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A suitably brutal thread. I'm loving your work!



Awesome work,  really inspiring work. The unfinished ordo xenox assassin is very cool.


- I feel she may still look too Dark Eldar, but I like the dynamic movement she has


As someone who believes that the strongest and most compelling part of the 40k universe is the Inquisition and all things relating to it, you've just nailed the aesthetic and the background to brilliant degree. The level of detail you put into your work is just astounding and thanks for showing us the process step by step as it's fascinating. 


I've seen Inquisition conversions that lean slightly too far onto the Gothic aspects in the past but stuff like Krueger (Elysium reference?) and the Prosecutor give that grungy, worn down sci-fi feel which I think is absolutely essential to the look of 40k.  Kudos to the Vostroyan conversion as well, gotta order me one of those before they run out!


- Kruger was most definitely inspired by Elysium - while the movie suffered from some 'Hollywood' editing, it's still one of my favourites from last year

- The weapon 'Kruger' is carrying was my homage to the Chemrail weapon Max uses to shred the bulkheads and the mercenary - awesome scene!

- The Voystroyan sniper that became Gunny Highway is one of the best IG models GW ever produced, IMHO... Gunny's weapon was another Elysium homage 


amazing stuff, im also working on some female ][ stuff, and some necromunda escher stuff, though not a detailed or with such in depth conversions as yours. gonna keep an eye on this thread so i can shamelessly steal ideas. sure i seen the gunslinger over on ammobunker


- I am 'Lamby' on Dakka, Warseer, Ammobunker and now here on B+C - so you've definitely seen the Gunslinger over on the Bunker




Meanwhile, Inigo Scarface Montoya gets dirty:

really liking this guy "you killed my father now prepare to die" keeps ringing in my head :sweat:



It keeps getting better.:yes: 



Awesome conversion work!




- Inigo Scarface Montoya - post oil wash, still looks glossy because I haven't matt sprayed him

- Next up, skin layers, highlighting and final details:



- The Assassin has armour and a suitably mysterious masque... 

- Still yet to fix the damage to her braid by covering it with a wrapping

- And I'm still deciding whether she needs a belt with some kit - probably not, she's a bit more ninja than commando...




- I'm still wondering if the tri-panel leg armour screams Dark Eldar, and if I should make them a single panel similar to Fury's... thoughts?


- And Kallatar's coat now has wind-swept tails:





As always, thanks for looking and commenting!

Edited by lamby
Inigo 'Scarface' Montoya is complete, his base is drying, tomorrow there will be pics!


In the mean time, here's Kallatar's somewhat scratch-built double-barrel wheel-lock:




- It's not really evident, but as well as the gun build, I've sliced and sanded that hand down a lot - those Empire pistoleers have massive paws, far too 'man-hands' for the girls. I had similar issues with Fury.


Thanks for looking!

So finally, the newest member of the Skeleton Crew is done:


Inigo ‘Scarface’ Montoya


(With apologies to William Goldman…) 


Inigo ‘Scarface’ Montoya recently joined the Skeleton Crew, though he is a veteran of a thousand duels and a hundred small conflicts, having traversed the galaxy seeking the man who killed his father. 


His father Domingo - a retired Imperial Guard commissar - had challenged an aristocrat to a duel regarding an unpaid gambling debt. Domingo was a skilled swordsman, and easily disarmed and blooded the aristocrat, but he was slain by a dishonourable knife in the back. Inigo witnessed the duel and the murder, and challenged the aristocrat to a duel immediately. The aristocrat disarmed the boy and left him with the scar he bears on his face to this day. Inigo does not know the aristocrats name, only that he had six rubies embedded in the hilt of the dagger he used to kill Domingo. Inigo therefore begins every duel with the question: “I do not mean to pry, but do you by chance own a dagger with six rubies on the hilt?”


Inigo has studied sword play for twenty years, mastering all the classical styles, including Bonetti’s Defence, Capo Ferro, Thibault and Agrippa. He tutors many of the mercenaries in blade work for extra coin, because as he has discovered over twenty years of wandering, there’s not a lot of money in revenge.


Though Inigo will always conduct sword duels with impeccable honour, in the press of a skirmish or the sneak of a stalk-mission, he is pragmattic enough to admit a gun doesn’t go astray, and thus carries his father’s Commissariat bolt-pistol, customised with a suppressor. And while he wears the standardised desert camouflage of the Skeleton Crew, he has painted the rims of his armour red, the same colour as his father’s bolt-pistol, to always remind him that his ultimate aim is revenge for his father's murder…

Edited by lamby
After posting Inigo (up there), KrautScientist had a good crit about the cowl not framing the face, and suggested a colour change might improve the overall look.

While the suggested colour was a neutral grey, I chose to go for the purple-hued brown, trying to match his gaiters, and the hood on Kruger... Judge for yourself if it worked or not.

I also went back with Mithril Silver and scuffed up both the armour plates and rims, because the red was over-dominating the whole model.


So here he is anew, Inigo Scarface Montoya:







I have to admit, this one has been hard to photograph, the yellow and red seem to be clashing and throwing off the white balance.

Anyway, moving on!
Did some underpinning for the front part of Kallatar's long coat - it looks kind of rough, but it's yet to be sanded down to blend the edges into the coat, and then the collar and lapels will be added:



Astute observers may notice Kallatar has a new sword - this is for two reasons:

1 - This one has a single sling point, which fits the coat and belt better, and

2 - I broke the old one off...



Over on Ammobunker KrautScientist and I have been having a conversation about Kallatar's overwhelming presence - i.e. her bosom - and how to reduce it... though considering she started out as a man, a hefty California torso enhancement is not out of the question  :wink:


So Kallatar continues to stare at me while I ignore her and try and figure out how to tell her she has to get a breast reduction - there's a conversation I thought I'd never have with a woman! - so I did some fill-in work on the Assassin's leg plates to try and un-Dark Eldar her a little... forgot to do the leg straps, doh!:





Thanks for looking!

Edited by lamby
Meanwhile, still avoiding the breast reduction conversation, I thought I'd get Kallatar's sword-belt system sorted, you know, 5 minutes work or so, easy days...

I was so wrong.


2 hours and a lot of 'That's it, melt her down with a blowtorch!" moments later, here's Kallatar's sword belt system:

- The black sharpie lines are where the lapels are going to go - trying to cover up that porn star chest of hers...




Fantastic work. I also dabble in Inquisitor but havent done anything near as cool as this. While a massive pain, the work on the sword belt thingy takes the model to another level.


Wow, stellar work from top to bottom. Your poses and composition are truly excellent- it is very hard to create realistic movement like that. Great job!

Demon2027, geektom - Thanks!


- After finally gluing both arms and the sword to the cloak and hand holding it, I was able to sit back and admire the work without wanting to melt her down... now, on to the sculpting!

GS on the shoulders still wet with Vaso, looks terrible in this close, but sanding cures many sculpting evils!!!




The tops of the shoulders will mostly be covered by the wide lapels, but it's all good sculpting practice - had to add the extra bit to the back of the upper arm to match the two sleeves up a bit more.

Thinking of adding a belt to the back of the coat, to break it up a little - also going to smear a thin 'sheet' of GS on the back to sculpt some fabric folds for shadows and highlights

The Hand Cannon has to stay separated to both sculpt and paint the coat lapels.

Rest of the GS went into straps on the back of the Assassin's legs for her armour plates, and into the start of the 5th member of the retinue, the Archer...


No pics of the front of Kallatar  - for some reason the iPhone kept focusing only her chest... ;)

Well, Kallatar's coat lapels are sculpted, dried, cut to size and sanded - here she is holding the MASSIVE HandCannon...



It's probably just lens parallax, but I think the skull pommel on her gun is just too big, so some more work is required on the HandCannon.


- Still yet to finish the collar (behind the neck), and there's still a lot of finishing detail to do, but I think she's heading in the right direction.


And here's the pistol for the new femme fatale - she's a Rogue Trader, a pirate and smuggler, more of an NPC rather than a retinue member:



I wanted to create a weapon loosely-based on this description from Perdido Street Station of the weapon owned by Shadrach the mercenary:

“The pistol was carved into an intricate shape, a monstrous horned face, its mouth the muzzle. It would vomit forth the bullets.”

It was also described as a 'thaumaturgic pistol, a puissant piece' by his comrade Tansell

(Excerpt From: China Miéville. “Perdido Street Station.” ... and if you haven't read it, you should - right now!)


Obviously this version is just a skull, but anything else was just too big... and when I test fit the skull to the front to 'spew forth the bullets' (so to speak) it was far to front heavy

It's probably ridiculously large compared the model, but then it's no longer (though chunkier) than the standard Empire pistol that was it's donor model...


Thanks for looking!

Edited by lamby

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