Astus Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 This next assignment is interesting, but I've got a couple of questions: 1 - For those of us who haven't completed our previous assignment yet, do we finish that off or leave it? 2 - How far into the crusade is this assault on Lions? Questions aside, I look forward to working with Ace on the next part. Dizzyeye, if you can spare the time, could you please do a banner for the Heralds of Letum too? I don't have a symbol yet, although I am considering using a lantern like Captain Nameless suggested (If anyone else has any suggestions, feel free). For the motto I was thinking 'We honour Letum with our lives and the lives of our foes.' If that's too long 'We honour Letum with our lives' also works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 I believe this is one of those things where you can jump between tasks, adding on bits to each as you go, also I'll see what I can do for the Heralds :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Life in the Liber Cluster is many fold, through the divine powers of the Primarchs Grandfather Baptiste has unknowingly gained mastery over the attentions of a Beard Squig. Ha Ha Ha! Ah ha ha ha...haaaaaa.....NO. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 (edited) Alright first of all here is the Banner for Heralds, hope you enjoy it: Second I've updated the System with some information on the worlds themselves, again C&C will be great: Establishment The Imperium consolidated their position in the surrounding systems, founding colonies and sending out research teams to study mysterious pieces of technology found. Notable locations through the systems include CB1-9 and CB3-10 formally known as “Reclaimers’ End” and “Besaine”, Maiden worlds where most of alien technology has been found. CB2-8 “Ships’ Fall” is a notable exception, having no official colony and more the home of scavengers due to the planet holding the biggest ship graveyard created during the Eldar war even though the planet has been designated “Quarantined” by the Inquisition as a result of dead elder ships in the area. Planet CB1-1 was claimed by the Adeptus Ministorum for being the first planet conquered by the Imperium in the system and so was named “Aquila Rise”. CB1-3 was turned into a massive shipyard, built to give repairs and maintenance to any passing ships, with CB- 4 was turned into a Mining World to support said shipyards. CB2-5 and CB3-6 are considered Agri-worlds with trade going between the system and into the Cluster. CB2-2 was declared a Dead World by the Imperium during the Eldar War though it has been thought that a Watch Fortress along with a facility have been established on the world due to the nature of the rare alien technology found within the system. CB1-7 named “Aquilas’ Reach” quickly developed into a Hive World with all traces of Eldar structure on the surface replaced with the architecture seen across the Imperium. Finally CB-4 was named “Sandbox” due to the planet being covered in mountains and sand. Edited June 29, 2014 by Dizzyeye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlan Skorus Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Current units of the Maccaran Void Jumpers: Command squad (with either Company Captain or Regimental General) Possible Advisers include Maccaran Battlepriests (Ministorum plus), Fleet Attache (call down the heavy bombs), Saneslau Emissary (tinkers with things), Arbiter Judge-Militant (he is the law) and Sanctioned Psykers (who do psychic things).Commissars (and Lord Commissars) Saneslau Enginseers (focus more on buffing troops than vehicles, as they seem to have more impetus on interpersonal/societal influence?) Can either be accompanied by a pack of almost-reliable augmented warriors called Adherants, or can be upgraded to Umbrii with a blast sniper rifle and tasty close combat mechagoodness.Infantry Platoons (More Special Weapons Squads, less Heavy Weapon Squads; they're close support rather than stand and shoot) Zealot Auxiliaries (Replacing conscripts, as the Void Jumpers make their home on a Shrine world and blobs of rabid loonies led by priests) Hullghast Herds (Melee abhumans with terrible claws sheperded into combat like hounds by a few poor souls. All liable to turning on each other if combat goes badly) Psychic Choirs Forward observers (no long range artillery, so instead they just have a bunch of guys mark targets for sub-orbital strikes and bombing runs) Veteran Squads (Grenadiers with 18" S3 AP5 Assault 2 because they like to get in your face) Punisher Squads (shotguns and shields) Void Leapers (Interstellar Commandos) Drop Sentinels (to support said Interstellar Commandos) Armoured Sentinels Pelagis Lander (a poorly armed flying Chimera) Valkyrie Gunships Vedma gunship (no carry room, more ammo) Chimeras Hydras Wyverns Leman Russ Tanks Battle Tanks! Eradicators! Exterminators! Demolishers! Executioners! Castigators, which have a heavy assault cannon good for pinning troops. Excoriators, which are Hellhounds on steroids. Work well as the second part of a Castigator/Excoriator combo in Urban warfare. Lady-Castellan Alyona Ilyanishka (buffs armies and orders, may take a pimped Valkyrie as transport) Priest-Captain Marvus Shiramov (hits like a truck) All of the above is vaguely statted/special ruled, because god forbid I should actually do the important things I need to be doing on weekends. Started writing up unit descriptions and I am hoping that it ends as something like a Vostroyan naval battalion gone Stalingrad, with a little religious fervor to mix it up. If anyone wants to contribute ideas/comments/units/characters/fluff feel free. I am particularly shaky on how the Saneslau operate in regards to IG regiments, or anything at all really. Fluffwise they hate you all because you don't worship the Emperor. Heathens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 29, 2014 Author Share Posted June 29, 2014 Alright first of all here is the Banner for Heralds, hope you enjoy it: Second I've updated the System with some information on the worlds themselves, again C&C will be great: Establishment Over time, the Imperium consolidated their position in the system, founding colonies and sending out research teams to study mysterious pieces of technology found mostly on CB-9 and CB-10 formally known as “Reclaimers’ End” and “Besaine” and are considered Maiden worlds. CB-8 “Ships’ Fall” is a notable exception, being more the home of scavengers due to the planet holding the biggest ship graveyard created during the Eldar war even though the planet has been designated “Quarantined” by the Inquisition as a result of dead elder ships in the area. Planet CB-1 was claimed by the Adeptus Ministorum for being the first planet conquered by the Imperium in the system and so was named “Aquila Rise”. CB-3 was turned into a massive shipyard, built to give repairs and maintenance to any passing ships, with CB- 4 was turned into a Mining World to support said shipyards. CB-5 and CB-6 are considered Agri-worlds with trade going between the system and into the Cluster. CB-2 was declared a Dead World by the Imperium during the Eldar War though it has been thought that a Watch Fortress along with a facility have been established on the world due to the nature of the rare alien technology found within the system. CB-7 named “Aquilas’ Reach” quickly developed into a Hive World with all traces of Eldar structure on the surface replaced with the architecture seen across the Imperium. Finally CB-4 was named “Sandbox” due to the planet being covered in mountains and sand. That system has quite a bit. Maybe spread them around a bit to multiple systems? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 (edited) Fair point, I'll make make it so, also allows the Liber Chapters some more action than just having the Scarlet Sentinels have all the glory in helping Edit: The above post has been editted now :) Edited June 29, 2014 by Dizzyeye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 All of the above is vaguely statted/special ruled, because god forbid I should actually do the important things I need to be doing on weekends. Started writing up unit descriptions and I am hoping that it ends as something like a Vostroyan naval battalion gone Stalingrad, with a little religious fervor to mix it up. If anyone wants to contribute ideas/comments/units/characters/fluff feel free. I am particularly shaky on how the Saneslau operate in regards to IG regiments, or anything at all really. The saneslau would probably make sure that each Imperial Guard regiment has someone around to ensure that nothing "goes wrong" with all of the high quality tech that they so generously provided. Rules wise I think the Umbrii upgrade maybe should have counter-attack, certainly options for poisoned weaponry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Oh boy. The Swords and the Heralds don't see eye to eye in the first place. So, I'm thinking what we need is a serious, overwhelming defeat brought about by total and complete lack of co-operation between our two Chapters. Maybe lose a Company each, and have each Chapter pin that loss squarely on the shoulders of the other? There's ripe grounds for the two Chapters to loathe each other evermore from that day onwards then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Now I think we're largely heading in the, "so cormac wants defeats aye? Lets kill them alll mwahaha" direction. I love the liber :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 29, 2014 Author Share Posted June 29, 2014 Now I think we're largely heading in the, "so cormac wants defeats aye? Lets kill them alll mwahaha" direction. I love the liber :D Hey, Imperial campaigns don't always end in glorious victory. Sometimes they end in ignominious defeat, all records purged by Inquisitorial decree. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 For the world the Conflagrators and the Kin strike at.... Zavatista Lesser, a planet whose landmass is completely submerged beneath an ocean of volatile chemicals. The populace lives within the Ships, gargantuan mobile refineries that sift promethium out of the swirling "seas" as the rusting leviathans slowly circumnavigate the world. Zavatista Lesser supplies much of the fuel for Al-Rashid's aerospace assets, and either recapturing or destroying the Ships would deal a heavy blow to his operations. Basically, I was trying to think of a cool environment for my and Olisredan's Chapters to fight in, and what I came up with was Rivet City from Fallout 3 by way of a Gulf Coast oil rig, scaled way, waaaayyyyyy up. And yes, the idea of the Conflagrators setting huge swathes of the chemical oceans on fire, resulting in rusty island-vessels sailing though seas of flame as the Imperials and renegades fight over them had occurred to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 29, 2014 Author Share Posted June 29, 2014 Good god. Unleashing the Conflagrators on a worldsea of promethium. Oh they are going to be so, so happy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 (edited) Anyone seen Reyner? I'm still eager to see his addition to my Conflagrators... Anyway, on with the show. Wade, do you have any ideas yet? Is there any particular target or enemy you wish to face? Perhaps there's a scenario you're sitting on that you'd like to flesh out? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the established beachhead at the local starport on Parrias Majoris, several dozen astartes formed a loose circle around the embarkation ramp of a Thunderhawk in Blackjaw Kindred colours. Reinforcements from fleet elements had been arriving for the past hour, intermingling many coulours of ceramite with the already-landed orange and white of their cousins. On one knee before the commander of the Conflagrator contingent, several newly landed Kindred intoned thanks to Dorn for arriving safely. The mutters continued, venerating Vulkan for the opportunity to work with his advocates. Captain Raldasche stood impassive and helmetless watching the ritual. His ebony-black skin and red eyes, heritage from a singular source, was the very avatar that the Kindred sought out in every meeting with the Conflagrators. Raldasche, to his credit, kept as stony-faced as he possibly could, the creed of his chapter swimming to the fore of his mind urging him to educate his guests. The same could not be said for Chaplain-Devotee Remis, smouldering with indignation. "Rise up, you heathens! If you are to thank anyone it is the Emperor Himself, blessed be His name. Aye, His Primarchs were mighty indeed but it is not they who safeguard your immortal souls!" The tirade was short but passionate. Remis was not known for the sort of oratory his ilk commonly displayed. He looked as if he was about to continue the rant before Raldasche cut him short, ordering the Chaplain to administer the Conflagrator host. Converting their cousins to the true creed took passion and guile, not anger and resentment. Remis stalked away, his intentions overridden purely by his Captain's seniority within the Creed. "Go seek your brethren." Spoke Raldasche. The Kindred saluted and moved toward the largest concentration of Kindred in the Starport, a riot of colours that most orthodox codex astartes followers found quite confusing. Raucous greetings drew inquisitive glances, and the odd withering look. The Captain resolved to sermonise the host about brotherhood before operations began in earnest at dusk. Until then, there were preparations to make. Raldasche put on his helm again. A short vignette but hopefully good for beginning to illustrate the relationship between the Conflagrators and the Blackjaw Kindred (with some juicy tidbits of info in there - let me know, Wade, if I have strayed from your concept of the kindred and I'll correct it as best I can). Edited June 30, 2014 by Olisredan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 For the world the Conflagrators and the Kin strike at.... Zavatista Lesser, a planet whose landmass is completely submerged beneath an ocean of volatile chemicals. The populace lives within the Ships, gargantuan mobile refineries that sift promethium out of the swirling "seas" as the rusting leviathans slowly circumnavigate the world. Zavatista Lesser supplies much of the fuel for Al-Rashid's aerospace assets, and either recapturing or destroying the Ships would deal a heavy blow to his operations. Basically, I was trying to think of a cool environment for my and Olisredan's Chapters to fight in, and what I came up with was Rivet City from Fallout 3 by way of a Gulf Coast oil rig, scaled way, waaaayyyyyy up. And yes, the idea of the Conflagrators setting huge swathes of the chemical oceans on fire, resulting in rusty island-vessels sailing though seas of flame as the Imperials and renegades fight over them had occurred to me. Okay, disregard the questions of the previous post. We have some good stuff here, it seems. ;) Good god. Unleashing the Conflagrators on a worldsea of promethium. Oh they are going to be so, so happy. I am the god of Hellfire and I bring you... FIRE!! :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 29, 2014 Author Share Posted June 29, 2014 I think thanking the Khan would do better than Dorn, but both is rather acceptable, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 I think thanking the Khan would do better than Dorn, but both is rather acceptable, Hmm. What's associated with what primarch again? I thought Dorn presided over travel and... something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyaenidae Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 "Rise up, you heathens! *stands up suddenly* Yo. Oh.. my bad. Machine God and No Foes Remain 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Okay, here's a possible scenario for everyone to evaluate (especially The Promethean since we've got to work together on this one) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Venet is a military-heavy world that seceded from the Imperium eight years before the reclamation of the Liber Cluster began. Before the secession, the Venet Light Infantry Regiments were famously adaptable fighters who had faced down threat after threat to the Liber Cluster armed only with their standard issue military gear and innate craftiness. Orks, Eldar, and even some less infamous (but no less dangerous) enemies of mankind alike were thwarted by the grit and skill of the Venet Light Infantry. When the Lions of Sereiki came to Venet, the regiments held out for about twenty hours. Imperial contact logs make mention of a single squad of Space Marines, supported by untold numbers of troops and mercenaries, including the feared and famed Kodiak units of the Lions' forces. At the end of those twenty hours, the leadership of the planet was dead, and Venet was claimed by the Sereiki Lions. The Venet Light Infantry was brought into the fold with promises of power and fame, and swore to fight for Al-Rashid Ibn Khroda. Khroda himself does not command the Venet troops directly; rather they form the core bodyguard of Tsavius Deipollus, one of Khroda's most dedicated and experienced servants. This gaunt, brooding Space Marine is one of the most prolific members of the Sereiki Lions, and is frequently witnessed leading 'negotiations' with other forces on his master's behalf. To strike down Deipollus would surely be a notable victory for the Imperium. And here lay a rare chance. Deipollus was reportedly at Venet, safeguarded only by his squad and whatever mercenaries remained of the former Venet Light Infantry. The two nearest forces available were the Heralds of Letum's [iNSERT COMPANY AND LEADER] and the Aetheric Swords' Second Company under Captain Herivax. Despite the two Chapter's mutual dislike of the other, each raced to Venet to earn victory in the Emperor's name. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Imperium's intel is wrong on two key notes: 1] Deipollus is much more expendable than they realise - for all his long service with Khroda he is just another soldier. Deipollus willingly makes himself a high-visibility target to direct attention away from the Lions' actual key figures, a risk for which he is quite adequately rewarded. 2] This, then, is an obvious trap. Venet is much more heavily guarded than it appears. Tank divisions and Ash Wolves alike lurk out of sight and waiting to pounce as soon as the Imperium makes a move towards Venet. Orbital superiority will also belong to the Lions within a very short time of the Imperium's arrival, since we're only bringing two Strike Cruisers. Sound any good? Ideas and feedback all welcome. Especially on Deipollus - if he doesn't come across as a suitable member of the Lions I'm more than willing to adjust him to fit. Astus and Tiberius Cato 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 29, 2014 Author Share Posted June 29, 2014 (edited) I think thanking the Khan would do better than Dorn, but both is rather acceptable, Hmm. What's associated with what primarch again? I thought Dorn presided over travel and... something. Dorn I recall being a guide and shield through death, and only the dreadnoughts are openly within his cult, being the only ones to feel his hand on their shoulders guiding them back to life. The Khan is the patron of captains, boarders, et cetera. Sea, Law and Civilization, seen as an unbending goddess who guides the currents of fate. But if Dorn is also Travel, then I can see him being a protective spirit to be thanked after traveling through the realm of the dead. Edit: The Khan might be someone to appease before the journey, come to think of it. Edited June 29, 2014 by Cormac Airt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Okay, here's a possible scenario for everyone to evaluate (especially The Promethean since we've got to work together on this one) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Venet is a military-heavy world that seceded from the Imperium eight years before the reclamation of the Liber Cluster began. Before the secession, the Venet Light Infantry Regiments were famously adaptable fighters who had faced down threat after threat to the Liber Cluster armed only with their standard issue military gear and innate craftiness. Orks, Eldar, and even some less infamous (but no less dangerous) enemies of mankind alike were thwarted by the grit and skill of the Venet Light Infantry. When the Lions of Sereiki came to Venet, the regiments held out for about twenty hours. Imperial contact logs make mention of a single squad of Space Marines, supported by untold numbers of troops and mercenaries, including the feared and famed Kodiak units of the Lions' forces. At the end of those twenty hours, the leadership of the planet was dead, and Venet was claimed by the Sereiki Lions. The Venet Light Infantry was brought into the fold with promises of power and fame, and swore to fight for Al-Rashid Ibn Khroda. Khroda himself does not command the Venet troops directly; rather they form the core bodyguard of Tsavius Deipollus, one of Khroda's most dedicated and experienced servants. This gaunt, brooding Space Marine is one of the most prolific members of the Sereiki Lions, and is frequently witnessed leading 'negotiations' with other forces on his master's behalf. To strike down Deipollus would surely be a notable victory for the Imperium. And here lay a rare chance. Deipollus was reportedly at Venet, safeguarded only by his squad and whatever mercenaries remained of the former Venet Light Infantry. The two nearest forces available were the Heralds of Letum's [iNSERT COMPANY AND LEADER] and the Aetheric Swords' Second Company under Captain Herivax. Despite the two Chapter's mutual dislike of the other, each raced to Venet to earn victory in the Emperor's name. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Imperium's intel is wrong on two key notes: 1] Deipollus is much more expendable than they realise - for all his long service with Khroda he is just another soldier. Deipollus willingly makes himself a high-visibility target to direct attention away from the Lions' actual key figures, a risk for which he is quite adequately rewarded. 2] This, then, is an obvious trap. Venet is much more heavily guarded than it appears. Tank divisions and Ash Wolves alike lurk out of sight and waiting to pounce as soon as the Imperium makes a move towards Venet. Orbital superiority will also belong to the Lions within a very short time of the Imperium's arrival, since we're only bringing two Strike Cruisers. Sound any good? Ideas and feedback all welcome. Especially on Deipollus - if he doesn't come across as a suitable member of the Lions I'm more than willing to adjust him to fit. I smell Alpha Legion. I like the deception, I think it is a great plot twist. A large force of marines gets diverted to what appears to be a vital asset, but in the end is merely just another pawn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 (edited) I smell Alpha Legion. Much as I welcome Alpha Legion operatives within the Liber Cluster, I kinda don't want them to 'taint' the Lions, narratively speaking. The Lions have something fairly unique going on and I want to see where the concept leads without involving traditional adversaries of the Imperium. By all means let us have some sort of Alpha Legion presence, just not in the Lions. Others may feel differently on the subject, though. Edited June 29, 2014 by Olisredan Conn Eremon, Teetengee, TipsyTechPriest and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 My intention was not to involve the Alpha Legion in any way, shape or form. I just thought it might be nice to show that the Lions don't prosper on brute force alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Fair enough, it is within the realm of reason to have factions that are not Alpha Legion be deceptive andcounter logistical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 All-seers and Doomsayers joint action: After consulting the Tarot, the All-seers next course of action is decided. A strike cruiser plus escort warp in with perfect precision to the system the Doomsayers are just about to leave. The "Awaiting Doom" is hailed with an urgent message for Kaunaz, beseeching him that the Doomsayers join this contigent of All-seers in defending a key forge world from invaders of an unknown provenance. Knowing the value of the forge world Kaunaz cannot refuse, and all haste is made for the besieged planet. Entry to the system was met with a small rearguard fleet, and the strike cruisers escorts were blown out of the void before anyone could react. Vengeance was swiftly enacted by the Doomsayers and with great speed did the damaged combined fleet make for the forge world. The leading All-seer, a librarian, scryed the tarot once more, the reading giving details of a key location to aim for. Once more was a message sent. The combined fleet moved as a shoal, the smaller escorts and numerous fighters peeling from, then rejoining the group, thus minimising damage recieved by any one ship and maximising the offensive potential of the fleet. Once close enough to the planet, Kaunaz himself donned his artificer armour and took up his prized powered escrima stave. He called together his terminator elite and a teleport locum was established to the Fabricator Primaris' forge. With a concussive bang, and the stink of ozone they were on the surface, and what awaited them defied belief. Kaunaz, never a man of many words declared the charge. Activating his Iron Halo and spinning his staff in great whorls, he and his elite went to greet their doom the only way a Doomsayer knew how. ****************************** Requires fleshing out but I have made a start for perusal. Kaunaz isn't going to make it out of this one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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