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The Lost and Forgotten: Building the II Legion


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Greeings fellow warriors of the Emperor!


Thought I would revive this thread. I would like to share with you some artwork I've been working on for Anthrawes's beloved IInd Legion. Here is a sampling of what I've done thus far. Keep in mind, I still have some iconography (i.e. squad symbols, veteran symbols and icons ect.) to add. Thought I'd give you all a little sample. Enjoy!



Thunder Warrior Legionary wearing Mark II "Crusade" pattern power armour.



Thunder Warrior Legionary wearing Mark IV "Maximus" pattern power armour.



Thunder Warrior veteran Legionary wearing Mark IV "Maximus" pattern power armour - modified.


Hope you all enjoy the pics! More to come....



@ Algrim Whitefang: Great work! Gives it even more of the "official HH stamp" msn-wink.gif

You are probably planning something similar anyway, but maybe the added heraldic elements would profit from some very slight blurring and a lowered saturation, in order to look even more like the official artwork. Like this:


It's only a very small detail, but maybe the above mockup shows you what I mean.

@Algrim Whitefang: I have to say, I'm really impressed that you made these for the II Legion. The Lightning Bearers owe you a debt of gratitude. They look fantastic.


Also, I'm glad you guys like the final piece of artwork from Ibrahem. I am incredibly satisfied by his amazing work. Raiden has never looked more real than. It really a great feeling to see a miniature i converted for this project come to life.


I know that it has been a while since an update (because of an big project at work) but I have been working on the legion, and in the next few weeks, I should have the final painted version of the Icarion figure to show you guys for being so patient.

Thank you brothers for your comments and insightful suggestions. Just to tantalize you a bit more, without further ado, I present one of the elite Volta Terminators of the vaunted IInd Legion. Enjoy!



I present to you, another prominent character within the IInd Legion - Chosen Iro Ansem, Legion Standard Bearer, 9th Company, 2nd Battalion:




Hope you all like it! More to come...

These are so fantastic. I always wished I had the patience with photoshop to make these types of images for my Legion, and I'm incredibly flattered that you decided to devote time to making these.


If you don't mind, I hope you'll let me include them in the campaign book I've been working on to bind together all the images and lore for the IInd.

Athrawes, by all means. Use them to your heart's content! I'm still working on a few others as well. If you have any other major characters, ideas or suggestions or anything I may have missed (heraldry, icongraphy, canon-wise) just send me a PM. I'm also quite a prolific writer as well, so if you would like any suggestions, constructive criticism or advice, just let me know!

Thought I would share something new with everyone today - an early-Great Crusade era IInd Legion Legionary, still wearing the original slate-grey battle plate of that bygone era. I hope my vision captures the overall spirit of the early IIndLegion (pre-Primarch/Lightning Bearers). Enjoy!



@Algrim Whitefang: I have to say, I'm really impressed that you made these for the II Legion. The Lightning Bearers owe you a debt of gratitude. They look fantastic.

Perhaps mirroring their Primarchs' own friendship, maybe Sentinel Athrawes has a Garro-Tarvitz style bond with a certain Wolf Lord named Whitefang...? msn-wink.gif


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