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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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thanks, guys:)...


Throwback Thursday again...

this week it's from 2012...


i am a huge fan of the different Forge World characters in Terminator armor...

the detail is just incredible...

this one, Lord Hextor Rex, has got some very fine battle damage sculpted on, and when i was hired to paint a version of the Grey Knights Grand Master Lord Khaldor Draigo using this model, i was excited to get to paint a dirty, beat-up version of a Grey Knights model...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




yeah, Bloodsaint, i could use a few of those shields;)...


alright, time to get back to some actual WIP stuff;)...


here are the first four steps of the Ultramarines scheme...

first is a black spray (pic 1)...

then i tape the parts i want to remain black (pic 2)...

then i spray a navy blue, and remove the masking tape (pic 3)...

then come the proper basecoats, P3 Thamar Black, P3 Exile Blue, P3 Pig iron for the steel, P3 Molten Bronze for the eagles and skulls, and P3 Bloodstone for the cockpit glass (pic 4)...







four more pics to come tomorrow...

i hope they will be helpful...




thanks LutherMax...

P3's Coal Black is an awesome color:)...


here is stage 2 of the Ultramarines scheme step- by-step...


first i gave all of the panels a heavy wash of P3 Khador Red Highlight and Vallejo Smoke mixed about 6-1 and a couple drops of water, and then thin the mix a little more to wash the steels (pic 1)...

then i come back with the black and blue, and clean up all the lines (Pic 2)...

next, i wash all of the rust with a pure wash of Vallejo Smoke cut with a few drops of water, thin it a bit more again to wash the steel, and put on the decals (Pic 3)...

finally, i sponge all the edges, metals, and some of the flat panels, with P3 Pig Iron (Pic 4)...







four more pics to come tomorrow...

i hope they are helpful...




hey B&C...


stage 3 of the Ultramarines step-by-step...


since step 8 showed the main body of the vehicle finished, we move on to some of the details...


the cockpit canopy was basecoated with P3 Bloodstone, while the eagle is given a base of P3 Molten Bronze (Pic 1)...

the next layer is P3 Khador Red Highlight for the canopy, and the bronze is given a verdigris wash of P3 Meridius Blue and P3 Iosan Green mixed 2-1 (Pic 2)...

the final layer is Khador Red Highlight and P3 Heartfire mixed 3-1 (Pic 3)...

the Tyranid reflections are painted with P3 Greatcoat Grey and P3 Thamar black mixed 3-1 (Pic 4)...







more to come :)...

i hope this was helpful...




thanks, guys:)...


here is stage 4 of the Ultramarines step-by-step...


this time, it's the lights...

they start with a basecoat of P3 Sanguine Base, one of my favorite colors, and one that covers black really well (Pic1)...

next is pure P3 Skorne Red (Pic 2)...

the final layer is pure P3 Khador Red Base, and at this point i gave the multi-melta barrels a wash of P3 Beaten Purple, about halfway up the muzzles(Pic3)...

after a thin wash of P3 Thamar Black, to tidy things up, a dot of black is painted into the top right of the really rounded lenses, followed by a finer dot of P3 Morrow White...

very quick, but effective enough...







up next, the Tyranid Hunters logo :)




hey B&C...


Throwback Thursday is up on my Facebook page...




it's not power armor, so i can't post it here...

if i don't post here on a Thursday, just pop over to the Facebook page, and have a look at what i put up...


more Marines tomorrow;)...




hey B&C...


here is stage 5 of the Ultramarines scheme step-by-step...

this time, it's the Tyranid Hunters logo...


first, i sketched out the design on a panel with a blue ball point pen...

i found that this will not scratch the paint like a pencil can...

unfortunately, this did not photograph well at all...

then i blocked in the design with P3 Greatcoat Grey, which covers black really well...

being a stoner, i totally forgot to photograph this stage (Doh!!!)...

next, i painted a solid layer of P3 Trollblood Highlight (Pic 1)...

then i painted a layer of Trollblood Highlight and P3 Morrow White mixed 1-1 (Pic 2)...

this is my final background color...

the outline and details are painted with pure P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight (Pic 3)...

finally, P3 Thamar Black is sponged on for chipping (Pic 4)...







that is it for the colors that are common across all of the army...

next up, how i painted the Stormravens' bases...


thanks for looking...

i hope this is helpful...




hey B&C...


since this is a WIP thread, i guess i should how off some works in progress, instead of so many finished models...


here is the Vindicator squadron i am finishing up at the moment...

now that the main bodies of the vehicles are done, i am finishing up the accessories...

while i love the look of the Vindi, it is the siege shield that really completes the iconic look of this tank...

right now they look like a lion without a mane, a bit sad and unintimidating...




i hope everyone had a nice weekend...




thanks, War Angel...

no worries on the tutorials...

i hope they are clear enough to be helpful...


after a week away, i am back in action...

the Vindicators are done, and i really enjoyed painting up those siege shields...

i know the hazard stripe pattern has been done before, but this was just too neat a little touch to pass up...

sometimes, when an idea is so good, you just have to steal it;)...




thanks for looking...

i hope you like them...




@War Angel: i forgot to answer your question about my photo set-up...

this is not a photo-booth, just a t-shirt thrown over my laptop, and my painting light shining on the tanks...

totally ghetto, but it works for taking quick pics, since i don't have room for a permanent set-up right now...


@LutherMax: unfortunately, i didn't get pics of the process for the hazard stripes...

i had no idea if it would work out, and it was a hell of a sloppy process, so i didn't bother with pics this time around...

it is very simple, though...

i just sketched out the stripes over black, with a ball point pen...

the yellow of the stripes starts with P3 Battlefield Brown, then a layer of pure P3 Gun Corps Brown, next a layer of pure P3 Heartfire ( a very orange yellow), and lastly, a 1-1 mix of Heartfire and P3 Cygnus Yellow, which keeps these large stripes from being too much a bright yellow, and gives more of a Catapillar tractor type of yellow...


Throwback Thursday again...

taking it back to 2009/2010...

this is the Imperial Guard Lord Commissar, a great sculpt, with a ton of character in the face...

this is #4 in the "Gamer's Series", where i would recreate the GW studio paintjobs, for sale...

while i am moving past the 'Eavy Metal style, i think that copying stand-out paintjobs from the different studios is a great way to build the skills...

GW's style is great for building a really solid foundation to painting techniques...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, guys:)...



here is the first half of the step-by-step for the Ultramarines basing...

i start with a black undercoat, as usual, and as you can see from the pic, i build up the rubble a bit where the flying stand will go, so it is wedged in nice and snug when the base is finished (Pic 1)...

the rubble is then given a basecoat of P3 Greatcoat Grey (Pic 2)...

next, it is given a heavy wash of GW Leviathan Purple wash, from the 2007 set (Pic 3)...

the first highlight on the rubble is a drybrush of P3 Trollblood Highlight (Pic 4)...







the second half of the base will be up tomorrow...




thanks, bud :)


here is the second half of my Ultramarines basing step-by-step...


the bronze ruins are given a basecoat of P3 Molten Bronze (Pic 1)...

then these parts are given a heavy wash of my verdigris mix, a 2-1 combo of P3 Meridius Blue and P3 Iosan Green, being sure to let a little run onto the ground (Pic 2)...

next, i sponge a layer of the bronze on, leaving the verdigris in the recesses, and then give the rubble a drybrush of P3 Underbelly Blue (Pic 3)...

finally, i glue on the flying stand, and clean up the rim of the base with P3 Thamar Black (Pic 4)...

very simple, but effective...

i like that the ruins at the front draws the eye away from the massive plastic stand, but doesn't distract from the model...







thanks for looking...

i hope this has been helpful...





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