deathspectersgt7 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 I can see the All Seers going Rogue in a way . They willing work with other Astartes as long as it fits they're agenda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Fair enough, Cormac. Continuing the trend of how my Chapter sees everyone else: Aerythic Swords: Obviously, sons of Sanguinus. What? They claim to be sons of Guilliman. Ah. Okay. We should agree with them very politely, you know how those sons of Sanguinus are. (Ceramite clad finger is held up beside head and rotated in a circle). Interactions between the line troopers are thus friendly, but with some caution on the Kin's part, because you never know about Sanguinus's get and their craziness. Meanwhile, the Swords Librarius and the Kin's Medicine Dogs get along wonderfully. Or at the very least, they display the respect of one regicide grandmaster to another, and it looks like getting along wonderfully from the outside. (See: All the scenes of Varys and Petyr Baelish in the Game of Thrones TV show.) Iron Ravagers: An entire Chapter of faceless Marines who claim to be scions of blunt, boisterous Ferrus Manus. Uhhh-huh. Well, you can't expect the sons of Corax the Trickster to outright say "We're sons of Corax", can you? As a result, the Kin are fonder of the Ravagers than might otherwise be the case (Clever Corax being one of the more well liked of the Nine) but they also scrutinize everything they do for double meanings and hidden motives. That they haven't found any yet only proves what true followers of Corax the Ravagers are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorkimedes Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Here's what I came up with. I tried my best to give them a Doom Eaglish flavor. The Unadorned Primarch: Corax "The Glory Is His" Skausma is a world of death, settled only for its rich abundance of chemicals useful in the manufacture of exotic warp drives. For the peoples clinging to life upon the worlds surface death comes from both the earth and the heavens. Where other suns birth wonder and life Skausma’s dim green star covers the planet in a never-ending flood of deadly solar wind. To be born upon this world is to spend a lifetime in highly toxic mines. Someone who reaches the age of twenty-five is considered blessed, thirty and it is said that the Emperor himself has touched their soul. For centuries the upper echelons of the chapter have been dominated by the Eight Immortals. During a recruitment phase an extra dimensional rift opened in the heart of Skausma’s star. Later called the “eye of god” this rift appeared stable, with nothing passing out of it and having no ill effects of the star surrounding it. When the rift opened eight aspirants were being implanted with geneseed, it was not until decades later when one of these aspirants died that the effects of the rift were revealed. When these men met their ends they returned, their souls devouring one of their brothers using his body and soul as fodder for their rebirth. Each time one of the eight died they were unwillingly brought back to life. Chief amongst the eight is the chapter master, the Lord Supreme Liga. For centuries he has ruled the Unadorned. Had he stayed dead Liga would have been considered a paragon amongst the Space Marines, but the cycle of rebirth weighs heavy upon the Lord Supreme’s mind. Every resurrection brings with it another nightmare, another would be brother destroyed. What was once a champion has turned into a shadowy figure of dread as madness and regret seep ever deeper into Liga’s mind. The Unadorned are a dour and quiet lot. The chapter carries no banners of past victories and the battle brothers tell no tales of valor. Where other groups of Astartes raise themselves up to be demi-gods the warriors of Skausma believe themselves to be no greater then the short-lived menials mining the depths of their world. Their lives are but tools for the God-Emperors war machine, a task they take no glory or joy in but one they fulfill with iron fortitude. Upon death no great monuments await them, there are no records of past brothers. To be forgotten and replaced is what the men of Skausma wish for. Every servant of the Emperor has their place and should not ask for more. Overtime the Unadorned have become increasingly fatalistic in their view of themselves and the Imperium. All lives save the Emperor’s are next to worthless, transient things that should be used and discarded. They have been known to refuse to allow retreats even when doing so would prove advantageous; to allow an inch of the Emperor’s realm to be lost is unthinkable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 I think the animosity is fine Wade - quite fun as well :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aegnor Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) I've tried to do up a matrix of how each element views each other. At this stage, its symetrical, which doesn't quite work as some chapters don't feel the same way about each other, but as a ready reference, it's a start. It's not finished, but I'm heading to bed now so will post what I've done. Edit: reposted with proper colour background. Edited June 24, 2014 by Aegnor Conn Eremon and Wade Garrett 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Relationships of the Angels Exultant Before the Fall: Lords Inviolate: Normal Trust As long as the Lords do not inquire too harshly into the inner workings of the chapter the Angels get along just fine with them. The Angels understand that their peculiar flaws would render them incapable of leading the Liber Cluster as the Lord do, as such, they have a deep respect for the difficult situation the Lords are in trying to lead this group. Sons of Calderon: Neither Trust Nor Distrust Too strong an emphasis on the machine god is too weak an emphasis on the Emperor. Thankfully the Sons seem to have recognized this risk and have mostly avoided it. They are treated with respect but kept at a distance. Conflagrators: Normal Trust The Conflagrators faith and pursuit of close quarters assaults mean that the Angels feel a strong connection with them. They will gladly cede control to the Conflagrators in joint operations. Their only worry is that they find the Conflagrators attitude and disregard for collateral damage, since it is of their own choosing rather than dictated by geneseed, somewhat troubling. Eagles of Glory: Neither Trust Nor Distrust The Angels find the Eagles brash, impudent, and imprudent. However, the two chapters have found that fighting together is mutually beneficial; the Eagles’ focus on heavy damage and lightning strikes from tank and air complements well the Angels’ focus on quick close assaults. So, while the Angels are worried by the Eagles meddlesome nature, they are willing to work with them perhaps more so than others in the Liber Cluster because of their complementary fighting styles. Blackjaw Kindred: Distrust The Angels have found these strange brethren to have unique if sometimes troubling insights and outlooks. The Kindred’s portrayal of Sanguinius as a god of madness however, hits a bit to close to home. The Angels keep the Kindred at a distance in order to protect their secrets as much as due to the incompatibilities of their faiths. Iron Ravagers: Refuse to Work With The body of the space marine was made in the image of the God Emperor of mankind, to willingly deface such is at best foolish and at worst heresy. Needless to say, the two chapters do not get along and will not willingly work with each other unless there is no other choice. Blades of the Lion: Distrust On the one hand, the Angels find the Blades highly unreliable. On the other, they suspect that the Blades likely have their own secrets to keep and thus the Angels sympathize with these sons of the Lion. When the Angels do rarely work with the Blades both are always trying to discover what the other chapter is hiding as they pursue their joint goals. Scarlet Sentinels: Refuse to Work With The Angels work as hard as they can to not deal with the Scarlet Sentinels. An incident early in the campaign had the Sentinels’ scouts working alongside the Angels when the presiding chaplain was slain. When the rest of the Sentinels arrived all the marines who had been sent ahead were missing, never to be seen again. Then the Angels pulled out support for the mission. Ever since the Sentinels have believed, correctly, that the Angels are responsible for the death of their troops, but have so far been unable to find concrete proof. Aetheric Swords: Valued Allies The Aetheric Swords are by far the chapter the Angels Exultant feel closest to. Even after losing their priests and chaplains, units of the Angels have been able to control their rage under the chanting and singing of the Undying Choir. Being sons of Sanguinius, the Angels also greatly respect the artistry inherent in such traditions, gladly adding their voices to the choir when in battle, and if permitted, to the recordings themselves. Finally, the fact that the Aetheric Swords treat the Angels as equals, rather than as figures to fear or revile brings them hope. It is important to note that the Arrax Massacre spared a handful of Angels Exultant who had been fighting under the Aetheric Swords on loan. Upon hearing of their chapter’s betrayal, these Angels presented themselves to the leaders of the Aetheric Swords so that they might pass judgment. (Please advise on how this judgment went, the few loyal Angels and one chaplain that remain would be perfectly willing to serve under the command of the Swords, if it is permitted to them.) Black Judges: Refuse to Work With To the Angels, humanity should treat the imperial faith as one of penitence and hope, not of persecution and fear. Those who fail must be destroyed to save them from themselves, not to inspire fear in others. They do not trust the Black Judges to any extent, and will destroy any they believe have discovered the secrets Angels’ flaws, if they can do so without witnesses. The Angels believe that the Judges are little better than renegades and the only reason they do not openly accuse them of heresy is that the Angels fear what details might come to light during such an investigation. All-Seers: Distrust The Angels see the All-Seers as flaky but faithful. They also share a similar combat methodology, although this is often a cause for concern if any of the Angels should lose control as they will all be close together in joint missions. Relationships are strained but stable. Doomsayers: Neither Trust Nor Distrust Even before the Doomsayers saved the Angels from destruction at the hand of renegades, the Angels were largely willing to work with the Doomsayers. Due to the difference in fighting styles and the compartmentalization of boarding actions there was very little risk of the Doomsayers being accidentally harmed by the Angels’ curse. The suspicious nature of the Doomsayers is still a worry though. Other Factions: Terminus Crux: Valued Allies The Angels have always been quick to come to the defense of Terminus Crux as they have strong ties with the Ecclesiarchy. They also would often recruit from the youngest pilgrims once they had completed their trips. The Angels often found that the faith of these recruits was strong enough to counter the rage and produce chaplains, or if they failed to meet the requirements for implantation or were too old they often made for good priests. Those marines who had made the pilgrimage to Terminus Crux are allowed a golden cross device on their armour. Saneslau Mechanicus: Distrust Relationships are frosty, and since the Angels Exultant make little use of manned craft (keeping their troops in control in these situations is difficult) this causes smaller problems than might be expected for most chapters. Notably, the techmarines of the Angels Exultant are often trained with the chaplains for their first few years in order to give them the control to operate more independently. They are also trained in house as much as possible in order to prevent the Saneslau Mechanicus from discovering the Angels’ secrets and in order to keep the techmarines’ faith in the Emperor a rock on which they might depend on for control. After the fall: By and large: BLOOD, DEATH, HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exceptions: The renegades controlling the Angels seem to particularly enjoy tormenting the Blades of the Lion and the Doomsayers, the latter appears to be for vengeance, but the former is for mysterious reasons that seem to arouse suspicion of the Blades in those who are keen to notice such things. They however seem reluctant to engage the Aetheric Swords in protracted battle, perhaps they fear that the Undying Choir will loosen their control of the Angels. They have even been seen by some of the Blades and the Judges on multiple occasions to retreat when the Aetheric swords arrive. Both groups have started to investigate the Swords for this reason but have not reported these strange occurrences to the conclave, which may very well be just as the renegades have planned. For representation in the chart I suggest a diagonalized color entry for pre/post falls of this (and any other) chapter. For instance Red Red Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Edited June 24, 2014 by Teetengee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 I have written how the Blades view the other Liberite Chapters: Lords InviolateThe Blades view the Lords as a good influence on the Liberites, they will never control the Blades but they are respected. If they are needed the Blades will strive to cooperate with them but if the Hunt calls then the Blades will answer. Sons of CalderonThe Sons of Calderon are not trusted – their skill at arms is adequate but their beliefs that the Emperor is a god do not sit well with the Blades at all. Their close relationship with the Mechanicus is suspicious but they will not question it. The ConflagratorsFanatical maniacs. The Blades barely tolerate being near the Conflagrators but their attitude to collateral damage appals the Blades, destroying everything on the field is a victory for the enemy if the Imperium cannot use it. The Blades may even go as far as open firing on the Conflagrators if they were in the same theatre seeing the pyromaniacs destroying Imperial infrastructure – even worse if they cause problems for the Great Hunt. Eagles of GloryThe Blades will never ask for help and would be downright hostile if the Eagles got involved in their business. They see they are capable in a fight but little else. The Blackjaw KindredHonourless scum. They are borderline heretics over their worship of the Primarchs and the Emperor and their past is questionable. There has been bloodshed between the Blades and the Kindred in the past over an insult against the Lion and to add to the flames they murdered an honoured champion when a duel was requested. The Blades will attack the Blackjaw without question if they come across them. The Iron RavagersThe Blades have not been in much contact with this Chapter but they do regret having to disengage from Estragor when they fought together. The Iron Ravagers fought well but the ancient duty was more important to the Blades. The Scarlet SentinelsThe Scarlet Sentinels are seen as an honourable ally and if the Lords Inviolate are no longer able to carry on with their duty to the Cluster the Blades will back the Sentinels. The Black JudgesThe Blades find the Black Judges way of conducting war highly unorthodox and unbecoming for Space Marines. Nor do the Blades approve of terror tactics against an enemy, that is a sign of weakness that you have to scare the enemy before you can face them on an open field. They will fight alongside the Judges but keep a wary distance – if they found a Judges commando or scout team spying on them the Blades would demand an honour duel for questioning their loyalty. The Aetheric SwordsThe Blades view the Swords as superstitious and are unsure of their methods but they have no real reason to dislike them. The way they value their Librarians is commendable as well. The All SeersUntrustworthy, their barbaric skull tokens and questionable runes covering their armour make the Blades wary. The Blades will fight alongside them but are intrigued by their attempts to hide away from other Imperial forces. The Doom SayersThe Blades see the Doom Sayers as potential allies and they are impressed by their skill at void warfare. The Angels ExultantThe Blades of the Lion have heard incredibly disturbing rumours of the actions of the Angels and their Librarians are having increasingly vivid visions of this Chapter as they fell from grace. They must be brought to heel and pay for their crimes. And interrogated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) The Eagles of Glory have clashed with the Angels Exultant on numerous occasions. The Eagles were also the first to witness the heresy interwoven into the chapter, no longer were these men the noble and pure Astartes of the Emperor; they were now little more than raging berzerkers with an obssession for spilling blood in their dark god's name. The Eagles believe they are too fargone to be saved from the ruinous powers and are set to eradicate their forces wherever possible. The Black Falcons have become, quite possibly, the Eagles' closest ally. After the Eagles had sent supplies to the rebuilding chapter the two had agreed that many campaigns would benefit from a combined arms approach. In campaigns where the Eagles cannot simply win the day with their firepower, the Flacons will insert behind enemy lines and strike the enemy from behind, either allowing the Eagles to advance or causing the enemy to flee towards the Eagles' heavy vehicles only to be decimated by the fire power. The Heralds of Letum are rather strange in the eyes of the Eagles, to them it looks like a lot of worship is being directed to bones, and that the chapter only does what mere bones tell them to do. Nevertheless, the Eagles send aid whenever possible, much to the disdain of the Heralds. The All Seers are looked on with suspicion by the Eagles. They're a tad too secretive. They may be part of some Alpha Legion plot to destroy the Liber chapter. However, that view is merely but rumors from some of the brothers in the Eagles. The Eagles watch the All Seers carefully, looking for anything that may point to them being in league with heretics. Edited June 24, 2014 by ArcticPaladin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Doomsayers primary post edited to include: Gridless marine (now with added symmetry), plus a direct reference to being of Guillimans lineage. Edit: Have i inadvertantly created a useful chapter to all? Maybe not! The Lords Inviolate - Respect is given to the Lords Inviolate as the leading Chapter of the Cluster, and as such always do their utmost to respond to requests sent by them. The Doomsayers don't believe the Lords consider them allies in the truest sense, but will always try to act in a dependable fashion The Sons of Calderon - A chapter with ties to the mechanicum always make the Doomsayers wary. As such the Sons of Calderon are treated much like the Iron Ravagers - The Conflagrators - The Doomsayers consider themselves strong allies with the Conflagarators, a mutual respect has been garnered for each others methods of war. The Doomsayers will always come to the aid of the Conflagarators when requested. - The Eagles of Glory - Though widely other chapters view the Eagles with disdain, the Doomsayers enjoy an easy alliance with them. Apart from their first battle together, where an Eagles cruiser broke formation, declaring a glorious intervention across the vox network. All this did was get the Eagles ship crippled in the face of Doomsayers overwhelming firepower upon the enemy vessel. The issue has now been resolved. - The Blackjaw Kindred - The Doomsayers are completely indifferent to the Blackjaw Kindred, there is no trust or distrust, even when the space bourne elements of the Blackjaw Kindred deploy recklessly or unconventionally. As long as the enemy are slain, it matters not whom spills their blood. - The Iron Ravagers - Being allied to the mechanicum, the Doomsayers are distrustful towards the Iron Ravagers. Their susupicious nature keeps the Ravagers at arms length. However it does not entirely prevent them from joining an engagement alongside them, providing other chapters are involved, and a close eye can be kept upon them. - The Blades of the Lion - The Doomsayers have a casual alliance with the Blades of the Lion, they will fight with them when needs require it, however, one egagement ended in a stand off betweeen the fleets of both when the Blades inexplicably tried to leave before the battle was won. Suspicions rose, but the dispute has been settled, for now. - The Scarlet Sentinels - Due to the size of the Liber Cluster the Doomsayers have not yet had the fortune to join in warfare with the Scarlet Sentinels. A patrol is being sent to Albion to commence formal introductions. - The Aetheric Swords - Neither here nor there, but great respect is held for The Aetheric swords, due to the nature of treating all as equals. Everyone bleeds for the Emperor, be it Marine, Guardsmen or citizen. - The Black Judges - The Doomsayers will never engage with the Black Judges, the reports of collatoral damage alone is off putting to the Doomsayers, but the reports of missing Astartes does not sit well. The Doomsayers have flatly refused a request from the Lords Inviolate when they discovered the Black Judges were also to be involved. - The Angels Exultant - Though never directly fighting marine to marine, the two chapters have had successful combined battles. This suits the Doomsayers just fine, but questions are being raised by the chapters leaders. - The All-Seeing - The combat orientated nature of the All seeing has proved incredibly useful to the Doomsayers, with joint boarding actions always ending in success. The runes and skull totems have caused more than a few raised eyebrows amongst the battle brothers of the Doomsayers though. Hopefully this fits in with everyone elses Stances and doesn't overly rock the boat! Edited June 24, 2014 by helterskelter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) occurs to me that another reason the Kin and the Sentinels are not the best of buddies is because when a Blackjaw starts painting red streaks on his armor, it means he is done talking and from here on out will be guided by the example of Roboute Guilliman. Which in the Kin's culture is "If violence isn't solving all your problems, you aren't using enough!" The Sentinels are a Chapter where EVERYONE goes around wearing a lot of red ALL THE TIME. The All Seers would be viewed with extreme wariness for the same reason. Edited June 24, 2014 by Wade Garrett Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 EoG: Again generally ok, though the eagles got one of their ships crippled by the Doomsayers, some vox messages recieved about glorious intervention, whilst the Doomsayers were unleashing all hell on an enemy Vessel It's okay, the Eagles are forgiving, after all 'twas only a strike cruiser, and hey, everybody makes mistakes. But if it happens again, we may not be so forgiving :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Im curious Brother Wade Garret, do the Kindred look upon the heretic primarchs as a sort of anti-pantheon? To clarify, as the evil opposites of the divine nine. It could be like the Inferno by Dante, where hell is divided into nine sections, each representing a different sin. As such each heretic primarch could govern their own little piece of the underworld. A tad out there I know, but I thought it worth asking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Wade Garret, I was wondering; if the Iron Drakes get in, how would the Kin view them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) @ Captain Nameless: The potential areas for friction I see are that the Drakes try to assume control of all Imperial forces taking part of in a campaign, and the Blackjaws generally prefer to do things their own way. And also that the Kindred venerate Ferrus Manus as a boisterous armored snake girl monster who occasionally forgets that not everyone thinks dodging lightning bolts, wrestling krakens, and playing catch with entire mountain ranges is as fun as she does. But don't snap at her when she makes mistakes like that! You will not like her when she's angry. @ ArticPaladin I was thinking that the Kindred might view Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeencht as flawed imitations of Guilliman, Lion'El, Sanguinus, and Russ that the Shadowlands (Warp) vomited up in jealousy of the Emperor's sons. I doubt they'd be knowledgeable enough about the Heresy to come up with a detailed diabolic hierarchy based off the Traitor Primarchs, though. And a final note on the worship of the Primarchs among the Blackjaws: Russ, The Lion, and Sanguinus tend to have the most followers, Guilliman may have created the Astartes as warriors but these three taught them they are not just warriors. No one openly worships Corax...but his idols and rites are held alongside those of Russ and Sanguinus in planning sessions, and if you know what to look for you can spot his iconography hidden in the symbols of other Primarchs on certain Astartes, especially among the Kin's infiltration experts and psykers. Rogal Dorn has few followers, mainly because the sects devoted to him are very particular about who they let in, but he and his worshippers are well respected and listened to. War King Guilliman inspires little love...but the Kindred do grant him all the loyalty sons owe their father, and both assault forces & Circle Champions often display his colors or his image. Grim Vulkan is feared, and such ceremonies as are devoted to him focus more on appeasement than invoking his presence or his aid. One of the reasons the Conflagrators are held in such awe is that they seem to be a thousand strong sect devoted to Vulkan, something no Kin would have ever imagined. Ferrus Manus is likewise more likely to be mollified than evoked, but on the whole the Blackjaws are much fonder of her than Vulkan, Guilliman, or Jaghatai, so the rites of supplication tend to sound more like a patient parent lecturing a child, offerings are sweets, toys, or fermented alcohol, and there are those who openly wear Ferrus's colors and symbols, usually younger brothers who enjoy wrestling and hunting. If any Primarch commands more fear than Vulkan, it's the stern matriarch Jaghatai. The Hammerer will release souls once their penance is paid, Guilliman has been known to appear personally to strike dead those who wage war on the helpless...but those who violate the goddess of fate, the sea, and civilization's decrees, whether knowingly or not, will face her merciless wrath. For all that, the Kin's naval commanders and boarding experts (both black space and blue water) seem to genuinely respect her, unlike the rest of the Blackjaws, who mostly try to avoid ever getting the Khan's attention in the first place. Edited June 24, 2014 by Wade Garrett Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Those are rather great ideas brother. It is a very unique concept and I love it! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Nameless Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) I did not mean for the Iron Drakes tendency to try to assume control of all forces available to be their M.O., but now that I think about it, it seems to fit nicely. After all, "Grim" Locke is King Edited June 24, 2014 by Captain Nameless Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Aerythic Swords: Obviously, sons of Sanguinus. What? They claim to be sons of Guilliman. Ah. Okay. We should agree with them very politely, you know how those sons of Sanguinus are. (Ceramite clad finger is held up beside head and rotated in a circle). Interactions between the line troopers are thus friendly, but with some caution on the Kin's part, because you never know about Sanguinus's get and their craziness. Meanwhile, the Swords Librarius and the Kin's Medicine Dogs get along wonderfully. Or at the very least, they display the respect of one regicide grandmaster to another, and it looks like getting along wonderfully from the outside. (See: All the scenes of Varys and Petyr Baelish in the Game of Thrones TV show.) That settles it, the Blackjaw Kindred are my new favourites. Olis: Codex-adherent organisation it is then! Aegnor: That is an awesome table! I've updated the list for the Aetheric Swords, but to sum it up: Heralds of Letum: Refuse to work together (because psykers/anti-psykers attitudes) Black Falcons: Normal trust for Imperial Factions Iron Drakes: Normal trust for Imperial Factions EDIT: Forgot to bold some Liberite names. My bad! EDIT EDIT: Suddenly realised I didn't mean 'neutral', I meant 'normal trust for imperial factions'. Edited June 24, 2014 by Aquilanus Caught another one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Looking at the table, the Blackjaws seem to be missing an opinion on: The Sons of Calderon The Lords Inviolate Black Falcons The Doomsayers Heralds of Letum The All Seers Angels Exultant So, in no particular order: Many Kin feel that the spacefaring Doomsayers embody will of Jaghatai in a similar manner to the Conflagrators and Vulkan. This is not the case among the Blackjaw's void warfare specialists, who tend to react to the presence of the other Chapter with ever more unconventional and in some cases reckless tactics, to prove that it is they and none other who have Jaghatai's favor. The Kindred can respect the All Seer's desire for secrecy, but their disdain for non Astartes seems like uncalled for arrogance to a force that often makes heavy use of them in its battles, and the Conflagrators are usually happy to egg on any disagreement between the other two Chapters. The Heralds of Letum despise psykers, while the Blackjaws see such powers as tools from Grandfather Wolf. While they are not above admiring the Herald's use of raiding and ambush tactics, the two forces usually go their own seperate ways. The Chapter's Patriarchs respect the authority of the Lords Inviolate, but finds their desire to reshape and rule the Cluster unsettling. This is their home....they have built on it, fought for it, and been buried beneath it. By what right do the Lords claim ownership? Openly voicing or acting on these feelings is out of the question, but if Grandfather Baptiste sees a chance to undercut the first among equals without it being traced back to him (perhaps using the numerous Kin seconded to the Inquisition as a semi Deathwatch) he will take it. The Black Falcons have earned the Kindred's respect for their intelligent and pragmatic combat tactics, but it pains them to see them throwing that away to blunder in after the Eagles of Glory time and time again. The two have worked well together in the past, but any time the Eagles are added to the situation things tend to deteriorate. Aside from the Conflagrators, the Sons of Calderon are one of the few Chapters the Kin openly respect. While their worship of the Emperor is off putting given Blackjaw culture, the reverence both Chapters have for Rogal Dorn and sworn oaths make for strong common ground. The Sons secured the Kindred's eternal friendship when they negotiated a compromise between the prickly native Astartes and the Mechanicum, who wished to study one of the Chapter's relics, a suit of antique Tactical Dreadnaught Armor Kin lore claims was given to them by Dorn himself. (It was Tartareos pattern. They only have the one.) The Angels Exultant: (Pre Fall) The Kindred were pleased to find another force that revered the Angel of Inspiration among the newly arrived Astartes, and were baffled when their overtures of friendship were rebuffed. But the ways of Sanguinus are not for them to guess at, so they respected their brethren's desire for privacy and left them to it...a decision they would come to regret bitterly. Post Fall: In the Kin's belief system, to turn to Chaos is to die. That is, they believe that the corrupted's souls immediately descend to Vulkan's fiery realm of punishment, never to be released unless their mortal remains (now inhabited by daemons) are laid to rest. And so it will be with the former Angels Exultant. Edited June 24, 2014 by Wade Garrett Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyCrow Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Wow guys, that's some pretty solid work right there :o FW expansion anyone ? :D Unfortunately real life work caught up to me today, so I haven't ot the time to finish all the realtionships of the Black Judges/how they perceive other Chapters, but I'll try to get that done tomorrow morning based on what you guys already published ! PS : It'd be fun to make unofficial Chapter Tactics for these Chapters like Forge World did :D In another thread of course ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Indeed! I think it would make them better represented for those who wish to use them on the tabletop. I look forward to how the Black Judges view the other chapter's especially the eqaully secretive All Seers and the renegade Angels Exultant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Just to give the chaos Exultant a purpose, the powers controlling them are trying to turn the Blades, the Judges, and the Swords on each other. They hope that this will result in their destruction either by in fighting or from the conclave. These three are targeted as they seem to be the greatest such threats that would be susceptible to such endeavors. Over time they will likely try to turn/destroy the Kin and the Doomsayers in a similar manner. Also they would love to absorb the fury and passion of the Conflagrators, but recognize that is unlikely to occur. Reyner 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wade Garrett Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) How the Black Judges view the other Chapters: The Lord Heretics The Sons of Heresy The Scarlet Heretics The Iron Heretics The Eagles of Heresy The Black Heretics The Blades of Heresy The Heresyjaw Heretics The All-Heretics The Heresysayers The Heralds of Heresy The Heretical Swords Those Namby Pamby Almost Heretical Fire Guys The At Least They're Honest About It Angels Heretical Edited June 24, 2014 by Wade Garrett Tiberius Cato, Nomus Sardauk, Olis and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Wait, did I see The Black Heretics ? So they see themselves that way? That would certainly be an interesting twist ala Chiwetel Ejiofor's Operative from Serentiy. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... any more than there is for you. Malcolm... I'm a monster. What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done. Wade Garrett 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiberius Cato Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 think it is in reference to the Black Falcons Brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teetengee Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 oops, still I think it might be an interesting avenue to explore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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