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Some very nice conversion work! As for the LR the Templars would certainly be worth a look but it looks ok to me. Maybe you want a slightly darker highlighting colour?


Whenever I want to use black I do a 50:50 mix of Charadon and Chaso Black then give it a black wash or two. It works well at providing something that's not too dark plus lets you use pure black on bits you want to stand out a bit more as black (e.g. gun casing on the Chaos Marine I did). I'm not sure if this would work on large flat surfaces though as I've yet to try that.

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I put the suicide plasma henchman squad on pause temporarily to get a start on my "Treads and Thrusters" vow. This is going to be a multi-part completion, so I'll just have to post lots of WIP pics and get the whole thing done by the 15th since I won't be able to truly have a "fully assembled and primed" shot as I paint things along the way. So here's what I've started:


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Little update ... got the cockpit area done (can't see from this photo but aside from the canopy, its fully painted even with battle damage -- I'll post a better pic in a day or two), and started assembling the body of the bird. Figured I'd better give you a shot of that as proof of my vow.


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Yeah, it sure is fiddly ... when you posted that the stuff I had assembled had been quite easy to assemble so I was wondering what you meant. But after that last photo is when the fiddliness started. I found this to be the most trying model I've assembled of all the Games Workshop models I've done. I won't be adding a second one any time soon (I have 40 Scions to assemble and paint anyway -- plus I am feeling the call to return to my much neglected Blood Angels -- so no biggie msn-wink.gif ).

Anyway here's the latest WIP photo (the actual model itself is waiting for the second undercoat spraying to dry):


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As noted in my batreps thread, I did some assembly and painting tonight instead of writing the batrep. I was all inspired to start building my Tempestor Prime, too, but that blessed Valkyrie cockpit canopy proved more finicky and difficult to glue (especially since you can't use superglue for fear of fog and my Tamiya plastic cement is getting a bit long in tooth), so I just finished putting the Valk together and finished these guys:


There's one more plasma henchman not in the picture -- an old "astronaut" storm trooper with plasma -- who I finished a few weeks ago and is at my office. But here's the rest of the crew, who I like to think of as "The Krazy Krutackers" since they're my suicide plasma squad who jump out of the Valkyrie, kill some stuff then die. That's why they're all bandaged up and walking-wounded looking. Anyway, the guy with the shield is a Crusader, then we've got a psyker in the back for some Telepathy/Soul Scream to increase the damage output. I believe they're only 65 or 75 points all told so who cares if they die, especially if they draw some fire away from my deep-striking Scions. Here's another view:


And, as promised, each squad will have a henchman inspired and loosely based on an iconic sci fi character. Let's see if I made this guy a bit more identifiable than the last one:


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Agreed, they look fantastic! The kitbashing made them real characters but they look brilliant in those colours. Excellent work Nico, they'll surely do well on the table after this. Now I really want to make my own henchman band! :lol:


Last one is definitely my favourite, I'm assuming he's called something like Anguis? ;)

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