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You know you're a Sister of Battle player when...

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When considering memorizing some Gregorian chant to sing while you were play.

Latin Hymns are also a good choice (though some tweaking may be required to make them fall in line with the Imperial Creed).
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A spiritu dominatus, 

Domine, libra nos



Adding one to the list...

...Any time you have to take a 6++ you yell "SHIELD OF FAITH" to increase your chances of success. 

My best SoF roll has been making 5 saves on a roll of 6 dice. It's all in the voice.




I like to yell "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!!!!"  as  I take my 6++ shield of faith saves.  I'm pretty lucky with them too especially on my vehicles.  Lets just say more then one person at the store is annoyed by just how many 6++ saves I can make a game lolol.  :tongue.:

Edited by MrFlutterPie
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When you keep bothering Forgw World do cover the Age of Apostasy/Reign of Blood.

I'll second having Forge World work on the Age of Apostasy, with an 'Imperial Armour' book, rules for new characters, MODELS for new characters (don't just reissue Saint Celestine and claim she "counts as" Saint Katherine), and NOVELS set in that era.

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A spiritu dominatus,

Domine, libra nos



Adding one to the list...

...Any time you have to take a 6++ you yell "SHIELD OF FAITH" to increase your chances of success.

My best SoF roll has been making 5 saves on a roll of 6 dice. It's all in the voice.



I like to yell "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!!!!" as I take my 6++ shield of faith saves. I'm pretty lucky with them too especially on my vehicles. Lets just say more then one person at the store is annoyed by just how many 6++ saves I can make a game lolol. :tongue.:

I love saying the emperor protects! I especially enjoy rolling the seraphim' rerollable 6++

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When you can let yourself consider Necrons as an alternate Army because of Sanctuary 101.

Yeah, I'm not familiar with this story. If it's anything like the BA/Necron thing it sounds like heresy . . .

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The basics of it are that the Order of Our Martyred Lady had an outpost on a desert planet they called Sanctuary 101. The Necrons woke up and wiped them out leaving no survivors. 


The novel Hammer and Anvil by James Swallow is a follow up to it Sanctuary and a sequel to Fire and Faith following Sister Miria and co. I'm not going to spoil the story but go read Fire and Faith, then go read Hammer and Anvil. You can also listen to Red and Black (about a 1 hour long audio drama) either before you read the books or after them as it came out after but was written as a prequel to the events of the first book.

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The Sisters first launch had a Necron vs SoB battle report in White Dwarf. That I believe is the basis for J. Swallows books. All a good read for Sisters players.
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The basics of it are that the Order of Our Martyred Lady had an outpost on a desert planet they called Sanctuary 101. The Necrons woke up and wiped them out leaving no survivors. 


The novel Hammer and Anvil by James Swallow is a follow up to it Sanctuary and a sequel to Fire and Faith following Sister Miria and co. I'm not going to spoil the story but go read Fire and Faith, then go read Hammer and Anvil. You can also listen to Red and Black (about a 1 hour long audio drama) either before you read the books or after them as it came out after but was written as a prequel to the events of the first book.

Thanks! I might look into it, but I do have some Ciphas Cain books to read . . . and I should finish re-reading the Lord of the Rings.

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The Sisters first launch had a Necron vs SoB battle report in White Dwarf. That I believe is the basis for J. Swallows books. All a good read for Sisters players.

It's only really a basis for Hammer and Anvil which has some good bits but largely reads like a catalogue for the new Necron toys at the time.
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Joke so dark I thought it was a Salamander.

So dark the Black Legion uses it to colour their armour.

Heresy! How dare you relate righteous purging in the name of the Emperor to the foul apostate Abbadon and his traitorous followers!


Although yes, it is a dark joke. And both your comebacks where funny

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When the Bell of Lost Souls rings in honor of your bank accounts, as it did in remembrance of the sacrifice Fulkes' purse made for the Imperium's glory.

I'm kind of a dork like that. I mean I bought a Blood Warriors kit and a CSM kit so I could kitbash Berserkers that don't look goofy out of them.


Basically a $10/model unit.


So yeah, I will be working with friends to make that cheaper for the future builds (need backpacks and pistols mostly) but I kind of get zealous about my hobby projects.

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You know you're a Sisters player when you see GW's best selling tanks on their site and instantly look to see if the Exorcist is there.


It is, at number Seven ^_^

Woo! Better than land raiders and predators! Edited by Servant of Dante
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The Sisters first launch had a Necron vs SoB battle report in White Dwarf. That I believe is the basis for J. Swallows books. All a good read for Sisters players.

... When you feel the need to point out that that was the Necron's initial release, and that the Sisters had been out for six months already at that point (and sold out of everywhere).




... when every invulnerable save is rolled with a cry of 'By the grace of Saint Katherine!'


(because she was Alicia's shield bearer).

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I've had a vision of the future, where a new codex has been released and a line of plastic Sisters models are on shelves.


You know you're an old school Sisters of Battle player when someone accuses you of jumping on the new codex bandwagon, so you ask them to pick up your army bag and they throw their back out.

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