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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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Indeed, but at least now I can run the Elysian list from IA3, in a small game, at least. :P


I was going for a fast-response look to it, so I'm pleased it comes off that way. The squad inside will be pretty much always hitting the table via Grav Chute anyway. The part on the tail fin is a small Missile Pod. Sadly no rules for it, but I liked the idea of it. :)

<Quantum Communication Incoming...>

<Source: Hunter Cadres engaging Gue'la forces>


<Communication Begins>


"We have done it! We found the book which the Ethereals told us to find, the Gue'la's treatise on warfare! We are preparing to deliver this document to the Water Caste for processing, so that we may learn all the tactics our enemy uses and how to counter them. I cannot personally read this primitive language, but this book seems to be their vaunted Co'dex Asta'tes! The Water Caste will begin the translation soon, and in the name of the Greater Good, we shall soon vanquish the Gue'la empire!"


<Image Attached>

<Loading 4-8-16-32KB>

<Displaying Image>



<Communication Ended>

O awesome. What are you getting the basic Cosplay outfit made from? Been tempted myself.


I have a Chainsword a friend made from resin. The basic cosplay will be a paintball helmet painted up to look Cadian, with a little decoration. (Hoping to get one or two of those Lasgun power pack dice boxes!) The trousers, boots and shirt are easily sourced. I'll be making up a few extras like frag grenades and other accoutrements to flesh it out a bit more. Sadly I've been unable to find anything that looks suitably like the Flak Vest, so I'll be opting for a paintball vest, and perhaps fix some thick plasticard plates to it if I get the time. I'll post pics when it's done, aiming to complete it in time for the Con in mid-May! :)


As far as models, I spent a good evening working on my two submissions for the current Challenges. An update on Paulus for Blood and Glory is below. Just some minor details like finishing the base, tidying up a couple of slips and adding scrawling to the book left. Very beautiful model that came out very nicely, (IMO.)





Also, here's my submission for All For One, Veteran Guardsman Ivadon Dontius. First shot is this evening pre-painting, and the last two are after the washes went down, just waiting on highlighting and basing:





Set up tonight for the big 10K game against my friend's Nids. I'll be taking shots of the most interesting bits throughout, but for now here's the deployment sans reserves:







After this game I'm probably gunna use the ETL as a chance to really power through some painting and get a much larger percentage of this army painted up and ready for action! Here's the Army List being used. Pretty nasty, but look what I'm up against!






The Heirophant was a well-kept secret until tonight, that big beast is gunna be a pain to bring down! 

So many models, and so much with paint on! Really cool! :tu: Looks like you've still got a lot of infantry to work through, good job you've got them down now ;)


Good luck for the game, it's going to be a slog with many dice but hold the line and you might just pull through! :D

Thanks guys! The game was absurdly fun and also incredibly draining, took us ten hours to get to turn five.


I'll try and do a battle report soon, but in a nutshell the Tyranids went first and really hammered the line, killing off a few key units. Artillery reaped a horrendous toll each turn, but the Nids seemed endless. Drop pods descended amongst the ranks and I was genuinely worried the line would utterly collapse.


However, with a little spiritual guidance from my Uplifting Primer, and some well-coordinated counter attacks if I do say so myself, the Nids were pushed back and held at the front line until turn five. Some very cinematic moments arose and it was a great laugh as the game swung back and forth. In the end going second saved me as I mustered the last of the troops to reclaim objectives and hold the line. The game ended as an 8-8 draw.


Stars of the show were most definitely the Bullgryns and Priest, whose death toll included two Carnifexes, two Hive Guard, a Venomthrope and Deathleaper. Those boys are tough and they just kept on trucking! They were on the verge of finishing off a Tervigon when they died. I will no longer allow any bad words to be said about Bullfryns!

That's great! Apoc games are exhausting but fun for it, it's all down to getting the planning right which I'm guessing you did as you went as far as to set up in advance :P Going first makes a big difference due to the amount of big and nasty guns that can fire so it's all down to clever planning and strategic reserves in response - something your clinched draw proves!


Especially good to hear of the Bullgryn's successes, once more the barracks proves the (internet) hive mind wrong ;) I'm eager to see your battle report soon :tu:

Will write up the Battle Report soon, having trouble getting time to sit at my PC long enough to do it justice! :)


Due to their excellent performance on the field of battle, the Bullgryns are being moved up to first place in line to be painted. I finished the Slab Shields tonight, so now it's on to the Bullgryns themselves:



The blue spatters are meant to be an alien ichor. I should probably have mixed a touch of green in, but too green a colour would blend in too well with the shield's paintjob. It's a mix of 'Ardcoat, light blue and Lamian Medium, so it has this nice thin, glossy look to it that looks suitably inhuman. :)

Very nice Coffee! I think the blue looks fine, you can experiment with a different colours no problem as who's to say each xeno type bleeds the exact same colour? Your Bullgryns are going to get a paint job they deserve, keep up the excellent work! :D

A little more work done on the big guys, should hopefully finish them over the long weekend:




Making them look suitably beaten up, on models this big it's nice to be able to do a bit of weathering on their armour. :)

Next time funds can be wrangled, I believe a box of Bullgryns and Ogryns will be placed in the shopping cart. Not because they're good in games but because they look great on the tabletop biggrin.png! Maybe make them as all Ogryns. Who knows tongue.png?

That game sounds spectacular! Apocalypse games were always fun to play (especially when you're playing 3v3 and your own side won't let you move your Knight furious.gif). How'd your Assassin do?


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