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Forté ETL III WIP - vow 2 complete July 20


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Very nice.



Absolutely lovely!



Looks good enough to eat. One talented man.

Many thanks all. May be tough to eat too. No failcast, pure metal (yes, I know. And plastic, and green stuff).

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Stunning. Simply stunning Forte. You can be rightly proud of this fabulous miniature. Well done! thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif

Cheers Augustus. Still not done on my first vow so can't celebrate properly ;)

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I give you...

N'Nyrhilfol the Forgefiend




That is the first time I have ever completed an ETL vow! So what's next for the painting treatment...


2nd vow time. One Stormblade for the Divine Flayers and one Khârn because, well, it'll be something different. Only one month though so better crack on.

Cheers for looking and as always, feel free to comment, unless you're SlaveToDarkness...then I have to worry with every post ;)

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Yes! YES! YES!! Congrats on two truly spectacular models and the finished vow, Forte. Now make it count and finish your second one too!

Hopefully the donated Badger syphon feed airbrush and propellant are up to the task. Even base coats will help hugely.

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Syphon feed? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! sweat.gif

Good luck Forte! thumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif

Well it didn't cost anything so I can't really complain.

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Well the plan of airbrushing the Stormsword is well out the window. Had to get a starting point though so out with the large drybrush and the old wall tile.

VMC black grey/dark blue grey mix with a bit of glaze medium.


Unsure whether to add some camo marks by mixing olive green into a grey. Trying for ash camo after all.

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I'm looking forward to seen how Khârn look in the end.  Just one of my favrout classic models & was just release when I started the hobby back 1996.  While I've got the Forge World Khârn & he is cool, I would not mind pick up the classic model just for painting.


Fiend model look really cool :D 



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I'm looking forward to seen how Khârn look in the end. Just one of my favrout classic models & was just release when I started the hobby back 1996. While I've got the Forge World Khârn & he is cool, I would not mind pick up the classic model just for painting.


Fiend model look really cool :D



Cheers. I still remember working for GW when Khârn and the others came out. Some of my favourite character models. Just a shame they're no longer metal (mine are though as I've had them since '96).

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Vow 2 details.

I Forté answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Stormblade from the Tyrants Legion, and Khârn the Betrayer from Codex Chaos for a total value 695 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Divine Flayers and Slaanesh (that'll sting for the Khorne lot), and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end!

And first pics


I'll do a close up soon but you'll be pleased to know there's 8 there ;)

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Can't wait to see your work on Khârn, Forte. I feel bad as your stuff is painted to an awesome level of quality and mine is currently lacking. Seeing your stuff is causing me to want to do a penance vow after the ETL and my move at the end of the month.

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Can't wait to see your work on Khârn, Forte. I feel bad as your stuff is painted to an awesome level of quality and mine is currently lacking. Seeing your stuff is causing me to want to do a penance vow after the ETL and my move at the end of the month.

Don't worry about that. Everyone improves over time. You just need to want to really.

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I'm a good painter, I just have no drive or a lot of time to paint what I vowed. Guess sometimes we don't think what we vow through. You should convert some daemonic gimp slaves for that sorcerer to summon so you can scream out, "Bring out the gimps!", during games.

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You can do it Rayray. I don't get a lot of painting time. And it's usually night time too which doesn't help. Admittedly my vows are small but I know how slow I paint.
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After a little recon into the Astra area, it was very much hinted that I should add some kind of camouflage pattern, and after looking over many images on Google I decided to keep it simple and opt for a two colour affair. Vallejo Model Colour Dark Blue Grey and Black Grey. Both dry brushed slightly lighter then with khaki added to the lower areas.

I've added a few decals too (with Vallejo Decal Medium. Don't have Decal Fix yet) which I'll chip a little with the colour beneath.



Now to decide on a chipping colour really. Thinking Charadon Granite for most of it then Terracotta for areas which have heavier chipping. Maybe bare metal after that too. Any thoughts?

After will be weapons and normal tank details. Then onto the faces, cloth, and other Chaos extras which will be in newer, brighter, cleaner colours.

Cheers for the support through all my painting too. Many times I would have gone onto other things and added more to the 'incomplete' stuff thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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Gave the tank a bit of weathering (ignore the tracks, they still need the raised areas picking out). Still plenty to do before going for the bright colours.




Didn't go too heavy on the chipping.

I also made a start on Khârn too. Went for a quick option so drybrushed the whole model. First tin bits, then tin bits/brazen brass mix, pure brazen brass, lastly brass/metallic medium mix. The red areas are around ten washes of Baal Red which I need to try and define a little more.


Plenty to still do and with only three weeks left till the ETL deadline I need to keep going.

Cheers for stopping by and feel free to leave C&C. Or doughnuts thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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