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Ahhh, awesomeness overload. The Plague Contemptor has come out really well and looks positively putrid. The burst armour panel works fantastically and I like how flat and dead looking the guts are, they're clearly not fresh. The Rapier is fantastic, too. The armour panels really lend themselves to lightning details and something about four heavy bolters can't help but make me smile. Cracking base, by the way, very thoughtfully designed. Is it 60mm?

Also, by the throne you got through some work this year! Quite a lot of people can really churn out the models, particularly round event time, but not so many do it with your consistent high quality results.

  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a loooong time guys! I've started posting individual completed marines over in my WIP thread for a while now, and the temptation is there to just leave this thread. But no, I shall remain updating this thread with completed projects - entire squads, vehicles, etc.

I have completed something special today. It's the Night Haunter, Konrad Curze, Primarch of the VIII Legio Astartes.

On his entire scenic base.







Details of his armour, victims, cloack and base.






And him on his individual base.





Hope you like, and as always, feedback more than welcome.


@Noctem Cultor: Cheers, mate!

@sockwithaticket: thanks SWaT, I'm glad the pague contemptor was received so well, and you're paying attention to the details I'm most pleased with myself, so yay :d The Rapier's base is indeed 60mm, and the rapier is not glued or attached to it, so for gaming purposes I can detach it. Pretty nifty game-wise, and very fluffy no? I did get a lot done this year, but my aim this year is to raise the bar on the quality, not the quantity. When I compare myself to painters such as yourself, I know I can learn a lot of patience - because I can paint neater, but I just don't have the patience (it even shows on Konrad, even though I set out to take my sweet time with him... ohmy.png)

  • 3 weeks later...

I vowed to build a Truescale rendition of First Claw: Talos, Cyrion, Uzas and Xarl, and the new members Mercutian and Variel, for the Augustus Arena event I'm currently hosting in the Forge.

Here's the finished group shot:


And here's the different Astartes of the claw:













Hope you like! Feedback most welcome.


@Conn Eremon: Well, hope I don;t dissapoint!

@Fangbanger: Well cheers, buddy!

@Brother Heinrich: Again, coming from you that is a high honour!

@Oxskull: So do you love to hate me or hate to love me? msn-wink.gif

sitting here in tears, yet again you make me feel like a 7 year old who brings home a stick figure drawing thinking its a masterpiece to find someone has given my parents a :cuss davinci.


Your modelling and painting is truly awesome.


tell the truth you have a machine that makes the figures big until you paint them then you shrink them again.....

Hey Augustus great stuff so far man! I'm starting night lords and I'm wondering how you did the paint schemes for your night lords? I was particularly going for a dark blue look and I bought a raptors box to try it out on them before I get any resin models. Also great job on the first claw!

@miteyheroes: ow man, was that a humbling experience. Totally awesome. Thanks for posting it. 


@Black_out: haha I hope he will? Actually I hope it forces him to write more about them ;)


@Olis: cheers Olis, thanks. :)


@goosey_j: Thanks! 


@TheOneMarshal: Glad to see you've been seduced by the dark side, my wayward templar friend. ;) I reveal all my painting secrets in this post. I hope it helps you. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, I'm happy to help.

Thanks! yeah it was the only pic posted in this thread (1st page) that was still hosted here on BnC instead of linked-to frmo photobucket. 


I love how you see the difference between this model, which I painted somewhere in the autumn of 2013 - right after the model was released, and my recent ones is so obvious. I've gone through much sharper edged and thinner lightning, and drastically darkened in blue, as I've come to highlight with shorter light blue bursts than before). :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the help on the paint scheme. Sigh it seems that I'm going to need an airbrush. It seems like all the good painters now a days use them. Also seems that they are expensive.

I started with an ebay bundle that cost me about £60 I think for compressor and gun. The gun did me for about a year and is not the best but perfect to learn on. I have just upgraded to a a h&s brush wich was £100 and wish I had done it sooner, but I urge you to at least get a cheap starter set to get going, you will not regret it!

I just finished my first helblade. Awesome model, but kind of a paint to assemble. Especially the cockpit canopy is so flimsy I couldn't get it in the right shape, because every time I used hot water for one side, the other side would warp too.... Oh well smile.png




Hope you like!!

@Fangbanger and TheOne Marshal:

One thing about starting with airbrushing: immediately invest in a compressor WITH a tank. You will not regret that, whatever airbrush you'll take. Also, get a gravity fed, dual action airbrush. That's (IMO) the best for miniature painting. Here are some links articles that give you tons of info on how to start. Read them, you will not regret it: http://www.airbrushg...t-airbrush.html and http://theleadheadbl...01_archive.html


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