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Looks great!


I think his left arm comes from some Mechanicus kit... Doens't look very marine-y... :)

His left arm is from the Kataphrons. Thanks to one of my friends, I found out his left HAND, which was the unknown piece, is from the Death Company kit, It's the Thunder Hammer bionic hand :lol:


@ Gederas: That Warpsmith is looking awesome! I would maybe use something different for those smoke stacks on his backpack, however -- they just seem a bit too massive at the moment, and that backpack is already big enough as is. Maybe something a bit more gothic would work better?

Well, I'm not sure what to use for the exhaust vents for his backpack. And the Contemptor's Multi-melta had the large, bulkiness needed. The other issue is my bits box isn't the biggest thing. :lol: But do you have any tips for a better smokestack for his backpack then?

@ Gederas: Hmm, off the top of my head, some of the Death Guard back packs have smaller smoke stacks that might work really well, provided you can source them. There are also different smoke stacks in several Ork kits, obviously. And if all else fails, you could always use plasticard tubes. The problem I see with the back pack right now is that it's already very big and clunky -- almost too much so, in fact. And while I love the idea of including exhaust pipes, I think something more delicate and/or baroque might work as a good visual counterpoint to those huge mecha-dendrites..

@ Gederas: Hmm, off the top of my head, some of the Death Guard back packs have smaller smoke stacks that might work really well, provided you can source them. There are also different smoke stacks in several Ork kits, obviously. And if all else fails, you could always use plasticard tubes. The problem I see with the back pack right now is that it's already very big and clunky -- almost too much so, in fact. And while I love the idea of including exhaust pipes, I think something more delicate and/or baroque might work as a good visual counterpoint to those huge mecha-dendrites..

You're talking to someone who has eight copies of the Death Guard half of Dark Imperium. Trust me, I can source those backpack pipes :lol:


But looking at it more now, you've a point. The Multi-melta barrels could make better smokestacks on something else.

  • 4 months later...

So what is the status of Khornes armies this days? Seems not so many post any longer?


My questions is because I´m right now on a break from the hobby but I´m thinking to perhaps start up again and to do that with a world eater army.

At least in my experience, the World Eaters are a lot of fun to play right now. I seem to win more often than I lose, but I usually play against loyalist marines or other chaos armies. There aren't many knight or guard players in my local meta, but I imagine that it is much more difficult to fight them.


Naturally, berzerkers are your best friends, and I never leave home without Khârn. Initially, I had trouble with mobility and durability. I picked up a Spartan and split my berzerker assault force between that and a rhino. That tank is tough, and now it shoots more reliably because it doesn't take -1 to hit after moving anymore. However, you need something on the board that forces your opponent to shoot at something besides your berzerker delivery vehicles. 


I know a lot of people use Khârn to buff their shooting units, but I just can't do it. I always charge him in with the berzerkers. Make sure to take icons of wrath in your berzerker squads. Nothing is worse than your World Eaters failing their charge.


I'm sure this isn't the only way to play with reasonable results, it is just my favorite set up. 

I just picked up a Blood Warriors kit and a Wrathmongers/Skullreapers kit and made this guy with a spare Exalted Champion model:




Can heartily recommend these kits as conversion fodder for any World Eater player!

I've had thoughts of running a World Eater's gun line army. I'm thinking dreadnoughts and allied Armigers for shooting power as they are also not horrible in close combat; combined with a lot of Berzerker screens. I would run the army primarily as a shooting force and just use Berzerkers for counter charging and screening.





Edit: Looking at a list like as follows using stuff I mostly have already


2x Armiger Helverins, Dual autocannons and heavy stubber


Chaos Hellwright

Deredeo Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon array, dual heavy flamers, Greater havoc launcher, Hellfire Veil

Hellforged Scorpius, scorpius launcher, combi-bolter

Hellforged Scorpius, scorpius launcher, combi-bolter


Kharne the Betrayer

24x Berzerkers, chainsword and chain axe


100 points left over, probably cultists with leftover points.


Make everything world eaters except the Helverins, so everything shooty can re-roll misses. Hellwright can repair all the vehicles. Maybe go down to two groups of 10 berzerkers instead of 3x8, and use the extra points for more cultists.

I just picked up a Blood Warriors kit and a Wrathmongers/Skullreapers kit and made this guy with a spare Exalted Champion model:





Can heartily recommend these kits as conversion fodder for any World Eater player!

Sweet model! I love the axe, great conversion. Is the chain part from some chainaxe?

Hello, I'm here. Just returned to the hobby and I represent the terminator-lord Morgar'ak and the Wrath warband.


I've taken liberties with the fluff slightly as Wrath isn't specifically listed as a WE warband. I just like the colour scheme!


I'll post some of my converted Berserkers when they are at a point where I'd be happy photographing them!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How well do those helmets look without the Khorne flair? I only have the bunny ears on champions (for ease of picking them out, which became problematic having a horde of guys).

Decently. Depends on the helmet, as some of them look like they're "missing" something without them.

Double post, but I just realized, I finished two of the Lords for my World Renders of Khorne and never posted the first one who I finished a month ago :lol:


Khrogar, Master of the Forge of the World Eaters

  • 1 month later...

Before I continue this post, please excuse the armies played ATM.


I have long considered the turn to Chaos, and have finally revved the chainaxe on this idea. I have finally settled on WE, because it seems to match the playstyle of my loyalist force pretty closely, and because... well, who doesn't love screaming bloodthirsty brutes swinging death in your face?


I don't have much in the way of fluff, but I'm trying to build a somewhat playable list from scratch for a 40K WE warband. So far, I have (Entirely unassembled, I must add,)


-Khârn the Betrayer

-Chaos Space Marine Squad box

-Raptors/Warp Talons box

-Khorne Berzerkers box

-Start Collecting CSM box

-Daemon Prince

-Start Collecting Khorne Deamons (Assembled, unpainted, Skull Cannon variant)

-10 Bloodletters

-Blodthirster (Assembled/Painted)

-15 Cultists (Assembled/Painted)

-3 Snap-fit CSM

-1 CSM Sorcerer (I know I can't use him in a WE army, it came with the Assassinorum Execution Force game with the 3 CSM and 15 Cultists) 


I began with the daemons, but accidentally got the CSM collection during a flood clearance sale at my FLGS a while back, and decided to run with it. I see that there is a lot of HH buffs on this page, but my interest lies in 40K, and looking for advice as to how to model these guys and where I might go from here. I do have the Codex and have some ideas, but am looking for pure WE advice, so this is the first CSM thread I've looked into.


Thanks in advance.

Before I continue this post, please excuse the armies played ATM.


I have long considered the turn to Chaos, and have finally revved the chainaxe on this idea. I have finally settled on WE, because it seems to match the playstyle of my loyalist force pretty closely, and because... well, who doesn't love screaming bloodthirsty brutes swinging death in your face?


I don't have much in the way of fluff, but I'm trying to build a somewhat playable list from scratch for a 40K WE warband. So far, I have (Entirely unassembled, I must add,)


-Khârn the Betrayer

-Chaos Space Marine Squad box

-Raptors/Warp Talons box

-Khorne Berzerkers box

-Start Collecting CSM box

-Daemon Prince

-Start Collecting Khorne Deamons (Assembled, unpainted, Skull Cannon variant)

-10 Bloodletters

-Blodthirster (Assembled/Painted)

-15 Cultists (Assembled/Painted)

-3 Snap-fit CSM

-1 CSM Sorcerer (I know I can't use him in a WE army, it came with the Assassinorum Execution Force game with the 3 CSM and 15 Cultists) 


I began with the daemons, but accidentally got the CSM collection during a flood clearance sale at my FLGS a while back, and decided to run with it. I see that there is a lot of HH buffs on this page, but my interest lies in 40K, and looking for advice as to how to model these guys and where I might go from here. I do have the Codex and have some ideas, but am looking for pure WE advice, so this is the first CSM thread I've looked into.


Thanks in advance.


I would build all of those chaos space marines as berzerkers, for a start. Normal marines just aren't very good right now, but berzerkers are actually pretty badass! A simple way to mark them out as berzerkers would be to liberally apply the Blood for the Blood God! technical paint, as opposed to buying extra heads/torsos/whatever.


Bolt pistols and chainswords are a "fine" loadout, but chainaxes really take them to the next level. Chainaxes + chainswords are my preference. You can get some 3rd party chainaxes for somewhat decent prices on shapeways.com if you felt so inclined, because the ones from Forge World are expensive and complicated to use in that they're a LOT of work to use. 


Somewhat lame to spend more money on top of what you've already bought, but if you had Rhinos for your berzerkers, you'd really take advantage of their usefulness. On foot, they're just gonna get slaughtered by shooting before they get to do anything.


Khârn is a decent enough HQ now that his points were dropped, and the daemon prince is one of our best close combat units. 2 claws and the talisman of burning blood make for a pretty quick and brutal beatstick. Alternately, you could take your daemons as an allied detachment and arm him with the Skullreaver axe, which is probably the best way to run a daemon prince of Khorne.


Maybe others could chime in, that's kinda all I've got. 

I've only just come back to the gam e, so cant overly comment. But i would say Jugger is right, you want 3 units of bez in rhinos to be affective (the axes on shapeways look pretty good tbh). I have Khârn and will be making a DP for my daemon detachment. With some modification the sorcerer could be turned into a dar apostle, which is a cheap 2nd HQ choice. 

Recently ordered some new minis after selling off my Salamanders (boo, loyalists!), and I'm really looking forward to running this list:




Contemptors ride in the dreadclaws, which start on the table. Renegade trait gives them a :cuss ton of distance they can cover, and still shoot those soulburners.

  • 2 weeks later...

I started work on four of my Blood Warriors-converted Berzerkers last night. Got an Icon-bearer, Champion (Power Fist and Chainaxe of course) and two regular guys.



Need to do some greenstuff work on the running forward guy, but these four are done. That just leaves.... 24 to go :laugh.:


More angles and close-ups on my WIP log.


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