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Forté ETL III WIP - vow 2 complete July 20


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Doh! Nuts! Oooooh nice! I am very curious as to what you're going to do with the tank - you promised Slaanesh but I see camouflage. You're probably going for a mix and I'm very much looking forward to what you come up with! Also, nice going on Khârn. I should really try washes as a way of painting large surfaces sometimes.... thumbsup.gif

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Finished half of my second ETL vow. Managed to finish Khârn in two sessions, which for me is a borderline record.



As usual though, my dodgy quality photos.

Three more weeks to finish up the Stormsword. Though if I'm quick with that I could squeeze out another character.

Cheers for peeking and I'm off to sleep thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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Looking good Forte! Can't wait to see the baneblade

You mean Stormsword.


Did some more weathering on the Stormsword as it wasn't really showing much. Prefer it now so I started work on the guns and engine area.





I took a couple more to shw how the weathering is from a little closer.



So plenty to go before the bright stuff. Doubt I'll be going for a third vow at this rate.

Cheers for checking in. Any ideas always welcome. Though I wont be using any weathering powders as I don't have any so it's all paint thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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Not long left now till the ETL finishes ohmy.png unsure.png blink.png Better get a move on. Speaking of which...

I've finished up the main 'tank' type stuff and started to add the more Slaanesh details. Starting with the added on details and I'll see how it looks once those are done.





May be tempted to try to paint a large Slaanesh rune on one of the sides. Influenced partly by this.


Possibly do some marble on a flat plate or two. Maybe even go a bit Jackson Pollock somewhere. We'll have to see.

Thanks for checking in and don't forget your own ETL vows thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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Why not on top?


Great progress forte, i love the crispness of your stuff. Well done keeping it consistent, even on such a large model.

Too much functional stuff on top really. That and others unlucky enough to be on foot couldn't see any of it.

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Wow forte, I justed browsed through this topic and am loving it! The sorcerer looks amazing, very eerie looking!

Cheers Voxxel. Not sure how I'm going to top that sorcerer.
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Think this may be the last update before my second vow is complete. I doubt very much that I'll go for a third as this has taken me long enough and I'm almost at power armour painting burnout point so need to paint something different to keep things fresh.

You can see better how the colour is coming in now but it does need some freehand details for sure (which I've been putting off attempting like a chicken).





And yes, I know I took the pics with the wrong gun in place. It is a Stormsword as well as a Shadowsword or Bainsword.;

So the next post may be the last for my ETL 3 vows which feels a bit strange but there's been some amazing modelling and painting happening which can never be a bad thing at all.

Cheers for looking as always thanks.gif thumbsup.gif

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+ + + VOW 2 MINI UPDATE + + +

Yay, the little one had a nap so...I did the housework...

Yeah, right. But usually I'd do some. Had a go at some free hand stuff. Still more to do but wanted some feedback before continuing.




So this is much closer to the next batch of pics being the last for this thumbsup.gif woot.gif

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I love the freehand, especially the face on the banner and the Slaaneshi chaos star. :tu: I understand what you intended with the thrid pic, but I'm not sure if yellow works well with you scheme... ohmy.png

It kind of clashes and stands out. So it works ;) That's why I'm loving the Slaanesh painting. Anything can be justified.

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Very nice Stormsword and you've done a good job on the detailing. I'm not sure I get the yellow patch bit, but then I only see things in three dimensions. :P

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+ + + VOW 2 COMPLETED + + +

As it says, I have actually finished my second vow for the E Tenebrae Lux III (which is two more than I've ever completed before).

So here she is. The Stormsword now known as Soul Flayer (formerly the Extremis).










I can safely say that I'm surprised I managed to finish what I did. Which I'm guessing means my painting speed is picking up a bit or I'm enjoying painting properly again.

Think I may have to take a break from painting Marines and 40K for a short while to avoid burnout but I'll still be posting on my blog and commenting on things on the B&C.

Good luck to everyone still painting and cheers for the encouragement thanks.gif thumbsup.gif woot.gif

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Huzzahhhh !!! now make a vow three biggrin.png

Nope. Not risking it and I have an Orc and Malifaux figures wanting my attention.

How many threads do you have to post this to man? All the same post. Seems proper Slaanesh to be this onanistic... msn-wink.gif

This one (which wont have any more updates on btw), my main WIP thread, some in my Slaanesh thread, and my Hall of Honour thread. Not too many.

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It's ok dude thumbsup.gif it's just that I kinda didn't see the difference between the different threads anymore... ohmy.png I always thought that WIP was for WIP and Showcase was for finished mini's - at least that's the sole reason I made two different threads for my own. If that restriction wasn't in the forum directions I would have just made the one when I started, like Brother Heinrich biggrin.png

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You see I had one in the WIP forum for my main WIP stuff, one in the Slaanesh forum for the Divine Flayers, an ETL only one in the Chaos forum, and one for completed stuff only in the Hall of Honours. Then the forums got reorganised so I stopped putting updates in the DF thread.

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