MrBear Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 Now that looks really nice! The contrast between a a post-human superwarrior in his armour and the wooden cart is something you don't see every day and those Nurglings really are a cheerfull bunch of little buggers, painting them in such a varied way was a smart choice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted August 7, 2015 Share Posted August 7, 2015 I love the multicolored Nurglings. That's something you don't see every day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) Love it! Well deserving of the name! Many thanks for the offer of a care package, and I shall endeavor to return the favor sometime. EDIT: In case that wasn't clear, that's a yes to your (very kind) offer. Edited August 8, 2015 by The Psycho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ovidius Incertus Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 Love the "Blackletters". I don't know if I missed it somewhere, but what black/grey did you use? Very subtle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted August 8, 2015 Share Posted August 8, 2015 Such an awesome conversion; I love the extra tweaks you made, esp the tenacle arm. Paint job speaks for itself - great work as ever B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted August 14, 2015 Author Share Posted August 14, 2015 Wow, thanks everyone for all the awesome feedback. I just wanted to make a crazy conversion with the corpse cart, which I had had laying around for ages. I'm so happy to see so many positive comments to him/it. :D Thanks! I took a bit of a break from painting and modelling after the ETL. I have to say the juices did kinda dry up after that last -albeit pretty cool to work on- project. Now, after some time, I started something I've been dreaming about for a looong time: to convert the three possible Khorne Lords on juggernaut that would look both awesome and be competitive in a game of 40K: those with a sigil of corruption and weapon loudouts of respectively Power Fist + Lighting Claw; Murder Sword; and Axe of Blind Fury. All three would look awesome, give me some excellent conversion opportunities, and possibly make KrautScientist let me off the hook, Khorne-fix-wise. ;) So here's the first guy. I've opted for a bare head, mostly because a Khornate bunny helmet would interfere too much with the Khorne symbol representing the SoC. His powerfist will ultimately be holding a chain that will run through the ring on the collar of the juggernaut. What do you think so far? Mind you, he's completely bluetacked. Again, sorry for the less-than satisfactory pictures. They get across what I'm aiming at, but it does look like WIP pics will need a tripod in the future. Thanks for looking! Feedback most welcome, btw. You guys really help me focus on a project, and have shown in the past to be a great source of inspiration. So please don't spare your critique. Replies: @Teetengee: Thanks buddy! About the fluid: it being the same colour as the nruglings it's flowing from is because I intended the nurglings to be slowly decomposing on the cart - ie the ooze is part of those very same nurlgings :) @ShVagYer: I know right? 40K is crazy, and I hoped this mini would convey that craziness ;) @Aasfresser: DUUUDE I'm so sorry I haven't thanked you in the credits. I will in the near future, as I am planning to put one of those awesome backpacks on one of my Khornate lords too. :tu: @kizzdougs: Cheers! The tentacle was made with greenstuffindustries' tentacle maker, which despite being slightly overused in the past couple of years and as such have become a little clotted with GS residue, still works admirably :tu: @The Hydra: Proto Chaos? Please explain? You're 30K or considering doing Chaos in 40K? @Flint13: I think that's what the name is trying to convey, so kudo's to The Psycho for coming up with it. Haha nurglings as little gross puppies - I totes get that. I guess their intelligence level is the same? @Quixus: No. No SLaanesh for me. At least not for a while. I haven;t known Forté logn enough for that. @MrBear: Cheers! And it was easy: they all have the same basecoat of Elf Flesh, with different colours GW washes straight out of the pot over each individual nrugling. I was amazed by how easy it was. @Vel'Cona: I guess nurglings are people too? Come in different shades and sizes. They're still gross puppies though. @the Psycho: PM me your address and it will be so ;) @Ovidius INcertus: I first did an all over drybrush of VGC Grey Black, and then a light drybrush on the top-most raised areas using VMA Barley grey. :tu: @Midnight Runner: Thanks buddy! Glad as ever you commented! It keeps me going! Atia, Ovidius Incertus and Kizzdougs 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leviathus Posted August 14, 2015 Share Posted August 14, 2015 Flippin' sweet! I really like the riders pose. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted August 14, 2015 Share Posted August 14, 2015 Juggernaut is brutal brother, have you considered the idea of a meteor hammer? I think the Rampager Weapons on juggernauts would look awesome (just my opinion) Can't wait to see what you do with this one though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted August 14, 2015 Share Posted August 14, 2015 @The Hydra: Proto Chaos? Please explain? You're 30K or considering doing Chaos in 40K?I've settled on 30k Death Guard, but one that is walking the path towards the Chaos Legion they are to become. I love the new guy, pose is great. I may have been playing to much Witcher III but what do you think about adding a few severed head trophies to the back left side? Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheReaper17 Posted August 14, 2015 Share Posted August 14, 2015 That guy looks awesome! And is inspiring too :) good job Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 And so it begins. Wow, seriously great work on the first jugger lord, mate! I wasn't sold on the weapons combo, initially, until I realised you chose it for its in-game effectiveness. Fair enough. While a fist and claw setup still seems a little hokey to me, you've certainly managed to make the most of it. What a brilliantly imposing guy! Can't wait to see the other two ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 That tentacle on the Harbinger of Decay is disgusting, looks like a giant worm. Good job! Love the Nurgling arrangement and how you've differentiated them with colour. If they were all the same it could just look like a dull mass. The whole idea is an inventive one for a palanquin.Not a fan of the bare head on the Juggerlord to be honest. How about a Skullcrusher helm shorn of the bunny ears? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 17, 2015 Share Posted August 17, 2015 The head looks sombre. Whether that is good or bad is entirely up to you. (perhaps more appropriate for a swordlord since that guy has to be more selective with targets?)The torso seems to be listing to his right a little, but I imagine that is due to the bluetack. Good start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted August 24, 2015 Author Share Posted August 24, 2015 (edited) And so it begins. ...and gets immediately side tracked. Seriously, I've never been this hobby butterfly-y in my life. I'd love to paint me some Khornate characters, put some backpacks on the AoS berzerkers and use them in 40K, start painting my second helblade and/or dreadclaw assault pod, and many other chaos-y things. But most of all I want to paint Imperial Fists. Yes, I want to paint loyalist scum. I even bought the new Codex Space Marines and wrote a 1250 point Gladius Strike Force list. Why 1250? because that's the tournament size we use in my local shop. It's composed of this: Battle Demi Company Lord Captain on bike with Artificer armour, Power Fist, Storm Shield Chosen Command squad on bikes with 2 Storm Shields, and apothecary and two grav guns. 3x 5 CSM Tactical Marines with meltagun and combi-melta in a drop pod 3 Raptors Assault Marines on bikes with grav guns and an attack bike with Multi Melta 5 Havocs Devastators with 4 lascannons Suppression Force 3 Whirlwinds 1 Land Speeder with Multimelta So yeah... lots of vehicles Chaos can´t have. Lots of bolters and bikes, lots of anti armour. I might even expand it with another Demi-Company and make all 5-man squads into ten man squads... This is the army I'm going to really, really, really get right from the start. And fully commit to doing each and every one with highlights, shades, get all the iconography right with transfers, battle damage, weathering, the whole shh-bang. I already bought a loyalist tactical squad box from GW last Friday and built all. of. them. on Sunday, into two of the tactical squads. Pics of that tomoprrow, for I'd like your opinions on this tester I made with all the loyalist bits I had before I bought the tac squad. Mind you, I didn't have access to transfers back then, so I tried to freehand the markings and chapter symbol. What do you think? Hidden Content The idea is obviously to make the army represent the fifth company, so that I can retain the cool heresy style black shoulder pad trim. The only deviation I plan on doing is to paint the assault marines (including those on bikes) with black body armour and yellow helmets, backpacks, and shoulder pads. The bolters will be only slightly redder than as shown above, as will the aquila's on the chests and such. Pouches and holsters will be brown instead of red most likely. Either gold or silver will be used on the extra armour trim of MkIII shoulder pads, I'm not sure yet which to use. Also, the yellow on the shoulder pads needs to be brighter. I'm on that. So, that's it. I have to say I am super excited to do a loyalist force, even though my heart will remain chaotic (also, I still have tons and tons of Chaos stuff I still want to add to my collection, so there's that). Anyway! I hope you like this! Feedback more than welcome, everyone! Seriously, you guys and gals have been so awesome with tips, criticism, and feedback in the past, so I hope you'll support me with this army too and make this a sort of community inspired army. Replies about the Khorne Lord on Juggernaut: @Leviathus: Cheers! I'm glad you caught that, as I was really trying to make the giant fists look rider-y. @Kurama: thanks buddy! I have, but I won't be using it. It just doesn't seem like a practical thing on a giant daemonic steed... @The Hydra: Not to worry! Heads and skulls will be featured aplenty. @TheReaper17: Thanks mate! @KrautScientist: Are you mad at me for going loyalist? It's only for a little while. I swear. The Khornate trio will be finished, plus I have all the Khornate AoS mini's to paint. Plus a butt-load of berzerkers... About the weapons loadout on the khorante guy - why would it seem hokey? @Sockwithaticket: Yeah the intent was to make it look all Urutsukedoji (or however you spell that movie title). I'll consider your jugger helmet sans bunny ears idea... @Teetengee: Haha your reasons for the sombre look on a Khornate sword guy is as flawless as it is hilarious. Torso tilt is indeed bluetac. Edited August 25, 2015 by Augustus b'Raass Psykic_scribe, Atia, MrBear and 8 others 11 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted August 24, 2015 Share Posted August 24, 2015 Dude fist looks Bloody sweet loving the yellow scheme. MkVI with future mkvii helm looks great as well. Your list looks good aswell. Great to see that your not just limited to the psychotic mindset of the viiith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viridia Posted August 24, 2015 Share Posted August 24, 2015 First I get to revel in the fact that your Night Lords are better than anything I can do, now I get to revel in the fact you're going to outdo everyone in Imperial Fists! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 O...O-oh my... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kriegriss Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 what you're doing fists ... mind BLOWN!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeremy1391 Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 You had my curiosity but now you have my full attention! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 Those Imperial Fists are glorious... What about a Sorpius in the list though to help deal with heavy infantry, S8 AP3 templates? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leviathus Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 Fantastic Fist Augustus! Love the yellow and it's good to see you doing some loyalists too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 So on point with that yellow it's unreal. Especially looking forward to the Assault Marines. Black with yellow parts is always a favourite of mine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d@n Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 how did you paint the imperial fists armour bro? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlanofAngels Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 This looks great man! Really promising! It's funny you mention "hobby-butterfly" syndrome in regards to this because I have something different starting here soon, too Sometimes a guy just needs a break from all that VIII legion pillaging Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 25, 2015 Share Posted August 25, 2015 Well done on the freehand. The yellows (particularly the pad, but you already mentioned that) seem a little muted and dirty/dark to me. How long have these fellows been fighting in their current field. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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