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Forté ETL III WIP - vow 2 complete July 20


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So far these are the ideas/suggestions that are jumping out at me.Sorcerer:

»Skin bound book

»Face belt/sash

»Skin covering cables like other current Chaos models

»Skin stitched round the staff

»Skin strips with glowing runes hanging from armour

»Face on shoulder

»Flesh masked Nurgling with tools instead of imp?Forgefiend:

»Cultists chained to it and feeding the forge at the sides. Body parts in hand and on ground

»Slaanesh rune growing through top plates

Great stuff from all and I'll hopefully get working on some of these tonight. Depending on anything else that gets added too :thanks: :tu:

I think your sorcerer looks awesome as is. Maybe add in a familiar carrying a flesh bound book on a separate base for fluff or wound marker? The forge fiend looks awesome too, and as a demonic engine probably wouldn't be much interested in the wearing flayed skin, but then again demons are peculiar creatures with their own tastes lol. I'd say sometimes less is more and the changes you made in the models pose are dynamic.

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So far these are the ideas/suggestions that are jumping out at me.Sorcerer:

»Skin bound book which is on the model already

»Face belt/sash

»Skin covering cables like other current Chaos models

»Skin stitched round the staff

»Skin strips with glowing runes hanging from armour

»Face on shoulder

»Flesh masked Nurgling with tools instead of imp? Will stick with the little winged imp that's there. Nurglings look too Nurgle.



»Cultists chained to it and feeding the forge at the sides. Body parts in hand and on ground (this may change a little due to space on the base)

»Slaanesh rune growing through top plates



Great stuff from all and I'll hopefully get working on some of these tonight. Depending on anything else that gets added too :thanks: :tu:

I think your sorcerer looks awesome as is. Maybe add in a familiar carrying a flesh bound book on a separate base for fluff or wound marker? The forge fiend looks awesome too, and as a demonic engine probably wouldn't be much interested in the wearing flayed skin, but then again demons are peculiar creatures with their own tastes lol. I'd say sometimes less is more and the changes you made in the models pose are dynamic.

Cheers Eldrick. But with the warband being Flayers, it would be rude not to let a sorcerer have some of the fun too.

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+ + + UPDATE 1 + + +

Here we go with my first update on my ETL3 vow. Not too much has happened really but I managed to get a bit of sculpting done last night and for the first time tried using a mix of Kneadatite (green stuff) and Milliput white. I can see why others do this as you do get more of the feel of green stuff but it cures rock hard. I do feel like I had too much of the Milli as it felt really firm and wasn't as easy to push around as usual. It's also a bit more prone to stick to your tools too.

I'll start with the bits I'm pretty happy with. Which are all on the Sorcerer.



Pretty happy with how the cables, belt, and shoulder turned out. The little book just had the skull detail removed and some liquid green stuff dabbed on for a bit of odd texture. I do still need to add nose bumps to both the faces (with the belt one being quite stretched). And I thought I'd add a picture of his little friend too, which is a really old GW scenery piece I've had since '96 (and it was catalogue only then).

I did try to add skin on the staff but the GS/Milli mix wouldn't really work that thin so next session will be pure GS.

Now onto the Forgefiend. I'm not 100% happy with how that went while trying to put the ideas into action. The rune on top is ok but I need to go back with GS and add the torn and broken metal around it. I added a SM torso, head, and arms to the base which is upright so they'll be a bit of a blood pool under it. Also changed the middle weapon mounts into odd fleshy mouths which look a bit odd but I'm planning to paint those with an OSL as if they are the way to feed the forge. Few joints need finishing and more base work to be done. Here he is so far.



And the rune so far


Well there we go. Already 5 days gone and not even primed. Still quicker than usual for me on one of these.

As always thanks for your time. C&C is very welcome and be as critical as you like. So long as it's constructive. You may see something I've overlooked. And best of luck with your own vows (so long as it's to Chaos) thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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That forgefiend though :o


I need to see some paint on that bad boy asap! :P

Still needs work. Need to get the guns on and blend the join at least. And the base.

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Take your time :).


I've always loved your work and judging by your vow last etl the fiend is going to look amazing!

I didn't do the last ETL. Guess you mean Call of Chaos.


Thing is I'd like to do more than one vow so I need to get a wriggle on.

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That forgefiend though ohmy.png

I need to see some paint on that bad boy asap! tongue.png

Still needs work. Need to get the guns on and blend the join at least. And the base.

and the cultist riding it waving a cowboy hat


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sir, you have just forced my hand. now i have to buy an expensive kit just to do a silly hat waving man on, might get a deathstrike launcher and stay true to the pik

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I agree with darkness here, that forge fiend needs to have a little cultist buddy with a cowboy hat, shooting those outlaw loyalist.  Yes, this must happen.  Also Everything looks great so far, keep up the good work!  

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Bit of progress tonight and a few changes to the plans too.

First up. Forgefiend.

I still have to work on a cultist for the base but otherwise it's pretty much ready for priming now.


Happier with the rune now too.

As for the sorcerer. I added a nose to the shoulder face and decided to stop there. Rather than skin on the staff I'm thinking a dark marble.


Let me know what you think. And hopefully all your ETL vows are going well :thanks: :tu:

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