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Astronomi-con has been my favourite tournament since it first began in 2001 in Winnipeg (my home until 2008). I attended for the first time since 2004 this past weekend (27/28 July 2014) -- my hiatus due to getting married, starting a new career, and having kids. But things have calmed down enough that I want to re-enter the tournament circuit. I had a blast this past weekend, and despite 10 years since playing a tournament and having to forfeit one of the six games (getting zero battle points as a result), I was ranked 36/51 which I thought was fairly respectable. Especially since I brought Death Korps of Krieg who are not a competitive list on the tournament scene, allied with an Inquisition element.

I started my PLOG tracking progress for Astro 2014 right after ETL, and I barely finished my army in time. Therefore, I'm starting a new blog now. I've decided to double-down on the Inquisition theme and am now working towards a Militarum Tempestus (Inquisitorial Storm Troopers)/Inquisition army. I thought it appropriate, therefore, to post my progress here in the Grey Knight forum.

This project will continue the storyline of Lord Inquisitor Soulis, the Saviour of Sorgrece, who played a key role in evicting the Chaos troops who infested the system and he also prevented Exterminatus of the system. To start us off, here is a picture of Lord Inquisitor Soulis and his warband as it was at the last tournament:



They rode in a Land Raider which I found to be too many eggs in one basket at 1500 points, so I am going to tone-down the close-combat aspect of this unit a little and make it more multi-purpose. The useless Arco Flagellant who didn't kill a single enemy model all tournament will be out, but otherwise the warband will stay intact with the addition of 3 Acolytes armed with meltaguns and laspistols. They will then all ride in a Chimera.

The list I am going to start playtesting is posted here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294432-1500-pts-inquisition-and-militarum-tempestus/

Comments/questions most welcome! Hope you enjoy following the PLOG and I look forward to your help and input as I build up the force.

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Hmmm ... I guess he does look a bit like that. But I think if I had done this character as a Death Cult Assassin instead of a meltagun acolyte it would be more obvious. Or if I used a certain Victoria Lamb penal legionnaire head instead of that one from the Catachan command box that has those goggles.

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I was thinking this guy, which is why I GS'ed the arms straps onto him:




I'm working on an old-school (not beret, but astronaut) storm trooper for the second meltagunner acolyte. Not sure what to do yet for #3.


Just for fun I'm going to try sprinkling acolytes in each of the Inquisitorial warbands that are inspired by different sci fi characters.

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Some more work accomplished this past week, mostly some kit-bashing to put together the Chimera for Lord Inquisitor Soulis and his warband:


... and a henchmen squad. These guys are intended to ride in the Valkyrie, drop in the opponent's backfield, kill some stuff with Soul Scream and plasma, then die. We've got 3x plasma acolytes, two bolter acolytes, a crusader, and a psyker:


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We'll see how they do in real life, but on paper they've got the potential to inflict a lot of pain for only 77 points. Plus the Soul Scream in the psychic phase can target something different than the plasmas. They're not a true suicide squad -- if the crusader in this squad does as well as the crusader in my Inquisitor's warband did at the tournament, this unit will be able to soak up a lot of fire before it dies. Which means it will either last long enough to take a second shooting phase, or will attract more fire away from more expensive/important assets.

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I have used the "mini-hound" set up a few times, even with a flamer PCS on board too. Sheer amount of templates available make it a threat.


They are cheap for the output. What psychic set is that power from?


Also have you thought of having space monkeys or do you think they are too expensive for what they bring?

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Psychic screamis the Primaris power for the Telepathy discipline. It has the potential to be pretty good -- 3d6 minus the target's leadership = how many wounds you do, no saves allowed. With a good roll you could kill a riptide in one "casting".


I definitely considered Jokaero but ultimately decided they're not worth it, especially since the army as a whole is designed to be mobile so they don't really fit since they need to stay still for most of their weapon options. Plus I can get 2 plasma acolytes plus a bolter acolyte for the price of one space monkey.

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Interested to see your Inq chimera carry Soulis into battle... assume you are still running 1850 and dropped LR to get the Valk and other henchman squad? I am a huge fan of the cadian haz env stuff.

I am wondering how the supposed GK dex may change the INQ warband rules...

Looking forward to seeing more smile.png

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1500, actually, and I'm now working towards a totally different list using only Codex: Inquisition and Codex: Militarum Tempestus.


I'm hoping that GW will leave Codex: Inquisition alone for a while notwithstanding rumours of an impending GK release. I like it well enough as it is although I really miss the good old days when inquisitorial henchmen could buff the inquisitor making him actually quite decent in combat (like 2 chirurgeons for FNP and eternal warrior, WS boost from warrior acolytes, &c. )


The 3x plasma squad pictured above is mostly painted and I hope to have a pic up next week. These guys sure paint up a lot faster than the Krieg troops did!

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I agree -- the classic paint-scheme is hard to beat, I am just having a hard time visualizing how to translate that over to a Taurox Prime.

I am also not totally satisfied with how my first attempt turned out, and my happiness with how my grey tanks turned out got me thinking about a grey/black camo scheme ... in any event I need some tips on painting black vehicles. Just doing a dark grey highlight on all raised areas does not work as well on the large surface areas of a vehicle as it does on a soldier's armour. I only have a picture of my Inquisitorial Land Raider uploaded to my gallery at present, but it should give you an idea of the technique I used. Maybe I should visit the Black Templar forum to seek advice on how to improve?


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