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You know you're an Imperial Guardsman when...


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When you lose a game, you still smile stating that your army was just the Vanguard of the Imperial forces on the planet. And if your opponent disputes this (by saying that he killed the Vanguard 2 weeks ago, and the main force 4 days ago.), you simply say that these guys were a diversion to keep them occupied until.....Exterminatus! :devil:


The Imperium always wins!:biggrin.:

When you find satisfaction in skipping your movement phase whatsoever to grab a bucket of dice and templates and begin shooting like maniac.  "There is no need to move, my boys are already in position.  Now let's shoot the bejesus out of those guys MMMMUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

When you find satisfaction in skipping your movement phase whatsoever to grab a bucket of dice and templates and begin shooting like maniac.  "There is no need to move, my boys are already in position.  Now let's shoot the bejesus out of those guys MMMMUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

But how do you make bayonet charges across no man's land with a hundred Guardsmen, a few Cyclops, and some Death Riders under covering artillery fire if you forgo movement?


When you find satisfaction in skipping your movement phase whatsoever to grab a bucket of dice and templates and begin shooting like maniac.  "There is no need to move, my boys are already in position.  Now let's shoot the bejesus out of those guys MMMMUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

But how do you make bayonet charges across no man's land with a hundred Guardsmen, a few Cyclops, and some Death Riders under covering artillery fire if you forgo movement?



He he, you don't need to charge if after a salvo there is nothing standing against you...



When you find satisfaction in skipping your movement phase whatsoever to grab a bucket of dice and templates and begin shooting like maniac.  "There is no need to move, my boys are already in position.  Now let's shoot the bejesus out of those guys MMMMUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

But how do you make bayonet charges across no man's land with a hundred Guardsmen, a few Cyclops, and some Death Riders under covering artillery fire if you forgo movement?



He he, you don't need to charge if after a salvo there is nothing standing against you...


Oh course you do.  You bombard the enemy stronghold for 10 years; 5 years after they offered unconditional surrender and two years after all signs of life have ceased. After that you then charge in.  :devil:

  • 2 weeks later...

When you cause 52 wounds on a 10 man terminator squad with your thudd gun battery because there was nothing else to shoot at.

Actually Terminators are really not a bad target due to the volume of saves you will force them to fail as typically your other options will be standard Marines or Scouts.  Pinning the Terminator's lone survivor afterwards is then just a hilarious insult. 

The forge world armies dont have the new orders yet.

Back to the thread...


When you need to take two dice sets for your turn.

When you wish "FIX BEYONETTS!" was a proper order (come on gw, hammer of wrath for models with lasguns)

The forge world armies dont have the new orders yet.

Back to the thread...


When you need to take two dice sets for your turn.

When you wish "FIX BEYONETTS!" was a proper order (come on gw, hammer of wrath for models with lasguns)

Two dice sets?  Clearly your sets are far too small.  A proper combined platoon will have a sergeant and special weapon armed Guardsman in each of the five squads making 120 shots the most you can Front Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire giving you five extra dice for those five sergeants' laspistols you didn't bother upgrading.  Incidentally, the Mechanicum dice set just so happened to have 125 dice in it; coincidence, I believe it to be one of the blessings of the Omnissiah.


As for an Affix Bayonets order, that would be a great Krieg specific order.  Now we must all email Forgeworld requesting that it happens!

I must email them again to see when the likelyhood of some updated rules will be coming our way, my kreig are twiddling their thumbs while the steel legion get some attention.


I tried using them with the new codex but it just wasn't the same.

When your challenged by a friend to make a list with "More models. You never field a lot of guys." and the end list has 285ish guys at 1850 because...that is just how IG roll :)


Now I just need desperately to buy another hundred men or so :(


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