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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Great to have you back here with us, buddy, and those Corpse Guild members are already looking mighty promising! I also cannot help pointing out how these, more than any of your previous models, are basically just a hair's breadth away from the wonderful madness that is INQ28 -- just sayin'...


Anyway, I hope there'll be many more updated here soon! :)

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Wow, thanks for the welcome back and the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the Corpse Guild Representatives, gal and guys! Much appreciated!

I've been doing a lot of kitbashing, converting, and painting the last two days. 

To start off, I build and painted a miniature to represent my Escher Gang the Jagged Jezebels leader "Mad" Deana Kholeric in Light Carapace Armour:



Next up, a Goliath Champion with a Heavy Stubber:

Not very impressive as it's just a standard build with some FW Goliath parts.


I'm a lot more pleased with these two Gliath Juves:




They're fairly elaborate kitbashes: using Space Marine Scout legs and a Chaos Marauder body, I've added Goliath arms and heads (and a Beastmen Gor's arm with a flail). They're pretty nifty, and the gunfighter's stance is fricking wicked, IMHO!

And last but not least, two Hive Scum!

It's a GSC neophyte pair of legs with a WFB Empire Flagelant, a Chaos Marauder's head, and some GSC guns and a kitbashed flail from various kits. 


This is a Flagelant pair of legs with a GSC Neophyte body and arms, plus a Goliath head. Simple, weird, effective. :D

I hope you like them!



@ Freakshow668: Cheers! Yeah it's a fantastic game for sure. :)


@ Atia: Hey you! Better stay away from them, yeah. ;)

@ DuskRaider: I never got your PM! Do it! The Corpse Guild has actual rules, as Atia mentioned, in The Book of Peril. :) They might be a cover for a Nurgle Cult, indeed!


@ Gederas: Yeah! I'd ;love to see them for sure! Gonna look it up (or drop me a linky here)


@ KrautScientist: My favourite Eastern Neighbour! And you're totally right again: it feels like I'm dipping my toe into INQ28 with these, yeah :) What do you thing of the Hive Scum?


@ Viridia: That's a compliment I'll take! Thanks :D


@ rednekkboss: Chainsword on a stick = Chainglaive. Very good in Necromunda. ;) 


@ ElDuderino: Me? This is only my second usage of it. Others have done a lot more...


@ Castigator: Thanks, dude. It means a lot from someone of your legendary status! I'm painting them right now. 


@ Machine God: You're absolutely right. The Banners are jinxed though, as many of my previous banners seem to not work anymore. When they're fixed, I'll for sure don the banner of shame.... :(

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Loving the new, and the newly completed, models Auggs. They look sweet.



@ Gederas: Yeah! I'd ;love to see them for sure! Gonna look it up (or drop me a linky here)

The start/motivator for my next year's ETL (and my new Chaos army) is here in my thread. Currently on my docket is the stuff I'm doing for Call of Chaos, as it's helping me get the colour-scheme down for my Night Lords.


As to the big things, check your messages :laugh.:

Edited by Gederas
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 "Mad" Deana Kholeric looks epic! 


All the others are coming along brilliantly too, defo going to have a great looking gang 


Also, i recently listened to Soul Hunter audio book and i can see how it inspired your first claw and a lot of your nightlords stuff 

Edited by Sagentus
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Cheers guys! The Corpse Harvesting Party is finished!

*K-CLANG* "Bring out your dead!" *K-CLANG* "Bring out your dead!" *K-CLANG


I tried to give them a very muted colour scheme with a lot of earthly colours - I dare say inspired by Blanche. I worked with a lot of washes and Contrast Paints with drybrushing normal paints over them. I've found that I like to use contrast more as a thick wash rather than as an all-encompassing layer. It's fantastic to experiment with it over metals, such as the copper bits - which are GW Warplock Bronze 'washed' with GW Wyldwood Contrast and then highlighted back up with various shades of copper. 


Another small adition to the unpainted WIPs I showed on the previous page is that I added a plague doctor's beak-like structure to the respirator of the Bone Scrivener. I like to think it that it has achieved a sort of 'creepiness' this guy was lacking before. 

Anyway, long story short, here's pictures:





Individual pics:


Corpse Grinder #1


Pale Consort



Bone Scrivener (not that I added a beak to his Respirator just before painting)


Corpse Grinder #2



I hope you like them. let me know what you think in some comments :smile.:



@ Gederas: Defo looking into it, cheers for the link! I've answered your PM!


@ Sagentus: Ha! Yeah dude, I read the Soul Hunter trilogy back in april 2013 and it was a huuuuuge influence! I painted all my Night Lords in the year after it, started posting on here - which turned out to be a huge motivator - and mostly finished the army with ETLIII (which was also the first Chaos Win). Good times! 


@ Kierdale: Thank you!


@ Majkhel: Ha! She's actually exactly to scale with the other Escher ladies. Her legs aren't a seperate part - the whole body (except the sword, the plasma pistol and the head) are all the inquisitor character miniature that came with every backing of the Daughters of the Burning Rose kickstarter by Anvil Industry. 


@ Bjorn Firewalker: Phew, I don't know? I guess she's wearing a skirt made of actual Leopard skin? 


@ Elzender: Cheers! And good spot!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Thanks guys! 

Spent today painting the Leader, Champions, and Juves that I build for my Goliath gang. Not much to say, so here's pictures.




Leader with Plasma Gun, Power Axe, and some kind of holstered pistol.



Champion with Heavy Bolter


Champion with Heavy Stubber



Juve with Dual Stub Guns (with Dum Dum ammo, of course)


Juve with Stub Gun and Dum Dum Ammo and Flail


Aaaaand here's a picture of all my Goliath so far. :) 



I'm also half-way through painting a Sump Croc, but that's for a later date.

I hope you like them, appreciate your C&C.






@ Bjorn Firewalker: Thank you!

@ noigrim: I was actually planning on doing smaller guys armed with chain glaives for the Slaver Guild - they have only one wound, while the Corpse Grinders have two, which I thought would be well-represented by them being bigger :)


@ Freakshow668: Cheers, buddy!


@ teku: Not for a long while, I think. I also won't be going to the Alliance GT... Sorry!


@ Atia: I did use contrast paint on them, but only on the brown and black cloth - and even them I later drybrushed. Also, I used some contrast paints as a wash, which really doesn't count imho. Also you should read first. Also also I hate you on Facebook ;)


@ DuskRaider: Thanks you! I really thought things through with the colour choices, so I'm glad it worked out and they're appreciated. :)


@ Castigator: Wow, thanks, mate! High praise indeed! :tu:

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