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WarriorFish's ETL III - Eleven Barrels of Hell

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Oh, and check out the 360 degree rotation picture on the GW site for the Baneblade. I used it to double check a few things like lenses and I was very disappointed with the state of the model. Shameful really, you'd expect so much better for a model they're trying to sell!

Mainly the right treads? (assuming you stand behind the model.) down.gif

But yours! drool.gif Great work, and congrats on finishing your vow! thumbsup.gif

Loving that Platoon too. Can never have enough Heavy Weapons! woot.gif

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Great work! As others have said, your lights and lenses really look good.

When you do some back to do weathering and camo, add some scribblescript to the purity seal parchment too?


Looking forward to seeing the platoon painted!

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FANTASTIC banna wava!  The paint job on the baneblade is technically clean, but I'm a little disappointed not to see a brilliant camouflage scheme on her...and I say that knowing full well that my turn to be judged is coming...

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Thanks for the kind words comrades, it now sits proudly on top of my shelves with the ETL II tanks (I'm running out of space tongue.png )

Sweet tank and can't wait to see your men completed. thumbsup.gif

Although your earlier post did make me sad and miss the old 20 man box set.

Don't we all... sad.png

Don't sell yourself short. Sometimes the mark of a master is knowing how to make things look good while doing it quickly.

Thanks, I do my best but I'm certainly no master. At least not of painting tongue.png

Great work! As others have said, your lights and lenses really look good.
When you do some back to do weathering and camo, add some scribblescript to the purity seal parchment too?

Looking forward to seeing the platoon painted!

I've got a nice fine pointed pen to do scribbles with, but it's still in the packaging. I'll get round to it as part of the weathering update smile.png

FANTASTIC banna wava! The paint job on the baneblade is technically clean, but I'm a little disappointed not to see a brilliant camouflage scheme on her...and I say that knowing full well that my turn to be judged is coming...

Over the years I've slowly become less inclined to add camouflage to my tanks. I like how the green looks and it's a very similar scheme to my Marine tanks, and I've still not decided on how to apply the trooper scheme to the tanks. I'm not convinced it'll work but along with the weathering additions I'm still musing on them (sadly much of my notes were lost with my old PC).

I think the main problem is I naturally gravitate to new models. I've carefully planned my painting so I can get them to a playable standard and return to update them later, but it seems that it may have been a bad idea in practice as once it's at a table top standard the incentive to return and paint a model some more is gone!

This will change soon enough, I'm getting better and developing my skills and being more confident with them. I'd never have dreamed of attempting blending a few years ago! Plus with the help of the Guard section's inspiring work and of course the ETL I'm working through my model backlog quite quickly - so it won't be long before before my unopened boxes are few and I can get to updating what I've done. I dread to think how many models that'll be though tongue.png

That's enough prattling on though, I've got another vow to paint msn-wink.gif

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Hmmm...I know what you mean.  My IG collection spans sixteen years and two completely different paint schemes (and basing schemes)...I still have some brown sentinels lurking and scores of un-re-painted infantry...and even with the newer paint scheme, since it spans three generations of citadel paints, I have two noticeably different shades of gray as the base layer!  

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The perils of collecting over a long time unfortunately. I'm starting to run out of Knarloc Green which is a core part of the infantry scheme. I painted one of the HWT troopers in the replacement colour (Waagh Green I think it is) as a test and it's noticeably different confused.gif Maybe it'll be ok once I've given it the wash and put the camouflage colours on top?

I made good progress today. Almost all the green is done, leaving me with the boltgun metal then I can give them the wash in preparation for the camouflage. That will be a bit of a pain to do across so many models but I'm aiming to get at least the first colour done before I leave for a holiday later this coming week so I'm well set to continue when I return :)

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I hate that!  I use one of the foundation paints to base one of my WFB armies, and I'm running out of that...and one of my tau colors is way OOP...haven't been able to buy it in five years, and GW hasn't made it since two generations of paint ago...what, 2006, or so?

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If it's too different I'll experiment with putting a bit of Goblin Green in or something. You never know, it could work out nicely? Does anyone know if there's a handy conversion chart for old paints out there? I seem to remember there being one before, but with the new GW site who knows if it ever came back again.


I'll post update pictures once I have a little more worth showing, I'll be sure to remember to put up a comparison shot between the two greens as well.

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Funny you should mention that but I was looking at the Loren thinking it looked very similar to Knarloc last night! What a spot of luck as I got a couple of pots for my new highlighting colour :) A good recommendation from the GW manager... unfortunate that he also said Waagh was the replacement Knarloc though. I suppose that sums up GW quite well - even when they're right they're also wrong :lol:


Excellent, thanks for that Thunder. Once I've sorted out some bits when I get home tonight (need some toy money) I'll repaint the tester Guardsman with Loren and see how it looks :D

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The Baneblade looks awesome, now I'm just waiting for the platoon to come alive with some paint.

Besides I think I've grown to like the plan green tanks

Oh and speaking of old; this vow was made from a 20 man box still in the cellophane! laugh.png


I like plain green too, it dates way back to my army days, even though we had M 90 camouflage on our clothes the vehicles still had that M 59 green.

I was hit with a bit of nostalgia when I saw that box, it brings back memories. Well GW seems alter the quantity in boxes when it reaches some sort of pupularity. In 2009 I belive they sold LOTR boxes with 24 models now that same modelboxes contains only 12(yes I play that game too).

The perils of collecting over a long time unfortunately. I'm starting to run out of Knarloc Green which is a core part of the infantry scheme. I painted one of the HWT troopers in the replacement colour (Waagh Green I think it is) as a test and it's noticeably different confused.gif

I know what you mean, I started to an army with Shadow Grey, when they changed changed it to the the Fang which is not ecactly the same I had to strip the older ones paint and select a new colour.

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The perils of collecting over a long time unfortunately. I'm starting to run out of Knarloc Green which is a core part of the infantry scheme. I painted one of the HWT troopers in the replacement colour (Waagh Green I think it is) as a test and it's noticeably different confused.gif

I know what you mean, I started to an army with Shadow Grey, when they changed changed it to the the Fang which is not ecactly the same I had to strip the older ones paint and select a new colour.

I don't know...I've found that my old pot of the fang is a close match, but the new one that I bought isn't. Weird. Maybe as the wet paint in the pot is exposed to air over time, it gets closer to shadow grey? In any case, the new pot of the fang matches neither the shadow grey nor the old pot of the fang!!!

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Thanks, I'm using the lure of more tanks as added motivation to complete the Guardsmen as soon as possible :P

The greatest motivation method of getting through waves of infantry.


On another though common comment, you're baneblade looks awesome and I love how you have done the lights. Need a tutorial if you haven't done one already.

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Thanks, but the lenses are really nothing special. They're just a blend of two colours (Ultramarine Blue to Ice Blue and Dark Angels Green to Goblin Green) with a wash (Asurman and Thraka) topped with a nice 'ardcoat varnish to make them shine.

I do the darker colour from the top left, about 9 o'clock to 2 and the lighter colour the opposite. Then it's just a matter of bringing the colours in together slowly and mixing them. Using small amounts works best and I'm in the habit of licking the brush clean to speed the process up (and avoid juggling brushes), it also helps provide some liquid if I need to blend the colours together without adding any additional pigment.

Make sure to keep the furthest parts the pure colour a bit in to help make the blending more apparent and be a bit easier on the wash on the lightest part (it might darken it too much) and that's about it. Believe me when I say if I can do if with a bit of practice anyone can smile.png Time to return to my troopers to finish what I can before the light fades, I'll try and get some pictures up soon biggrin.png

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Thanks, I'm using the lure of more tanks as added motivation to complete the Guardsmen as soon as possible tongue.png

The greatest motivation method of getting through waves of infantry.

On another though common comment, you're baneblade looks awesome and I love how you have done the lights. Need a tutorial if you haven't done one already.

That's why I alternate...five infantry, one vehicle, five infantry, one vehicle...ATM, I'm on a vehicle, and I have two left to go, and ten infantry...perfect!

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I only have troopers in my vow! laugh.png If I'm working on an ETL vow then anything outside of it isn't touched. Something to remember for next time, though I'm all out of tanks...

I'll look into making my order once I'm back from holiday next week. I'm thinking a couple of Hydra/Wyverns and a Russ for Pask plus some Bullgryns? I'll see where I'm at once I've completed the Platoon, hopefully I'll have the time to vow them all biggrin.png

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It's your friendly neighbourhood Commissar back with a brief update! The greens are done save for a bit of touching up, but the light is fading thanks to the bad weather so I'm stopping for now plus I have sorting to do for my holiday. I will return to my vow next week when I get back :D




That PCS shot turned out pretty badly... Good news in that Loren Green is identical to Knarloc which is great. It's not a base paint (Knarloc was a foundation) which is unfortunate but better than nothing :) Am I allowed to say I regret doing so many troopers at once? I should have waited until I got more tanks :lol: A Guardsman's word is binding though so come hell, high water or anything else for that matter they will be done!

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Very nice work on that Baneblade. Wants me to buy my own. Congrats on completing the vow!


I really like what I'm seeing on the platoon so far, too. I, also, have a 20-man Cadian box still in shrinkwrap but I'm not sure what to do with it.

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