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Black Legion Oath-Broken: Khorne Demon Princes 4/15/19

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Great test mini (and cheers for the heads up too).


Can tell you're using lamps when taking your pics (it drives me nuts when trying to take pics and keep getting those lines across the picture). I've found moving the lamps a little further away helps. Or better (but harder to do thanks to self control), wait till daylight is available.


Painting wise, nice and clean which is always a great thing. And black is one of those colours that a lot of people get frustrated with. Can I recommend looking at where abouts you place your highlights. Take a look at where the light from your lamps hit the model as you hold it at different angles (it's something I keep having to remind myself and avoid the GW "highlight the edges" way if painting which avoids having any direction of light). Examples being top edges and bottom courners of shin armour.


Keep them coming though and you'll see your results get better with each one.

Thanks Forte,


I'm gonna build a lightbox when i get a few minutes. Picture taking has never been my forte. Pun intended. As for the highlights, i think you're right i haven't painted a primarily black figure before and was kind of looking at the Eavy metal paint jobs as a guide. will probably tone it down a bit for the rank and file.

Very nice work man! I love the attention you give to your ranged weapons - especially the chain attachement on the bolter and wow the flamer. Love it. I'm stealing the idea. 

Thanks! Feel free to take what you like. You should also check out anvil industry's web site. The have cool chain sword attatchments for bolters that might save yourself some carving and fiddling time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the Hellbrute Krull. I started building this model almost 10 years ago before all the cool kits came out. Hope you like it comments always appreciated.





I love some of the conversions on your infantry.  Definitely breathing some life into the tired old CSM kit.  The basing is also very nice, as is the use of 3rd party cybernetics bits to convey that oath-broken feel.  I'm looking forward to seeing where this thread goes.

@Biohazard Thanks! High praise from someone's models I admire! I just got a full professorship and a substantial (at least from an adjuncts viewpoint) increase in spare income so I'm going to do some serious kitbashing in the next month or two once i get settled in. Think Iron Hands Meets Black Legion. That's the feel I'm going for my Oath-Broken theme.


@Malisteen Thanks for the compliments! I'm gonna head over and check out your work in a minute. The cybernetics is exactly what im trying to use to show the oathbroken! A lot of these models are kind of testing the idea out. I have a few new ones im working on that I think capture the effect fully. Plus I'm dying to try out the tentacle / tube maker kit out from Greenstuff Industries.

  • 7 months later...













  • 2 weeks later...



Some of the conversions are a bit too OTT for my subtle Loyalist taste buds (:teehee:), but the painting is looking really good. I wish you painted more and converted less so we could see more of it ;

Nice mix of bits and posing there, buddy! I like the wretched thing with the power fist. I would steer clear of using entire chainswords as bayonets and the ork power fist though, as both look a little clumsy. But all in all I'm impressed by the sheer amount of different kind of bits you maaged to clot together into very cool marines. Love to see some paint on them. :tu:

@dosjetka thAnks for the feedback. I wish I had the plasticard skills to make bionic limbs to scale so I didn't have to rely on 3rd party bits so much. But I finally got my paints shipped after a cross country move. You'll see a lot more soon.


@Augustus Thanks for the feedback! Your models get me out of a slump and inspire! Paint is on the way. Ill update you w progress


Minor Update: Bases and bionics drybrushed... moving on to gold trim!




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