about to leave when it became aware of another human outside. It heard the newcomer talking to the broken remains it had left outside. That human had been armed. Not a threat, but still armed, so the monster had put her down quickly; there was always time to make an example. The newcomer stepped into the building: a domestic residence from the look of it and the mixture of humans within. Those it had found inside were now strung up across the ceiling, flesh and heads removed spilling dark blood across the floor. All power had been cut in the building meaning now the only illumination came from the flames outside. Light and shadow flickered across the room and the suspended corpses.  The monster found it amusing how mortals reacted to his work: such variation that it had never grown bored in the century it had been doing its work. This mortal reacted better than most: once it had crossed into the main room it saw the display the monster had left.The mortal recoiled and threw up its last meal over its own shoes. The corpses hung from the ceiling had their heads placed underneath them in a horrific vision of gore and skinless grinning faces. The monster noticed this one was armed as well- the same type of pistol the female mortal had. This one regained his composure and advanced into the room with one arm across his mouth and nose: clearly it didn't enjoy the smell of fear and blood. The monster did. It had been created that way. The hunter appraised the threat from the mortal: he estimated mid 60s, over weight by around 10% for his height with cropped black hair and a bronzed complexion that was common for this world. This mortal was clearly suffering from fatigue and had a slight limp in his right leg from an old injury. Even with the heavy slug pistol the threat was negligible; this was another one that would be suitable for its purpose. There was one other mortal in the building: a babe in its cot in another room. The monster had conducted its work with such precise care that the babe hadn't woken and was still slumbering in a room next to this one. The servo skull that had recorded the whole incident was hovering passively the the corner awaiting further commands. With a mental pulse he commanded it to begin recording again.
Gideon moved through the room with care, trying not to breathe in the acrid coppery taste of the blood. He moved forward intent on revenge upon whatever creature had caused such a grotesque display of butchery. He didn't know what was causing it but there was a buzzing in the air that was setting his teeth on edge; he guessed something had been damaged by a nearby fire and was now misfiring. Suddenly the corpses were swinging and one of the heads was flung towards him. He knocked it away with heavy hand which caused him to slip awkwardly on the thick layer of viscera on the floor. Gideon expected to fall but found himself caught by a force around his throat that cut off any noise other than a strangled gurgle. The firelight flickered across an armoured gauntlet which was the same dark blue as the many dusks he had seen so recently from his office window waiting for further reports of brutal killings. 
He raised his pistol and tried to aim into the shadows where he believed the body of the unseen attacker might be. A second force wrapped itself around his wrist and he felt fingers dig in and squeeze closed. With a sickening crack his arm went limp; he would have screamed but the hand around his throat was still preventing him making a sound. There was a lurch backwards and Gideon found himself pinned against the wall with his vision beginning to swim. The monster's form was a blur of colour and shape. The monster was far larger than himself and much wider; it was encased in deep blue armour with a red and bone coloured symbol on its left shoulder. Glowing red eyes leaned in close and Gideon felt as if the monster was smelling him and breathing in his fear. Tasting it. 
Suddenly the pressure eased and Gideon sucked in a choking breath of air, not caring about the bloody stench. With it his vision cleared and he was able to make out details of the creature that had him pinned. Fear turned to confusion and incomprehension. Gideon had never seen an Astartes face to face before but he had seen enough vid images to know one of the God Emperor's warriors when it was in front of him. This warrior was like none other he had ever seen though, clad in midnight blue armour detailed with lightning strikes. Fresh blood stained large areas of the chest and arms and the helmet was a leering skull with crimson wings sweeping back.
"You recognise me for what I am mortal?" the Astates growled.
"But.....you.....you're on our side. You're an Astartes. You're... you're meant to fight for us!"
Gideon was sure he could hear a low chuckle from the Astartes. It placed its spare hand over the skull of its helmet and twisted sharply to the left; there was a hiss as a neck seal was broken. Gideon wasn't sure which was the harder to look at: the leering winged skull or the inhuman face staring right at him just inches away. The face was so pale it resembled marble, with blue veins running just beneath the surface and eyes which were pools of black ink like those of some ancient sea predator.
"I don't fight for you mortal. Your world has been judged and it has failed to heed the warnings given out to it. Generous warnings that you would not have been given the chance to ignore had this world been brought in to compliance by my legion."
"I don't understand" Gideon stammered "we serve the Imperium and the Emperor loyally."
"And who is the Emperor to this world and you?"
"He is our master, he has brought humanity together under his divine guidance."
"Ah, divine is it?" 
Gideon realised his mistake as soon as he heard the purr in the monster's voice and was reminded of a predator with its prey, cornered and caught with no means of escape. The smile that spread across the corpse face of the Astartes was a poison which spread through Gideon's soul. Over the Astartes' shoulder he noticed a servo skull that was hovering a few meters away watching the exchange. The numeral VIII was carved into its forehead.
"The Emperor is our lord and master. He protects his people and we serve him loyally." 
"Protects his people does he?" sneered the Astartes. "Who do you think sent us to your world? The Eighth legion are here because he willed it, because the Emperor himself has judged you and your world guilty. This is all happening because this is the will of the Emperor himself. So tell me, mortal, do you really think the Emperor protects you?"
Gideon had no reply; his world had fallen out from under him. for over 20 years the town- almost the whole world- had worshipped the Emperor as the divine being he truly was. Now one of his holy warriors was telling him that this brutality was the Emperor's will. Digging into his last reserves of courage he tried to explain his reasoning.
"But it was the Astartes that taught us of his holy power: the Bearers of The Word brought his light to our world. The God Emperor is divine. How else could he have united us after Old Night? Gideon was virtually sobbing out his words by the end as he realised that all the times he had prayed to the Emperor to save the people under his protection it was the Emperor's command that had condemned those people to horrific deaths at an Astartes' hands.
"Don't worry about the Bearers of The Word: they will be brought to heel soon enough and taught the error of disobedience. Now, you say the Emperor protects his faithful through some divine power. Let's put that to the test." Mind still reeling, Gideon barely noticed as he was cast to the floor and landed painfully on his side. The Astartes raised a foot and brought it down in a savage stomp onto his left leg. Gideon screamed in agony as bone was snapped and then ground down under the tread of the Astartes' war plate. The waves of nausea coursed through his broken body.
At the sound of the scream a second cry rang out through the house. The babe in the other room had heard Gideon's scream and was now adding its own sounds of discomfort.
The Asartes replaced his winged helmet once more and leant down next to Gideon who was sucking painful breaths through his teeth in a bid not to scream further. The Astartes' voice had returned to its vox growl again as he leant in close.
"If you can rescue that babe before the fire takes hold of this house and consumes you both I will let you live. My brothers who are sending the Emperor's message through the rest of this town will be called off at my word. This I promise to you." With this the Astates stood and headed towards the door giving the hanging a corpses a gentle push to set them swinging slowly in the fire light.
 From further away Gideon noticed fresh flesh had been nailed to his armour with rough spikes in a grim parody of the purity seals worn by the other legions. The babe was still crying. Once the Astartes had left, Gideon began to crawl towards the room. It was agony with a broken wrist and crushed legs but slowly he dragged himself along. Disturbingly, the servo skull remained, hovering slowly, but always keeping Gideon in view. 
Reaching the door he pushed it open. In contrast to the main room. this side room was untouched by the horror that had occurred elsewhere. Using a chair, Gideon hauled himself up onto his one good leg; tears were running down his face from the pain but as he looked down into the cot he knew he could do it. The Emperor would be watching with his divine sight. He would protect them and they would survive the horror that had come to his world. Gideon reached down to pick the babe up and as he did so the crying was replaced by a new noise from the cot. The blood drained from Gideon's face as the sharp beeping noise rose in pitch. Recognising it for what it was Gideon's last words were recorded by the servo skull that was still watching.
"The Emperor protects."
The Asartes stood out in the street. he closed his eyes as he listened to his brothers over the vox. The background screams colouring their words like some kind of hellish music. Looking back at the house his auto sensors shut down his vision for a split second as the ground floor detonated in a blast of flame and light; glass and debris chimed off his modified Mark 3 war plate like rain and he smiled. Clearly the Emperor didn't protect those that put faith in divinity. Certainly not from a handful of grenades hidden under the cot of a babe set to detonate when it was moved anyway. A message symbol flashed up in red on the Astartes' visor display signifying a private communication.
"Butcher, is your work finished?"
"Yes Lord Voss. I estimate the town will be eradicated in the next 15 minutes: 1st Hunter Squad is on perimeter for anyone breaking out of the fire net and the Night Blades are now on capture orders while the servitors set up the skinning pits."
"Good work. The Emperor set us loose on this world as a warning to others. I would send a message that will be heard across the galaxy. Do we have usable vid footage?"
"Yes, my lord. I'll have it uploaded and ready to broadcast across the capital's media network within the hour. The Emperor's judgement has been made and the Eighth Legion will make this world scream across the stars."
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  • 1 month later...

Brothers of the VIII, behold!


Our Brother Heinrich has made us an awesome banner, specifically for those of us who have taken Oaths of Moment in the E Tenebrae Lux III painting competition her on B&C.



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Brothers of the VIII, behold!

Our Brother Heinrich has made us an awesome banner, specifically for those of us who have taken Oaths of Moment in the E Tenebrae Lux III painting competition her on B&C.


I nearly used that image too. Credit for the original has to go to The Shadow Guard.

Nice one Hendrick. Guess someone found my file ;)

Did an update on the NL square banner.


Edited by forte
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