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Hey Aug, glad to see you still chugging stuff!
I really like the MkV Aspiring Champion, especially the the great halo on his back - fantastically over-powered! Clearly he means business!

I see what you did there with those sticks on his base - "Hana yori dango", eh? :wink:

Another World Eater - already the second to last for a whole squad of 8 MkV armoured berzerkers. 

As I've stated before, I'm enjoying giving each fo the eight guys a kind of archetype role. I guess I could list them, so here goes:

Champion, Icon Bearer, Hornblower, Large axe wielder, large chainsword wielder, guy with shield, active axe+sword wielder, stoic axe+sword wielder. The two guys I posted in the post before the icon bearer, above, are the last two guys, respectively. The guy in this post is, quite obviously, the guy with shield. :wink:




I wanted him to contrast with the MkIII guy with shield in that that dude has a more passive, come-at-me-bro stance, and the guy above is more of a no nonsense, I'll charge right at you kind of dude. I'm pretty pleased with the repose fo the MkV body, having it twist just a little more at the lower torso.

I hope you like him. 

Also, let me know what you think of this new format of presenting miniatures. Before, I psoted whole five-man squads in one post, and then a couple days later I'd have painted them and posted the entire painted squad. But these days I have so, so much less hobby time that that if I'd have kept that style up, I'd post only once every two months or so. Plus, I put a lot more effort in both the building and painting tage of every miniature, so I figured it'd be interesting to show every one of them from multiple angles. 

Let me know.




@ BCK: Hah thank you! I didn't expect this guy to get such nice feedbck to be honest - he feels so different than the others I feared he wouldn't 'tone' right with them. 

@ Sherrypie: Hmm, you did get me thinking about the icon. It is a bit OTT and comic-y, isn't it. Damn, now I'm doubting wether it was the right idea to use it. Maybe I should try and see if I can get some others? Or scratch build one?


@ jaxom: Haha yeah that was the thought - although now I am starting to doubt wether or not it was the tone I wanted this squad to excude. 


@ Brother Morgan: Thank buddy. Have you been to this thread before? I don't recognize your name. If you have, I'm sorry, but if you haven't: welcome!


@ Majkhel: Hey man, I'll never stop! So long as this board exists, I will keep updating this thread. My goal is to have it reach 1000 pages before I die. :wink: I have no idea what 'hana yori dango' means. My guess is it's some kind of anime reference? I was born in 1980 so my cartoon knowledge is limited to 'the toys that made us' 80's cartoons and adult stuff that came out in the last decade or so, like Archer and stuff. For reference, I can relate quite strongly to Frater rednekkboss and his antics, if that makes sense. :biggrin.:  


@ Badgersinhills: You're really nice!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

'Hana yori dango' is a Japanese proverb meaning literally 'dango (a type of Japan sweets) over flowers" and it translates to 'practical over aesthetics'
Those ball-like things on sticks on the champion's base reminded me of dango sweets. And knowing the practical if a little single-minded philosophy of the World Eaters it all somehow came together in my head :)
Now that I googled it myself, I found that there is indeed an anime of the same title. But I'm not familiar with it, so any additional reference is lost to me as well :P 

By the way, I've only recently turned 40 and I definitely do not feel that kind of antiquity in my hobby. Yet :P

Cheers everyone! 

Some of you may remember I posted a WIP of a CHOOM-temptor a couple months back. The idea of it popped into my mind this summer, while swimming in the river that flows close to my house. It took a while for me to find the inspiration to actually start painting it, and when I finally did, I realized that the recast Volkite weapons I bought for it where just rubbish quality. I bought those thinking they had gone OOP, so I asked around for good 3D printed alternatives, when a mate pointed out that they hadn't actually gone OOP, but had become so popular that FW cannot keep up with demand and so has them listed Out of Stock most of hte time. So I pushed the 'email me' button and ordered four of them them as soon as I finally got their 'back in stock' notice. They went out of stock again that same day, haha! 


I started painting them and soon decided to paint them using Joe Moscardini's method of plasma OSL for them - for which I had to order new paints. And thus came the decision to not wait for those to arrive and just paint the damn contemptor with the Fist and Multimelta combo I also bought.

Here goes.


















I hope you like him!

Massive thanks by the way to Kizzdougs btw because he posted his Warhounds schemed World Eaters contemptor a couple months back and all the inspiration for the painting of this one came from him. I quite like the idea of honouring a dreadnought's ancient frame by not altering his colour scheme - and I plan on doing the next one in the same fashion. 

let me know what you think. 




@ BCK: Thanks bud. I appreciate it. I'm still not 100% sure I quite like that particular icon for hi, but he's a great placeholder until I am sure - or have replaced it with something better.

@ Majkhel: Aha! I had no idea and I am glad you are here to enlighten me on these things (no sarcasm at all btw). I admit the Japanese language is a massive blind spot for me. I'm reasonably familiar with its history - having done several high-graded papers on the country's hitsorical economics during my university years - but the language eludes me! Also, well give it a year or two and you'll feel it :wink:


@ BadgersinHills: Cheers! That helmet is actually an amalgam of a Blood Warrior's crest and the helmet of a Skullcrusher :biggrin.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Very cool pose on your dreadnought. Contemptor dreadnoughts have the ability to have dynamic poses so it's always good to see one posed that way. The fist and melta look good (I like the heat burn on the melta).


I'm curious how you'll paint the volkite. I'm not familiar with Joe Moscardini.

Awesome Contemptor.


The banner/totem is great. I can see why some people would question whether you really need to decorate your massive Khorne symbol with Khorne symbols, but it's the one with the gloop (I think in the Bloodletters set?) that you want to avoid.

  • 3 weeks later...

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you've all had a good switch from 999021M03 to 001022M03!! May 021M03 be as utopic for you as ever and that you practice every thought for the day.

I finally finished an infantry miniature - the terminator I posted months and months ago!





In addition, I also repurposed a previously made terminator. Remember this guy?

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I didn't really like his pose as the way his legs telegraph a certain action doesn't really vibe with his aiming a melta weapon, and I didn't like his cataphractii pads. So I changed him up to have a more menacing, open look. I used a found Terminator Lord claw and created a left handed combi bolter from a Power Sword hand, an old CSM terminator Combi Bolter, of which I replaced the chain link ammo feed with the drum ammo boxes of the cataphractii set. 

Here he is!




I'd love to know what you think of the repose and if it's an improvement or not. 






@ Shovellovin: Yeha man Contemptor's are hands down my favourite miniature to build. They're SO versatile! Joe Moscardini is known for his extremely realistic plasma glow and he has a great plasma glow tutorial on instagram.

@ Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks, Bjorn, as always :) 


@ Brother Carpenter: Hey buddy! Have you been here before? If not, welcome to the thread! 

@ LameBeard: Ha yeah I agree about that. The gloop is meant to be blood, but I agree it's totally uncool. 


@ BadgersinHills: Thaks, Badgers!

@ Majkhel: Haha you're not the only one! 

OOPS! I did it again. 

A contemptor. It's not a new one, long-visiting friends have already seen this one before.

Hidden Content


But I did add some trophies to it and repainted it to get it up to specs with my current World Eaters. So, without further ado - here's Ancient Ka'Ruat in his new livery:

















Nice, eh? I really am enjoying this Warhounds colour scheme a lot, and am even considering painting all my Astartes vehicles in this livery, Daemon engines not so much, as they could never have been Astartes vehicles. But Drop Pods, Contemptors, and Terrax Drills? Sure :)

And then there where two!





Because they are armed in a sort of Mirror Match and because their weapons are magnetized, I can totally swap these for a dual claw contemptor and a dual Multimelta wielding contemptor. :)

let me know what you think!



@ BadgersinHills: Thank buddy!


@ BCK: Hahaha I KNEW IT! There's always two camps when it comes to these heightened rocky bases. I guess we're not in the same camp. ;) 


@ Paladin7221: IT'S MINE!! 

Yeah when it comes to these bases, I agree it is a weird coincidence to see all of them on rocks - as if they suddenly all climbed on top of these rocks in the field. However I really want to see each and every single miniature as a collectors item, so I try to see their bases as a plinth like structure that abstractly symbolizes the battlefield. In this case, and Iron-dusted Daemon world full of skulls!


  On 1/15/2022 at 9:31 AM, Augustus b said:

... Ancient Ka'Ruat...

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...


Great work (as always) on these new world eaters, I wasn't totally onboard with the blue at first, but you've really pulled it of!

Edited by ElDuderino

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