Reyner Posted October 9, 2014 Share Posted October 9, 2014 There is always another mission Ace. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 9, 2014 Share Posted October 9, 2014 (edited) And there's always more that I could do in the Cluster, too. (How's that for a segue to being back on topic? ) (EDIT: I'm assuming you were talking about Destiny, Reyner, otherwise I just segued into exactly the same topic. This concept hurts my brain. ) Funny thing is, both Penumbra and the Aetheric Swords are a little bit tied up regarding upcoming things, so that's got me thinking "Multi-Chapter Kill-Team Shenanigans". There's always isolated rebellions and Penumbra cells to hunt down even as the EWC continues, after all. I'm off to the scribbling board! Edited October 9, 2014 by Ace Debonair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Had another idea, random character time! -=-= Brother Ashwin the Swordbearer, the Last Son of Calderon =-=- During the Eighteen Worlds Crusade, a plan of campaign was launched by the Lords Inviolate and the Sons of Calderon that saw the latter Chapter torn entirely asunder as they ever-aggressively sought to eradicate the traitorous Lions. While the vast majority of the Sons of Calderon recovered from the fields of battle were either killed or left too injured to continue service, Brother Ashwin of the Fourth Company was elsewhere, having been assigned to an Inquisitorial kill-team to oversee the eradication of a heretical cult springing up on Carver's World. An energetic, fiery-tempered marine, Ashwin lent his strength and zeal to the mission, successfully purging the heretics from Carver's World in a matter of mere days. Afterwards, he was summoned to the Liber Council, and there informed of the fate of his kindred. To say Ashwin was a changed man would be an understatement. He became entirely silent and withdrawn, performing his duties with the semi-conscious numbness of someone trying not to think. When the Lords Inviolate returned to the Liber Council, they brought with them what gear they could salvage to honour the memory of the Sons of Calderon. Ashwin, as the last surviving Son of Calderon in active service, requested the use of one such trophy; the weapon 'Calderon's Flame', a vicious power sword whose blade resembled the waves of the sea, or a flickering flame. Thusly armed, Ashwin continued to serve the Liber Council, frequently attaching himself to Inquisitorial kill-teams, or companies of the Lords Inviolate looking to strike at the Sereiki Lions. After the conclusion of the Eighteen Worlds Crusade, Ashwin, now old, battered and suffering from over a score of horrific wounds, has resigned himself to an advisory role at the Liber Council. He is quick to preach caution - reminding others of what fate befell the Sons of Calderon when they acted in haste. Though now almost perpetually melancholy in demeanour, Ashwin's former fire sometimes surfaces when confronted by those clamouring for vengeance. It is strongly suspected that when the burden of Ashwin's wounds becomes too great to shoulder, he will likely be interred into a dreadnought, but opinions vary on whether it will bear the heraldry of the Lords Inviolate or the Sons of Calderon, and so far none have dared to broach the matter with Ashwin. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hmm. I honestly don't know if this even makes sense as a story, or if lack of sleep is dulling my ability to spot my own silliness. Also, 'Calderon's Flame' = POWER FLAMBERGE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 I will eventually contribute. Eventually when these jobs stop sucking the life and fake sanity out of me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Same as others here really, real life has taken over and I've had no time for this. Ace I feel with Ashwin he would more take the approach Master Chief is heading; he keeps on fighting, doing what he can until he is finally put in a dreadnaught due to injuries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Actually, he reminds me a bit of Felix from Armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 Dizzyeye: Actually, I think I agree with you, at least in part. Ashwin's desire for combat hasn't dulled entirely, but the image I was trying to conjure is that the damage he's taken in the EWC is finally starting to slow him down. He's in danger of becoming a liability to whichever force he travels with, and doesn't want that to be what people remember of Calderon's last Son. Seeing his plight (and perhaps feeling a touch guilty about the Sons of Calderon dying out in the first place) The Lords Inviolate instead offer to give Ashwin a place at the Liber Conclave, that his experience and wisdom might temper the zeal and pride of the more outspoken Chapters. Ashwin would grudgingly accept, perhaps realising this is a chance to bring more honour to the Sons of Calderon than a final, futile last stand could achieve. OK, so I improvised that last bit on the spot, but hopefully it still passes muster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014 I see where you're coming from and it does sound good. However Ashwin could take the role of helping recruits in different chapters for say tours. We may have to start thinking about expanding the Liber Conclave a bit so we know what we're working with. My idea at least is that every Chapter has either someone to represent their chapter with the representative being a more permanent rank for the chapter or a fill in role when something big happens. In the same way the Deathwatch works, marines are appointed Honor Guards or something to the same effect but they more deal in matters affecting the Cluster and don't need the same force a company might be sent to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 That's pretty much what I picture the Conclave as. But also with a sprinkling of other notable Imperial types around, like some Inquisitors and officers from regiments or battlefleets or what have you. Set on an otherwise empty moon somewhere, maybe. Oh, and maybe one of the Lords Inviolate's Reserve Companies as a permanent defensive garrison, and to make sure nobody does anything silly like try to stage a coup. Just in case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 18, 2014 Author Share Posted October 18, 2014 (edited) Earlier today, I went hunting through the thread for a particular post of mine. I was not expecting it to say there are new posts. Apparently either gmail forgot to update me, or I accidental unfollowed this most awesomest of threads. On the current topic, I have honestly been seeing the Conclave much more differently. Like the Feast of Blades. A semicentennial gathering, with infrequent membership for some, and a powerful presence for others. It seems that most of you were thinking along different lines, with it being almost more like the Senatorum, but Astartes as the focus. I have no true hold on my particular view, so I'll shift to your guys' way of thinking. So how about the Lords Inviolate 7th Company, 'Maharmen' are permanent guardians of the Conclave halls, within the artificial moon of the planet Azaria? Edited October 18, 2014 by Cormac Airt Tiberius Cato 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted October 18, 2014 Share Posted October 18, 2014 (edited) Earlier today, I went hunting through the thread for a particular post of mine. I was not expecting it to say there are new posts. Apparently either gmail forgot to update me, or I accidental unfollowed this most awesomest of threads. On the current topic, I have honestly been seeing the Conclave much more differently. Like the Feast of Blades. A semicentennial gathering, with infrequent membership for some, and a powerful presence for others. It seems that most of you were thinking along different lines, with it being almost more like the Senatorum, but Astartes as the focus. I have no true hold on my particular view, so I'll shift to your guys' way of thinking. So how about the Lords Inviolate 7th Company, 'Wardens of Sojaraz' are permanent guardians of the Conclave halls, within the artificial moon of the planet Sojaraz? I always pictured a centennial (or whenever there's an emergency) meeting as well. My original thought was it would be hosted by a different chapter each year. However after the EWC I had the idea that maybe the Sons of Calderon's Fortress-Monastery (if they have one) could be used after their disappearance, with an honour guard of marines from all chapters watching over it. I had in my mind this bowl-shaped roman senate-like hall with the steps/seats around the sides like an arena and a round table in the centre for the representatives. Within the ring of the table is an open space for those addressing the assembled to speak from/holograms are projected for briefings/honour duels between conflicting representatives. Also, arrayed around the chamber, behind each representative's chair, are banners and pennants for their chapter (lost chapters are covered with black cloth in mourning, traitor are removed and burned) chronicling their achievements and history. Edited October 18, 2014 by SanguiniusReborn helterskelter 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 18, 2014 Author Share Posted October 18, 2014 Well, the Sons are fleet-based, and their fleet was lost as well. So one would imagine their true fortress-monastery was lost, being a part of that fleet. But they could certainly have holdings around and about. I like that the Conclave be one of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted October 18, 2014 Share Posted October 18, 2014 I promise not to gatecrash the next conclave we have with Doomsayer craziness. Sorry I haven't contributed much lately, stuff and things, things and stuff, interfering and the like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 27, 2014 Share Posted October 27, 2014 So... I've been doing more thinking. Let's see what mashing together ideas for the Conclave gets us, and see if my new ideas convert anyone to preferring a more perpetual Conclave. Inside the hollow moon of the planet Azaria, in what was once a proud keep built by the Sons of Calderon, is the meeting place of the Liber Conclave. The Conclave is a gathering place for Imperial leadership, far from the front lines of any conlict, wherein each chapter assigns five to ten marines as delegates speak up for their Chapter's interests. These marines are rotated back into their companies and replaced at their Chapter Master's leisure. Originally the role of the delegates was merely to act as a sentinel over the Sons of Calderon's holding in case of their return, but over time the role evolved into something quite different. Some Chapters view the duty as a punishment, for being one of these delegates leaves you so far removed from active combat (maybe for example the Heralds of Letum and Blades of the Lion?), whereas others place much higher importance on the role (Eagles of Glory, I'm especially looking at you here) and making sure the voice of their Chapter is clearly heard. The delegates also play another invaluable role besides speaking for their Chapter: Since the Conclave is as close to a centralised department of Intelligence as the Liber Cluster has, the delegates are often the first to know of any news in the Cluster beyond wherever their Chapter is fighting. Keeping their Chapter informed of any urgent or troubling developments has long been one of the roles assigned to these delegates. However, despite their differing views on the importance of the Conclave, there is one thing all Chapters in the Liber Cluster place great importance on: the Feast of Blades Party of Knives Mustering of Heroes. A tradition even older than the Conclave itself, the Mustering of Heroes is a meeting that takes place only once a century. Each Chapter sends some high-ranking members (either Captains or the Chapter Master, I guess? With their appropriate honour guards and the like, obviously) to meet at the Conclave and represent their Chapter's best and greatest. The Mustering of Heroes features many things - displays of skill-at-arms are commonplace, many of the Musterings having held tournaments in celebration of the Emperor and to honour each Chapter's might and valour. Ceremonial exchanges of weapons, armour or even vehicles are also quite commonplace. Grand plans of campaign are often laid at the Mustering of Heroes, with Chapters vowing to conquer or defend parts of the Cluster before the next Mustering. Each Chapter also brings records of their deeds from the last century of campaign - these records are added to the Conclave's vast library of information for the Conclave's own serfs and scribes to pour over. Given the great number of conflicting opinions present at the Conclave, the Lords Inviolate's Seventh Company, also called the Maharmen, are permanently assigned to the Liber Conclave to ensure nobody gets out of line as well as protect what is by now considered an almost sacred site by Imperial Citizens within the Cluster. ... Does that sound any good? Or does the idea of a permanent Conclave still not work for everyone? Teetengee and deathspectersgt7 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 27, 2014 Author Share Posted October 27, 2014 I'm cool with it, though parts seemed off. Why is it the closest the Cluster has to a centralized intelligence department? Do you mean just the Chapters, and not the whole Cluster? I would imagine there were other facilities more in the know, connected to the likes of the Inquisition, Administratum and/or Mechanicus. Otherwise, I think this Muster of Heroes might be more suited to Champions rather than officers, though the lines could blur. To better connect it to the old Sons, what if the first Muster is between those Champions favored by the Sons? One of the things they did to cement alliances and forge bonds of brotherhood was the gifting of the . . . Falxes? I think that is what they were called. So why not have the First Champions be those so granted these blades, and the successive Champions be those who have earned the right to wield such ancient, revered weapons after the former wielder falls in glorious battle? Might turn the affair into a more ritualized event than a true test of arms, but that might help to distance it from its original inspiration, the Feast of Blades. Thoughts? Teetengee 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted October 27, 2014 Share Posted October 27, 2014 I like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 27, 2014 Share Posted October 27, 2014 I'm cool with it, though parts seemed off. Why is it the closest the Cluster has to a centralized intelligence department? Do you mean just the Chapters, and not the whole Cluster? I would imagine there were other facilities more in the know, connected to the likes of the Inquisition, Administratum and/or Mechanicus. Yep, I meant just the Chapters of the Liber Cluster, not the whole place. Worse, I could have sworn I'd fixed that before I posted. Drat! Otherwise, I think this Muster of Heroes might be more suited to Champions rather than officers, though the lines could blur. To better connect it to the old Sons, what if the first Muster is between those Champions favored by the Sons? One of the things they did to cement alliances and forge bonds of brotherhood was the gifting of the . . . Falxes? I think that is what they were called. So why not have the First Champions be those so granted these blades, and the successive Champions be those who have earned the right to wield such ancient, revered weapons after the former wielder falls in glorious battle? Might turn the affair into a more ritualized event than a true test of arms, but that might help to distance it from its original inspiration, the Feast of Blades. Thoughts? Sounds fine to me! Any gathering that throws a bunch of power-falx wielding marines into a test of blade-skill sits well with me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 Sounds good to me - as I was reading it I instantly thought the marines from the Blades would hate it and they would see it is a punishment (or I'd even twist it to say it works into the politics of the Blades to keep certain marines/officers out of the picture for a while). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 Looks good to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 And I missed a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted October 29, 2014 Share Posted October 29, 2014 So... I've been doing more thinking. Let's see what mashing together ideas for the Conclave gets us, and see if my new ideas convert anyone to preferring a more perpetual Conclave. Inside the hollow moon of the planet Azaria, in what was once a proud keep built by the Sons of Calderon, is the meeting place of the Liber Conclave. The Conclave is a gathering place for Imperial leadership, far from the front lines of any conlict, wherein each chapter assigns five to ten marines as delegates speak up for their Chapter's interests. These marines are rotated back into their companies and replaced at their Chapter Master's leisure. Originally the role of the delegates was merely to act as a sentinel over the Sons of Calderon's holding in case of their return, but over time the role evolved into something quite different. Some Chapters view the duty as a punishment, for being one of these delegates leaves you so far removed from active combat (maybe for example the Heralds of Letum and Blades of the Lion?), whereas others place much higher importance on the role (Eagles of Glory, I'm especially looking at you here) and making sure the voice of their Chapter is clearly heard. The delegates also play another invaluable role besides speaking for their Chapter: Since the Conclave is as close to a centralised department of Intelligence as the Liber Cluster has, the delegates are often the first to know of any news in the Cluster beyond wherever their Chapter is fighting. Keeping their Chapter informed of any urgent or troubling developments has long been one of the roles assigned to these delegates. However, despite their differing views on the importance of the Conclave, there is one thing all Chapters in the Liber Cluster place great importance on: the Feast of Blades Party of Knives Mustering of Heroes. A tradition even older than the Conclave itself, the Mustering of Heroes is a meeting that takes place only once a century. Each Chapter sends some high-ranking members (either Captains or the Chapter Master, I guess? With their appropriate honour guards and the like, obviously) to meet at the Conclave and represent their Chapter's best and greatest. The Mustering of Heroes features many things - displays of skill-at-arms are commonplace, many of the Musterings having held tournaments in celebration of the Emperor and to honour each Chapter's might and valour. Ceremonial exchanges of weapons, armour or even vehicles are also quite commonplace. Grand plans of campaign are often laid at the Mustering of Heroes, with Chapters vowing to conquer or defend parts of the Cluster before the next Mustering. Each Chapter also brings records of their deeds from the last century of campaign - these records are added to the Conclave's vast library of information for the Conclave's own serfs and scribes to pour over. Given the great number of conflicting opinions present at the Conclave, the Lords Inviolate's Seventh Company, also called the Maharmen, are permanently assigned to the Liber Conclave to ensure nobody gets out of line as well as protect what is by now considered an almost sacred site by Imperial Citizens within the Cluster. ... Does that sound any good? Or does the idea of a permanent Conclave still not work for everyone? I approve, given the smaller nature of the Cluster compared to the wider Imperium it makes sense for the Liberite Chapters to have somewhere like this to meet up regularly, catch up, share news and co-ordinate their efforts throughout the Cluster. I also love reading about members of different chapters interacting with each other, the dynamic of warriors from two possibly vastly different cultures meeting and working together appeals to me, it's one of the reasons I love the Deathwatch. I'm cool with it, though parts seemed off. Why is it the closest the Cluster has to a centralized intelligence department? Do you mean just the Chapters, and not the whole Cluster? I would imagine there were other facilities more in the know, connected to the likes of the Inquisition, Administratum and/or Mechanicus. Otherwise, I think this Muster of Heroes might be more suited to Champions rather than officers, though the lines could blur. To better connect it to the old Sons, what if the first Muster is between those Champions favored by the Sons? One of the things they did to cement alliances and forge bonds of brotherhood was the gifting of the . . . Falxes? I think that is what they were called. So why not have the First Champions be those so granted these blades, and the successive Champions be those who have earned the right to wield such ancient, revered weapons after the former wielder falls in glorious battle? Might turn the affair into a more ritualized event than a true test of arms, but that might help to distance it from its original inspiration, the Feast of Blades. Thoughts? Anything involving Power Falxes gets my seal of approval, well done Cormac, knew there was a reason I kept you around. Sounds good to me - as I was reading it I instantly thought the marines from the Blades would hate it and they would see it is a punishment (or I'd even twist it to say it works into the politics of the Blades to keep certain marines/officers out of the picture for a while). Aye, I imagine that although the Blades themselves hate the idea of getting posted to the Conclave their chapter leadership see the opportunity to discreetly monitor for signs of the Fallen. Whenever something pops up then the Blades, with their spread-out fleet, can get there faster than anyone else and check if it's Fallen-related or not before other Imperials arrive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 29, 2014 Author Share Posted October 29, 2014 Viridiel, Bladesman on loan to the Liberite Conclave, drums his fingers upon the tabletop in an even staccato, his form limp against the high-backed chair, eyes staring off into space, barely even hearing the Lord Inviolate droning on off of a list of reports. "Call to war from High Admiral Stiercksen, requesting three battle-companies to assist in the Keras Crusade. Reports of xenos activity in the Degeran Sector, four Imperial worlds gone quiet. Uprising on Bradigan V, satellite pict-records showing unknown conspirator to match rumors of possible transhuman origin. Forward Fleet Garnic--" His voice is cut off by a loud slam, and all eyes turn to the Bladesman, standing upright, chair having fallen in his abrupt movement. "The uh, uhm. Bradigan V. We got it. I mean, my Chapter's got that one. No need to send anyone else. We should be good to go. I mean, heh, ha, haha, it's probably some stupid cultist, super easy. Seriously, we can handle it ourselves, okay? Okay." With that, Viridiel turns and rather hurriedly walks away, but not before glancing over his shoulder at everyone else one last time. Reyner, Teetengee and Nomus Sardauk 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted October 29, 2014 Share Posted October 29, 2014 Viridiel, Bladesman on loan to the Liberite Conclave, drums his fingers upon the tabletop in an even staccato, his form limp against the high-backed chair, eyes staring off into space, barely even hearing the Lord Inviolate droning on off of a list of reports. "Call to war from High Admiral Stiercksen, requesting three battle-companies to assist in the Keras Crusade. Reports of xenos activity in the Degeran Sector, four Imperial worlds gone quiet. Uprising on Bradigan V, satellite pict-records showing unknown conspirator to match rumors of possible transhuman origin. Forward Fleet Garnic--" His voice is cut off by a loud slam, and all eyes turn to the Bladesman, standing upright, chair having fallen in his abrupt movement. "The uh, uhm. Bradigan V. We got it. I mean, my Chapter's got that one. No need to send anyone else. We should be good to go. I mean, heh, ha, haha, it's probably some stupid cultist, super easy. Seriously, we can handle it ourselves, okay? Okay." With that, Viridiel turns and rather hurriedly walks away, but not before glancing over his shoulder at everyone else one last time. Smooth Viridiel, they didn't suspect a thing. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted October 31, 2014 Share Posted October 31, 2014 I quite enjoy this idea for the Conclave. The Eagles of Glory would likely be the most vocal chapter, and they'd likely pledge aid to everyone and their mother's campaigns. It be interesting to see how tis Mustering of Heroes plays out. Are we rolling with the idea that each chapter sends a champion as their representative, or are we going with Ace's idea of 5-10 marines? Also, many apologies for my absence, I've meant to return some time ago but got stuck in with other things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 31, 2014 Author Share Posted October 31, 2014 The Champion is related to the semi-regular centennial competition, not to the delegates overall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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