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++ Gods of the Arena - A World Eaters Community ++


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Alright guys so I tried out my first game with some count as world eaters. I got annihalted but it was fun regardless though what do you expect when you are fighting against 30k wolves with leman Russ and custodes.


I took the list as a spur of the moment thing so I ended up just taking a list similar to prots.


Game was 1850 I took:





Chosen with melta guns and an axe

x2 CSM with melta guns 10 men in a rhino. Sarg with power sword.




Havocs with missles



1 20 man cult squad, rest 10 men

DA with tailsman in Khârn s Unit


Allied detachment of Death guard


Sorcerer with poxwalker

Cultist squad 20 men




I did pretty decently considering what I was up against and what I had at my disposal. I need bikes and spawn I think. Are there any other staple units I should look into? Also how large of a bike unit should I go with?


Problem: Traitor Legions are still Faction: CSM, so you can't add one Legion as an Allied Detachment to another (like you can with SM Chapters, IIRC).


I'd definitely look at adding some bikes, though :)

So yesterday i've tried the World Eaters.


My list consisted of a Warband+CAD with a Prince, 2 cultists and a Raider+Mauler, and took a KDK ally with a cheap lord on jugger with spawns and a Soulgrinder and some bloodletters.




Vs a Dark Angel guy with a few Ravenwing units and 4-5 DW termie units.


In all honesty i'm quite glad with how it played.


The 2D6 while been random is really effective, and nearly all my units advance at least 7-8 and my Prince a whole 12"!


Now seeing all that wall of red armours coming hauling arse towards him he only made one biker unit come close to me to try to melta my raider, the rest just skipped along his table border away from me.


So yeah i cannot really use this battle as a template shal;l we say?, since i had to run after him, but even though some of my units managed to assault T2( would have been T1 if he din't flee like that), his shots with all that had high Str was terrible, maybe 2 or 3 missiles coming through, all the meltas and assault cannons could hit the side of a barn.


Once the termies came in on T2 and made a tight wall around the ravenwing to receive my assaults, still maanaged to get through all of them after 2 turns of combats, lost a few units, but still had enough that he only had 10 DK bikes and a speeder,  and since he fled i could pick up all the opbjectives that i needed along the way, so i had a comfortable advance in VP's.


Even though i was kinda afraid of the lack of FnP and summons from KDK, it was still enjoyable.


But i'll need another game Vs a more typical army to see what needs to be changed.


I kinda like the Warband rule, at the end Khârn had cumulated reroll to saves, EW, ID on attacks and Psy eater.


Maybe next time i'll drop the CAD and take a Fist of the gods formation, to include the Raider and 2-3 Vindis instead of the Soulgrinder?, since honestly the soulgrinder din't do much this game.

Brothers and sisters of the XXth,


in between all the rules discussions, I hope you won't mind if I post a picture of the Khornate models I have added to Khorne's Eternal Hunt this year, both because I am an attention-seeker that way, and because this thread needs less words and more pictures ;)





As you were ;)

Damn you Kraut! You're making it a whole lot harder to choose between WE or DG. I love the Roman Gladioter vibe you've got going. Also Gott love Angron.


I've got a fluff question: in the 41st millennium are there any world eaters that have actual tactical and strategic thinking? Are the lords literally maim burn and kill all day long or is it more like the blood angels where they are normal before battle but go crazy during it?

Played my first game with the Traitor Legions book yesterday, very happy with how it went. Both of us were a little rusty.


I decided to try and Make Berzerkers Great Again, taking a Maelstrom with 1x20 and 3x8 man squads, led by a Jump Talisman Lord and backed by 3 Dirge Rhinos. I took a Warpsmith with 3 Maulerfiends as my auxiliary.


We were both surprised at just how fast those Berzerkers were in the first turn, with the Maelstrom and Talisman working with the pre-game move to get the 20-man squad into combat before a shot was fired.


PF+LC combo on the jump Lord was amazing. I rolled Slaughterborn for his Warlord Trait and was mowing through squads by himself by the end of the game.


I didn't use the rhinos as transports, but they worked brilliantly as mobile walls. Didn't block any shooting, but meant that my opponent's own assault units couldn't get to the most crucial combats at the right time.


We ended on turn 5 with an 11-0 VP score in my favour.


It was only one game, however I maintain that Berzerkers aren't as bad as people think when taken in a Maelstrom as part of a Butcherhorde. It forced my opponent on the back foot from turn 1, and had the game been a Maelstrom of War mission, I would have had free reign to capture any objectives that I wanted for most of the game.


I'm looking forward to trying out a few more games with a few different lists, but so far this book has me feeling very positive about World Eaters.

Played this 1500pt list yesterday against a terminator heavy 1k sons list...



  • Khârn
  • 5x Terminators - 4x combi-melta, 1x reaper autocannon
  • 4x Bikes - 2x Meltaguns, Lightning Claw/Melta Bomb
  • 3x Bikes - 2x Meltaguns, Lightning Claw/Melta Bomb
  • Helbrute - Plasma cannon, powerfist
  • 5x CSM - Plasmagun, extra CCW
  • 5x CSM - Plasmagun, extra CCW


  • Juggerlord - powerfist/lightning claw, sigil of corruption, talisman of burning blood


  • 5x Spawn

Its a bit of a jumbled list, but i was just using the models I had painted.  The 2D6" move is so freakin clutch.  I was able to get the whole army into cover to protect from the mass AP3 inferno shots after deployment.  The game was a bit of a slaughter but i think it was because of the deployment map.  We played with the ambush deployment map out of the horus heresy book (A 36" bubble in the middle with 12" in on each short side).  The 2d6 move basically put my whole army on both his flanks right from the get go so he only got the one round of shooting.  

lol... yea that scenario does sound rather lopsided for deployment in your favour.


Having first turn with the new World Eaters is incredibly potent.


Just noticing some people are mixing the Talisman from a Lord and putting him in the MoG formation. This doesn't work as you lose the +3". (Not saying anyone in particular, but noticed some people trying to do that.)

lol... yea that scenario does sound rather lopsided for deployment in your favour.


Having first turn with the new World Eaters is incredibly potent.


Just noticing some people are mixing the Talisman from a Lord and putting him in the MoG formation. This doesn't work as you lose the +3". (Not saying anyone in particular, but noticed some people trying to do that.)

Why would you lose the 3"? The Maelstrom of Gore allows you to take a lord in the formation. Give him the talisman and he gets both bonuses.


lol... yea that scenario does sound rather lopsided for deployment in your favour.


Having first turn with the new World Eaters is incredibly potent.


Just noticing some people are mixing the Talisman from a Lord and putting him in the MoG formation. This doesn't work as you lose the +3". (Not saying anyone in particular, but noticed some people trying to do that.)

Why would you lose the 3"? The Maelstrom of Gore allows you to take a lord in the formation. Give him the talisman and he gets both bonuses.



Yes, but it has to be the formation's lord. I've seen people taking Khârn in the formation, then adding the Talisman to a different dude, and adding him to the formation.



lol... yea that scenario does sound rather lopsided for deployment in your favour.


Having first turn with the new World Eaters is incredibly potent.


Just noticing some people are mixing the Talisman from a Lord and putting him in the MoG formation. This doesn't work as you lose the +3". (Not saying anyone in particular, but noticed some people trying to do that.)


Why would you lose the 3"? The Maelstrom of Gore allows you to take a lord in the formation. Give him the talisman and he gets both bonuses.


Yes, but it has to be the formation's lord. I've seen people taking Khârn in the formation, then adding the Talisman to a different dude, and adding him to the formation.

Aaah, okay.

Well, the unit wouldn't lose the rule; it's just that the attached IC wouldn't benefit from it. As long as you keep the IC in coherency, there's no reason the rest of the unit wouldn't be able to use the +3" to their assault move.

It seems like since getting the 1st turn is much more important, it might be a good idea to take the warprift legacy of ruin. Getting that re-roll on the seize can be pretty clutch.


How many regular chaos space marine squads have you guys been taking in the warband? How large?  

OK guys, I need help.  I just got my Traitors Hate book in the mail today and I don't see anything about 2D6" move before the game starts or anything else that sounded good.  Did I get the wrong book?!?  If I did it wouldn't surprise me and if I did, what book has all of this?

I knew this would happen to someone. Sorry buddy! You probably ordered it before New Years. Blame 2016. 


The worst part of this is that literally ALL formations of Traitor's Hate are also in Traitor Legions. You basically just bought Traitor's hate so you can field Renegade Imperial Knights... :pinch: If it's any consolation, we all have. :(

Craaaptacular!  Is it just me or is there way to many books, supplements and data slates and whatever else now days.


Well guess I'll look for the other book now.  Thanks

CHaos definitely has WAY too many books. Back in 2nd we had only one: Codex Chaos. Now, it's three (Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Khorne Daemonkin), four supplements (Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Traitor's Hate, Traitor Legions) and one Campaign Book. But to be honest, you only really need the three codices and the Traitor Legions book. And only the CSM codex if you don't plan on running Daemons.

I think it was the beginning of 3rd edition that I started.  Ended up needing money so I sold the only army that I had ever had which was Khorne about six years ago.  Got a Black Templar army a couple years after that.  Then I saw somewhere that Khorne had their own codex.  Found it on ebay and then thought OK, I need lots of berzerkers, some bloodletters and some cultists!  I'm still working on my army, but in the last year I've had 3 games with them and geeeeeez are they fun.

But I was thinking Daemonkin with World Eaters that move before the game starts.  The three games that I've had, opponents didn't like a wall of hounds in their face right off the bat and now I see I can get my berzerkers right in their grill too!  It's all almost too good to be true

Now if I can just find the traitor legion book.  GW out of stock and I saw one on ebay that was more than I want to pay.

Soooooon my blood god, soon

It is too many books but my personal belief is there would have been nothing until 8th so I look at this as the lesser of two evils.


I also have Butchers horde from two Christmas' ago, and the Black Legion stuff, Crimson slaughter. It's a ton of books and digital doesn't cut it when you're rolling off of 3 tables in different books. Hopefully we see consolidation of rules in the next year.


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