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Having just got the Traitor Legions supplement, I'm feeling the urge to write yet another army list. I'm actually shying away from the Rapture Battalion detachment as it's too limiting for my purposes. A shame as the Combat Drugs table looks pretty sweet, but oh well. The Kakophoni detachment looks awesome and makes me seriously consider taking Sonic Blasters (Blastmasters are pretty much auto-includes, and Doom Sirens become even more fearsome assault/close-range attack deterrents IMO).


I'm considering my Chaos Lord trading in his beloved Burning Brand for a considerably cheaper combi-bolter with those crazy hallucinogenic bolts (which will be represented with a handheld miniature Sonic Blaster), or possibly eschewing a ranged upgrade and instead replacing his Lightning Claw with Blissgiver. I'm not so sure on transport or retinue- he can't go in a Rhino because TDA, so if I were to go mechanized he'd need a Land Raider or something bigger, whilst for bodyguard I'm torn between Noise Marines and his trusty Terminators (mainly because I have a half-painted squad of Termies on the workbench). Whoever he goes with will be getting an Icon of Excess, as 4+ FnP is too good to pass up, especially on Terminators.


AFAIK, CSM need to be mechanized. For Noise Marines, Havoc Rhinos do the trick nicely. For my Lord and his retinue (whatever it ends up being) I'm not sure. If he goes with Noise Marines then a "standard" Land Raider is a possibility, though not a particularly effective one. If he goes with Terminators it's not really an option as he'd have to leave a Termie back on the battle barge due to the transport capacity. A Spartan would be a good (albeit very expensive) option, as even stock they're fairly beastly, and tooled up they're absolutely monstrous. I can't remember if the Proteus has a better transport capacity than the standard LR- I know the Ark of Unnamable Horror reduces the capacity, which is a shame as the upgrade is awesome.


Sonic Dreadnoughts are pretty much a given, though I do have a Plasma Cannon armed Chaos Dreadnought on the workbench which may see service as a Ferrum Infernus for TEQ busting (though the weapons aren't glued so it could theoretically be upgraded to a Sonic Dreadnought).

As for other stuff...well, if I even have room for anything else, I'm not sure. Possibly some Daemon allies?

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I got the Kakophoni from FW and they're great, but they can only stand in for one type of sonic weapon at a time. I may hold off on my NM kit bashes until we know more as it may help me decide how I'm doing them.


Welcome back Roland, and to the Slaanesh Squad :tongue.:

I remember my heart skipping a beat at the first sighting of the kakaphoni. Preordered them and waited forever to get them in my hands. I've been using them as blastmasters in my army but now I've started kitbashing my own.


Now if FW could just sell the Kakaphoni weapon as an upgrade pack by itself I would buy them to represent my sonic blasters.


So if i were to take a core of a 6-squad kakophani in rhinos, what would be a good aux choice for a shooty-centric army?

How do you plan on arming your noise marines? I think that could determine what kind of range weapons you will want to bring to back them up. As for myself two detachments look titillating for extra guns.


The cult of destruction first caught my eye. Obliterators have been such an outstanding unit for me on the table (and I look forward to an Iron Warrior army of them now) that a formation of them with a nifty shoot twice rule from a warpsmith looks tempting. Yeah, it still has that rule where you can fire the same weapon back to back but I can live with that.


The next one I thought about and went with was the Fist of the Gods. I have brought two predators and a land raider with helpful warpsmith to lend a hand to my noise marines. I have more dakka to take on infantry and light armor with my predators. The land raider is a nice assault vehicle that has lascannons and an added havoc launcher to punch bigger holes where needed.


My own list is as follows:

Cult of Golden Tears 1500 points


-Lord, MoS, Blissgiver


-Noise Marines, 4x Sonic Blasters, Rhino (objective grabbers)

-Noise Marines, 4x Sonic Blasters, Rhino (objective grabbers)

-Noise Marines, 3x Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster (fire support)

-Noise Marines, 3x Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster (fire support)

-Noise Marines, 3x Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster (fire support)

-Noise Marines, +1 NM, 5x CCW, Icon (objective grabber/enemy warlord hunter, Lord went here)

Fist of the Gods,
-Warpsmith, MoS
-Predator, autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons
-Predator, autocannon, heavy bolter sponsons
-Land Raider, havoc launcher (Lord and NM CCW squad hitched a ride with Warpsmith)


This list may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts...so far...

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Well i was thinking 6 units of sonic blasters + 1 blast master in havoc rhinos. I had also considered the fist of the gods so one unit can be kitted for cc and carry the lord in a land raider. The other two would probably be vindis or tri las preds for extra anti tank. Raptor talon could be good i guess. Helforged warpack could be good since the rhinos are only going to move ~6" per turn anyways so the defilers/ maulerfiends/forgefiends.
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I really like that list hushrong, my only concern is how much use the sonic blasters in the blasmaster squads will get. Had a chance to use it yet?

Twice and it brought the noise! Kakaphoni with the splitfire ability is the only reason I put sonic blasters in my blastmaster squad.


I usually try to park those guys closest to the deployment edge where I can put them into terrain with a great view. My main opponent/frenemy has played his dark eldar on both occasions and he usually has armies that literally try to get close and grab my boys by the belt buckle. So they have seen plenty of use.


And having the 3 shots each and 24" range with +1 to str and shred...it's been nasty.

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Well i was thinking 6 units of sonic blasters + 1 blast master in havoc rhinos.


-My only concern with this is not all of your units may get to use the blastmaster to its full potential. My list before TL came out had 3 NM squads with sonic blasters and a blastmaster each but most of the time my rhino was moving and I could only fire the varied frequency. This may not always be the case but when each one of those boom boxes of doom cost double digit points you will want to make sure to make the most of them. You do have enough marines to leap frog every other turn and provide cover fire however...


I had also considered the fist of the gods so one unit can be kitted for cc and carry the lord in a land raider. The other two would probably be vindis or tri las preds for extra anti tank. Raptor talon could be good i guess. Helforged warpack could be good since the rhinos are only going to move ~6" per turn anyways so the defilers/ maulerfiends/forgefiends.


-I brought a land raider for this reason. That and I just have one lying around gathering dust. However I had to make budget cuts with my units since I am only playing 1500 points games at the moment. I really wanted to cram 8 noise marines with extra CCW, a doom siren, and an Icon. Then slap my lord in terminator plate to go with them. I just relish the idea of the saves he would have in that unit. The hellforged pack also sounds like a good now that you mention it.

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Well, in the kakophani formation they get split fire, so i can shoot the blastmaster at the best target and the sonic blasters at everything else. The idea is to move them into the center of the field and just hold from there. Or if im fighting an army thats coming at ME, just not move at all.

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Well, in the kakophani formation they get split fire, so i can shoot the blastmaster at the best target and the sonic blasters at everything else. The idea is to move them into the center of the field and just hold from there. Or if im fighting an army thats coming at ME, just not move at all.

That works! Split fire on our NM squads is fantastic. Before I would just add a blastmaster and that was it. One shot with that thing and my unit was done but with split fire I love having the other marines contribute with their sonic blasters.


For some reason I focus way too much shooting on my first turn instead of maneuvering since most armies I play come to me or drop pod into me. :/

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Forgive me the question but i'm rather new to CSM. I see people mentioning not taking the Sonic Blaster on Noise Marines but only the Blast Master.

Does that even make sense?

I mean you could get the same with regular Chaos Marines + Missile Launcher for 21p less. You'd just miss out on the ignore cover, pinning and the Varied frequenzy mode. All three are pretty nice but is that really worth that many points in an army that suffers from overcosted units already?


I'm a bit at a loss here since I thought the Sonic Blaster are THE reason to take Noise Marines over regular Chaos Marines in the first place but maybe i'm missing something vital here.

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Forgive me the question but i'm rather new to CSM. I see people mentioning not taking the Sonic Blaster on Noise Marines but only the Blast Master.

Does that even make sense?

I mean you could get the same with regular Chaos Marines + Missile Launcher for 21p less. You'd just miss out on the ignore cover, pinning and the Varied frequenzy mode. All three are pretty nice but is that really worth that many points in an army that suffers from overcosted units already?


I'm a bit at a loss here since I thought the Sonic Blaster are THE reason to take Noise Marines over regular Chaos Marines in the first place but maybe i'm missing something vital here.


The ignore cover is pretty big when everything jinks or stands in ruins all over the place, also to take a Missile launcher for your CSM squad you'd need 10 guys where you only need 5 NMs for a blastmaster. Plus, NMs are fearless! 


The blastmaster and sonic blasters have very different profiles and targets, and when you need to move the four cannon fodder extra-wounds around to give cover for the blastmaster you can't fire far with the sonic blasters but you can with the bolter...


...with split fire on the other hand... :)

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Forgive me the question but i'm rather new to CSM. I see people mentioning not taking the Sonic Blaster on Noise Marines but only the Blast Master.

Does that even make sense?

I mean you could get the same with regular Chaos Marines + Missile Launcher for 21p less. You'd just miss out on the ignore cover, pinning and the Varied frequenzy mode. All three are pretty nice but is that really worth that many points in an army that suffers from overcosted units already?


I'm a bit at a loss here since I thought the Sonic Blaster are THE reason to take Noise Marines over regular Chaos Marines in the first place but maybe i'm missing something vital here.


The ignore cover is pretty big when everything jinks or stands in ruins all over the place, also to take a Missile launcher for your CSM squad you'd need 10 guys where you only need 5 NMs for a blastmaster. Plus, NMs are fearless! 


The blastmaster and sonic blasters have very different profiles and targets, and when you need to move the four cannon fodder extra-wounds around to give cover for the blastmaster you can't fire far with the sonic blasters but you can with the bolter...


...with split fire on the other hand... :smile.:


Ah true I forgot that CSM can't decide between special and heavy weapons with only 5 guys. Explains a lot. Still a pretty expensive unit for 'just' a better Missile Launcher imo. :D

Well I guess that's something we don't have to care about anymore with Traitor Legions. Split fire ftw and if we really want to Chaos Marines will be fearless for free as EC as well.


Thanks for the swift reply!

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So with the new traitor legions I'm contemplating adding another contingent to my CSM and the emperors children have really peaked my interest.


In my research I came across the sonic dreadnought from FW. I'm curious if they can fit into the new traitor legions emperors children formations and what not. Do they just count as a hell brute for all intents and purposes or would I have to do a special detachment/formation and would they benefit from any of the special rules? Or just psychic buffs?

Edited by SoulGlaive
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So with the new traitor legions I'm contemplating adding another contingent to my CSM and the emperors children have really peaked my interest.


In my research I came across the sonic dreadnought from FW. I'm curious if they can fit into the new traitor legions emperors children formations and what not. Do they just count as a hell brute for all intents and purposes or would I have to do a special detachment/formation and would they benefit from any of the special rules? Or just psychic buffs?

You can only take FW stuff in a CAD unless it says it counts as X in formations etc (which it almost never does). So Sonic Dreadnoughts are Sonic Dreadnoughts, not Helbrutes.

You could take a CAD together with your Rapture Batallion and take minimum HQ + Troop choices, give them all Mark of Slaanesh to fulfill the requirements of it being a EC detachment and take the Sonic Dreadnought in that.

They wouldn't benefit from any Rapture Batallion boni (Combat Drugs) but they would get the EC boni like getting the 6+ FnP, improved FnP with the Icon on VotlW units, Core Noise Marines and the attack if you get killed before you could hit in close combat.

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  • 1 month later...

Ever feel like the entire universe is attempting to stop you from playing warhammer? I do.


So my first introduction was at around 10 years old. The kid was a twat, so was his dad - they invited me over to get involved and then I got there and wasn't allowed to look, smell or touch anything. Needless to say I was bored out of my skull and didn't look into it again. Until...


At about 16, my cousin and his pals invited me to a game. I brought absinthe and shrooms with me. We got hammered and didn't play at all. It was no real introduction but I got a chance to get up close with some models and the flame was somewhat Re ignited. I fell out with my cousin shortly after and didn't get to playing a game. Until...


A few months back my buddies get me a dark vengeance set (we split 3 ways, share templates and rulebook. I get all models). I build the models and after toying with the idea of converting the whole set including the dark Angels into a nurgle themed army, I finally decide that I wanna go Emperors Children 'cos sex, drugs, tunes and drugs and sex and perfect excess. I lose all 4 of my first games. I won't get into too much detail but these guys are the type of player who claim tyranid warriors are able to attack 3 times with 3 weapons each phase, dark eldar get a 4+ power from pain but a CSM unit with a mos and ioe get a 5+ feel no pain..... It was painful but I was still really enjoying the process of collecting an army and planning ahead for joining a club or going to tournament days. Until..


Some donut in my block decided to blow his rassclart to pieces and set the block on fire (Google Hornchurch explosion). We thought our cats were as dead as the guy dumb enough to blow his house up. But as it turns out, the firemen managed to pull them out of a block of flats that had been burning for 15 hours. It might sound crazy but it wasn't until those cats were found that it really began to sink in that everything I had ever owned or done was in that flat. Im a songwriter and there was 20 years of song lyrics in that place... And my damn dark vengeance set!!! But...


Being that I no longer have any possessions, I am in the fortunate position of having somewhat of a reset and get to rebuild everything from the foundation up. Including my warhammer army. Yay.


So, I'm looking at going Emperors children and here are my thoughts:


My core will be a chaos Warband, purely as it will be my most cost effective choice for me right now. Minimal amounts CSM. Probably in rhinos as I will get the new desolator squad packs from gw. Then the main bulk will be bikers. The sons of Excess. 3 sets of 6 is the goal. 1 for for flamers and 2 meltas. These with the Drug (elixir) Lord and telepathy/biomancer sorcerer, both on bikes, should make for a semi decent deathstar of sorts. This supported by cult of destruction oblits and a Daemon Lord of the legion with black mace of death beat.


Eventually I want to go with kakophoni but it think it will be a bit more expensive in terms of real world moneys before I will have a battleforged army. Plus I really like the fw kakophoni models and I need to see if they bring out any varients to use as blastmasters before I cam try to use them as a viable option for a 40k army. Or do I just wait till 8th edition and see what happens there?! Who knows... It's nice to dream though.


Anyways, my name is Kyokaine, Lord Pope of the Church of Catatonic Ecstasy. We strive for perfection in every facet of every manifestation of self. Regardless of the chaos the came before us, regardless of the chaos that will ensue, the party must continue. Slaanesh needs more and we are more than happy to oblige. I will return when I have something more solid for my army, like models and some batrep maybe lol but for now I guess I just wanted to introduce myself, officially, as a devout follower of slaanesh and the 3rd. Praise be.


Also of anyone knows of any good Emperors children books, or any chaos books really. Im still pretty new to all this but I'm finding it enthralling. I need more lololol


Tl:dr - hy my name is Kyokaine. my house blew up and I get to rebuild my army. Does anyone no any good EC books?

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Welcome to the B&C Kyo :biggrin.: Glad to hear your Greater Daemons of Snootesh are ok, bad enough to lose all your possessions but it could have been worse so small blessings and all that.


I've "recently" started a Slaanesh army and I'm having a lot of fun building and painting them up (even got a game in), you can do quite a bit to make them expensive but good. Bikers are a solid choice as they will be very tough so it sounds like you have a good plan. There's no point in waiting for 8th as it'll take a while to build your models up, so get the basics going with your CSM :thumbsup:


You can start a WIP topic going for your army and you'll be able to canvas for ideas and help, or just show off your hard work :wink: It has really helped me with my CSM warband :biggrin.:

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Thanks warriorfish :)


Its the kind of thing that makes believers out of atheists. Both me amd my partner should have been home at the time. The blessings are very real.


You are probably right about starting sooner rather than later. I hate the thought of wasting time on a project so the possibility of building an army that doesn't do what I want in a few months is kind of off putting.

Thanks for the advice on starting a wip. I will look into some others first and maybe give it a go.

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Welcome Kyokaine! Your introduction made me think of an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode. Wow. Sucks to hear what happened but glad that you and yours are well.


For a book to read I would recommend Fulgrim. It was my first Warhammer novel and I loved reading about the EC during that critical time. Other than that the only other Chaos novels I would recommend in a heart beat are for other legions. I had heard that the new Fabius Bile book was pretty sweet too.


As for the army I look forward to seeing it get built up. Warband seems like a great starting point for any force as I think you can be more rounded with it. I am thinking about building another legion force with that detachment as the core.


I also love Kakophoni. I am smitten with it. I have three blastmasters and seventeen sonic blasters in that list and love to see them rock my opponents socks off. I was lucky to score some of the FW Kakophoni weapons recently but had to make my own blastmaster. Shameless advertising here but you can check out my build log in my signature below.


Again, great to have you here and looking forward to seeing your work!

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