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I actually have a list just like that - except instead of a Heldrake I have a Deep Striking Decimator. And incidentally, I was thinking of switching out my MoN bikes for maybe MoT or MoS bikes - hence my other thread on bikes.


Thanks for sharing.

  On 7/4/2014 at 10:45 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

  On 7/2/2014 at 6:25 PM, MrBear said:

Looking smashing! Your ability to paint quick and well strikes again. I've painted 10 marines these last couple of months and you have managed to do I don't know how much... I bow before you msn-wink.gif

Thanks mate! IU really appreciate you revisiting every time I psot an update here. It really keeps me going!

Also: I know I'm painting fast lately. But I've noticed the ETL also kinda puts me into a quantity over quality kind of mode which I'm not sure I approve of myself. Especially the unique models I'm about to paint deserve all the TLC they can get. So slooooooowly from now on...


Well it's a win-win situation, you get motivation and I get to see nice models biggrin.png

I can see how the ETL can speed things up but I guess that your 'slowly' and mine doesn't mean the same thing msn-wink.gif

Those two characters look nice, clearly corrupt but unmistakenly Night Lords. It will be interesting to hear their story and to see what comes next

Oh wow. I just found some REALLY old pics of my first Chaos Army. Sadly, the quality for the pics is extremely bad and most of the models are VERY dusty. But I thought it'd be nice to share this anyway... As a form of auto-flagellation, but also to take you along on a magic carpet ride into my hobbyist past. wub.png

I started playing 40k when 2nd had just come out and quit during 3rd, just before the first Tau book came out. Started working at my local hobby store called 'Fantasy Fanatics' when I was 16. They gave me a 20% discount so basically all my money went to GW and gas back then, which explains why I have so much models. I collected a blue/grey vanilla army called the 'Soul Hunters' for 2nd, and started to frantically collect Nurgle and Khorne figures during 3rd. There where regular tournaments in the store, where you could win SM kits. Hence the inclusion of Legion of the Damned, Space Wolves, Death Company, and even the old school Genhanced Marines Fabius Bile retinue kit. I was actually a pretty good 40k player back then, even made it to be the first winner of 'the battle of the shops' event which GW organized for all Dutch independent stockists.

I didn't do anything with the models between 2000 and 2005 (being buys celebrating my university years) so when I was in dire straits financially in 2005 (after a rather exuberant holiday on a ship sailing the coastal waters of Kroatia), I made these pics and sold all of it for 500 euro's. You read it. Five hundred measly euro's. Every model, including a HUGE pile of bits with many models that where OOP for years even in '05. I regretted it the moment the buyer left my place. Instantly. Never sell your models. NEVER.

I hope you'll enjoy the pics a little. I sure did the years in which I collected the miniatures they depict.

Group shot


Khorne Command


Dreads and greater Daemons


Rhino's gallore


Plague Raider


Khorne Raider (notice the destroyer things up front)


Possessed (back when I built and painted these, the current kit wasn't even there yet. In fact, the Khorne Berzerker kit had just come out)


OOP Palanquin of Nurgle cry.gif


OOP Noise Marines cry.gif cry.gif


Khorne regular squad (back in the days when you could get out of the front of a 12" moving rhino, shoot your 5 point plasma pistols at a unit and then charge another unit.... OP!!)


Khorne Characters


Vanilla Characters (the guy on the left is my take on Huron Blackheart, who was totally unknown in 2nd except a one page piece of fluff in the Codex Chaos on the Badab War)


Those awesome creepy 1st edition Bloodletters


Nurgle Dreads


Khorne Dreads


Greater Daemons


Vague Plague Marines


Continued in next post...

Vanilla Marines (Notice the guy with the trunk)


More Vanilla Marines (I used plastic dinosaurs you could collect in the early 90s to convert some of them LOL)


More Vanilla Marines (Check out the dude with the neck!! biggrin.png)


And more Vanilla Marines


Plague Marines (much inspired by John Blanche's double inspirational page in 2nd edition Codex Chaos. Notice the Emperor's Champion that came with White Dwarf, the OOP Captain that came with the 3d Edition Limited Edition box, a lovely OOP WFB Nurgle Champion, Asmodai and a metal DA veteran, and Fabius bile)


Plague Rhino's


Slaanesh Raptors made from the original metal Jump Packs and the metal Fabius Bile retinue marines


Sigh. Those where some awesome times....

Finished one of the Night Lords Land Speeders.

A fun project, to say the least! THanks to Flint for commenting on my bases, it spurred me on to make an extra effort.

BTW I got some comments and PMs about the difficulty in getting large metal models together. This particular model is very unstable, so it needs a strong glue. Super glue does NOT suffice. I used UHU 2-component epoxy glue, and I recommend it to anyone trying to put these or similar metal models together.




Thanks for looking and as always: feedback welcome! thumbsup.gif

  On 7/8/2014 at 6:09 PM, forte said:

Hehe. I'll see if I can find some of my early 90's stuff. Nice to see some of those though.

  On 7/8/2014 at 6:54 PM, Captain Semper said:

Trip down memory lane! biggrin.png These make me want to revive my first army ever that was build around the first Codex ever: the Space Wolves! biggrin.png Those were the days... rolleyes.gif

Go for it, guys! Happy to look at your mini's as always - and the older the better, imo! I think it is also cool to see how we all improve when comapring our recent mini's to what we considered a pretty good job back in the days. The Khorne squads were the best I could do at the time. They are still pretty ok, but I see how I evolved in style and accuracy, which is nice. msn-wink.gif

  On 7/9/2014 at 9:04 PM, MrBear said:

I know the pain of lost miniatures mate, it pops up from time to time.

Thanks mate. The worst is, I didn't lose them. I sold them Worst mistake ever.

EDIT: glue comment

Ah, well I can at least take some bitter comfort in that I didn't sell my old stuff. I can tell you though that I invented new curses when I discovered that that it had been stolen...


That's ancient history though, that speeder is beautiful. A good update of a classic model

  On 7/11/2014 at 5:16 PM, Knight of the Raven said:


~ Brother Giggles' last words prior to a lucky plasma pistol shot exploding the land speeder's engine.


Well painted.

Tsk tsk, KotR. There's a reason the knights of old had a short hand weapon ready... msn-wink.gif

Finished the second Land Speeder! Man these models where a lot of fun to convert, build and paint. My friend, who gave them to me for my birthday this year, bought them in 1996. He had held on to them like they where holy relics. I showed the first finished one and he was actually a little bummed that I hadn't painted them in DA colours. "Muhahaha!" I said "Such is the fickle power of Chaos...."devil.gif


And the two of them together!


Thanks for looking biggrin.png

  On 7/12/2014 at 3:27 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:
"What do you mean vehicles can't charge? I'll show them! I'll show them all!"


Very nice old school speeders. Are those the ones that supposedly are a pain to assemble or are they even older?

Cheers mate. I've vowed these as Predators in the ETL, so I guess they could tank shock? lolz msn-wink.gif

These are indeed the ones that are supposedly a pain to assemble. But the thing is you shouldn't assemble these with superglue. If you use UHU Schnellfest 2-Component Epoxy glue it's actually very easy. These speeders wouldn't break if I threw 'm against the wall. thumbsup.gif

Nice. I can't wrap my mind around them being pledged as predators though.

  On 7/12/2014 at 12:45 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Tsk tsk, KotR. There's a reason the knights of old had a short hand weapon ready... msn-wink.gif

Land Speeders are more like mounted archers than knights. tongue.png

  On 7/12/2014 at 4:23 PM, Knight of the Raven said:

Nice. I can't wrap my mind around them being pledged as predators though.

  On 7/12/2014 at 12:45 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Tsk tsk, KotR. There's a reason the knights of old had a short hand weapon ready... msn-wink.gif

Land Speeders are more like mounted archers than knights. tongue.png

Hey yeah, your mounted archers point makes total sense - I like it!biggrin.png About the predators: I couldn't pledge them as anything else in the codex, without either totally underpricing or totally overpricing them, so I sought a vehicle with equal points cost and about equal painting challenge as the loyalist speeder - hence the predators. thumbsup.gif

Oh, right, this is for the Chaos codex, not the Horus Heresy army lists. My mistake.

That said, mounted archers probably had hand weapons to defend themselves... not that it will do much good when that pissed off Khwarazmian knight finally catches up to that little Mongol horse archer prick.

OK, Abaddon is finished. This model was the first I ever bought with my own money, back when it had just come out. It was a golden age of miniature design and I still like it. Of course I never painted it properly, ending up using the constituent parts for several conversions. A shame, as the model oozes the Chaotic Regality one would expect of the Chaos Overlord that Abaddon is. I sold those metal figures though, so the one I painted today is a finecast model. One thing that struck me right away when I was assembling it was that it was so small! Seriously every single terminator I own is larger than Abaddon. Hence the raised base. I also added the plastic cloak as I thought it would make him look bigger too.

Hope you like him and thanks for looking!




  On 7/12/2014 at 6:14 PM, Knight of the Raven said:

Oh, right, this is for the Chaos codex, not the Horus Heresy army lists. My mistake. That said, mounted archers probably had hand weapons to defend themselves... not that it will do much good when that pissed off Khwarazmian knight finally catches up to that little Mongol horse archer prick.

No worries mate! I can understand the confusion - and actually take it as a compliment. I envision my uncorrupted Night Lords to chronologically be only a century away from the Heresy. biggrin.png

Have been thinking of a way to 'include' Abaddon into my Night Lords army, fluff-wise. After all, the trilogy shows that the Night Lords and Abaddon have a somewhat unstable relationship... It just hit me: change the one Space Marine helmet on Abaddon's rack, and hey presto. thumbsup.gif



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