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Cheers for the answers. You see, I've been thinking up a Storm Trooper company who, after a series of pretty much suicide missions with nothing in return, go renegade and join the Lions just before the Silence hits. By the time the merchant planet is wanted by the Lions for the ambush, the company can be split into two groups: those who have fallen into greed and those who are getting unhappy about how the Lions run things. I'll elaborate more in what happens later.
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Because of a little situation with my internet at home, I won't be able to post for two to three days. I should have some things to post then.


Heathens: The Lions become more dangerous with every update, and they were pretty dangerous to begin with. :tongue.: I can't wait to see what else they're hiding...


Ace: If you give me the names for the Aetheric Swords Librarian and the company's ship, I'll put into my vignette.

More names? Improv time! :laugh.:


The Librarian can be called Orilex, and the ship can be The Building Storm The Grey Kestrel. :happy.:



Better ship name.

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RE: Stormtroopers (now Militarium tempestus Scions)


I'd say the average, if such a thing is possible with the variety in the Guard, regiment size for Infantry is probably around the 1000-1500 mark for combat personnel only. The regiment as a whole would be larger when taking in to account headquarters troops and other logistical and support elements but I'd feel safe with that 1k-1.5k figure. 


A Stormtrooper regiment would be of comparable size but, as has been seen in numerous works of fiction, they will almost never function on the battlefield as a single company, let alone a regiment, and instead are attached piecemeal to other forces and armies that need their abilities and experience.


The notable exeption to this are probably the Cadian Kasrkin (who again have appear to have been replaced) who could be expected to fight in Company level formations quite easily.

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See what I imagined the company doing is dropping in, taking out a HVT then disappearing away and trying to stay alive till evac. Think along the lines of ODSTs from Halo just they operate on their own since they would be slowed down.
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Guest Musketeer12

Sorry if someone has already took them, but would it be possible for me to do the Black Judges if no one is doing them? Or maybe to add a new chapter to the list? Sorry if someone has already asked this or this has been answered but i have only skimmed over this,




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Chapters were on a first come, first served so there's no more chapters being added. You can however add to the chapters already available so you could as an example add a famous battle said chapter was a part of. The chapters aren't the main focus of this project anyhow, its just the currect subject being expanded on in the Cluster :)
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Sorry if someone has already took them, but would it be possible for me to do the Black Judges if no one is doing them? 


At the moment, the promethean is supposed to be adding a section to the chapter (and not to put too fine a point on it promethean- get your skates on, brother) and Reyner is slated to collaborate with Greycrow (the Black Judges creator) to produce a battle story of some kind between their chapters and the renegade Lion forces. So, right now the Judges are spoken for but you can always post up some suggestions if you like.


Or maybe to add a new chapter to the list? 



As Dizzyeye has said, there's no room for new chapters. We did make way for one addition but that was 1000heathens bringing us some appropriate villains (the Sereiki Lions). 

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--Threat Notice: Unique Vehicles--
-RTV-1 Urban Combat Vehicle—Codename: Pitbull-
As if any more reason was needed to purge the hell-forges of Lelith Secundus, this vehicle is more than enough. Heavily armoured and rugged, and cheap to produce in bulk, the Pitbull is designed around two simple points: Hellish combat in the close confines of an urban environment, and durability. Simplistic of structure, this vehicle is easy to maintain and repair, easy to salvage, and easy to operate. All this comes at the cost of any form of targeting system, sub-standard speed, and a fuel-devouring engine. It's damned crews, though, care very little in comparison to being able to survive a battlecannon strike and still limp away, wounded but still fighting. In an effort to alleviate a need for aimed shots, the Pitbull's weapons are based around rapid firing-weapons; a turret mounted twin-linked autocannon, and one hull mounted heavy bolter. Threat assessment: Moderate to Lethal.

@1000heathens - Been looking at Kickstarter then?

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No, I believe Cormac said we were free to throw in new Chaos warbands.


Which is why I tossed off the Hammers of Olympia (USSR Iron Warriors, using psykers to call up howling blizzards) faction.

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No, I believe Cormac said we were free to throw in new Chaos warbands.


Which is why I tossed off the Hammers of Olympia (USSR Iron Warriors, using psykers to call up howling blizzards) faction.


Language please!


This is a child friendly site I believe.

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No, I believe Cormac said we were free to throw in new Chaos warbands.


Which is why I tossed off the Hammers of Olympia (USSR Iron Warriors, using psykers to call up howling blizzards) faction.

Language please!


This is a child friendly site I believe.

. . . Are you talking about the USSR bit?



Any who, what the others are saying is true. I have capped the number of Chapters to keep it within what I feel are believable numbers, however this doesn't prevent anyone from building other elements of any kind, or from building on elements already in play, so long as you attempt to make anything new fit with the old.

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No, I believe Cormac said we were free to throw in new Chaos warbands.


Which is why I tossed off the Hammers of Olympia (USSR Iron Warriors, using psykers to call up howling blizzards) faction.


Language please!


This is a child friendly site I believe.


The phrase you are referring to brother (one that I shall not highlight or draw attention to) does not mean the same to our American brethren as it does to us Brits. Let's just drop the subject and move on.

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Hmm. It would depend on how you present it, brother. As long as it's not from the xenos perspective and isn't overly extensive, then I cautiously ask that you proceed, Aegnor, with the caveat that if I deem it inappropriate to the forum, I request that you revise the post. 

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So essentially, it must be from an Imperial perspective to be in compliance with site rules?

Like scouting reports on a craftworld and information about rough size and combat doctrine is what i'm thinking.

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So essentially, it must be from an Imperial perspective to be in compliance with site rules?

Like scouting reports on a craftworld and information about rough size and combat doctrine is what i'm thinking.


Well, technically xenos are not allowed to be discussed outside of prescribed areas of the site (which essentially bars the Liber of xenos discussion), however given the nature of the project and the scope of the writing here, I am allowing mentions of xenos in relatively particular contexts - passing mention in disposition reports, classified medicae findings or maybe Imperial briefings regarding them as unusual foes that need to be tackled in a particular way, are all plausible ways to describe new xenos.


This should be limited in length and description - we do not need to know how one xenos group uses swords because of blah, blah, blah. Atypical representations are good enough without writing an essay about it. A good example is the limited mentions of the Loxatl by 1000heathens. They are mentioned in passing and are not used as a focus point.


Also bear in mind that I do not want to see everyone and their mother spawning xenos in reports. These must be a rarity and must be done for good reason. I am allowing Aegnor to present his idea as it is the first one offered (and possibly the only one). 

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Can certainly attempt to work in those strictures. Reason for the idea is not any desire to write great tracts on xenos, but rather just wanting to introduce another element of the setting people can draw on in their human focused material. Otherwise it can become a bit skewed in terms of chaos/renegades being the only antagonists to the Imperium.


My idea is for a Tau empire sized xenos civilisation local to part of the Cluster that can serve as an alternative antagonist along with the normal suspects of renegades and greenskins. Will endeavour to do up a brief report by one of the Cluster's Ordos Xenos inquisitor later today.

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My Lord ! is it wise to have Epistolary Alastor and the Red Seers on the field along side the Doomsayers ?  Brother Chaplain if we are to Destroy the Stalker Tank Factory on Leith Secondus the Power of the Red Seers are needed !!.

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Brother Cormac... I am totally fine with the Black Falcons being loners. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post lately but I have some ideas for them that will fit in nicely with the Liber Cluster's resident villains. I believe the Chapter may fall on some more hard times. So hard in fact that they may not operate as a chapter but as separate autonomous comanies. I haven't been able to get much time with the laptop lately due to work but tomorrow I'm going to bash some stuff out on them. We may even see them die out entirely. Not sure yet. I'm thinking of something along the lines of them showing uo to several major engagements and sacrificing themselves to ensure a victory. They may or may not be successful.
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Olis - let me know if this is acceptable or not - if not, happy to rework as required.




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From: Inquisitor Josef Vorrst

Date: M35.645.113

SUBJECT: Darghoul

Thought for the Day: Answer Like for Like – Laxity with Mortification, Doubt with Indoctrination and Abomination with Annihilation


Lord Drusus,


I humbly submit an overview of the the results of my survey of the xenos species Darghoul, first encountered by forces of His Glorious Imperial Majesty’s Reclamation in M35.476. May the Emperor grant us the strength to consign this wretched species to the annals of our Ordos' histories. For a fuller summation, please see the appended report.


The Darghoul control a small empire of around 20 worlds on the ‘Eastward’ rim of the Liberite Cluster. They are a technologically capable species, who have developed significant space-faring capabilities with one significant weakness. As a species, they appear to have no psychic ability or awareness of the Warp. Their ships appear to have an unusual system of propulsion that allows near-, or possibly faster-than-light travel and thus makes a limited interstellar domain possible. Within this limitation, their technology is advanced and although wretchedly heretical in its apparent function, produces tools and weaponry that appear to be comparable in performance to that used in Imperium.




(image credit: www.gameartsguild.com)


Study and dissection of specimens recovered from the field indicates their basic biological structure is evolved from a biological family similar to ancient Terran dinosaurs/avians, evolved along a typical pattern for intelligence bipedal humanoids. A full grown male stands around 7 foot high and is stronger than a human. They appear to breed at a faster rate than the human norm.


The Darghoul have developed a significant military caste, however this does not appear to have been an innate urge in the species, but rather a reaction to prolonged, multi-generational conflict with the neighbouring greenskins of the Graz-kelt systems, who have regularly invaded their planets, and for whom they harbour an implacable hatred.




(image credit: www.vgblogger.com)


Since the arrival of the Reclamation forces, they have reacted to incursions with hostility and a focused aggression, but appear to prefer to maintain a neutrality towards our forces in order to focus on their conflict with the Orks. Their lack of swift transport from one system to another (even their closest worlds take a year to travel between) is the major handicap they face in warfare with man and ork.



(image credit: futuredude.com)


There have been some very rare, isolated instances of them contracting human ships to transport them within their territory, but they have displayed little interest in doing so on a regular basis – reports suggest they have generally found exposure to the Warp a horrific experience that they had no desire to repeat unless desperate. Despite this, there have been sightings of Darghoul fighting elsewhere in the cluster - beyond their empire's reach - as mercenaries, suggesting that some of the species at least have adapted, or been forced to adapt to such travel.


Their military might – within system – is considerable, enough to require a significant commitment of Imperial Guard to overcome, incurring significant casualties in the process. Conflicts with Space Marines have been rarer, but have shown that beyond sheer numbers, they do not possess capabilities to trouble the blessed Adeptus Astartes. Some trading did occur with human worlds during the Silence, but this abhorrent practice has now largely ceased. No doubt there are some foolish rogue traders who will continue to ply such trade (refer case note ++LC35-2356/RRT/Kalliel++).


Threat Level: Medium

These xenos are abominations against the Emperor. They occupy worlds that rightfully belong to the Imperium and should be purged from existence. That said, they represent less of a threat than other species such as the ork or the piratical elder, and they do not appear to have any interest in seeking to corrupt or attack worlds under Imperial control. Their heretical technology does continue to develop and eradication will become more demanding the longer they are left to advance. Already it would require a Crusade featuring a significant commitment of resources and manpower. Their inability to swiftly redeploy their forces will mean that Imperial forces should maintain a significant advantage and be able to isolate and destroy their worlds one by one.


Recommendation: Monitor

Extinction must be the fate of the Darghoul. However, for now, it is my recommendation that this can be safely delayed while the Imperial position in the Cluster is strengthened and xenos forces posing a more immediate threat are destroyed. Further, their ‘empire’ is currently acting as a useful diversion for the greenskins of the neighbouring Graz-kelt systems – whose attention would otherwise turn to Imperial sub-sectors already sorely pressed. Once current campaigns against the renegade Lions and orkoid empires closer to the Tempest are concluded, options for extermination should be re-examined.


Your humble servant,


Inquisitor Josef Vorrst

Ordos Xenos – Liberite Cluster



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Heathens, just wondering if I can include the Commander of the Ash Wolves in a story set near the end of the Silence. It'll just be him becoming the Commander and won't have a too big part in it.
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