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The Infernal Guard - Bikernauts


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Well the order is in. I'm using Death Guard symbol for shoulder pads. 10 man Mark III Heavy Support squad with Volkite Culverins, Mark III power weapons (to finish off the tactical sergeant and Centurion)...and last, but not least, a Death Guard Contemptor dreadnought or with twin power claws (not in-built flamer but will mock it up as claw>>fist)

Infernal Legion Contemptor Dreadnought.

That's my day made.woot.gif

Oh Emperor Yes. I can picture it now, armour covered with fiery magma cracks, greenstuffed flame patterns ala Legion of the Damned, a Firedrake hide loincloth and possibly a skull-faced head meant to echo the legion symbol?

Also, I've had an idea for Adra'Melek's Nocturnean equivalent of his Canon'self's Deathshroud bodyguard; The Pyreborn. (Placeholder name)

My idea goes like this, using the Deathshroud models as a base but replace the normal heads with Chaos Warrior Skull Helmets (perhaps the helmet from the new plastic Chaplain for a champion?) and using greenstuff sculpt flame patterns around the "head socket" and add drakeskin cloaks and replace the chem throwers with flamers. Again, just an idea but I thought you might find it interesting or a possible springboard for your own ideas Thunor.

Remember this is a Salamanders counts-as army so no Deathshroud (I think the legion rules and RoW fits better).  But I could use the Douthshroud models of course (they're still based on the heavy infantry Dusk Raiders). Simply have another set of 'Firedrakes', armed with power weapons (keep scythes as power axes?) and combo flamers. I also have a load of the chaos warrior skull heads somewhere. So all sounds good.

Maybe get the Firedrakes and Deathshrouds, kitbash them together? Keep the parts of the Deathshroud that still fit with your XIVth, but use the Firedrakes as the base?


Considering the whole volcanic world thing, you could also keep the gas-mask motif. I like the idea of them completely sealed off from the outside world, with the increasing lines of magma. Like a volcano getting ready to blow. That is the mindset your models put me in. With their ash armor and slight ornamentation, they seem almost . . . serene. Which is a really great, stark contrast to their future selves, a Legion that redefines the phrase volcanic fury.

I've been on the Forgeworld website looking at the Death Guard models. I'll wait and see what the Firedrakes look like but kit bash sounds good.


I'm still turning over in my head the various markings and squad/chapter/etc indications.  So for those that aren't aware the hierarchy is as follows:

  • Legion is split into 8 'Circles' - 7 based on the 7 settlements on Nocturne. These are all equivalent.  The 8th is the elite Circle and is based at Mount Deathfire.  I imagine the 8th Circle made up similar to Pride of the Legion.
  • Each Circle is split into Chapters
  • Chapters are split into Companies.

So this army will be the 3rd Circle (based at Themis) with some 8th (all the Ohidoran (Firedrakes), Veteran tactical squads and Pyroclasts are 8th). How to differentiate these things? And squad markings?

  • Tactical Squads, Breacher Squads and Assualt squads should be plain except for the shoulder pads to represent 'Troops'
  • Support squads (heavy and special) will have the magma covering their arms
  • Recon will be have nothing, just ash black (these are the guys who have failed one of the Promethean Rites (generally involved getting burnt and ignoring it, kind of a cross between the Trials of Ordeal and gang initiation) to advance in status. I've got an idea for a Vigilator as someone who's failed the Rites many times and is horrifically scarred from all the failed attempts, but very experienced.
  • Seekers can have their legs done
  • Another idea is to have the squad markings (e.g. Tactical arrow) drawn in magma lines. I might do a tester for this.
  • And another (from Ace) is to have an armour section getting 'hotter (so red to white) to represent rank/unit type.

I think that covers most of the non-8th squads. So what about the 8th? I wonder about the head. Or perhaps having the Circle number on a knee pad and the 8th have the knee pad as red with lava scales?


Still all up in the air.

Ok, so here's a quick (untidy) attempt for markings






And another guy pretty much done (I think I'm going to change out his power weapon when I get the FW order through).



And I think I'm worrying to much about the squad, company, chapter and circle markings. Most of the FW depictions don't have full markings, and why should they? They're not the First Legion or War Hounds, for the Emperor's sake.


I think I'm going for random magma lines on shoulder pads for tacticals (back as they were originally, so no classic squad markings). It's obvious what they are, for veterans they'll have more on their bodies.

These guys all look brilliant.biggrin.png

It's a fair point you make, I can't see Adra'Melek getting hung up on squad markings.

Everyone has their job to do, and they do it. Simple as that. They don't need to broadcast their roles to the world at large, that's for legions with too much time on their hands.laugh.png

Yeah, I quite liked them too (although you can't tell the one in the picture was a bit squint, which is why I didn't like it. I might go back to it with the next squad.


Just finishing off Legionaries XV, XVI and XVII for Tactical squad Thantos. Nearly a full squad. I'll to put together XVIII, XIX and XX.

So I've pulled the rest of the guys I originally got over a year ago and set three to make the Tactical squad up to 20. The rest are below and I'll think I'll use them to play with altering poses, etc. While I wait, fingers cross for a delivery tomorrow, come on speedy Forge World.


EDIT: And I might save one as dreadnought fodder.


Hey, that is some crisp white armour.thumbsup.gif

I'd say it was a shame his destiny lies in flames if it wasn't for the fact the Infernal Legion look incredible.laugh.png

Also I'm digging the pose on the unpainted guy at the front. He looks like a badass waiting to happen!turned.gif

And here is the first use of the new stuff. The sergeant for the tactical squad, made from mark IV standard bearer.





Cheers all.


@SanguiniusReborn, that was what I was going for. I was going to do an upraised arm but the pad clashed. Also I'm going with you skull idea with the pad, see below.


Any thoughts? I'm wondering whether to paint the bit inside the ring red/orange.




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