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You know you're a Sister of Battle player when...

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Man-money of mankind.

Precisely. The Manly Man-money of mankind.


(Have you seen what passes for God-Money in this galaxy? :tongue.:)

'Cain's Last Stand' states Chaos worshipers will deface all images of the Emperor when they conquer a world, even melting down coinage if they have time; this suggests the Emperor's image is on Imperial coins, meaning Imperial coins are literally "God-money," as they bear the God-Emperor's face.
To make a long point from the Ecclesiarch short: if you consider what passes for a "god" in 40k, to label the Emperor a god is an insult to the Majesty of his perfection. He is the greatest human being and we should worship him as such because to debase him by calling him a god is an insult to all of humanity.
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Man-money of mankind.

Precisely. The Manly Man-money of mankind.


(Have you seen what passes for God-Money in this galaxy? :tongue.:)

'Cain's Last Stand' states Chaos worshipers will deface all images of the Emperor when they conquer a world, even melting down coinage if they have time; this suggests the Emperor's image is on Imperial coins, meaning Imperial coins are literally "God-money," as they bear the God-Emperor's face.
To make a long point from the Ecclesiarch short: if you consider what passes for a "god" in 40k, to label the Emperor a god is an insult to the Majesty of his perfection. He is the greatest human being and we should worship him as such because to debase him by calling him a god is an insult to all of humanity.
Tzeentch: an indecisive mollusk

Slaanesh: never went to rehab

Gork and Mork: literal mushrooms

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Asuryan: One of those useless teachers who tell victims of bullying (Eldar) they should just ignore the bully (Khaine). Is dead because his irresponsibility allowed the bully to go out-of-control, resulting in Khorne's creation (and possibly Slaanesh's- if I must live in constant fear a bloodthirsty god wants to kill me, I might resort to drug and alcohol abuse to suppress the fear).

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Asuryan: One of those useless teachers who tell victims of bullying (Eldar) they should just ignore the bully (Khaine). Is dead because his irresponsibility allowed the bully to go out-of-control, resulting in Khorne's creation (and possibly Slaanesh's- if I must live in constant fear a bloodthirsty god wants to kill me, I might resort to drug and alcohol abuse to suppress the fear).

I thought Khorne was very incredibly old and wasn't created by the Eldar. Slaanesh certainly was.


but, in order to be on topic,


when there is little benefit to painting your models before assembly.


when you're a little worried that you might be a heretic because of the khorne berserker head in your bits box.


          Edit: I know that second one doesn't really apply to all of you who own filthy heretical I mean non-Imperial models :tongue.:

Edited by Servant of Dante
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when there is little benefit to painting your models before assembly.


I'm dying


Hum. I guess I might want to amend that. It's generally a good idea to clean all the little nubs of metal off before you pick up your brush.

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You know you're a BS player when invoking the Emperor is second nature/reflexive to you, even when it might not be appropriate.

The Glory of our Emperor transcends all boundaries of time, space, and game system


Oh, and you know you're a sisters of battle player when the above is obvious.

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...when you wonder why people don't like the Soulblaze rule since it lights people on fire.


...when you wonder why your army doesn't get the ability to have units catch fire when properly burninated.


...when you bend over backwards to justify plasma pistols mentally in an army that doesn't use plasma (namely they immolate targets).


...when you have gained muscle from hauling your army around.


...when loading your army into your car the vehicle tips.


...when dropping models is more dangerous to the table, floor or other models, than the model itself.


...when you threaten to crush your opponent's army with yours....literally.


...when arguements are won by dropping your full army case on your opponent.


...when accusations flow out of your mouth more readilly than saying hello.


...when making unlikely saves (especially an inprobable number of Shield of Faith saves) you smugly tell your opponent "The Emperor protects" every single time.

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...when someone asks for some clarification of things regarding Sisters you write a full catechism on the army for them, even though they're playing against Sisters (only Heretics keep secrets!)


...when you think GW should rename the "FAQ" to "Catechisms".

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...when someone asks for some clarification of things regarding Sisters you write a full catechism on the army for them, even though they're playing against Sisters (only Heretics keep secrets!)


...when you think GW should rename the "FAQ" to "Catechisms".

That would show those Traitors and Heretics who's really in charge here.


You know, the Emperor could canonically work for GW. Maybe He'll write the next SoB Codex!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is too relevant to me being a Sisters of Battle player, but I just spent about 10 hours choosing advances for an ascended Inquisitor's Handbook Adepta Sororitas Dark Heresy character. Still not finished with the character, but I finally pared down the advances to withing the prescribed amount for this particular character (14,000 XP)

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Speaking of roleplaying games...


You know you're a Sisters of Battle player when you lament that only the Galactic Republic has the trooper class in The Old Republic, because you wanted to start an imperial soldier character to roleplay as a Sororitas bent on ridding the galaxy of the filthy witches that Jedi and Sith are. Secret agents and bounty hunters don't match with Sisters of Battle, and neither does the Galactic 'bu-bu-but people have rights D:' Republic.

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Speaking of roleplaying games...


You know you're a Sisters of Battle player when you lament that only the Galactic Republic has the trooper class in The Old Republic, because you wanted to start an imperial soldier character to roleplay as a Sororitas bent on ridding the galaxy of the filthy witches that Jedi and Sith are. Secret agents and bounty hunters don't match with Sisters of Battle, and neither does the Galactic 'bu-bu-but people have rights D:' Republic.

I purchased TES: Morrowind recently, and I have the urge to make an Imperial character (no magic skills) who is a displaced redempor priest (or similar). Maybe even a battle sister. He/she will hear about the "imperial cult" realize it isn't THE imperial cult, then kill everyone. The he'll kill the tribunal temple for being heretics. Then he'll kill the mages guild for being filthy psykers. Then come the mutants/Xenos (kajit and argonians) . . .

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On the RP subject:


You know you're a Sisters player when your default solution to problems is to purge everything with fire and blade.

Ha! I just realized how perfect it is that the D&D party that I am in defaults to "all the characters with spells and a few without cast as many fireballs as possible"


The trolls did not last long.

Edit: I mean gigantic disgusting mutants.

Edited by Servant of Dante
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You know you're a Sisters of Battle player when the paladin in your party tells your character they're "too uptight."


Also when you're insulted that same paladin gets "divine powers" from obviously heretical deities and your warrior is stuck without a faith system.

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You know you're a Sisters of Battle player when the paladin in your party tells your character they're "too uptight."


Also when you're insulted that same paladin gets "divine powers" from obviously heretical deities and your warrior is stuck without a faith system.

"Now, now, we can redeem the culti-" "NO! PURGE!"

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You know you're a Sisters of Battle player when the paladin in your party tells your character they're "too uptight."


Also when you're insulted that same paladin gets "divine powers" from obviously heretical deities and your warrior is stuck without a faith system.

"Now, now, we can redeem the culti-" "NO! PURGE!"


There are only three words you need to remember for this situation (and most others, for that matter):




And yes, the cultists, the paladin, and the party's wizard and cleric are all heretics.


What? They say you're their friend? That they can't believe you would want to kill them? Those heretics are even more deluded than I thought! An insult to you and all loyal servants of the God-Emperor of Mankind! This is the exact situation for which the Emperor gave us promethium!

Edited by Servant of Dante
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