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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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You are aware that when DA get done in the books, they will probably shoehorn in more NL stuff and the titans will get at least some tidbits. Patience, apprehension improves the taste off fear

You mean like rules for Atramentar and a personal space fighter transport for Sevatar?

do you know how difficult it is not to buy a fighter and convert that scene? DO YOU?! I mean yeah man, thatd be cool


Truth be told I'm a little surprised someone didn't photoshop that business like a champ the second color photos of Sev came out of Forge World.

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I need to sit down and email those bros.


I have checked out their website and I don't believe they're members. They mention not being into the tabletop game much, but I think they might appreciate the malicious camaraderie ^_^ 

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See that was what I was wondering. I've seen the work you guys here have done on the script but I did think Talos has a Single rune. Do you think they may combine two runes to make words like Chinese Characters, and then combining these to make more words, so Soul Hunter would be Soul and Hunter combined into one.


There was some discussion on this and to be honest it seems there are a mix with SH novels description and FW artwork. The best bet is like Norse Runes there is an alphabet of sorts but certain words/events etc have their own runes. There was talk of making something like Chinese character but it was beyond me. All the chat raised is in the Rune thread sticked to the First post of this thread.

Id be interested to see what anyone comes up with if they did create an evolving character of sorts.

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See that was what I was wondering. I've seen the work you guys here have done on the script but I did think Talos has a Single rune. Do you think they may combine two runes to make words like Chinese Characters, and then combining these to make more words, so Soul Hunter would be Soul and Hunter combined into one.



There was some discussion on this and to be honest it seems there are a mix with SH novels description and FW artwork. The best bet is like Norse Runes there is an alphabet of sorts but certain words/events etc have their own runes. There was talk of making something like Chinese character but it was beyond me. All the chat raised is in the Rune thread sticked to the First post of this thread.

Id be interested to see what anyone comes up with if they did create an evolving character of sorts.

Well I do have an intrest and studied linguistics, but I am not sure I have the time to to create an evolved character set. I do really like what you tpguys did, and on vehicles I can see myself planning out words, I was just looking for something to represent claw to use as an identifier on my models. What I might do when I've got some time is sit down with what you guys have done and my books on Manderin and Old Norae and see if I can create some characters that have certain meaning, like ender of lives and collected of essence.

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Well, the rune for "Ender of Lives and Collecter of Essences" has already been established. It's the rune for Soul Hunter on Talos' helmet:





Although the giant First Claw picture on ADB's blog has a different looking rune, as far as I can tell...


I did some little scribbling in the style of the numericals I did. How about this as a rune for 'claw'?


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Yeah very claw like. What could be interesting is to highlight the claw number in a different colour, say red, although you would need another signifier to indicate numbers higher then 4.

Well the palm makes five, and from 6-9, we could just highlight the palm and one of the fingers, and then make separate symbols that go below the palm like a heel claw to signify 10-19 and maybe 20-29.


I don't think there will ever be anymore claws than that so we shouldn't have to get too extravagant.

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Hey us in the glory days of the Legion can easily field 30 plus claws :p


You are right, I'm counting Terror Squads as Claws, mainly as I'm using the Rite of War, and may one day make some breachers or tac squads but I doubt I will go higher then 6 infantry squads. Specialist units such as recon, raptors, assault and destroyers fall under variant units in my reckoning that would have alternate designation.

Edited by The Hydra
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About the claw number issue: why not put the rune for claw up and a separate numerical signifying the number of the squad? Like the Hydra said, there are easily more than 30 claws per company in the crusade.


The unofficial, non-canonical numerical system I designed is based on an octanal system, hence the fact that the rune for claw I put up only has four fingers (two of them make eight). Also, raptors only have four fingers per claw. :tu:

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Eh, I'm iffy on that. The Night Lords Legion seems to be organized around the idea of small pieces that can come together to make larger pieces, but take their preference in being small, fast and mobile.


For example, there are no Chapters. Instead there are groupings where multiple companies come together for specific campaigns and then go their separate ways to either continue alone or instead join up with other groupings.


As such, since(following FW's rules) a claw can reach a maximum size of 20, that means a company of thirty claws will reach a company size of six hundred. If only ten per claw, then 300.


That is a lot of troops still. But it strikes me as pushing the limit for what a NL company would want to be. At least during the Heresy. In 40K a Warband that large would certainly be willing to push the numbers.


And I haven't thought about what it would mean to have 30+ claws on the tabletop. O_o

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I agree with everything you said, Kol! But my point was not about the size of companies, but on how to represent Claw numbers: the rune for claw with a numeral for the claw number. What do you think of that?



Also, I emailed FW with the following questions:



  1. you've made some really cool Death Guard specific Cataphractii shoulder pads. Will you be making Cataphractii shoulder pads for all the other legions? (Specifically the Night Lords Atrementar? Which leads me to question number two...
  2. All legions so far except the Word bearers have had dedicated Legion-specific terminator units coming out. Will there be more Night Lords specific units coming out, specifically terminators i.e. Atrementar? 


Their reply was this:


We would certainly like to produce more Legion Specific Terminators at some point in the future, although the Imperial Fists and Raven Guard also do not currently have any models for this category. In terms of rules we have produced these for Terminators that we think represent some specific trait of the Legion they are part of and are not just veterans in Terminator armour.

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It seems that a Legion either got a terminator unit of a jump unit (with the exception of the IF's) and the Night Lords were always booked for a jump unit. It would be nice to get the Atrementar, they are established, can't see the difference between them and say the Justarian in terms of background.


On Legion organisation I thought there were Chapters. Will have to reread Massacre. I want to sit down at some point and plan out my Companies organisation as of the end of the Thramas Crusade.

My idea is they had a strong Terran and 'other' core, so had a largish purge, with the remainder throwing themselves into the dropsite and then the Thramas crusade with zeal as they wanted to prove themselves. By the end of the Thramas Crusade they had become rather jaded of the uncaring inner circle of the Legion hq so went their way own way.

Edited by The Hydra
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@August: Apologies, I was mostly referring to the Hydra's post but yes, that does seem a logical and suitable alternative.


@The Hydra: There were and there weren't. Chapters of the VIIIth Legion were not permanent structures like they were with the I, XIII and XVII Legions. They were instead semi-permanent formations where several companies would come together with one overall commander until they split apart again.

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I'd say the line between Terran and Nostraman was a lot less defined than in some other cases. Massacre says there was probably one of the fastest integrations between Terran and native Legionnaires throughout all the Legions. Certainly compared to some like the V and VI Legions at least. You'd probably see a division forming towards the end of the Great Crusade where Kurze really was on his downward spiral but one formed along the lines of those who were devoted to what it originally was and those enjoying what it was becoming instead of birthworld etc.


It's important to remember too that there were just as many among the VIII Legion who despised the Night Haunter as much as venerated him, which is where my own company fall in.


As far as numbers go, they have 22 Claws of various numbers after the Heresy and come in around the 230-240 mark. I'd keep 300-350 as the very uppermost limit. I know the VIII were among the upper third in terms of Legion size but anything higher and you're approaching company sizes for Legions with significantly higher numbers

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Well, actually the VI Legion is described as also having one of the smoothest transitions and easy camaraderie between Terran and Fenrisian Legionaries, with it being seen as unusual how well assimilated and intermingled the two peoples became, according to the most recent Visions.


But anyway, just wanted to point out that Claws was just one example of a squad name, with there being little uniformity to how they are used. Examples given are Talons, Claws and Oathed.


It also gives Company numbers as ranging from a hundred to a thousand. So there very well could be thirty or more squads to a Company, but they need not all be Claws.


And yes, both battalions and chapters are given as semi-permanent.


Source is Massacre, pg. 99

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Claws sounds caller to me, with Talons a close second. I was going to use Talon as an operational grouping.


My idea for my company is more like they, or the at least the company command, feel marginalised having purged the loyalists, then thrown themselves into the engagements after. I don't see there being much friction between the Terrans and Nostorman's, there are both (and others recruited off worlds brought to compliance) but the Terran led command feel they need to prove their loyalty to people like Curze or Sevetar who really couldn't care less, so they feel marginalised. After the Thramas defeat they go thier own way, for which I have a plan.

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Well, actually the VI Legion is described as also having one of the smoothest transitions and easy camaraderie between Terran and Fenrisian Legionaries, with it being seen as unusual how well assimilated and intermingled the two peoples became, according to the most recent Visions.


But anyway, just wanted to point out that Claws was just one example of a squad name, with there being little uniformity to how they are used. Examples given are Talons, Claws and Oathed.


It also gives Company numbers as ranging from a hundred to a thousand. So there very well could be thirty or more squads to a Company, but they need not all be Claws.


And yes, both battalions and chapters are given as semi-permanent.


Source is Massacre, pg. 99

Oathed? :blinking:
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Well, actually the VI Legion is described as also having one of the smoothest transitions and easy camaraderie between Terran and Fenrisian Legionaries, with it being seen as unusual how well assimilated and intermingled the two peoples became, according to the most recent Visions.

But anyway, just wanted to point out that Claws was just one example of a squad name, with there being little uniformity to how they are used. Examples given are Talons, Claws and Oathed.

It also gives Company numbers as ranging from a hundred to a thousand. So there very well could be thirty or more squads to a Company, but they need not all be Claws.

And yes, both battalions and chapters are given as semi-permanent.

Source is Massacre, pg. 99

Oathed? :blinking:

oathed to kill!

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