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Oh yeah, and what Brother Kortmer said. I guess that also explains those weird deep see fish. msn-wink.gif

Good point about the deep sea creatures. For those I think they are not white enough msn-wink.gif

Is Nostramo really completely lightless? I thought the system had a very weak sun. I thought about predators in areas with little light, those usually have dark colouring (sperm whales, panthers, etc.)

There's no information on the brightness or type of Nostramo's sun, just that the planet itself was in perfect synchronicity with its moon, in that the moon's orbit took exactly one solar year to orbit the planet - meaning that the moon was permanently positioned between the planet and the sun, and so Nostramo experienced a perpetual lunar eclypse. What's weird is that I've experienced two pretty much perfect Lunar eclypses in my lifetime and there wasn't total night darkness, just a very weird, faint light.

So yeah, it's anyone's guess what effect Nostramo's darkness had on the skin of the resident animals, just that the Human settlers there had evolved very pale skin - so no pigments, like albinos.

Therefore I claim first call: Nostraman Lion skin has the colour of VMA Skin Tone on a GW White undercoat, with a heavy GW Reikland Fleshshade over it. msn-wink.gifthumbsup.gif

You should google images of creatures that live in caves.


They're alway really pale.

Don't tell me what to do. You're not the lord of b'Raassopolis. ;)


I did google some, and this spider is a cave dweller and its colour pretty much perfectly resembles my Lions :) :tu:






Great pallette on the Fiends; they are so much cooler than GW's Flesh Hounds, I wish I could use them but with a view to taking them to Warhammer World I am stuck with the normal fugly ones!

Nice last Pred too, they look fantastic together.

You have really smashed this huge vow of yours btw,eek.gifthumbsup.gif

the fiends look great thumbsup.gif

a little off topic, where is the permanent lunar eclipse information from? i always thought the hive world smog made nostramo dark.

Night Lords questions are always on topic here, Wicced! They're from the Index Astartes article on the Night Lords, from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the early 2000's.

the fiends look great thumbsup.gif

a little off topic, where is the permanent lunar eclipse information from? i always thought the hive world smog made nostramo dark.

Night Lords questions are always on topic here, Wicced! They're from the Index Astartes article on the Night Lords, from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the early 2000's.

ah okay, i didn't use my way back machine to check those ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, repost due to everything being lost in the warp. 


I'm back from holiday and finished the last three of the spawn!


here's the entire squad:




And individual all-angle pics of the individual members:











Hope you like! As always, thanks for looking and C&C welcome. :)




@Eldrick Shadowblade: Go for it, it''s one of the best investments I';ve made in a long time. 


@Midnight Runner: Cheers! I still have more than a 10000 points to go!


@Wicced: Haha cheers, I was just lucky to spot it when I was browsing through my old WD's in my parent's attic the other day. :)

Haha less enthusiasm then the last time I posted them msn-wink.gif

I did a third vow for ETL IV, among which these now finished plague bearers. I did the base colours at home (mostly basecoat of 3:1:1 VMA Skin Tone, GW Bugman's Glow and VGC Luftwaffe Uniform WWII, and progressive washes with GW Flesh, Purple and Blue shades) and painted the details at my local GW.

I made sure that these Plague Bearers where distinctly different from the previous squad I did - both in painting (these are more bruised and less rotten skin) as in building - not one plague bearer has the same set of belly, body/legs, head or arms. This was quite a hassle, but more than paid off in the end. It's amazing what you can get from these kits. Lovely, lovely models to build and paint.

Hope you like:


And some close ups:




Thanks for looking, and feedback welcome. It keeps me going smile.png

Wow triple post! Are people losing interest or are AD-B's HH short stories distracting everybody? ;)


Kidding aside, I finished the second unit in my Third ETL IV vow, the Bloodletters (banner of blood, champion, and Instrument of Chaos)


This was the first time I build and pianted the 'new' Bloodletters kit, and it shows a little. I missed several mold lines and made the mistake of constructing them completely before painting. Next time, I will leave the heads off and fill the gaps between the 'face' and the 'head/tongue' parts with some putty before basecoating. I do have two more kits though, so I can take these lessons and apply them immediately. Thanks to my hobby buddy Ruben, who gave me these particular Bloodletters for my birthday!


Hiopy you like, and as always: feedback welcome! It keeps me going!








And the whole unit together:



Mate, we're just so jealous over your ability to paint things to that standard so quickly that we don't know what to say. tongue.png

Kidding aside... They look great! I love the swords, they (and the tounges) are a good contrast to the colour of the Bloodletters.

Finished the last unit in my third ETL IV vow, the Plague Drones!!




Yay! Now, on to vow FOUR!!!


@Mrbear: Cheers! yeah bright blue and dark red work nicely together smile.png And cheers for the comment. To be fair though± Daemons are super easy to paint in assembly line modus...

@scribe: And another thank yuo to you dude. Nice that you spotted that. Yes, along with the bases I strife towards conformity in palet and colour tones.

@Pearson73: Thanks! smile.png

I made a fourth vow in the ETL IV, and have been painting lik ecrazy for the last two days. This resulted in another unit of Bloodletters and a unit of awesome Bloodcrushers.


I used a new technique on both - namely forcing washes to dry on my central heating system's radiator. I sloped on a little too much on the bloodletters, and I'm not crazy about how they turned out (hence only one pic), but that taught me enough to really ace it on the bloodcrushers. I must say I have never been more pleased with a painted red unit of mine, and will use these lessons on the final unit in my fourth vow: Khârn the Betrayer, as well as in my upcoming Khorne Daemonkin army.


Please excuse the grainy pictures. I have a new phone, as my old one died. I'm still getting used to the camera function.


Here's the Bloodcrushers:









And the Bloodletters:



Hope you like, and as always: thanks for looking and commenting. It kinda keeps me going? :)

Cheers, Pearson :)


Finished Khârn. He's a badass. I made him a custom base to sort of prove that point (not that he needs it, but still). Also because he's a bit short compared to modern Space marines. he was sculpted in the mid nineties, so what can you do. Build him a base, is what you do. ;)








Thanks for looking. :)

@Quixus: Thanks, that helps a lot. I changed the lighting settings and these are already much better. Turns out my new phone is more sensitive to light - which is a good thing!


@Uveron: You're talking about the bloodletter right? Go right ahead and steal the idea ;)


I finished the Pink Horrors last night. These where either vvery simple to paint or I took the easy route. Either way they took me less than 4 hours to build, base and paint. 




And of course close ups of all of them. 







Thanks for looking. :)

Alright, second to last unit in my fifth and last ETL IV vow, and the third squad of Bloodletters overall, finished.


I went with black bloodletters, to match thosew on the bloodcrushers I painted up last week.


The pics have improved, but are still voerexposed. I cannot believe how Nokia makes consecutive model phones with camera's that have such an enormous difference in light sensitivity.


Anyway, here´s the pics.










Hope you like, and as always± thanks for looking and C&C welcome. :)


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