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Alrighty, so now I got some free time coming up and that means more time to write stuff for the cluster. I will be adding to the Eagles/Sentinels campaign (seeing as it is yet to be finished) and will get a deathwatch mission written up. The inaugural mission of the Liber's Deathwatch will be an incursion into the impenetrable darkness that is Garandar. It's a seek and destroy mission, with a request by Inquisitor "Foxhound" to recover a xenos artifact.


Stay tuned...

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You have my deepest apologies for the lack of content on my part ArcticPaladin, I've been driving myself to madness trying to finish my part of our EWC story but I keep hitting a mental brick wall. >_<
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You have my deepest apologies for the lack of content on my part ArcticPaladin, I've been driving myself to madness trying to finish my part of our EWC story but I keep hitting a mental brick wall. >_<

I thought I was the one holding us up. I just went and looked back and saw that that was only the first half of your porcíon. I guess we gucci then, I'ma still try and get some of my portion up soon(ish).

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Apologies for the double post. But I just bought a command squad and I was painting up a banner for the Eagles 2nd company and well, it looks like the state flag of Texas. So this got me thinking, what if I take the state flags and change them up a bit to use as company banners?


It might be crossing the line a bit in making the chapter too American, but what are your opinions on this, brothers? Perhaps it can be justified fluff wise as representing the (possibly) ten provinces (I'm a tad reluctant to call them states) of Libertas.

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You have my deepest apologies for the lack of content on my part ArcticPaladin, I've been driving myself to madness trying to finish my part of our EWC story but I keep hitting a mental brick wall. >_<

I thought I was the one holding us up. I just went and looked back and saw that that was only the first half of your porcíon. I guess we gucci then, I'ma still try and get some of my portion up soon(ish).



Oh no no no, not you brother! I apologise, I should have communicated a bit better, maybe dropped you a message in your inbox or something. As for your part, take what time you need, I can't exactly demand you speed up given my own performance thus far... >_<


Apologies for the double post. But I just bought a command squad and I was painting up a banner for the Eagles 2nd company and well, it looks like the state flag of Texas. So this got me thinking, what if I take the state flags and change them up a bit to use as company banners?


It might be crossing the line a bit in making the chapter too American, but what are your opinions on this, brothers? Perhaps it can be justified fluff wise as representing the (possibly) ten provinces (I'm a tad reluctant to call them states) of Libertas.


I see no problem with using the modified state banners, though the question now becomes; which states will you use? There's only 10 companies to assign and even if you cut the number of banners down to the original states that revolted that still 13 banners to choose from...


As for the justification in-fluff, the states could be replaced with great cities (Hive or normal) that adopted similiar heraldry as their banners in honour of the Eagles after the reclaimation of Libertas and the Eagles were so flattered they adopted the banners for their companies?

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You have my deepest apologies for the lack of content on my part ArcticPaladin, I've been driving myself to madness trying to finish my part of our EWC story but I keep hitting a mental brick wall. >_<

I thought I was the one holding us up. I just went and looked back and saw that that was only the first half of your porcíon. I guess we gucci then, I'ma still try and get some of my portion up soon(ish).

Oh no no no, not you brother! I apologise, I should have communicated a bit better, maybe dropped you a message in your inbox or something. As for your part, take what time you need, I can't exactly demand you speed up given my own performance thus far... >_<

Apologies for the double post. But I just bought a command squad and I was painting up a banner for the Eagles 2nd company and well, it looks like the state flag of Texas. So this got me thinking, what if I take the state flags and change them up a bit to use as company banners?


It might be crossing the line a bit in making the chapter too American, but what are your opinions on this, brothers? Perhaps it can be justified fluff wise as representing the (possibly) ten provinces (I'm a tad reluctant to call them states) of Libertas.

I see no problem with using the modified state banners, though the question now becomes; which states will you use? There's only 10 companies to assign and even if you cut the number of banners down to the original states that revolted that still 13 banners to choose from...


As for the justification in-fluff, the states could be replaced with great cities (Hive or normal) that adopted similiar heraldry as their banners in honour of the Eagles after the reclaimation of Libertas and the Eagles were so flattered they adopted the banners for their companies?

I think that maybe it could be that early in the history of the Eagles (shortly after the conquest of Libertas) that each company had their captain preside over construction of each hive, ensuring each was built to painstakingly exact standards of fortification. Each captain's heraldry was then used as the flag for each hive. Seeing as Libertas was one of the first worlds reclaimed in the Cluster, and it became the homeworld of a chapter of the Astartes, the chapter master decided that each company's banner would be the heraldry of their original captains.


And this reveals an element I think was previously unmentioned about the Eagles, they're history buffs. They take great pride in the events that shaped their chapter, and events they partook in that were of great importance in the Cluster.


Edit: as for flag selection, personal bias will be how I chose. My state gets the honour of being of the veteran first (sorry American Frater) then I'll go with California (majority of my favorite American sports teams reside here). I already have a banner that looks like the flag of Texas, so that will be used.


But in a more liber friendly approach, maybe I will use the flags of the states (in a slightly altered manner) that each of the American members of the Cluster reside in. Looking at the little location thing a bit ago when I was on the laptop, Cormac is a Californian, Wade was a Mississippian, Heathens was an Alaskan, and I am a Washingtonian. There may be others but I can't remember off the top of my head. Then after that it will go down to personal bias.


And on that bombshell, I have things to write. I may return soon if lurking the boards distracts me again...

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Please don't do New Jersey, no one likes it here.

But it's the Garden State, everyone loves gardens. And you got cool accents, we lack an accent out here in the Pac NW. And isn't Bon Jovi from New Jersey?


If you really don't want it though, I'll let you chose your favorite state instead of the one you reside in.


Some of the flags look generic enough to be incorporated wholesale with little to no alteration (Alabama for instance, just a red X on a white field) which I may use for the 8th out of coincidence and sheer simplicity.

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this is extremely intriguing! i know im a bit late, but are you still accepting chapters to war effort? i think i have a few paint schemes needing a purpose.

Welcome to the Cluster Lord Marshal, always good to see new faces here.

Unfortunately all the Chapter slots are taken I'm afraid, although I believe we're still accepting submissions for other factions like Adeptus Sororitas, Imperial Guard, Chaos Warbands, Renegade forces, etc. You're more than welcome to try your hand at something like that if you like. ^_^

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I placed a hard cap on Chapters, because I felt that there should only be so many and allowing too many to join would make the setting itself feel too packed and cluttered.


But as mentioned above, there remains a lot of room for virtually everything else. We need worlds, we need threats, armies, heroes, saints, villains. We need infrastructure and turmoil. Miracles and paradoxes. And lots of wars.

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this is extremely intriguing! i know im a bit late, but are you still accepting chapters to war effort? i think i have a few paint schemes needing a purpose.

Welcome to the Cluster Lord Marshal, always good to see new faces here.

Unfortunately all the Chapter slots are taken I'm afraid, although I believe we're still accepting submissions for other factions like Adeptus Sororitas, Imperial Guard, Chaos Warbands, Renegade forces, etc. You're more than welcome to try your hand at something like that if you like. :happy.:




I placed a hard cap on Chapters, because I felt that there should only be so many and allowing too many to join would make the setting itself feel too packed and cluttered.


But as mentioned above, there remains a lot of room for virtually everything else. We need worlds, we need threats, armies, heroes, saints, villains. We need infrastructure and turmoil. Miracles and paradoxes. And lots of wars.


i understand completely brothers


ill see what i can do for worlds, anomoles, chaos etc.


never really done a chaos group besides my WB chapter and Doomgivers. should be interesting. i might do a necron empire too.

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Just remember that this is a Humanity :cuss Yeah! board. Xenos is an acceptable expansion of the Cluster, but make sure that whatever you write is a human piece. Earlier in the thread, a xenos race was expanded upon by showing a Rogue Trader house making a deal with them. Stuff like that is acceptable.
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In regards to state flags as emblems for the Eagles of Glory...Mississippi still flies the stars and bars of the Confederate States of America.


I'm not sure what the equivalent of that would be...something that resembles the pre-fall symbol of the Luna Wolves? Or the Emperor's Children, they had a bird of prey thing going on with their iconography so it wouldn't be quite so jarring juxtaposed with the rest of the Chapter banners.

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