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Shattered Legions : Vulkan Lives! Edition... (new scheme)

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Yeah that's true I guess - I might get adventurous and drill out some of the heads at some stage - the Void Commander you made is my favourite one, such a badass strolling forward without a helmet and his shield out to the side, he doesn't give a damn :P

What are you running the Void Commander as? A regular Centurion with fist and shield?


He will be a Centurion! I have built him for a campaign we will be running. Each faction will have it's space port to defend and will have a cruiser/barge to defend it, so void warfare will be an option. He will command my spacebound forces. We will use a Hexboard to set it up. once we are settled, I will be documenting it in the heresy forums.

Awesome looking squad :tu: I love how Ferrus is in the background, being all nonchalant about obliterating Fulgrim :p Also, I find it interesting that Iron Hand players tend to paint hair white. I wonder if there's a psychological explanation. 

Awesome looking squad thumbsup.gif I love how Ferrus is in the background, being all nonchalant about obliterating Fulgrim tongue.png Also, I find it interesting that Iron Hand players tend to paint hair white. I wonder if there's a psychological explanation.

he's my first white haired model. It does contrast very well with the silver and black.

Many Isstvan survivors owe their lives to Void Command Authorix's staunch, uncompromising and XIIIth legion like adherence to protocol. The terran born Great Crusade veteran immediately set his ship to high alert the moment his mandatory periodic link with the Vox Populi, a Word Bearer capital ship it was in close formation with, went dead. He calmly ordered is men to man battle stations as a standard raction. Shields were raised to full in the manner of seconds. However, when an Alpha Legion strike cruiser failed to respond to a close proximity warning on a threatening approach vector, his orders became barks. Status reports were flooding in and he had but an instant to analyze incoming data. He had a plan, and it was already in motion. The XVII's ship was slowly raising it's power output not to show it's hand too early. A tactical ploy that would have most likely succeeded again a more leniant or distracted commander. It wanted to avoid a bloody broadside affair by overpowering the the unsuspecting loyalist ship with a crushing opening salvo. It became clear to Authorix that Alpha Legion cruiser, the Ego Alpharius would claim the kill with a underbelly run.


However, this was no ordinary ship. Even by Iron Hands standards, the Gorgon's Gaze was a marvel of the Mechanicum's enginuity. She had been refitted and repaired as a Gift to Clan Tabarn'akk after she had been sacrificed in defense of Forge World Ultraxx again an orkish invasion, saving many ancient technologies from the green skin horde. This was an Iron Hands vessel under the command of an officer with 100 years of warfare under his belt.


Having giving is final orders to the crew on deck, Authorix thundered away from the comand station into the bowels of the ship. He opened is vox link to is second in command.


"Sergeant Kol, report."

"We are ready sir... is this a wise course of action?", questioned Kol

"The timetables permit no other course of action lad, as Guilliman would put it, this one's all theoretical I fear." A glimpse of self doubt made it's way into Authorix's mind, but the voice of his second in command brought him back from reverie and set him to purpose.

"Fortune favours the bold my lord. On your command then."

"All ready units, begin boarding action!"


to be continued



In a heartbeat, the Battle Barge's garrison of 300 astartes were launched racing into the void in boarding torpedoes towards the Vox Populi, to the suprise and slight panic of it's commanding officer.


" Full power to defense batteries! Repel boarders at all costs! " Captain Caligor cursed the eagerness of his legion's envy to make planetfall and exact vengeance upon their former brothers, leaving him with a skeletal force of marines and a howling horde of human follows aboard the ship. Their numbers may be great, but they are no match for the astartes force that is heading their way. It should not have come to this. He would have obliterated the opposing ship from existance at a distance, where astartes numbers means nothing. It's another story when they run amuck aboard your ship. It would appear the Alpha Legion, in their hubris, had gone ahead of the appointed time and decided to play their sneaking games. Not so good at it afterall decided Caligor. 


The boarding torpedo's interior light system turned red, signaling 30 seconds to estimated impact. Sergeant Kol secured the clasp of his boarding shield, with 9 battle brothers waiting his commands. "Bracer yourselves, retribution is coming... "




Authorix linked up in the main corridor with High Magos Xirticis, almost reaching his destination. The Mechanicum tech priest had no trouble keeping pace with the stomping astartes with his powerful anti-grav propulsion system, floating in the air. In tow, a Castallax Battle Automata acting as bodyguard kept pace with the Magos.


"Omnissiah bless you Void Commander." rasped Xirticis through a vox grill by way of greeting. "Your request is most unusually wreckless, and according to my data, your success rate is les than 5.94%"

"Under which parameters did you extrapolate this data High Magos?"

" Calculation of survival rate based on tasks: Emergency teleportation displacement under hazardous circumstances, commandeering an hostile command deck and overriding security protocols. Repelling attempts The variables involved : presence of one Void Command Authorix, one Comptemptor class dreadnought Iron Father Crixus, One Comptemptor Class Brother Viktor.


To be continued


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