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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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Ok.  Vow II is complete.  Pictures to follow. 


The picture will include 


9 Man squad of Thousand Sons including champion/sorcerer

9 man squad of thousand sons including champion/sorcerer


The second squad seemed to take forever.  however I feel my painting mojo back after completing them and will be back with Vow III.  This will include the 4 beasts of nurgle and the Blight Drone and i am thinking of what else to toss in there for Vow III.


Anyway congrats to all those tossing in completions and Steve, dang man you are a machine.



  On 7/2/2014 at 9:15 PM, Dragonlover said:

So I just did the trim on the first Raptor... I take it back, you guys were right to complain.

The armor trim is easily boththe best and the worst thing about chaos models, especially post dark vengeance where the trim has become more interesting with irregular jagged shapes, little teeth, and so on. I have a unit of painstakingly converted chosen waiting for paint, but I did not dare enter them in the etl, I expect them to take the better part of a year to get through, working on them in small bursts of a couple days at a time before burning out for a month or so, mostly due to that trim.


I'd complain about the trim (and those who have to deal with me know I do complain about the trim while painting it, constantly), but at the same time that trim was what inspired me to put so much attention into building and converting that unit in the first place.

  On 7/2/2014 at 10:49 PM, Chaeron said:



Sorry for the photo quality - but you get the idea. A lot of Terminators.

Chaeron is now my hero.  I love Terminators, I love chaos terminators even more.  I want to field a massive terminator only Plaguewing of Despair.  I will now live out that dream through Chaeorn.



  On 7/2/2014 at 10:54 PM, Gubnutz Da Grim said:


  On 7/2/2014 at 10:49 PM, Chaeron said:



Sorry for the photo quality - but you get the idea. A lot of Terminators.

Chaeron is now my hero.  I love Terminators, I love chaos terminators even more.  I want to field a massive terminator only Plaguewing of Despair.  I will now live out that dream through Chaeorn.





I hope for a first-company of Terminators at some point - I probably own enough, but I think this'll tide me over for now!

Just got back from my first 7th edition game a little while ago. Chaos and demons (me) VS tau gunline. Surprisingly after first turn him getting 6 points from his cards I managed to come back and win. 7th is a whole other beast. That being said thank you very much everyone for the congrats. Augustus got first :P. I took about ten photos of each angle with my crappy phone camera so hopefully they turned out all right. Without further ado here it is in all it's glory 17,086 points of chaos and traitor guard.









I, Steve Shields, vow to paint 10,101 points of chaos and traitor guard by August 1st as detailed below. There is no option for failure, the corpse god will be beaten down and his followers flayed by forte and slave.


It's only 84 models, or roughly half of my first vow so hopefully it's not too much to handle. I made a schedule in excel so I'll know I'm on track, I'm not risking not finishing.




11 Chaos Lords in Power Armor

1 Chaos Lord on Bike

2 Chaos Sorcerers

1 Dark Apostle


8 Demon Princes (1 Slan, 2 Tzeentch, 1 Khorne AoBF, 4 Nurgle one with black mace)

Demon Prince of Mammon



1 Helbrute with ML LC

3 5 Man Squads of Chosen in Rhinos

2 5 Man Plague Marine Squads in Rhinos

1 5 Man Noise Marine Squad in Rhino




2 Units of 3 Bikers



1 5 Man Havoc Squad in Rhino

Land Raider




Super Heavy


Lord of Skulls

Chaos Knight Titan



Fortress of Redemption Corruption

Aquila Heretic Strongpoint






Ok Vow II Complete.  Picsto prove it as well.  They are sucktaclular pics but they are pics none the less.








I, Gubnutz, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete  from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Chaos Daemons: 4 Beasts of Nurgle, 1 Forgeworld Blight Drone, 1 Dark Apostle with Mark of Nurgle, Gift of Mutation(repped by third eye), Black mace, Combat familiar for a total value of  548 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Grandfather Nurgle and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.





Pics of the Beasts and Blight Drone, will get a shot of the Dark Apostle shortly. 



  On 7/3/2014 at 2:36 AM, steve shields said:

Razor How did you do the purple? I like it.


1. Base Liche Purple (old pot from the 90's).

Xereus Purple in the new range is similar or even Lich Purple from the Vallejo Game Color range


2. Mix Tentacle Pink & Liche Purple 40/60 and apply as highlight (you can keep adding Pink here to make finer highlights, but you don't need to really).

You can replace Tentacle Pink with Squid Pink from the Game Color range or use Fulgrim Pink, one of the "edge" paints.


3. Mix Vallejo Violet Ink, Vallejo Glaze Medium & water 1/5/1 and apply all over the purple areas.

You could use Druchii Violet mixed with Lahmian Medium in a 1/3 ratio to achieve a similar effect.


Thats it :)

Fasha the Dog was kind enough to lend me his camera and his table. 


The grand host. Please note the image is missing 5 Warp Talons because I forgot them at home. 






Old Gogorius derpin about. 10502364_1419145578373815_64326994490982


Khârn and his bros with his sweet ride in the backround. The Single Digit. 



Here we have the Daemon possessed Vindicator Something, something, body-snatching-mouthbreather-something-something. I am going to clean this thing up a bit. It was a loyalist tank I never got around to painting. It needs some gubbins. 



The Chosen squad is missing a model because I have not finished him yet. I did not feel it was appropriate to use leave the loyalist proxy in the photo.1524837_1419145745040465_183013708925912


The Single digit in its incomplete glory. 



A converted chaos lord using a cornucopia of parts from across the 40k and fantasy range even a few pieces from mageknight. The arms and backpack are magnetized. Again, pic is missing 5 other talons.10418425_1419146058373767_90817530159570


A few extra marines that may swap with current models in the future. Shout out to Veteran Sergeant for inspiration for the True-scale marines equipment and poses. 



Tell me what you guys think. It'll be the first time I get reasonable feedback from people I can reply to.


Don't know if this is going to be the year of Chaos but it sure was the week of Chaos! biggrin.png In fact this could be the decisding week with Chaos adding almost 20k... ohmy.png

I had to navigate through a ton of amazing completions, new vows, penance vows, and soul vows - I sure hope I got everything right...

I'm in awe guys - not only because of your completions and re-vowing but also of the quality and inspiration and imagination! I love the Forge Fiend trend too! biggrin.png

Now I have to collect my thoughts and put together the weekly report - that'll be a revelation...

  On 7/1/2014 at 5:02 PM, malisteen said:

Semper: would spellbook bits, one to represent each additional mastery level, be suitable enough to count those points as part of a vow?

@ Malisteen: Yes - a spell book per additional level AND a suitably impressive painting will do the trick!


Steve Shields: you are an animal. Unreal mate. Unreal.

Sheesh Mode: Wow that's a lot of unpainted models you just posted. You vowed them mid-June - you need to step up the pace if you want to avoid the badge of shame mate! Go go go! You can do it. Oh and another thing: I love how you find it inappropriate to post a single loyalist marine as a possessed proxy, but in the next picture flash a huge Imperial Eagle on the LR door in our faces! thumbsup.gif


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