Ace Debonair Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 MOAR PLANITS -= Grythia =- A world locked in perpetual blizzards, Grythia is an agri-world populated mostly by clans of nomadic hunter-gatherers. These clans move around the continents in search of the great Bracoth, a creature somewhat akin to a wooly mammoth, but with a long, spiked tail, a pack mentality and considerably heightened territorial aggression. There are few carnivores on Grythia, and a great deal of what, on a more temperate world, would be thought of as densely packed jungles. The Bracoth hunters are always careful to only kill one or two of such creatures in each hunt - dragging the large, weighty corpses back to the nearest spaceport is reportedly the hardest part of the job. Bracoth meat is best known for it's longevity rather than it's taste, but it remains a popular export across much of the Liber Cluster, and some world consider it a cornerstone of their cuisine. -= Primarchia =- A glorious agri-world named to honour the Emperor's sons, Primarchia is home to not only several thriving food industries, but a surprisingly successful tourism industry. Each of the world's cities houses a statue to honour one or more of the loyal Primarchs. Particularly well thought of is the statue in the shrine city of Rakkel, featuring Dorn and the Khan, standing side by side, weapons raised in salute to the Emperor. Primarchia's main contributions to feeding the Liber cluster are rice and wheat products, although this is supplemented with a thriving fishing industry. The most notable wildlife on Primarchia is the Sabrefish, an underwater carnivore with three rows of terrifyingly sharp teeth, including two large, curved fangs that invariably protrude upwards from the fish's mouth. Though quite rare, sometimes chainswords are built by the Saneslau Mechanicus that make use of Sabrefish fangs. -= =- More food for the Cluster! Are there any other types of world we need more of? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Were in the real lows on shrine world, as it stand one, no cardinal worlds if the cluster got any high ranking Ecclesiarchy. And only 1 penal world atm. Edited March 4, 2015 by Lucernius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TDF Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Kachani - A world of small rocky archipelagos and wind-swept seas, Kachani's main sources of wealth are the minerals and salts extracted from the ion-rich sea water. For centuries Kachani was governed by a hereditary monarchy, where the oldest son of the king would inherit the crown and traditionally the second son would be offered up into the service of the Ecclesiarchy. This changed in 702.M38 when Cardinal Justinius led a popular revolt against his feckless and weak elder brother Carolingius XIX. After an almost bloodless coup Justinius took on the duel role of Cardinal and Planetary Governor. Since that day Kachani has been ruled by the Adeptus Ministorum as a Cardinal World. Pilgrims flock to Kachani to be baptised in the holy seas and purchase small vials of salt water, which are said to represent the tears of the Emperor and possess power to cast out daemons and cure disease, amongst hundreds of other effects. Balachoi - The Balachoi system was the site of a recent astronomical calamity whereby two massive rocky planets collided and annihilated each other. The dense asteroid field created is rich in heavy metals, too valuable for the Imperium of Man to ignore. The outer reaches of the field are easily mined by automated servo-drills, but the real wealth is found deep within the rocky cloud. The Balachoi Mining Corps fly small void-craft through the field, operating more by instinct than anything tangible, to extract the valuable ores from the constantly spinning and colliding asteroids. The skills of these individuals are readily transferable to void fighting and the Admirals of the Imperial Navy are constantly battling Administratum officials to recruit more Balachoi into their fighter wings. I want to find a cooler name than Mining Corps... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorkimedes Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 All I could think of. Balachoi Hollowing Conglomerates " " Prospect Guilds / Levies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Prospect Guilds or Prospector Guilds sound pretty cool to me!It's easy to imagine competition for mining rights is pretty fierce between the rival guilds. Were in the real lows on shrine world, as it stand one, no cardinal worlds if the cluster got any high ranking Ecclesiarchy. And only 1 penal world atm. Alrighty! -= Aquimarne =- A planet dominated by ornate shrines and temples to the Emperor, Aquimarne could almost be considered a paradise world were it not for the abnormally high mutation rate amongst the native population. The cause of these mutations is unknown, but the fact of their existence is often enough to dissuade visiting Imperial Citizens from attempting to start new lives on the Shrine World. Mutants are mostly persecuted, and excluded from entry into most cities in Aquimarne, forced to survive in the deep forests. However, the temple-city of St. Myrta's Grace is known to open it's gates to any being with a love for The Emperor in it's heart. On the rare occasions that the mutant tribes give birth to a pure human child, the infant is invariably delivered to St Myrta's Grace and raised by the devout to join the local ecclesiarchy. -= Gauntfell =- The world of Gauntfell is a rocky world of fogs, violent thunderstorms and very limited visibility. Daylight is largely swallowed by the near-impenetrable cloud cover that swamps the surface of the world, making it all but impossible to tell night from day. The world was claimed by the Imperium not long before the Eighteen Worlds Crusade, and was soon put to use as a prison world. Designs were made for enormous, forbidding prison complexes, designed for the efficient containment of threats to the Imperium. Notably, the first waves of prisoners were even made to mine the stone from Gauntfell's bleak surface and build the prison themselves. Casualties from exposure to the endless, biting wind, frequent deadly thunderstorms, and unending toil were commonplace, with a death toll in the millions by the time of the jail-complex's completion. According to rumours, the highest tower is reserved for imprisoned captured traitor Space Marines, and is even rumoured to hold one of Khroda's own personal bodyguards, but this is most likely a mere story put about to boost the formidable reputation for the prison planet. -= =- Phew. Hopefully that helps fill the deficit a little! EDIT: Ooops, didn't make a Cardinal World yet. I'll come back to that once I've had a bit of a think on it. Edited March 4, 2015 by Ace Debonair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TDF Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Namoda Delta - A cold planet covered in tundra and pine forests. Society on Namoda Delta devolved to feudal levels during the Silence. Since its rediscovery by the Imperium little changed on Namoda Delta until the Administratum decided to build several enormous penal-cities on the uninhabited southern tundra plains. Over time the leaders of the indigenous population were trained and educated until they were sufficiently trusted to take over the running of the penal-cities. In 218.M40 Inquisitor Owan Dupont discovered a Khornate cult within the planet's leadership where prisoners scheduled for execution were released into the forests and hunted for sport. Inquisitor Dupont carried out a complete extermination of Namoda Delta's non-penal population and oversaw a repopulation of the planet from the nearest hive world. Since then the operation of the penal-cities has continued unblemished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Updated the map with all the latest additions: (Rememeber to download here for full sized map) These worlds have been added to the map: Subsector Colvin Pallias Gauntfell Tristan's World Charatys Subsector Liber Regnum Gardenhome Kachani Balachoi Grythia Primarchia Subsector Centralis Sefaris Krineland Molmaga Aquimarne Kakasis (Tempest) Subsector Arenthal Golcadi Namoda Delta Olis and Conn Eremon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 Some great stuff, guys. I'll be collating this stuff tonight again, if able. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Sorry to nitpick Lucernius, but I'd suggest shrinking or even removing the bubble for the Albion system. I know that the Cluster is way smaller than the rest of the galaxy so things will be bigger in comparision on this map but I just feel like it shouldn't be so large... :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Any special reason? As albion's a system with 3 planets and therefore probably more qualified to be there, more so than a 1 planet system, several thats on the map already? And making diffrent sized spheres think thats unwise as that will just make visuals harder even with names above the systems/planets Edited March 4, 2015 by Lucernius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Any special reason? As albion's a system with 3 planets and therefore probably more qualified to be there, more so than a 1 planet system, several thats on the map already? And making diffrent sized spheres think thats unwise as that will just make visuals harder even with names above the systems/planets I don't know really, it just "feels" too big to me, you know? I mean Warpstorm Id'ilmar is only slightly smaller on the map and from what I've read that's meant to have been a small empire at one point, so it makes Albion seem huge in comparison. Edited March 4, 2015 by SanguiniusReborn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 smaller? its well alot of bigger than Albion or ? :D Anyways the warpstorm is quite big on the map, not as big as The Tempest, but it is a small warpstorm, in that warpstorm a old planet lies and that is sphere wise as big as Albion. but the crosshair is used to symbolize the warp has shifted or changed that planet, but now looking at it i could remove the crosshair as the planet are more a forbidden planet than a warp affected planet. Warpstorm Id’ilmar – Located on the boundaries of a former human kingdom of the same name, the agents of the Mechanicus utilize the rumors of a thinking machine that forms its heart as cautionary tales of the terrors that arose in the Dark Age of Technology and the need for Mankind to trust in the Mechanicus for all technological matters. Will fix that in the next update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Righto, back to business - more worlds for the Cluster! Let's give the Faithful a bit more space to play. -= Talbarde =- Long considered one of the key pillars of the Ecclesiarchy's might within the Liber Cluster, the Cardinal World of Talbarde is one part centre of religious worship, one part impenetrable fortress. Cathedrals of unimaginable grandeur and resplendence are built around ancient planetary defence batteries, each housing weaponry designed to shoot down potential hostile ships in orbit and decorated in the same ornate, baroque style as the churches. Despite the fact Talbarde is undoubtedly the dominion of the Ecclesiarchy, there can also be found several temples to the Omnissiah, the better to appease the Saneslau Mechanicus forces responsible for the maintenance of Talbarde's defences. Talbarde is also home to the Order of Vengeful Flame, a small force of Adeptas Sororitas who act primarily as a bastion force for nearby systems. -= Akina VI =- The only habitable world in the Akina system, Akina VI is a popular pilgrimage destination for faithful all across the Cluster. Almost as much a Hive World as a Shrine World, housing on this world tends to be confined to single rooms, crammed in, around and even under the street-spanning temple complexes and ornate chapels that make up most of the world's major cities. Although the local Arbites and city watchmen are kept busy with near-continuous theft problems and occasional public brawls over matters of faith, and the living conditions on a planet-wide basis would, on any other world, be deemed pretty close to unacceptable, every day more pilgrims feel moved to settle on what is considered a blessed world by the Ecclesiarchy. -= =- Phew! Lucernius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 smaller? its well alot of bigger than Albion or ? :D No no, look I think we're both getting a little confused here, what I meant to say is that the orange dotted line that shows Albion's borders looks too big for a star system in my eyes. Maybe to simplify things it would be better to just replace the "White Hall" part of Sentinels marker with "Albion System", would that be okay with you? I'm sorry if I'm being a pain or anything, it just doesn't make much sense to me as it is now. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) I believe what you are looking at is the dotted line, which in this case is actually a 'projected path' of Whitehall rather than borders to a system. The Albion dot is 'the Albion System.' Lucernius, giving it a cursory glance right now, but it all looks pretty good on my end. Once again, I'll be collating all of the new worlds and double-checking placement and such tonight. Edit: Sorry, projected path was the wrong phrase. It's the movement of Whitehall up to its current position, showing a general flow of movement. Edited March 4, 2015 by Conn Eremon Lucernius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorkimedes Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 I can't look at the map on my phone but to clarify the idea in my head was that the boundaries of the warp storm would be, loosely, those of the Id'Ilmar civilization. With the storm being controlled by the Daemon-Prince / Machine that was created when the civilization was offered up to Nurgle. So any world caught in the storm would be warp touched. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 I believe what you are looking at is the dotted line, which in this case is actually a 'projected path' of Whitehall rather than borders to a system. The Albion dot is 'the Albion System.' Lucernius, giving it a cursory glance right now, but it all looks pretty good on my end. Once again, I'll be collating all of the new worlds and double-checking placement and such tonight. Edit: Sorry, projected path was the wrong phrase. It's the movement of Whitehall up to its current position, showing a general flow of movement. Oh is that what it is? I never stated if the White Hall moved so I never considered it was a projected path, I always considered it stayed in Albion watching over the system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 Honestly, I couldn't remember myself. In that case, I'd recommend removing Whitehall wholesale. It, like the other worlds in Albion, are just considered "Albion." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Sure will fix that in the next update :) and yeah Conn has the right about it but will remove tha pathing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Sure will fix that in the next update and yeah Conn has the right about it but will remove tha pathing Cool, sorry for the trouble and confusion Lucernius. Edited March 4, 2015 by SanguiniusReborn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucernius Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 haha nps my fault really i thought as you had a monastery that you were fleet based and patrolled a bit :P but it was my assumption so my fault :P then i miss understood you :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 haha nps my fault really i thought as you had a monastery that you were fleet based and patrolled a bit but it was my assumption so my fault then i miss understood you Well that's partially true, the Sentinels are very active and often perform great sweeping patrols throughout the Cluster. However the Fortress-Monastary, while certainly capable of moving around if needed, tends to stay put in the Albion system to watch over and defend the recruitment worlds. It simply wouldn't do if the Sentinels came home from a long ol'patrol to find some sneaky git Chaos warband or Dark Eldar raiders had popped round for a visit while they were gone and trashed the place. Lucernius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 Well, gosh dang. Now the 2nd post is too big. It did just breach 10,000 words in my Word document with the latest addition. I really thought I had at least half a dozen more pages left before it'd do that to me, and that this craze would have slowed down by then. Go figure, I wasn't prepared for Ace monster trucking Debonair. Who's all like "Oh? You need a world of what type? HAVE A DOZEN." Slightly exaggerated, but seriously, kudos to him for providing so much in such a short time frame. When the new thread pops up, I'll be sure to reserve more posts than I did for this thread (I might even say screw it, and claim the whole first page). But in the meantime, I could actually use your help. A lot of my collating as of late, what with my time constraints and an admitted desire to reserve some of my creative writing for other projects, has been simply copy/pasting what you all provide. Usually, if it's at most a paragraph in size, or can be shortened to one by removing spacing, I just drop the whole thing into the Word docs that I then copy/paste to fill in the first posts in the thread. What really needs to be done is the entries actually edited and shortened down to one to two lines at max. The first couple posts are just to get people aware of the general info anyways, not to put every single thing done in the thread up front. If someone wants to know more about a particular thing, they can continue to read the thre Which brings me to the help. I would really appreciate if I could delegate this editing process to you guys. I know if I did it all myself, I would be spending hours just nitpicking at how I edited it all down. If anyone is willing to help, please just post which section you'd like to do, so that it can be split up among multiple people and nobody will work over another person. Like say you'll do Subsector Colvin or Notable Denizens. An example of some entries of acceptable size: Anesidora – Home World of the Iron Ravagers Chapter and the Anesidorian Mechanicus Arrax – Noted for the fall of the Angels Exultant Chapter from the Emperor’s grace Scythia – Home World of the Black Falcons Chapter Vorden - A former Adeptus Arbites training world that came to rule over its neighbors, cybernetic implants are very common in its inhabitants. Hatake - An ice world controlled by ganger-aristocrats and their shadowy warrior-clans, the Rusk. Many Imperial Guard regiments are raised from Hatake, specifically the Rusk. Example of some entries that really need to be edited: Grythia – A world locked in perpetual blizzards, Grythia is an agri-world populated mostly by clans of nomadic hunter-gatherers. These clans move around the continents in search of the great Bracoth, a creature somewhat akin to a wooly mammoth, but with a long, spiked tail, a pack mentality and considerably heightened territorial aggression. There are few carnivores on Grythia, and a great deal of what, on a more temperate world, would be thought of as densely packed jungles. The Bracoth hunters are always careful to only kill one or two of such creatures in each hunt - dragging the large, weighty corpses back to the nearest spaceport is reportedly the hardest part of the job. Bracoth meat is best known for its longevity rather than it's taste, but it remains a popular export across much of the Liber Cluster, and some world consider it a cornerstone of their cuisine. Primarchia – A glorious agri-world named to honour the Emperor's sons, Primarchia is home to not only several thriving food industries, but a surprisingly successful tourism industry. Each of the world's cities houses a statue to honour one or more of the loyal Primarchs. Particularly well thought of is the statue in the shrine city of Rakkel, featuring Dorn and the Khan, standing side by side, weapons raised in salute to the Emperor. Primarchia's main contributions to feeding the Liber cluster are rice and wheat products, although this is supplemented with a thriving fishing industry. The most notable wildlife on Primarchia is the Sabrefish, an underwater carnivore with three rows of terrifyingly sharp teeth, including two large, curved fangs that invariably protrude upwards from the fish's mouth. Though quite rare, sometimes chainswords are built by the Saneslau Mechanicus that make use of Sabrefish fangs. Kachani – A world of small rocky archipelagos and wind-swept seas, Kachani's main sources of wealth are the minerals and salts extracted from the ion-rich sea water. For centuries Kachani was governed by a hereditary monarchy, where the oldest son of the king would inherit the crown and traditionally the second son would be offered up into the service of the Ecclesiarchy. This changed in 702.M38 when Cardinal Justinius led a popular revolt against his feckless and weak elder brother Carolingius XIX. After an almost bloodless coup Justinius took on the duel role of Cardinal and Planetary Governor. Since that day Kachani has been ruled by the Adeptus Ministorum as a Cardinal World. Pilgrims flock to Kachani to be baptised in the holy seas and purchase small vials of salt water, which are said to represent the tears of the Emperor and possess power to cast out daemons and cure disease, amongst hundreds of other effects.Balachoi – The Balachoi system was the site of a recent astronomical calamity whereby two massive rocky planets collided and annihilated each other. The dense asteroid field created is rich in heavy metals, too valuable for the Imperium of Man to ignore. The outer reaches of the field are easily mined by automated servo-drills, but the real wealth is found deep within the rocky cloud. The Balachoi Mining Corps fly small void-craft through the field, operating more by instinct than anything tangible, to extract the valuable ores from the constantly spinning and colliding asteroids. The skills of these individuals are readily transferable to void fighting and the Admirals of the Imperial Navy are constantly battling Administratum officials to recruit more Balachoi into their fighter wings. Like I said, about one to two lines at max should be enough room to get a good general gist of the planet/feature/entity across. For those entries with even less than that, feel free to bulk them up a little bit as well. If anyone is willing to help me out with that, it would really be appreciated. Now, with that out of the way, for Lucernius: The new map looks very good, and I've taken into account the placement of worlds you went ahead and did. The one thing I have right now is that I think Molmaga and Gauntfell could be removed. With their connection to the EWC as given in their entries, I think they might be more suitable in that Subsector, when it has been assigned to one of the as-yet unnamed Subsectors. Which brings me to the next point. Since Tenebris didn't mention it in the thread, I just wanted to say that, last I heard, he's going to be creating a Subsector to be one of the remaining four. Following our conversation on it, it seems likely that his Subsector will include the worlds somehow involved in, or connected to, the Eighteen Worlds Crusade. Not all of these worlds are actually among the Eighteen Worlds, they are just connected in some way to the concerted effort that is referred to as the Eighteen Worlds Crusade. Either by being one of the Eighteen, being a world targeted by the Lions as a counter-attack, involved as a muster world, or contains prisoners collected from the forces of the Lions following their defeat. Here is a current list of worlds that are, far as I'm currently aware, connected to the EWC in some manner: Thravis Prime - EWC Durtuvar - EWC Sranav - EWC Lelith Secundus - EWC Baluarte - EWC Heroda IV - EWC Cenicika - EWC Tonagish - EWC Evin Prime - EWC Zavatista - EWC Venet - EWC Barek Zayim - EWC Nimobia - EWC Andalus - EWC Shenac - EWC Molmaga - EWC Gauntfell - EWC Last but hopefully not least: Subsector Arrenthal The Soladrid Chain - Commonly referred to simply as the Soladrids, this collection of habitable moons in orbit around Brevius III are used as minor agri-worlds. Together, the seven moons can outperform nearly any other agri-world within the Liber Cluster, outside of the notable, obvious exceptions. Marked similarities between the ecosystems of these moons reveals clear connections and shared ancestry. Though difficult to find, fossilized remains on the terrestrial planet of Brevius III lead many to assume that life had originally developed upon it, and by unknown means spread to the moons. Estimates place this diaspora at 150 to 235 million years ago, which coincides with the extinction of life on the planet itself. Despite initial assumptions, no evidence of sentient life has been found, and the date ranges greatly exceed the proposed age of the xenos race known as the Eldar, a common culprit for such planetary meddling. The sandy world of Brevius III is host to many port cities and communal habs, as well as immense storage-domes where the Soladrid products are placed in cold storage until transportation to nearby Hive Worlds. This use of Brevius III has allowed the Soladrids themselves to remain virtually unmarred by permanent, man-made edifices. With a population of 16 million, the hunter-butcher teams of the Soladrids are viciously efficient at their work. What few regiments of their ilk raised were famed as exceptional recon forces, though they were often utilized for special operations and terror tactics. Indeed, what the 14th Soladrid 'Knifehands' did to a misbehaving gubernatorial dynasty and its resources on the momentarily rebellious world of Artanias proves that the Astra Militarum need not rely solely on bulk of numbers to win battles. The moons of the Chain themselves are largely uniform in size and range of climates, typically temperate. Their primary divergence from each other is the roughly two hundred million years of evolutionary drift. Notable examples include the Keladons and the Coelopes, two species found on Soladrid Secundus and Tertius, respectively. Though both species share a common ancestor, named the Orricks due to its skeletal resemblance to an Old Earth breed, the two species appear unrelated. The bulky Keladons are peaceful grazers, relying on their remarkable stamina to evade predators, an evolutionary trait made possible only because of the relatively slow predators that can be found on Soladrid Secundus. The Coelopes, however, are nearly a third the size of a Keladon, but nonetheless powerfully built. Their bony plates give them an insectoid appearance, as if having a full exoskeleton. This serves them well against the scythe-like claws of the Etolan Eagles, a common predator on the plains populated by the Coelopes, and the generally aggressive nature of the Coelopes. However, there does exist an apex predator, a long-lived species that has apparently experienced none of the evolutionary drift found in the other Soladrid flora and fauna. Labeled 'endangered' due to its small population sizes on each of the Soladrid moons, it is something of a misnomer, as the Soladrids would be incapable of supporting a population any larger. Known as the Vyrms, due to a visual resemblance to immense reptilian beasts that terrorized feral humanity of Old Earth, these serpentine creatures mostly made their home in the Soladrid oceans, which in response are considered exempt from the industrial processing of the Soladrid organic resources. Even the heavily armed and shielded carrier-skiffs are at risk if in reach of a Vyrm. Being amphibious in nature, a simple avoidance of Soladrid seas is not enough to be safe. However, the small Vyrm population sizes and relative safety further inland keep the Soladrids from being classified as Death Worlds. Nonetheless, a Vyrm kill is the greatest trophy a Brevian hunter could ever hope to obtain in her career, and so a Vyrm that walks the Soladrid lands, though an incredibly rare sight, will find itself relentlessly hunted by teams of hunters that will do everything they can to bring the titanic beast down in one piece. It is said that the throne of the Liniamite Kings has been fashioned from a Vyrm's skull. If true, such a prize would have cost a fortune that would take the Liniamite royal family generations to pay off. Dreadful mismanagement in recent centuries have left two of the Soladrids woefully over-hunted, irreversibly damaging their fragile ecosystems well beyond their ability to self-regulate or maintain. Continued harvesting at the current rate will inevitably leave the Soladrids barren within a millennium. Despite these warnings, no signs of change have been found. The hive world Caeburgh, particularly reliant on Soledrid foodstuffs, has for decades been mobilizing and amassing its forces for a strike against Brevius III, with an enrollment and graduation rate within its military academies nearly three times higher than normal. Whatever the famed fighting talent of the Brevians, it is assumed by all that a decapitation strike to overthrow the Soladrid Barons will be swift, merciless, and without a doubt successful. And because that's obviously too big for what should be in the initial posts, here's an edited down version: The Soladrid Chain - Seven agri-worlds in orbit over the dead world in which Soladrid life originated. Noted for its draconic predators and talented hunter caste, the latter of which has provided many capable regiments. Soon to be on a war footing with Caeburgh. Lucernius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 (edited) Go figure, I wasn't prepared for Ace monster trucking Debonair. Who's all like "Oh? You need a world of what type? HAVE A DOZEN." Slightly exaggerated, but seriously, kudos to him for providing so much in such a short time frame. I could probably write a dozen more, given enough time and cups of tea. Keeping the momentum going, though, I'm willing to throw down a summarized version of Subsector Anglica. It might take me a little bit longer than the planets did, though. EDIT: On second thoughts, maybe not: -=-=-=-=-=-= Subsector Englica The Englican section of the Liber Cluster suffers the worst from the predations of xenos, and has a strong Inquisitorial presence. Mundus Novus – Large system housing the headquarters of the Ordo Xenos within the Subsector. Acripa – Distant world within the Mundus Novus system, where a prominent Watch-Fortress of the Ordo Xenos chamber-militant, the Deathwatch, has been emplaced. Garandor – Xenos-infested system that has regularly pushed back all attempts at purgation. It is home to a number of deadly, fast-evolving xenos breeds. Each attack against the Xenos here reveals new threats. Libertas – Home World of the Eagles of Glory Chapter, colonized by a wildly diverse array of Imperial Citizens. Anglin – Scarlet Sentinel Chapter recruitment world; Albion System. A world of islands, dominated by naval warfare. Caledon – Scarlet Sentinel Chapter recruitment world; Albion System. A world defined by it's stubborn clansmen and their taste for warfare. Cambris – Scarlet Sentinel Chapter recruitment world; Albion System. A mountainous world of both great beauty and great peril. Kalliel – Den World of the Darghoul xenos breed. Warpstorm Id’ilmar – a Warpstorm that may have been caused by a Thinking Machine, the story of which serves as a grim warning to distrust all non-Mechanicus technology. Evalissia - A feudal world on the edge of the Englica sub-sector. Evalissian Regiments are hardened by constant warfare and supplemented by all manner of mercenaries. Calahan - A thriving Agri-World ruled brutally by the Tarantus and Randahl clans. It's capital, Skyreach, is the destination for the world's great land-trains that transport the harvests. Trazis - An Ork-held world that orbits the binary stars of the Atris system, TRazis alternates between being a frozen, barren wasteland and a scorched, radioactive hellhole. Reyingras - A rocky, mineral-rich world that will likely soon be destroyed by Krantz, a rogue planetoid nearing the end of it's decaying orbit around Reyingras. Upon it's destruction, the Imperium will likely begin mining the debris. Schola Scionis – World upon which the Schola Progenium maintains a presence. Known as a training world for the Tempestus Scions, such as the Veimarr Eagles. Liniam – Feudal world plagued roving bands of Orks. Left with primitive technology since the Silence, it's denizens shun Imperial advances in technology for reasons known only to themselves. Geius Prime – A Forge World that was once consumed by the Silence. Though rejuvenated by the Saneslau Mechanicus, it has an uneasy relationship with it's sister world of Liniam. Chevalius – Knight world in the Mundus Novus system, vassal to the Forge World Geius Prime. Grennarch - Home World of the Aetheric Swords Chapter. A feudal world of forests and rivers, much of the Chapter's character comes from the clansmen of Grennarch. Gyrron – System on the outskirts of the Cluster. Over-run with Khornate cultists that originated on Hive Eshilgahaï, of Gyrron Secundus Magadha – Agrarian world devastated by an Ork invasion. The Imperial Governor’s actions during the war prompted some to advocate for his canonization, but so far to no avail. The planet was reclassified as a mining world when purgation of the Orks rendered Magadha’s farmlands worthless. -=-=-=-=-=-= If anyone thinks I've missed any important bits from any of the planets, let me know and I'll be sure to edit them accordingly. Edited March 5, 2015 by Ace Debonair Lucernius and Reyner 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Dayum Ace. You know it never occurred to me that the Blades of the Lion make no mention of where they recruit from as a fleet based Chapter I just figured they would pick up aspirants from worlds they pass or warzones they have been fighting in. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to name a few planets they tend to favour or would that conflict with their mysterious floaty ways? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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