incinerator950 Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 Right. Maybe I can put the Wartorn to work as a concept finally. I need an opening for a mercenary Chaos faction that spends less time with convoluted schemes and planetary subjugation, and more with fighting. Think Blood Gorgons mixed with Iron Warriors. Oh and more alcohol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyaenidae Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 Your Wartorn and my Sereiki Lions would get along well, I think.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 3, 2014 Author Share Posted August 3, 2014 You can put your Wartorn to work, so long as you are okay with other people taking them and writing stuff. Everything involved can be picked up by anyone else, and anything can be done with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 3, 2014 Share Posted August 3, 2014 (edited) So... the LC is in M35. Well so much for the Wartorn. Edited August 3, 2014 by incinerator950 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vesper Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Alright, here's the introduction of massive Chaos Marines forces in the history of the Liber Cluster. Chronologically speaking, we're after the defeat of the Sereiki Lions. I'll post details on the reason of the Black Legion arrival in the Liber Cluster and that kind of stuff pretty soon. My Lords, I am Inquisitor Petrus Staven of the Ordo Malleus. You've gained access to this report because you are key individuals for the success of the Reclamation of the Liber Cluster. With the costly defeat of the Sereiki Lions, the light of the Emperor was finally starting to shine upon the worlds of the Liber Cluster. Yet, a greater foe that threatens to destroy and corrupt the fruits of our righteous efforts has entered the fray. Following deep investigations by Inquisitors Bala Tvar, Sonia Ilis, Ranke Orostev and myself, I can sadly say that an important Black Legion fleet entered the Cluster a few weeks ago. Here is the first part of the report about them. After numerous consultations of the Emperor's Tarot and divination rituals, it is safe to assume that this fleet is actually a collection of smaller fleets, but they appear to be all led by one warlord : Ktevaa Sero, sometimes refered to as the Thaumaturge of Esalda [see : Esalda Atrocity – ref. S871b]. We know quite little on Ktevaa Sero. He has been a Black Legionnaire since we first noticed him, and he's becoming more powerful each time he reappears. He is the leader of the Black Legion warband named the Blades of Transmutation. They were part of the Black Legion forces that attacked Cadia during the early days of M34 in order to allow Abaddon to conduct his fourth Black Crusade and slay the Kromarch of El'Phanor. Ktevaa Sero is apparently driven by his loyalty to Abaddon and to his dark faith for Tzeentch who blessed him with a rather unsetting gift. While not being a psyker, as far as we know, Ktevaa Sero is able to apparently incontrolably mutate his victims by touching them with his bare hands. That single fact may explain the great number of Chaos Spawns the Blades of Transmutation are using to spearhead their assaults. It's worth noting that his facial features shift constantly... Probably another « gift » from its dark deity. Artist depiction of Ktevaa Sero based on reports from direct witnesses. The Blades of Transmutation are fearsome opponents. Numbering at around 1200 Astartes and an imprecise yet probably high number of human cultists. They are a lethal and versatile force overall, making great use of cultists to support their distinctive agressiveness. It's worth noting that they possess an elite unit of around 150 Astartes called the Transcended, made up from veteran Chaos Marines highly mutated by their own Lord, and specialized in close quarter combat. They operate out of their powerful fleet, led by the Desolator-class Battleship Philosopher's Stone, and composed by at least 7 other Cruisers, such as the Enlightened and the Panchrest, for those we managed to identify at this point. Ktevaa Sero is a charismatic leader and an inspired preacher for both his dark faith and his absolute commitment to the Despoiler's cause. Along with the few Black Legion warbands he brought with him from the Eye of Terror, other warbands operating in the vicinity of the Liber Cluster and out of places like the Tempest have started to become active in the region. Many have joined the ranks of Ktevaa Sero's unholy alliance, yet some may still operate independently. So far, we are ignorant of the reason behind Ktevaa Sero's presence within the Liber Cluster. But it is advised to plan the following actions of the Reclamation cautiously. Hyaenidae, deathspectersgt7 and Conn Eremon 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Oh man. Suddenly, having so many loyalist Chapters in the Liber Cluster is starting to make a lot more sense. This place is getting dangerous! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Well I have to work on devising a Warband because mine wasn't founded until the 9th Black Crusade. So unless I'm allowed to use the pre-established Violators, I have to come up with a semi-built pre-faction of World Eaters prior to my design, or wing in something new. I really hate Murphy's Law. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vesper Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) They arrived a few days ago, so the hunt could begin. The black fleet was waiting ever since at the very edge of the Warpstorm the locals know as the Tempest. The coloured arcs of the storm were spreading to nearby systems, bathing them with the blessings of Chaos. The beauty of the Tempest, as a manifestation of the will of the gods, would likely make Ktevaa Sero smile if his facial features were still those of a man. Now they were ever shifting, a gift of Tzeentch. The Chaos Lord turned back to enter his throne room, followed by two of his black armoured bodyguards. In the great room, they were hundreds, waiting for him. Lords of the Tempest and beyond, along with their retinues, standing there side by side. On any other day, they could've been mortal enemies, but the might of Ktevaa Sero's forces and the colours of the Black Legion made clear that the invitation aboard the Philosopher's Stone wasn't to be taken lightly. So they came, a myriad of liveries, of obediences... The crowd turned to the throne as Ktevaa Sero reached it. By his sides, two of his brothers : Saren Serevor and Orheist Talavera, two minor Black Legion Lords, were standing proudly, the first in an ornate Terminator armour, with the helmet shaped in the form of a twisted lion's face while the second looked hunched under the weight of his oversized and mutated left arm. He chose them to support him on this mission because they always proved to be trustworthy and efficient allies. "My Lords". The room fell silent as the words left the ephemeral lips of Ktevaa Sero. "I am Ktevaa Sero, of the Black Legion, and those who stand by my sides are my brothers, Talavera, Ravager of Dertius and Serevor, Lion of the Black Legion." The Black Legionnaire marked a pause. His men were posted all around the crowd. But he had no intent to slaughter those Lords. They were to play a role in the task he had to accomplish. "We are here on a mission. Tzeentch has blessed the Seers of the Despoiler with a great vision so we could act to alter the future. Fellow Lords, we aren't here to conquer, we are on the hunt for the thin blooded mockeries of Astartes they call Aetheric Swords. Some of you have already faced them in battle, and I offer you the opportunity to enact vengeance on them. The assembly showed its approval. Roaring its lust for blood. "Then, me and my brothers will leave the Liber Cluster. We have no point in staying here any longer than necessary. We'll leave it to you to take this cluster in the name of the gods of Chaos, this place is yours. This is why I summoned you here. For I, Ktevaa Sero, will lead all those who want to take part in this great project. You've been hunted down for choosing the path of the strong. You've been exiled for claiming your rightful place in this Galaxy. Now is the time to set this cluster ablaze with the flames of hatred. So take your men and join us in our righteous crusade." All those Lords were leading thousands of Chaos Astartes. He will lead them, striking everywhere in the Liber Cluster long enough to annihilate the Aetheric Swords' and scour their Homeworld of Grennarch. That should please the Ezekarion... Edited August 4, 2014 by Vesper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) Wow, Vesper. Good intro. And you have the Aetheric Swords in your sights it seems. This should be good. So... the LC is in M35. Well so much for the Wartorn. Well I have to work on devising a Warband because mine wasn't founded until the 9th Black Crusade.So unless I'm allowed to use the pre-established Violators, I have to come up with a semi-built pre-faction of World Eaters prior to my design, or wing in something new.I really hate Murphy's Law. Well, it's currently set in the 36th/37th (M35/M36) millennium. I'm under the impression that over the course of time, the project will advance in years up to the present day in the Warhammer universe. We're talking all of a couple of millennia, right? Oh man. Suddenly, having so many loyalist Chapters in the Liber Cluster is starting to make a lot more sense. This place is getting dangerous! We are set to 'lose' three, mind you. We've already technically lost one in the Doomsayers (who will be back, of course). But, um, yeah. We've got our work cut out for us, it seems. Edited August 4, 2014 by Olisredan Not just one typo but TWO! Heresy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Oh? What's this? I literally shifted to the edge of my chair when reading that, Vesper. And while the Aetheric Swords might not have friends in every corner of the Liber Cluster, there's one of their oldest teachings that Lord Sero should probably familiarise himself with. "If you're going to make a threat, make sure you're ready to bleed for it" - Vengetrix, founder of the Aetheric Swords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) Super brief timeline summary for those in need: M34 - Imperium attempts to claim the Liber Cluster, fails 001.M35 - Reclamation of Liber Cluster begins ~250.M35 - Eighteen Worlds Campaign involving the Lions ~300.M35 - Reclamation Crusade ends 301.M 35 to 999.M41 - Liber Cluster under Imperial control, fraught with as much dangers and problems as the greater Imperium. Another way to look at it is that the Reclamation is the Great Crusade, and so everything after that is the Imperium simply existing and trying to hold on to itself. This project is currently being tasked with expanding on the Chapters involved and the Eighteen Worlds Campaign, which acts as the embodiment of the overall reclamation crusade. However, the entirety of the Liber Cluster's "existence" as an Imperial holding is open for anyone to expand upon. Vesper's own Warlord of the Black Legion occurs well after the Reclamation, if I recall correctly. Ace: When he was telling me his ideas, it was the target on the Aetheric Swords that sold it as truly awesome. I love the idea of just singling one Chapter out like that. Edited August 4, 2014 by Cormac Airt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Also, what is the deal with the timing of this Vandire stuff, especially with the Conflagrators flip flopping allegiances and all that? (I have been puzzling over which side the Angels would be on as I am not hugely knowledgeable of that era of the imperium.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 Pre-Eighteen Worlds Campaign, is my current belief. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) Also, what is the deal with the timing of this Vandire stuff, especially with the Conflagrators flip flopping allegiances and all that? Flip flopping? Flip Flopping?! The Conflagrators do not flip flop, suh. They follow the path of the righteous, and are not led into temptation by usurpers! Ahem. Vandire. Yes. Vandire is one of the figures during the time in the Imperium's history known as the Age of Apostasy. This is the period when a lot happens, including the formation of the Sisters of Battle, the rise and apotheosis of Sebastian Thor, the Reign of Blood (during Goge Vandire's reign), the Plague of Unbelief and the Wars of Vindication. Without going into too much detail here, there is a wellspring of information that you can find simply by searching B&C (or Google) with the relevant terms I have just used. Anyhoo, the Reign of Blood is already happening by the time of the EWC - the provisional timeline (which has been added to Post #2) even details the end of the Reign of Blood. The EWC ends some time after Goge Vandire dies, during the time of Sebastian Thor. Edited August 4, 2014 by Olisredan Accursed auto-correct! It's Plague, not Plaque! Tiberius Cato 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Since the Liber cluster is weakly linked with the general imperium, how much behind the times are they with the reign of blood? It seems fairly likely that they might not even really experience it in full until after the eighteen worlds campaign (or at least late into it, which would make a mess of things I am sure) due to time delays. Although if they are at the same time, I cannot see a really effective victory against the lions when the chapters are divided against each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 This could have an interesting turn of events towards the end of the crusade, perhaps many instances similar to that of the Conflagrators and the Blackjaw Kindred occur. Chapters that were once the greatest of allies turn on each other because of the vastly different affiliations. "Your existence can no longer be tolerated, heretic. You supported that damned lunatic Vandire, who perverted the truth of our glorious Emperor with his lies and treachery. May the Emperor's judgement be kinder than mine" *Power falx hums to life* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 We could call them falx friends!!! I now submit myself to the pain glove/ gods of the warp/ nearest commissar for that terrible pun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vesper Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) Vesper's own Warlord of the Black Legion occurs well after the Reclamation, if I recall correctly. "Much" is pretty much undecided so far. It occurs after, yet we could discuss whether we want it to follow directly the EWC or to have it happen later. Oh? What's this? I literally shifted to the edge of my chair when reading that, Vesper. And while the Aetheric Swords might not have friends in every corner of the Liber Cluster, there's one of their oldest teachings that Lord Sero should probably familiarise himself with. "If you're going to make a threat, make sure you're ready to bleed for it" - Vengetrix, founder of the Aetheric Swords Glad you liked it, pal ! Hope it will bring great stories and that we'll have a pleasant time with that narrative arc. It would be cool to create the collection of warbands that join Ktevaa Sero's in the cluster. Some kind of dark reflection of the Liberites. Can't wait to see what you guys will bring to the table :). Edited August 4, 2014 by Vesper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 I know of at least one "reflection" that will work with Sero if he can chant loud enough! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vesper Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 (edited) Do not underestimate Ktevaa Sero. He's no stranger to Chapter annihilation. And the sentence "silencing the choir" is just plain great . Edited August 4, 2014 by Vesper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 I decided to ammend my original statement on the Wartorn. Because of how much earlier in the timeline, I'll be using a more focused World Eater Warband named The Bloody Maw. They are a World Eaters force led by The Wartorn, who is said to still paint his armor Blue and White. Ultimately I will not be able to join for a few days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 That's no problem, incinerator, this community project has the rest of the year before it can be considered to be shelved. You never know, it may end up being a two-parter, with a 2015 installment (no pressure Cormac... :lol: ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 Why does it need to end at the year end? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 4, 2014 Share Posted August 4, 2014 So we don't shoot each other during celebrations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 So that other projects can have the floor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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