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  • 3 months later...

So, it has been a long time since when I last posted here. Real life can be really busy at times, but this doesn't mean that I couldn't find time to paint some more models. It is just that, having to decide if spending time on painting or on taking and editing pictures, I preferred the first. In fact, I completed the models that were still WIP in my last post here and some more too, as you can see in my thread in the Hall of Honour section (first link in my signature).
The model I am currently working on is the guy covered in scrolls from the Death Korps of Krieg Quartermaster set. I think it should represent an adept from the Administratum, but in my Mechanicum army he will represent a Lexmechanic, which, in the 2nd edition fluff were described as the guys from the Adeptus Mechanicus tasked to "compile and analyse data, so that it can be entered into a central computer repository" (quoting from the Lexicanum as I don't currently own an English copy of the old Codex Imperialis).


It is quite enjoying to paint, even if I recognize I made a mistake in painting his vests in white (to represent that he is one of the lowest-ranking tech-priests), as I am not sure that there will be enough contrast with the scrolls. I'm using flesh tones for them, and aim to make them even darker, but I am not sure that the final result will be nice enough.


  • 2 months later...

So, I apologize for having been fickle with my updates, but I hope this is going to change. We are nearing that time of the year when the brushes become exuberant because of the Light That Comes From Darkness. 
Or so they say, as I never took part to an ETL before, so I cannot guarantee for it. This year, however, I will throw myself in the competition and do my best for the Adeptus Mechanicus subforum. In fact, as soon as I read Razblood's motivational post in Amicus Aedes, I felt the inspiration to finally start assembling one of the Knights I bought more than a year ago and prepare it for the induction in my Legio Fureans/Expeditionary Group Tyran force. It will take the field together with some Skitarii Rangers and Vanguards, and at least a Sydonian Dragoon, but I am waiting for the kits still, so I cannot show pictures of them.
This is where I am right now:

It is still mostly assembled as per construction booklet, with only the small addition of some cabling (from the Centurions kit) on the shield generator and the Heavy Stubber, but this might be just the beginning. It is an Adeptus Mechanicus Knight, after all - you cannot have anything like "too many cables/pieces of tech". I will almost certainly add something else, but still I am unsure of what:

As for its base, here it is what I am coming up with:

The theme for the bases of my Mechanicum is desert, with some wreckages and rubble to represent the ruins left by previous fights. I don't want to overdo, however, as I don't think that prior to the Tyranid invasion, Tyran Primus was the battlefield of many wars. This is the effect with the Knight on it (the banner and carapace are not glued yet):



It looks a bit empty, maybe, but if I can't find something else to stick on that, the Mordheim Turfs should be more than enough.

So, this evening I managed to work a bit on my knight (among other projects) and found some other detail to add.
In my mind, this Knight Errant is a sort of a "scout", whose task is to go as near as possible to the enemy lines to report vital information on the forces stationed there - while inflicting as much damages as possible with its thermal cannon, of course. To be equipped for a mission like that, I think that it would need something more in terms of sensor and relays, so I started looking for suitable components. I really like the Land Speeder's antenna, but I still haven't found a good way to integrate it on the model (if only I hadn't glued that heavy stubber... sigh). In the Land Raider Crusader kit, however, I found a couple of bitz which could be used on the Knight's back, to cover that strange hole on the top of the carapace (have someone thought of what's its function is supposed to be, by the way?). I'm not sure on which one to chose, however, so here are pictures of both of them. Any comment/suggestion?

On the thermal cannon shield I added some purity seals to cover a previous mistake that included a drop of plastic glue, a hobby knife, some and a couple of rivets being removed. It's not exactly what I was thinking, but I think they are nice and could maybe represent prayers to the Omnissiah to invoke his blessing on a weapon recently repaired or brand-new from the forge.


On the Knight's back, instead, I added the chain with the skulls that comes with every Chaos vehicle kit. I thought of putting it on the front of the model, but unfortunately I had to ascertain that it would have ended up being covered by the chest-piece of the armour. This position, however, is in fact more advisable as those are not trophies - I cannot see the pilot of a machine as giant as a Knight considering small human skulls as trophies taken from worthy enemies. Those are, instead, the skulls of the most noble of the previous Knight's pilots (maybe covered in gold, maybe bare bones... I will decide that in the painting stage), ad as sacred relics it wouldn't be too wise to put them where the enemy is most likely to hit them. Being on the back, they are surely more protected.



So, thanks for the attention, and remember that suggestions, comments and critiques are always welcome.

Small update on the Knight: I have tried to add other antennae on the carapace, but the best positioning I could come up with was absolutely unsatisfactory, as you can see in next picture, so I think I will drop out that idea (but keep the radar there).


On the other hand, I might have finally found a way to use the Land Speeder sensor on the model. I think I like the asymmetry that it creates on the model, making it visually heavier on the sword side. As for the realism, being shorter than the heavy stubber and rotating together with the torso, it wouldn't be an hindrance for the Knight's actions. Also, and this is a most important consideration, in that position it wouldn't make the model more difficult to transport!

So, I'm quite satisfide by it. What do you guys think?
The next model I am going to show isn't ETL related (unless the rumored Codex Cult Mechanicus is actually released very soon), but as I am going to work on it at the same time as my Knight and upcoming Skitarii, it would be senseless not to post it here.
Some months ago I bought a Vampire Counts Cairn Wraith, to test myself with one of the most classical conversions. If you have ever seen my blog, you probably know that I had begun it and then left it on hiatus due to the (then) rumored Skitarii release, as I wanted to see what kind of amazing components were going to be released. Well, today I finally opened my first box of Rangers and chopped down a torso for my Tech-Priest:


The mechadendrites are actually cables from the Centurions kit. I haven't decided yet what kind of weapons or equipments I should attach on them. Maybe I should wait for the Codex Cult Mechanicus to see which kind of options will there be for the eventual Tech-Priests that might be in there? I don't know, probably I will end up using it as a Horus Heresy Magos Dominus. We will see.

I am pretty satisfied with this mechadendrites setting, but I have also tried other possible configurations. One in particular I like very much, with an additional mechadendrite, this one oriented to the rear of the model. Sadly I forgot to take pictures of that configuration, so I cannot show it now.

Another option I was evaluating is substituting its left mechadendrite with a shorter and more curved one. I hope you manage to see the difference from this picture.


Still another option is to go with only two mechadendrites, one oriented to the front and one to the rear of the model. It looks interesting if you see the model from the front, but I think it looks a bit silly when you look at it from the side.

What do you think about these possible configurations? Which one do you prefer?

  • 3 weeks later...

So, first updates since the ETL vow:


I managed to paint the trousers and the metallic armour on all my skitarii




and also applied the first yellow layer to the coat of some of them:






The Aksita of Incaladion are coming...

Thanks brother, I'm glad that you like them! Honestly, as they are now, I feel that they look like yellow raincoats, but they will be a lot more "40k" when I will add them black flames in Legio Fureans style msn-wink.gif

However, updates time! Managed to finish the basecoat on the robes (three thinned down layers of paint) and added the first wash. Now it's time ffor the first highlights!


In the meantime, I also managed to undercoat the armour plates of my Knight, and applied to some of them the first yellow layer.


Still a lot of work to do!

  • 2 weeks later...

Skitarii Rangers
Now I have almost finished their robes. Some of them have yet received their last highlights and the last Seraphim Sepia wash. Now they just need the torsos glued to the legs and the black flames of the Incaladine Mechanicum painted.


The other half of the squad is still missing the last two steps, but I will do them soon. Then I will probably switch to some lesser details (Opus Machina, lenses, cables) before doing the remaining bigger areas.


Well... in truth there is another picture of my Skitarii that I want to share here. It is from the previous stage (I had just applied the first wash) and not very clear, but the Knight in the background really look imposing from this angle.



Imperial Knight
Nothing much to show here. I undercoated the model with black and then just applied the first two layers of paint to its legs' armour (well, in truth they were at least a dozen thin layers of paint and a wash, but just two different main tones). As you can see I have left the darker colour show in the recesses and painted a shadow on the yellow knee pad. Next steps are to add some shadows to the lower part of the thigh guards and then highlight the top areas of all the armour plates, before applying a thinned down wash of Seraphim Sepia. I do not need to add shadows to the armour of the lower legs, for their lower part will be covered with the Legio Fureans' signature black flames.



  • 3 weeks later...

Updates time!



The Skitarii are coming along nicely: I added the flames to their robes, and then painted the purity seals and lenses. Here you can see a couple of side-shots of my Alpha and of a ranger with transuranic arquebus (those weapons are visually too cool to not use them).

dscn1158.jpg?w=486&h=700 dscn1159.jpg?w=456&h=600

And here are a couple of group shots with the Imperial Knight's base as a scenery.





Legio Fureans Imperial Knight

I almost finished its legs' armour. I just need to glaze some areas with Guilliman Blue, add some shadows around the rivets and then higlighting the metallic trims.


Here you can see a test-fitting picture. I had to lay the Knight on its back, for the plates would not stay in place if it is standin on its feet. As you can see, I have undercoated the whole model with Leadbelcher spray. The finish looks a little bit grainy in person, but we will see how it will look after the first Agrax Eartshade wash.

Overall, I am extremely happy with the results I am achieving! This is surely the best army I have ever painted.


  • 6 months later...

So, it has been a lot of time since I posted here, but in the past months I have been unable to keep painting models, and so I have become an ETL Oathbreaker (I am so sorry Adeptus Mechanicus brothers!). At first, summer came; the hottest summer in my whole live. My paints would dry as soon as I put them on the palette, even during the "coldest" hours of the night (if 30°C could ever be described as cold by someone). Then, when the temperature started to revert to acceptable levels, Metal Gear Solid V was released and I... well... I did not have so much free time to play and also paint, so...

However, now (that I have finished MGSV's main story line) I have been able to come back to my painting table, and here are my most recent progresses (click on the images to see larger pictures).

First, I would like to announce that I have managed to complete the first unit of my 40K Incaladion army, my Skitarii rangers! I am really satisfied. Not only they look great, but I also managed to finally move them from my painting table, where they sat unfinished for months, looking at me with their sensors and begging me to put an end to their "unfinishedness". biggrin.png




At the same time, I also managed to work a little bit on my Imperial Knight. It is still far from being completed, however:


I had painted its shoulder guards too, but an unfortunate accident with a pot of was forced me to strip them of paint and start them anew. furious.gif

Its upper carapace is almost finished (the yellow part is the hardest), but the main skeleton of the model is still in its beginning stages. Apart from the shield's support and the heavy stubber's guard, I only painted its eyes and the cables on its head.


(Yes, there's a yellow stain behind its head, but you won't be able to see it when the "hood" will be glued in place).

Then, as I am unable to have only one running project in any given moment, I started painting some servitors for my Techpriests to use as Servo Auxillia (if I remember the unit's name correctly) in Horus Heresy games (if I will ever manage to play them).


These models are old. Really old. They were there when I first discovered the hobby, 20 years ago, and I really liked them, for they were the only models ever released for the Adeptus Mechanicus army described in the legendary "grey codex" of the 2nd Edition (maybe we also had a techpriest enginseer, but I am not so sure). They clearly show their age, but I cannot avoid to add them to my collection!

  • 2 months later...


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