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wondering who you will do next! smile.png

The bitz box will dictate ... I need to look and see if there's anything that I can work with. However, the next warband is going to be the B&C warband so it may be tough to squeeze someone in there but I'm sure I can come up with something. Maybe one of our B&C members will unexpectedly look like a famous sci fi character.

I can imagine Snake wearing a beret msn-wink.gif

You know I actually thought he did wear a beret at some point during Escape from L.A. but could not find any pictures to verify that. Maybe I was thinking of a different Kurt Russel film.

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Maybe it was Escape from LA or another film but it doesn't really matter. Berets make things cooler, and there's nothing more powerful in 40k than the rule of cool. Plus in a galaxy of monsters, aliens, wizards psykers and super humans nothing says you're hard as nails like wearing a bit of cloth on your head instead of a helmet tongue.png

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Well, I had a real hankering to get into my Scion building -- those sweet, sweet new models were the thing that made me decide to finally go all-in on an Inquisitorial Storm Trooper army, so here are my first fruits, the first of two Tempestor Primes first:


Since under the new 7th Edition rules, my inquisitor can no longer be the warlord if he's not my primary detachment (which as I read the rules =][= can never be, since they have their own detachment, but in any event in my army MT is the primary), this Tempestor Prime will be the warlord. Therefore, I decided I better "bling" him up a little bit, so I decided to try my hand at making him a sash and a medal with green stuff. I am, frankly, pleasantly surprised with how well it turned out and very happy with the results (after taking this pic I fixed up the sash slightly, adding a little border on top of the frills at the ends).

I also decided that, even though the platoon standard is not worth the points even at half the price, he really needs a standard since he's the warlord. I discovered that they're more easy going at Astronomi-con about WYSIWYG especially when wargear is modelled that isn't actually purchased. No one batted an eye at the standards on my Death Riders (no such thing as a standard for them exists) or on my platoon HQ, so I figured this will be no problem. I gave the vox-caster the standard since he'll always accompany the Tempestor Prime but I may want to change-up the weapons the rest of the squad carries:


Pretty happy with how he turned out, too. A rather simple conversion, I just cut/filed off the second hand on the standard and gave him the vox Scion's hotshot laspistol and backpack.

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Thanks, WarriorFish! It's always encouraging to hear others' thoughts. I think I am finally starting to get the hang of green stuff. One lesson I've learned is to always use way less than you think you need. I'm also finally getting used to how to use water to keep my tool lubricated but not so much that the GS is falling off the model. So I may try doing some more GS customization on other Scions but I won't be putting this much effort into every Scion in the army -- there will be 30-40 of them, after all, and I'll never get the army done if I do too much customization (plus the models simpliciter are right up there with Sanguinary Guard as my favourite all-time GW sculpts).


Anyway I'll keep plugging away at that Valkyrie this weekend and hopefully prime and get started on at least these two Scions, although I should try to get their three melta-toting friends assembled at the same time.


I am debating what to do with the Tempestor Prime's right hand. Probably the standard dagger hand so that you can see his sash well, although I was considering putting a bolt pistol in that hand. Then the second Tempestor Prime who deep strikes (with flamers or grenade launchers, MAYBE plasmas) will be a bit more of a rough character to go with his reckless deep-striking. He'll probably be helmetless and moustachio-ed for maximum effect.

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Loving the Inq squad! smile.png... I saw the dude and tried to place the name and it hit me as I read it. I do not think Snake wore a beret but there was a Kurt Russell movie where he sported one. Well played sir msn-wink.gif

I am digging the character of your army a whole lot.. really appreciate the GS sash! I turned the tempestor into a priest in my army- figured a lil righteous zeal would look like an absolute super awesome dude instead of some raging guy on too many shots of espresso spreading the good word msn-wink.gif

30+ Scions... thats gonna be fun to see on the table!!! Looking forward to in ND

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished-up my first Inquisitorial Valkyrie this evening. First time using Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust. I was a little unsure how it would work with a black vehicle, but I am quite happy with the results. It was rather a pain to assemble but now that it's done ... I am considering adding a second. I really like the finished result. Next up, however, is my first Taurox Prime for the Scions. I have to say that model is really growing on me. It's ugly but in a lovable kind of way. Anyway, the Valkyrie:




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Very nice, it has the Inquisition's colours and markings but in a not-OTT way which seems fitting. The weathering is also the right amount, good job Nico! :tu: I've been wondering about an Inquisition Valkyrie for my Inquisitor lately, perhaps this is a sign from the Emperor?

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Thanks, guys! Glad you like.


@WarriorFish -- yes, I figured for a Valkyrie a more understated look with less "bling" would be fitting. The Land Raider is much more of an "in your face" type of ride and therefore warrants the bling with more iconography, purity seals, and gold weapon housings, but I envision a Valkyrie as being used for when a more subtle approach is appropriate. Plus it will often be carrying henchmen or Scions instead of Soulis' close-combat warband.


I'm going to start playtesting before too long. I will keep the Land Raider in the list for now while things are still in the painting queue. I do need to try getting Soulis into HTH with a chimera to see if that works. I remain torn on the Land Raider -- it did feel like too many eggs in one basket BUT it did guarantee Soulis et al a charge every battle.

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The problem I find with chimeras are the fact of having to stand too close to the enemy taking a round of fire before you can charge.

For a close combat band, the land raider is best. Armour 14 is hard to take down these days, and with other threats on the table, podding/deep striking melta will be torn.

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It's true ... I just wish the Land Raider was a touch cheaper. I just found that over a 6-game tournament it did absolutely nothing other than deliver Soulis & co. on target. Those lascannons didn't do anything.

As a delivery method I would recommend the crusader with phsy upgrade, or a redeemer for bringing the hurt after delivery is made and doesn't get tempted to shoot instead.


Plus you get the assault launchers so terrain isn't a problem to assault into.

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I've found that a close combat Inq Retinue works better as a counter-charge unit than a charging unit.  While DCA's are incredible and Crusaders are pretty top notch, against a real dedicated assault unit from Chaos or Eldar type brutality they don't quite work as well.  My Land Raider is a pretty bog standard one (need to swap the pintle stormbolter for a pintle multimelta now that we have the option) and the lascannons don't annihilate armor but they give me a much needed long range punch.  I tend to use it more as a "linebacker" unit.  It can follow my other units, putting out anti-armor firepower as it trudges along behind the front line carrying it's payload.  When/if a melee unit engages or breaks through, I roll over and drop out my close combat retinue and swarm it.  It's more of a reactionary unit than an initiative taking unit, which also lets me utilize the long range firepower of the Land Raider, the Pallas Athena.


Yes, I named her.  It works :)  INP has her own ride, and eventually my other Inquisitor, Tristan Roi, will have his own Land Raider Prometheus, the Odysseus.  Imp Comms and lots of heavy bolters will be a nice addition to my motor pool.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, here are some recent updates ... I had a bit of hobby burnout (plus was really really busy) during October and November, but recently got back on the horse. Continuing work on my Acolyte Squad with troopers themed in honour of Astra Militarum forum chaps who supported and followed my PLOG for Astronomi-con 2014:

Cadet-Commissar Warriorfish (basic laspistol/CCW acolyte):


Elmo the Choco-chip Rat (bolter acolyte):


Commander Moustache (bolter acolyte):



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Here's the Tempestor Prime about 99% done ... after taking the photo I notice there are a few touch-ups that need to be taken care of like the little bit of gold that got on his fingers, the jewel on his ring, and the little tassle things hanging from his swagger stick (plus basing of course). Overally, I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, especially my first ever attempt at a sash and medal with green stuff. I think that added bling makes him stand out as my warlord Tempestor Prime.


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Great work Nico, mixing and matching bits yields fruit and the Scions sprue keeps on giving! I might have to steal that cigar idea at some point too. I like the Prime, a good red on him and all the golden details round him off nicely. The purple inside for the cloak is a great choice, gives him a regal look along with the sash (which I completely forgot you sculpted until you mentioned it). I look forward to the next update, hopefully with less of a wait ;)

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