Reyner Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Why would the prisoner refer to the Chaplain as a mutant? Did he think a Librarian was torturing him? I like the story a lot just that bit stuck out a bit, I may have to actually paint some Blades led by this guy :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 "I'll tell you what I know, I'll tell you what I know, Liber prevails!" sorry couldn't resist, but that does give me the idea of having a hive planet with V for Vendetta style propaganda/fingermen. It actually manages to avoid the ganger problem to a large extent but.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 Why would the prisoner refer to the Chaplain as a mutant? Did he think a Librarian was torturing him? I like the story a lot just that bit stuck out a bit, I may have to actually paint some Blades led by this guy :D In my head, I thought: What if this guy was of the school of thought that Space Marines were nothing more than an accepted breed of mutant? Something to be reviled, not glorified. It's a rare school of thought, but it does exist. But here is the question: Does he think this way because of his Inquisitional background? Did the Penumbra teach it to him? Or is it one of the reasons why they recruited him? Or does it have anything to do with them at all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Ah nice idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 So I'm off for the next couple of days, and minus not sleeping for quite some time, I have my laptop keyboard to type with instead of my phone. So now I'll try to come up with something to contribute to this event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 (edited) I gotta say, I'm not a fan of the 'states idea'. It doesn't quite ring right with me. I'm happy to go with the sub-sectors thing if no-one vouches for the Liber Segmenta - it was quite literally just some words that came to me as I wrote the sentence. There was no real deep thought behind it. Anyway, here is one of the sub-sector capitals for the Liber Cluster. Any comments or suggestions are actively encouraged, as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inquisitorial Report, compiled by Savant First-Grade Theogrist Pevelaine Sub-sector Capital - Colvin Majoris +Pict Capture: Colvin Majoris, orbited by it's three moons; Olipha, Drase and Hantz, from left to right.+ +The Outer Wilderness, painted by Ermine c.245.M36. Characteristic of the frozen wilds, great sweeping spires made from rock and ice dominate the landscape, funnelling winds and creating great continental corridors for which the locals can travel.+ +Another artists impression, artist unknown. Geysers are shown erupting, presumably at the Lastifer Springs, while a lone Geologis adept takes readings. The scale is undetermined, despite the figure in the foreground. Owing to collated data from archives, the nearest spire (Dead Man's Finger) to the figure is estimated to be a kilometre in height at the beginning of M36.+ +The Governor's Tower. The seat of power on Colvin Majoris and home to the influential Faust Dynasty. Note the five statues depicting the five major saints of the Liber Cluster, central of which is St. Verdinant.+ +Pict Capture: The Cathedral of St. Verdinant. Millions visit the tomb of St. Verdinant on a monthly basis, providing cash and manpower for the local Frateris Templar army. St. Verdinant himself was a pilgrim and fought in the Ghostlands until his martyrdom in 392.M35+ +Pict Capture: Sub-Sector Naval Command. Perched atop the highest range of mountains in the Liber Cluster, Colvin Naval Command also acts as a dock for vessels capable of maintaining control in the thin atmosphere. Naval Command itself also boasts significant anti-orbital defences, the most obvious being the fourteen macro-laser batteries embedded in the mountain range.+ +Sniper, local PDF, propaganda image. Although a small world, Colvin boasts a sizeable PDF numbering several million souls. Many PDF units are of Third Grade quality at best, although there are limited special units ranging from snipers to rapid reaction companies.+ Colvin, capital of the Colvin sub and home to just shy of one billion Imperial citizens and servants. Founded by the aristocrat Sebastione Faust, Colvin Majoris accompanies Colvin Minoris and two other negligible planets around a blue giant. Initially a frontier world during the first wave of colonisation in the Liber Cluster, Colvin Majoris enjoyed the status of a staging ground for further conquest into the region known as the Ghostlands. The ease at which ships could travel to and from Colvin made it ideal in this capacity, both of military and merchantile value. Colonisation fleets and Naval flotillas quickly travelled throughout the sub-sector, turning the frozen world into a transportation hub for innumerable Imperial journeys. Over the course of time the incumbent Imperial institutions began to build permanent headquarters on Colvin, seeking to consolidate their holdings in this area of the Cluster. Giant edifices arose over the tortured landscape, defying nature and imposing Imperial might on the surface of Colvin. Around these structures grew civilisation, already tenuously holding on in the windswept wilds. Scavenging and hunting gave way to service and duty, the majority of the locals eschewing the hardships of nomadic life for the safety of a warm home and walls between them and the biting cold. Many of them were put to work in the mines opening up across the planet, to excavate precious ores and useful minerals. These raw materials both built and funded the infrastructure of Colvin, with the exports of particularly rare oxides and phosphates adding revenues to the government for many years. With a powerful dynasty and the headquarters of many Imperial offices residing on Colvin, it was declared the sub-sector capital fours year prior to The Silence. In the time between then and the re-colonisation of the Cluster, Colvin fared well. It held together the nearest worlds through hard work and bloody mindedness, fighting off xenos almost on a yearly basis, according to local accounts. As the attacks mounted, so had the defences. Great walls surrounded each Imperial settlement, topped by point defences and void shield generators. Vast anti-orbital silos ringed the equator and dotted the poles. In orbit itself docks and shipyards became fortified as best the designs could allow, with a standing defence flotilla patrolling the reaches of the Colvin System constantly. Mine fields lie in wait for unwitting invaders, with many parts of the system complete no-go areas to conventional shipping. Once rediscovered, Colvin Majoris gladly rejoined the Imperium at large and was generously allowed to keep it's former title of sub-sector capital, despite the far-off world of Rictus IV holding the title in a provisional capacity. The influx of Imperial servants and officials revitalised the flagging society of Colvin and boosted the coffers of the cash-strapped Faust Dynasty, once again giving purpose to the populace. In the humble opinion of this savant, defences this deep and with the eyes and ears of many of the Imperium's finest on watch, it is hard to imagine any foe overcoming Colvin Majoris without a substantial fleet and plenty of troops. As always, The Emperor Protects. [Note - specific terms and names are subject to change as of this time, especially the term 'sub-sector'.] Edited August 14, 2014 by Olisredan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 I love Ice Worlds, and sadly I thought that was Tau Volantis at first. One thing I do want to know, exactly how do you maintain an economy to generate such vast defenses? Manufacturing, Prometheum refining? I can understand shipyards, but that seems to be the after effect, not the reason to settle down on an inhospitable frozen rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 (edited) So we now have Sub-Sector Colvin, and its capital world is Colvin Majoris. Additional worlds: Rictus IV, at one time the provisional capital Colvin Minoris 2 unnamed Colvin System planets Drystholm Durant Cardinalis Muldacia R390 Features/Regions Ghostlands What about some of the worlds already in existence? Are you going to claim any for Colvin? Edited August 13, 2014 by Cormac Airt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 What about some of the worlds already in existence? Are you going to claim any for Colvin? I'll certainly claim Drystholm and Durant. Those are the first worlds I chucked into the mix. I'd also like Muldacia and Cardinalis. I'd also like to request Planet R390, for variety. That's it for now. Others can be added at a later date. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 (edited) I love Ice Worlds, and sadly I thought that was Tau Volantis at first. One thing I do want to know, exactly how do you maintain an economy to generate such vast defenses? Manufacturing, Prometheum refining? I can understand shipyards, but that seems to be the after effect, not the reason to settle down on an inhospitable frozen rock. Tithes. Materials come from elsewhere other than Colvin. Edit: It seems a little remiss of me not to address the other issue you raise, brother - A reason to settle down. Although no reason or incentive is given, perhaps one might help round things out. Any suggestions? Edited August 13, 2014 by Olisredan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Rare but useful metals under the ice would get my vote. Perhaps the Saneslau Mechanicus even donated a few machines to helping sustain the original colonies in exchange for a direct cut of some of the minerals and metals mined there? Tiberius Cato 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 "Sir, enemy cruisers are attempting to block our advance. Shall I fire the lances?" Captain Grant stared at the battle-brother for a moment. "Brother, in the word's of the most esteemed and honourable Brother-Captain Farrigun *ahem* Damn the lances! Ramming speed!" "Understood, brother-captain. Accelerating to ramming speed, brace for impact!." The Philedelphia began to accelerate, closing with the Lions' cruisers. The prow of the Philadelphia had tore through the first cruiser with ease, suffering only aesthetic damage. It barreled through two more cruisers, leaving all manners of wreckage behind. "Make a starboard turn, we are within range to launch drop pods." Yelled captain Grant. The ship made a sharp turn, throwing the captain to the floor. Grant climbed back to his feet and gave the order to initiate planetfall. The 5th company rushed to their pods and began their descent. "Brothers of the third company, prepare the Thunderhawks and the armour; When we make planetfall I want you on our tails!" Grant ran to the drop pod chamber, squad Daniels was waiting for him. "Good day Sergeant Daniels, now get your :cuss in the pod. We need to be on the ground NOW!" The sergeant rushed with his squad to the nearest pod accompanied by Grant. The chamber closed and Grant and his retinue were now hurtling towards Baluarte. ++++++++++++++ "Helmsman, I want a report on the Eagle's progress!" Drake wanted to take the battle to the Lions, something he couldn't do while covering the Eagles. "They have just begun planetfall, Commodore. They took a direct route straight through the Lions blockade, ramming through their cruisers." Drake couldn't help but laugh "Those lunatics, they could have jeprodised the entire mission with their foolishness! Now, let us show these traitors the unbridled wrath of the navy of the Scarlet Sentinels. Prepare the attack craft, we shall bring the hammer down on this scum." Drake had been estatic to finally do what he knew best, now was the time to showcase his naval prowess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Rare but useful metals under the ice would get my vote. Perhaps the Saneslau Mechanicus even donated a few machines to helping sustain the original colonies in exchange for a direct cut of some of the minerals and metals mined there? Tried and tested, I don't mind going the valuable and rare ores route. Any other ideas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) Perhaps it is simply the place easiest to travel to and from through the Warp within the sub-sector, making it an excellent staging ground in the original colonization of the sub-sector, as well as a transportation hub and possibly Mercantile center.This seems to tie in well with the shipyards, docks and defense flotilla. And Cormac, though this is a bit late, I apologize for going off-topic and thank you for the reading suggestions. Edited August 14, 2014 by Captain Nameless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) I agree for both concepts. My brain is mush tonight. Edited August 14, 2014 by incinerator950 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) What about that ice used in the murderclaws . In any case, I like the idea of it just being the easiest to get to from the warp and therefore made "convenient" by sheer bloody mindedness. Although you wouldn't want any other force taking a world so close to a easy warp point so it could have been rare foresight. Edited August 14, 2014 by Teetengee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) So, now that my brain is cleared, and I feel the fresh, early fall cool breeze, I will now sit down and attempt to make a coherent intro for The Wartorn. They will be set during the Black Legion presence, or after, depending on how close we are in M39. Bear in mind that I despise how everything has to be written from an Imperial point of view, so I am going to write this as a report adressed to the Warmaster of Chaos. Most Exalted Warmaster, I am Sorcerer Thrakkian Dugin of the Blackened Eye. I am reporting to you most powerful one, on the theft of the Marrow Sunderer, the Khornate Battle Barge. Following the investigation and trail of clues, here is the the preliminary results. We have tracked the Marrow Sunderer to the Liber Cluster. Through Alpha Legion operatives working undercover in the region, we've bartered most of this information, though subject to be unreliable. The ship previously belonged to the World Eaters and was joined to our glorious Legion upon a Warnband's Oath of Allegiance. They were wiped out during the boarding process, when the ships security was accessed remotely. It seems it has been reclaimed by the previous World Eaters in ownership of the vessel, as it fired upon and crippled two fleet Escorts engaged with Imperial Naval forces. The theft is being attributed to the Wartorn. The name has been mentioned multiple times from World Eaters in our ranks as one from the Bloodied Maw of Khorne. It appears the Wartorn is a mixture of multiple Warbands. The eponymous Warband is named after the warlord who uses this name, although the World Eaters in our ranks have no recollection of his real name. According to reviews, these are the stranded survivors of the assault on Antecannis IV who didn't make it off world, when you yourself, most blessed of Lords, had laid waste to the Capital and silenced the shipyards of Cancephilis. Approximately Eight Hundred Astartes are gathered in the Wartorn, and we have reason to believe they're recruiting more from scattered mercenaries, and contain contingents of human fodder with them. Their last attack before the theft resulted in Oternask, a Cardinal World in blind faith to the False Emperor whose demise you shall gloriously bring, was destroyed when an Asteroid was slammed into the planet. Normally orbital defense batteries would fell an object before collision, but it appears that the defense were deactivated or destroyed. is currently no recognizable badges or iconography, and their marks and kill trophies show no pattern We have reason to believe this warband is offering its services as mercenaries, and that they are currently made up of World Eaters Berzerkers with the reputably legendary Teeth of Khorne Havocs, Word Bearers from Sicarus, Apostles of Minthras, whose name escapes me, and the Purge chem troopers who are incredibly potent and dangerous. They appear similar to the Raptors of the false Emperor, who've taken on their primary colors of Urban warfare after seventeen years of combat, mixed patterns of camouflage. Our sources have determined they have been responsible for the Mulcher variation of Defilers you've commissioned, oh terrible warmaster. We have reason to believe they have renamed the Marrow Sunderer as the Deathless. Their current location appears to be somewhere within the Tempest situated within the Liber Cluster. It appears the Wartorn have taken their prize and abandoned the Eye for reasons unknown. Thus, it is likely they have directed their anger at the abandonment to die on Antecannis. If your excellence would grant the unworthy reward of respect and amnesty for their transgression, their growing rapport as skilled mercenaries would greatly benefit the Legion. This is only one recommendation of many, but they are extremely dangerous and are capable of engaging a foe with forces greater than their own. The most shocking and troubling find is from the World Eater Lord Zash Strukaan. Apparently he shared joint command with The Wartorn, and there is a carefully quieted rumor among upper echelons of power that the Wartorn has The Butchers Nails disabled. We do not have their current position or trajectory, but they have multiple ships and despite their size, are incredibly ruthless. I would advise caution if there is any retaliation taken against The Wartorn. I will report further when more information becomes available. Edited August 14, 2014 by incinerator950 spafe 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vesper Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) Hey people, here's the introduction of a Slaaneshi warband in the Cluster, along with its Sorcerer-Lord. He's an ally of Ktevaa Sero, and I've left quite a few blanks in order for those interested to build upon them. Next up, with Ace, we should be able to start providing the first parts of the Aetheric Swords / Black Legion arc. We have lot's of ideas that keep us thrilled about the story. Following the appearence of the Repulsive-class Grand Cruiser Mercyful Aestheticist along Ktevaa Sero's fleet, we can confirm the presence of the sick monster that is s'Sephon Ixava. Ixava is said to have been a former marine of the Hawk Lords [please note that the Chapter has always been prompt to deny such rumours] who supposedly betrayed the Emperor and his Chapter to pursue his own goals. The individual was first noticed in M34 during the events on Celdoria Prime [see: Celdoria Cataclysm] where he led an offshot warband of the Emperor's Childen traitor Legion called the Exquisite Exiles. He was then able to defeat the two companies of the Golden Swords that were sent against him in a void battle near the White Veil. A couple of decades later, s'Sephon Ixava and his men went on to conquer five worlds across the Jynian Subsector for the sole purpose of finding the right voice for the opera Ixava wrote. More than twenty-three billion imperial citizens were slaughtered in the process. Ixava arrived in the Liber Cluster not too long ago, after he was forced to flee from the vengeful Fire Fangs Chapter on its tail for taking most of the population of their recruiting world of Oureq into slavery. He settled in the Tempest and kept a low profile, at least to the Imperium. Ixava is known to be a psyker [see: Sorcerer-Lord] and controls one of the most noteworthy warband of the servants of Slaanesh in the cluster at this moment. If he has been noted to pursue unpredicable goals based on his corrupted whims, he is notheless a quite capable and ambitious leader, and a gifted tactician. s'Sephon Ixava leading his Chosen during the Celdoria Cataclysm. Edited August 14, 2014 by Vesper spafe and Hyaenidae 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spafe Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 That looks really cool for the wartorn! (sorry, I assume I can comment even though I've mainly been lurking in this so far) If I can make one suggestion, I would change 'we have reason to believe' at the opening to the line about teh defilers to 'Our sources suggest' as you use 'we have reason to believe' in the next line so it sounds repetative. Other than that tiny thing it looks great, looking forward to reading more on the liber! incinerator950 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 Can't wait to read the next arc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 That chosen's face is beautiful, now I want to model it.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted August 14, 2014 Share Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) I agree for both concepts. Perhaps, then, I shall pursue both... I'll be right back. Edit - Okay. It's done. Let me know what you guys think. Edited August 14, 2014 by Olisredan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted August 15, 2014 Author Share Posted August 15, 2014 A little something for Olisredan's new sub-sector (I'd like for some other people to think about some more, too!): The Ghostlands have always been a difficult region for the Imperium to retain control. Though situated on an incredibly stable Warp route and filled with resourceful, life-sustaining worlds, it curiously and inexplicably tends to be the site of what is dubbed as Warp ‘effluence.’ Vessels trapped in the Warp that had long ago failed to arrive at their intended destination somehow find themselves washed up in the Ghostlands. Rarely are these vessels occupied by humans. More often than not, such encounters tend to be of xenos origin or worse, and are swiftly dealt with by Battlefleet Colvin. On the rare occasion where human vessels are expelled from the Warp in this region, they are often not just greatly displaced from their intended destination but may also be displaced temporally as well. It instances of the latter that has earned the region its name, as multiple ships have been encountered exiting the Warp from some ancient time. It is for this reason that the Inquisition keeps an incredibly pronounced presence in the region, as such instances are quickly covered up. What actually happens to these lost souls, only those of the Inquisition know. As always, they say little to nothing on the matter to outsiders. However, there was one incident that the Inquisition failed to sequester in time. In 476.M37, a grand cruiser exited the Warp, blaring distress signals picked up by over a dozen outposts, worlds and fleets. Within the week, the distress signal was cut off as Inquisitorial vessels responded to the call. The official word on the event was that the grand cruiser was a ghostship, utterly vacant. The distress signal was set on loop. The vessel was identified as belonging to a Rogue Trader dynasty, but the Inquisition regrettably was forced to destroy the vessel for it had been tainted by prolonged exposure within the Warp. It was a difficult story for many to swallow. The Inquisition was adamant on the veracity of their report, but tales had spread like wildfire from those who had picked up the distress signal before it had been cut off, and they did not agree with the official story. The vessel had identified itself as the Sword of St. Gotthardt, a well-known Ecclesiastic crusadeship. What made this ship so well known is because of to whom it was the personal command ship. The same person who had, just over a thousand years ago, disappeared when the ship failed to arrive at a rendezvous. The same man that the one who had been sending out the distress signal claimed to be. A man whose name every single properly Emperor-fearing citizen of the Colvin Sub-sector knows by heart. A man whose tomb was the goal of the pilgrimages of trillions, but whose remains had never been found. Verdinand, the distress call had said. Beloved Saint Verdinand had returned to His people after many long centuries. And despite extensive purges and propaganda campaigns, the Inquisition was wholly unable to prevent this knowledge, knowledge that they denied, from spreading. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 I love ship graveyards. Hyaenidae 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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