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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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It really warms my heart to see World Eaters in their original scheme. Do you plan on doing some with red instead of blue, like they had done mid-Heresy?


As far as my hobbying thus far... I'm still trying to get my mojo back. I've mainly been concentrating on Titanicus for the time being and there's a good chance I'm getting a game in next Friday so that should help. We'll see.

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@ Mechanist: AWWWW YEAH! Third time's the charm, amirite?Ā :wink:Ā Also, go and get back to your painting and doing stuff! In Dutch we say: DOE IETS!

That test model is far from 'charming' but he definitely a beast out for skulls. the colours work really well and I hope the tweaks to the metals works out because he needs some brothers in arms.Ā Ā 


I may have to dig out my travel bag with my wip crons tonight.

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Hurray! I finished the first Blood-Warrior-based Khorne Berzerker!Ā 



Had a ton of fun painting this guy, and applied new techniques of painting white, weathering powders, and battle damage. Great stuff!

Also, here's five more Khorne Berzerker wips build using the Indomitus Crusade's Primaris Assault Intercessors as a base:




Icon Bearer:





Semi-possessed Berzerker:

I had even more fun getting these guys ready for paint, so I hope you like those as well!



@ Freakshow668: Well thanks, and here you go! :)

@ space wolf: Cheers, buddy! Have you commented here before? Can't seem to recall if you did or not. If not: welcome to the thread! If you did, welcome back ;)

@ Sagentus: Hurray! Dude, I should tag you on InstagramĀ 

@ DuskRaider: Hey man! Lovely seeing you here returned and well. Starting small is the way to go and a game called Titanicus is the right fit ;) To answer your question: I am not planning to do some read - as the blood and gore that will adorn them will provide for that contrast colour, but you know, you never know ;)

@ Mechanist: Oooh crons: go for it!

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No takers, eh? Oh well - here's the third of three concept miniatures for the burgeoning World Eater force I'm building. It uses the Start Collecting CSM kit's champion body, an AoS Khorne icon, a FW WE shoulder pad and a Pop Goes the Monkey chaon axe. I am actually really proud of this miniature - I don't think I've ever spend so long painting a single marine - and the details are as close to perfection as I could get them, given my deteriorating eyesight and lack of skill-upkeep in the painting departement, lately.Ā 



Let me know what you think of himĀ  - preferably in the form of comments. They're what keeps this thread on this board going, while I can get a lot more likes on Instagram - hunch hunch, wink wink. :)



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I'll help you out bud!


First off, I have stolen the white recipe. I'm planning to do a small white scars force and that seems a really easy method.


You should be proud. The composition of the kitbash is brilliant and very fitting for a worldeater. I really like the original scheme on a CSM dude.


I also really like the large world eater conversion you were doing. Any update on that?

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Holy smokes! The World Eaters that you've put together are great! I especially like your use of the assault intercessors from Indomitus. I hope that whenever GW gets around to releasing new World Eaters models that they have dynamic poses like yours.Ā 


The blue you use is perfect. Is it Caledor Sky?


I look forward to seeing more of your work.

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Seems I missed not one but two updates from you man!


I very much like the new Berzerkers, and the use of the Assault Marines is very cool. There could be an interesting narrative with them, because they're pretty clearly larger than the already pretty well-sized new Chaos Marines and Blood Warriors+Mark III legs you're using on some of the others.




the details are as close to perfection as I could get them, given my deteriorating eyesight and lack of skill-upkeep in the painting departement, lately.

You can go take a hike with that mate. That model is better than almost anything I've painted :lol:

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W00T! Two more Primaris Khorne Berserkers finished!





And I've build two more to compensate for the loss of grey plastic!





I LOVE this project - my hobby juices haven't flowed like this in over a year or so.Ā 

I hope it is to your satisfaction as well. Let me know! :D



@ Dwango: Yeah man, steal away! It's just Ulthuan Grey with Liquitex White Ink edge highlighting. Simple enough! The large world eater is almost finished - I have to do something about his backpack and I am still waiting for some 3d Printed resin parts for him.Ā 

@ Pearson73: Hehoooo thanks! Yeah the old school paint job fits well with the baroque armour, eh?

@ Bjorn Firewalker: MOAR bloodstains added!


@ Shovellovin: Well good chance they'll have those dynamic poses, because GW is on a roll with those new plastic marine poses. The Blue is Kantor Blue with Alaitoc Blue highlights.Ā 


@ Dragonlover: It works pretty decent, wouldn't you agree? :)


@ Chaeron: Hey dude! Long time to see here! Great to see you again! I have no idea who Zardu Layak is - care to enlighten me?Ā 


@ Gederas: Well I do have a secret painting weapon nowadays - one of those magnifying glases you can wear on your forehead. It's fricking great!


@ Brother Dalto: Welcome to the thread man! It's been going since '14, so catch up quickly ;)Ā 


@ Mechanist: Yeah baby! Great to see you here still alive and kicking too!

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I LOVE this project - my hobby juices haven't flowed like this in over a year or so.Ā 

I hope it is to your satisfaction as well. Let me know! :biggrin.:


Your work has always been great, but I feel there's an elegance in the simplicity of using the Primaris bodies as base that the AoS-based models didn't have. It could also be that it matches really well with an early Heresy aesthetic; without centuries of chaos warping the armor to more baroque forms. They look crisp. Regardless, I love it.

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@ Mechanist: Yeah baby! Great to see you here still alive and kicking too!


Yup, Ironically just before reading this I scored the '8 Fold path' achievement in Warframe for smashing things with my rocket hammer. Which I think is a sign to come and check back up on your progress and probably to stop playing so many computer games and get some painting done.


Or maybe just a hint that their is amazing things to see here because that's two fantastic additions to both the painted unit and also your wip shelf. It's nice to see that those 'classic' bunny helmets work well with all those new bits.Ā 

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Oh hell yeah! You picked up your World Eaters again, and I returned to my Word Bearers!Ā 


Chaos Gang is back at it, boys!!!


Really digging the work so far, man. Your painting skills certainly haven't gotten rusty in the time since your last works.Ā 

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Finished two more Khorne Berzerkers!Ā 

Just a regular old berzerker...



...and an Icon Bearer!


I've also build two more dudes:

Another 'normal'Ā  zerker...zWncRhq.jpg


...and an Aspiring Champion!


Do you like this? I sure do. I've also gotten my hands on some 3D printed alternate weapons for my McFarlane Khorne Berzerker - which I will use. More on that soon.

Lemme know what you think!




@ Brother Dallo: Cheers buddy! But that icon is a 3d printed part by Pop Goes the Monkey so I cannot take credit.Ā 


@ jaxom: Ah I know what you're getting at and I think I agree, yeah :)


@ Sagentus: Awwwww dude that sucks! Maybe you could paint something?

@ Mechanist: Playing fewer computer games is always a good thing, and I do not know what you meant with that achievement, but good on you!Ā 


@ Noctus Cornix: No man, I picked up some new World Eaters! This is going to be a completely new army, and I will be repainting a lot of World Eater stuff I painted earlier.Ā 

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The is nothing plain about that dude her rocks. Another great addition. How close are you to a full 8 man squad?



@ Mechanist: Playing fewer computer games is always a good thing, and I do not know what you meant with that achievement, but good on you!Ā 


The achievement was for doing a mission only using melee and I fairly certain its a 40k Easter egg to the 8 fold path of Khorne I think I basically finished that mission and shortly after came to the boards and saw your stuff. Like the game was directing me to the path of the blood god (or more likely a silly coincidence)Ā 

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Wow, I really love the small details on those zerkers, like the ropes in the skulls to hold them to chains, and I need to fine those pins you use for the chain endings!


Jaxom up top said it: they look crisp. The primaris armor is imposing and spartan in details, along with the pre-hersey scheme its a perfect match.


You've inspired me to bash up more berserker conversions myself (mostly from older kits though)

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