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Demon2027 Iron Tenth - Return of the Medusan Son

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I have a bit of a problem, I can not keep to one project. I love building models so much, that I never paint. And when I do paint, I either get bored of the mass of models I have to paint, or my paint skills do not match the image in my mind and so I give up. If I painted as much as I converted, I probably would be half decent. So I need to paint, and if I am going to paint, I may as well go hard, convert, try new painting techniques, and create some background. My chosen army:


The Iron Tenth, the Iron Hand Legion.


Why? I asked the question on the HH forum and the Iron Hands players were the most passionate. If I am being honest I was open to them anyway, I have always liked the idea if bionics, the mix of flesh and technology, and have a fondness for the blacksmith (if I won the lottery I would love to train as a blacksmith and own a real forge some where in the English countryside). I have also picked up inspiration from Iron Hand Fanatic, and Urza, who have created such in depth background for their Iron Hand clans. I will keep referring to their work along with the likes of 1000Heathens, and Noctus Cornix, who have created such great great background for their models.


For the conversion side, I want to keep my (mis)adventures in the 'biggerising' of marines, using plasticard to space out LEDs and waist, and creating unique poses that turn each Space Marine into a real character. The work of Veteran Sergeant, Insane Psychopath, Brother Heinrich and Kizzdougs will be a source of inspiration, but there are many great modellers on this sight who really bring out the character of a model by changing the pose, every time I go on the WIP forum I get new ideas.


Anyway, enough talk:


Here is a test colour scheme I did last year. Very rough and undefined, painted in a hurry, but I feel it has potential.



My initial models will be from a Breachers-Centurion, as I want to create a shield wall. This Centurion (will not be a hundred models, that would be insane!) will be the first part of my battalion, or Order, as the Iron Hands call it, will be led by a Shield Centurion. Here's a WIP shot, I still need to add detail to his shield.



Next is the Clans Master of Signals. I made this model ages ago but have yet to paint. He is the catalyst for this project and I will be undercoating later today.



And lastly, my attempt to paint something amazing. I love this model, there was no way I was going to touch it with my knife and saw. The display base will be done once I have the army basing decided.

Ferrus Manus, the Gorgon, Sire of the Iron Hands


(Get your beheading jokes out while you can)


Sorry for the big wall of text, I hope it will be worth reading.

I started work on Ferrus and the MoS. I'm taking slightly different approaches to the armour but I am hoping to learn a bit from Ferrus that I can apply to my normal marines. Both have washes that are drying so can't really take any pics of the body but I did get started on Ferrus face, while I watched the football (spanish wife, so not a happy game).


Bit nervous on the flesh, the arms need a blend from flesh to metal which shall be interesting to achieve but I want to try and get some realism in the face. In the past I have stuck to flesh tones but my faces have come out bland or cartoonish, but having read some painting theory I have tried to be a bit more creative with the colours I use. Here he is so far, looks a bit beaten up but I feel it's a good start. Need to get the highlights right next.


Awesome! I have a feeling that I'll be hanging out in here a lot.


I hope you do stick with this, love me some Iron Tenth. The Shield Centurion oozes authority, very well posed. Here's an excellent article written by Apologist. It explains using chromatic black, which is especially key to creating a convincing black color. Maybe you can find some use out of it.

Thanks. I am a big fan of Apologists work, and check his blog quit regularly. I added some blue to the black wash which I applied over grey-silver mix.


Looks a bit more silver in real life I think the next was will be predominantly blue.

Like I said its a big more silver to the eyes, the early morning sun in England has made it look darker.


At the moment its just Eshin Grey mixed 50:50 with the darker of GWs layer silver paints. Then I washed a 50:50 mix of nuln oil and the blue wash (Drakenoff I think its called). I want to highlight with the silver grey mix then wash with a predominantly blue.

Thanks for the comment on my IW's :D


I've always like the conversion work you've done for all these Heresy era models, from the Iron Warriors, World Eater & know the Iron Tenth.  Really looking forward see how this army turn out & see all the conversion work look.  The Centurion look really cool & fit the Iron Hands look, might have to borrow the Master of Signals conversion for my new Iron Warriors Havoc unit (base on the Iron Havocs from the third FW Heresy book)



Thanks guys


Wow a great start the sheild centurion looks very coolant the master of signals looks amazing :) think we could see the side and back?

I will grab a few pictures of the backs, but I forgot to this morning...


Thanks for the comment on my IW's :D


I've always like the conversion work you've done for all these Heresy era models, from the Iron Warriors, World Eater & know the Iron Tenth. Really looking forward see how this army turn out & see all the conversion work look. The Centurion look really cool & fit the Iron Hands look, might have to borrow the Master of Signals conversion for my new Iron Warriors Havoc unit (base on the Iron Havocs from the third FW Heresy book)



I am looking forward to seeing the Iron Havocs, they are a very cool unit. When FW release Iron Warrior stuff I think the parts will see a lot of use in my Iron Tenth.


Not much painting last night as I went to the pub for England bi yearly ritual of disappointment. I did add a couple of washes before I head out though.

The big man


The black pooled a bit not the left leg but that area is going to be silver. I was hoping the blue in the wash would have come through a bit more, so am tempted for a watered down wash of drakenoff nightshade before I highlight. Otherwise I am quite happy with the metallic back.




Can see the blue a bit more in the MoS for some reason, used exactly the same wash mix. I was a little worried how he was going to come out. Going to add a highlight of silver-grey I think.

Like I said its a big more silver to the eyes, the early morning sun in England has made it look darker.


At the moment its just Eshin Grey mixed 50:50 with the darker of GWs layer silver paints. Then I washed a 50:50 mix of nuln oil and the blue wash (Drakenoff I think its called). I want to highlight with the silver grey mix then wash with a predominantly blue.


Wow. That's... actually a lot simpler than I thought it would be. Very effective and gritty, though. I gots me a recipe to try out on my IW Chaplain now. Thanks, man! :)

If you experiment with the washes I am sure you could get some interesting effects.


I went for one last blue wash, really darkened down the armour to black.


I am not sure if I should have left it more silver, but C'est la vie, I will have to go back and add some paint chips. In the shade the model is very black but when light hits you can still see the metallic base which is the effect I wanted. In fact I tried to take pics last night under artificial light and it looked as if watered down silver paint had been put on part of the legs. I realise this was caused by the lights and stopped suddenly due to the shadow from the arm. Metals are very early stage, need highlighting, the bronze is to add colour but I may reduce the amount of bronze on the legs (the bottom cog decoration).

I like the blackened iron effect you've got - it'll create some really nice contrast with the silver of his arms & eyes - if you'd made it lighter, they might have been too similar.

The skin is looking like the tone you've laid down is about right - I've never imagined Ferrus' skin to be that pale, a sort of ruddy tan seems to suit the 'smith Primarch' more

- Keep up the good work thumbsup.gif

Your right, there is a lot of silver on the model in terms of trims, studs and decorations so the black helps brake it up.


I have done more on the face, it's almost done. Just need to pick out the eyes really, was going to do them grey and try for a silver pupil.


I have been planing some future models, as well as finishing the Shield Centurion and starting on the first breachers squad. I have an idea for an Iron Farther, a Librarian, and I have an idea for seekers, using the destroyer bodies.

Your right, there is a lot of silver on the model in terms of trims, studs and decorations so the black helps brake it up.


I have done more on the face, it's almost done. Just need to pick out the eyes really, was going to do them grey and try for a silver pupil.


I have been planing some future models, as well as finishing the Shield Centurion and starting on the first breachers squad. I have an idea for an Iron Farther, a Librarian, and I have an idea for seekers, using the destroyer bodies.


Ha, reminds me of an idea I had - buying the MK IV destroyers, MK III Breachers, a MK III despoiler squad & the Death Guard torsos, to make:


*MK III Destroyer squad - using the bodies from the breachers, with the destroyer's kit, despoiler arms & Death Guard chests


*MK III Breachers - using Despoiler bodies & Breacher arms


*MK IV Seekers - using the destroyer bodies (all dem pouches!) - only trouble is arms - okay, you could have some with bolters single-handed, and the missile launcher arms could be used to hold a bolter normally, but unless you have spare arms, it'd be tricky

  • 3 weeks later...

Right so the last few weeks have been really crazy for me. Basically found out I am suffering from severe depression, and I didn't even realise it. Probably why I can't stick to one project as I have the attention span of a gnat. Been told to keep up the modelling as a focus point but to try and stick to one thing, take it slow, and don't do to much in one go.



So with that going on Manus has been left on the shelf. His head stares at me angrily, asking why hasn't he been finished. I'm wondering if that's how Vulken feels? Any way, Forge World had the audacity to bring out some new kits and I couldn't resist. So, stick to one project, bloody doctors don't even know what Forge World do to me!


This is not an Iron Hand, but I am seriously considering taking this forward. Big time. I have so interesting ideas for the XVIIth that wouldn't translate well to the Iron Tenth. First, I thought I would get some feed back for you lovely folk. Yep, I'm thinking of going full on heritic!


No matter which army you pick the conversion work has always been brilliant & really fit the theme of those armies :D  Really like the new Word Bearer conversion & the detail on the new kit look cool.  The overall conversion is nice & I think tie in really well with the Word Bearer look.  Will you be painting them in the Red armour like Tal chapter from Fear to Tread or keep them with the Black power armour scheme?


Also that sound like good advice from the Doctor in regard to the hobby :D  It is surprise how great the hobby can help on many level's beside being cool models & gaming, I've lost count amount of time the GW hobby help me in my own life & pretty much got me to where I am today.



I'm sorry about what you have been going through, I have experienced some severe depression throughout my family as well, so I now how it is. The Word Bearer looks fantastic, as does everything you do! I can't wait to see it painted. I was also wondering if you will be painting them red or grey?


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