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Also wondering, how do you run your daemon princes? I run mine with wings, pair of malefic talons, intoxicating elixir, diabolic strength and the warlord trait that does a mortal wound in addition of the normal damage on 6's to wound.


If I'm lucky in the psychic phase, in the fight phase I get 9 strength 10 ap -2 2dmg, with additional mortal wounds on 6's hitting on 2's rerolling 1's


I've delt with a nurgle daemon prince in one turn with this, it's been my go to ever since.

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Pretty much the same but with the trait that gives more attacks when you lose wounds just because. ^^


Same here. My DP takes a lot of oncoming fire and its not unusual for him to charge in with only half of his wounds remaining.

I run mine with a screen of cultist or a bike squad so they soak up the fire for him. And most of the time i use a sorcerer too, to warp time him in combat as fast as possible.


I've used deep striking warp talons too, to prevent overwatch on my DP


Not sure which "body guard" option I prefer tho. Do I even need "body guards" for him?

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I don't give him that trait because he loses that many wounds but rather because I think it's a cool trait and eventually he will lose wounds anyway after his first encounter....if not, I'm dominating the match anyway lol

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My prince usually hangs in the back field and if nothing pops up on my rear he moves up to counter/lend a talon to. I have ran him with warp time to get a move on and it has helped.


I've not thought to run him with a bodyguard. I haven't used raptors or bikers yet and my heldrake usually hurls itself like a bullet at the juiciest target. Its not a bad idea but on the tables I play there is plenty of terrain to get cover. Which I make use of because he attracts a bit of attention.



You have no idea the things I would sacrifice for a noise marine equivalent of havocs. Just imagine a squad of five marines that could run four blastmasters in it.

I would traid my first born child to satan for such a unit


I was going to say something like my first edition charizard cards but I admire your devotion.:wink:

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Ok so what do you guys think about this


DP with wings: malefic talons, intoxicating elixir, diabolic strength, additional mortal wounds on 6's to wound


Sorcerer on bike: force axe, plasma pistol, warp time delightfull agony (or death hex maybe?)


5 bike: 2 flamers, 1 combi flamer, 5 chain swords, 5 combi bolters



The bikes have the speed to keep up with the DP and enough wounds and toughness to soak up some damage. While the sorcerer can make it so the DP can get into melee turn 1 (24" move before charge). The 3 flamers and 5 combi-bolters can get rid of screening units, so the DP can get to the bigger targets and do his thing. The bikes can also take the over watch for the prince if they did not advance to get into flaming distance. I still don't know if I'd rather give my guys a 5+ FnP for more durability or get rid of invun saves on enemy HQ's.


Does this work, did I get anything wrong?

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Ok so what do you guys think about this


DP with wings: malefic talons, intoxicating elixir, diabolic strength, additional mortal wounds on 6's to wound


Sorcerer on bike: force axe, plasma pistol, warp time delightfull agony (or death hex maybe?)


5 bike: 2 flamers, 1 combi flamer, 5 chain swords, 5 combi bolters



The bikes have the speed to keep up with the DP and enough wounds and toughness to soak up some damage. While the sorcerer can make it so the DP can get into melee turn 1 (24" move before charge). The 3 flamers and 5 combi-bolters can get rid of screening units, so the DP can get to the bigger targets and do his thing. The bikes can also take the over watch for the prince if they did not advance to get into flaming distance. I still don't know if I'd rather give my guys a 5+ FnP for more durability or get rid of invun saves on enemy HQ's.


Does this work, did I get anything wrong?


Give up diabolic strenght, the +1Strenght from the elixir is enought. Get some FnP5+ or cancel invulnerable save spell, much better. 

I find the hellsword better than the claws with Slaanesh DP. With Elixir, eventually Slaanesh warlord trait you got enought attack to no fear little units. In your case as you got a screening units made for dealing with GEQ take a Prince to get after big stuff, so take the sword. 


Biker move 14", winged Prince 12". Which one are you gonna warptime ? what are you doing of the other units (not even talking about the sorcerer). Imho Prescience on a Daemon prince is great only on a pure assault army with lots of deepstrike (so your Prince can get cover under your deepstriking units). 

If you want your "deathstare" of Prince + Biker + Sorcerer, dont do it. Keep your prescience on another sorcerer and put it one a deepstriking Terminator/Warp talon for eg. 


I don't understand the mortal wound on 6+, where do you get that from ?


I would try : 

Daemon Prince with Sword, elixir, death hex

+ Sorcerer with delightfull agony and infernal gaze.

+ biker with flamers. 


With this rush into the other guy, what ever he will send you got an answer (lots of small units, big stuff, costly units like Terminator who will not like Death hex and spamming mortal wound). 

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Ok so what do you guys think about this

DP with wings: malefic talons, intoxicating elixir, diabolic strength, additional mortal wounds on 6's to wound

Sorcerer on bike: force axe, plasma pistol, warp time delightfull agony (or death hex maybe?)

5 bike: 2 flamers, 1 combi flamer, 5 chain swords, 5 combi bolters

The bikes have the speed to keep up with the DP and enough wounds and toughness to soak up some damage. While the sorcerer can make it so the DP can get into melee turn 1 (24" move before charge). The 3 flamers and 5 combi-bolters can get rid of screening units, so the DP can get to the bigger targets and do his thing. The bikes can also take the over watch for the prince if they did not advance to get into flaming distance. I still don't know if I'd rather give my guys a 5+ FnP for more durability or get rid of invun saves on enemy HQ's.

Does this work, did I get anything wrong?



Give up diabolic strenght, the +1Strenght from the elixir is enought. Get some FnP5+ or cancel invulnerable save spell, much better. 

I find the hellsword better than the claws with Slaanesh DP. With Elixir, eventually Slaanesh warlord trait you got enought attack to no fear little units. In your case as you got a screening units made for dealing with GEQ take a Prince to get after big stuff, so take the sword. 


Biker move 14", winged Prince 12". Which one are you gonna warptime ? what are you doing of the other units (not even talking about the sorcerer). Imho Prescience on a Daemon prince is great only on a pure assault army with lots of deepstrike (so your Prince can get cover under your deepstriking units). 

If you want your "deathstare" of Prince + Biker + Sorcerer, dont do it. Keep your prescience on another sorcerer and put it one a deepstriking Terminator/Warp talon for eg. 


I don't understand the mortal wound on 6+, where do you get that from ?


I would try : 

Daemon Prince with Sword, elixir, death hex

+ Sorcerer with delightfull agony and infernal gaze.

+ biker with flamers. 


With this rush into the other guy, what ever he will send you got an answer (lots of small units, big stuff, costly units like Terminator who will not like Death hex and spamming mortal wound).

Your take on the DP looks great, but I did some quick math hammer using the exemple you have as a target, terminators and on average the sword load out kills 3 termies in a turn, but the exact same load out with talons instead, kills 4 per turn when they both get the extra 3 attack from the warlord trait.


And I don't get why you would cast presience on a model that already hits on 2+?


Also, I took the mortal wounds on 6+ to wound out of the generic chaos warlord traits. I could not tell you the name of it in English because I bought my codex in French by mistake, but it is there.

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Your take on the DP looks great, but I did some quick math hammer using the exemple you have as a target, terminators and on average the sword load out kills 3 termies in a turn, but the exact same load out with talons instead, kills 4 per turn when they both get the extra 3 attack from the warlord trait.



What i mean by bigger stuff was tank, monstruous creature, dreadnought, Primarque etc.. I agree with 1 - 2hp target you dont need the sword, you need more attacks. 


But if someone oppose an hellbrute or a Big boss to your little company, you will need the sword, and with the bike + flamers you already got a great output of 1Dmg attack. 


And I don't get why you would cast presience on a model that already hits on 2+?



My misteak, i meant "Imho Warptime on a Daemon prince is great only on a pure assault army with lots of deepstrike (so your Prince can get cover under your deepstriking units)."


Prescience on a Daemon Prince is rather good. Not just with your configuration. For eg i will ruin my Daemon Prince with some Possessed, give Possessed +1 to hit, reroll 1 and giving them DttFE on 4+ (with icon), sweet thought..


Also, I took the mortal wounds on 6+ to wound out of the generic chaos warlord traits. I could not tell you the name of it in English because I bought my codex in French by mistake, but it is there.



As a matter of fact you could told me the french warlord trait as i am a proud baguette ;-) 

Ok I see. Personaly i prefer the E.C. trait, because i like my attacks as I like my combat drugs.. with excess.

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Also, I took the mortal wounds on 6+ to wound out of the generic chaos warlord traits. I could not tell you the name of it in English because I bought my codex in French by mistake, but it is there.


As a matter of fact you could told me the french warlord trait as i am a proud baguette ;-) 

Ok I see. Personaly i prefer the E.C. trait, because i like my attacks as I like my combat drugs.. with excess.


The name of the warlord trait is "flamme de rancune" and the rules given for it are the following:

"si le jet de blessure pour une attaque d'arme de mêlée effectué par le seigneur de guerre donne 6+, la cible subit une blessure mortelle en plus des autres dégâts"


For the non French speaker it gives something in the lines of " if a wound roll made with a melee weapon of this warlord is of 6+, the target takes a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage" I'm not sure if it is 100% accurate translation, but if you have a codex you'll know which one I'm talking about

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Just did some quick math hammer and the build I see has the most destructive potential for a daemon prince build is: sword, one talon, warp bolter, wings, elixir, diabolic strength and EC warlord trait.


At its most effective (when he's taken 3 dmg and as cast diabolic strength on himself) it does 9 s10 ap -2 dmg 3, 1 s10 ap -2 dmg 2 and a possible 2 assault strength 4 ap -1 dmg 2 before charging.


I put in all that against the stats of a knight and the calculator says this can kill it in one turn.

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Yea that's maybe the best Daemon prince ever. But beside mathammer the spell you choose for your EC Daemon prince depends on what he add to fight. And by extension, to what units are guarding him.  


Diabolic Strenght is good if you have to go after T>7 target like Knight so you get that nasty 3+ to wound. 

Against GEQ, MEQ, TEQ and T6/7 tank Diabolic Strenght isnt worth it against other great spell.


The only other exception were you should go for Diabolic Strenght is T5 army like Death Guard. With the Elixir you come back to that sweet 2+ to wound. 

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Brethren of lust, i seek your advice. 


As I complete my first squad of Noise Marine, i'm thinking about the next unit to add to my choir. 


Of course a Slaanesh/Emperor's children warband wont be complete without cultist. Cultist to praise Slaanesh, court the legionnaries and to have some ehm... fun between battle. 


And let's just said that actual cultist models, will it be from GW or FW are not very Slaanesh. Not to mention you got 3 same models in a squad of 10.. Moreover i despise all the actual vanilla chaos models (except for the Dark Apostle and the Defiler). So let's talk about proxy. 


My heart is torn between two models who would make some nice Slaanesh cultist. I already got some third party autogun and some Wracks helmet, so here are the two models : 


First one : 




Second : 



I'm asking your advice, which one we make the best cultist ? 

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I always wanted to use the Dark Elves as my Daemonettes as I think the latest plastic ones are a bit fugly.


I am leaning toward those same ones as cultists because their is more bare skin. Something tells me they want to feel all the sensations of battle on their flesh. They also look like such graceful dancers in their stock pose that it compliments Slaanesh well. With some touch ups I'd go with them.


The wyches aren't terrible but I just worry they will look too dark eldar without a bunch of conversion work. Of course, a fun idea would be to slap some collars on them. Nothing says 'good time' to an Emperor's Children like sending out eldar slaves in the first wave of attacks promising that those that outrun the EC will be free. Then those marines trying to catch up to them later as if hunting them for sport while in battle.

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I would wait a month and use the new Escher gangers, the models are well lush.....although I have a nagging worry that they may be the same size as a Chaos Space Marine or larger.

I have been thinking about this if I ever play Shadow War again with my EC. The Eschers would make great cultists.

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I always wanted to use the Dark Elves as my Daemonettes as I think the latest plastic ones are a bit fugly.



There is a picture in the Call of Chaos topic of Dark elfs as daemonette if you want. 


I am leaning toward those same ones as cultists because their is more bare skin. Something tells me they want to feel all the sensations of battle on their flesh. They also look like such graceful dancers in their stock pose that it compliments Slaanesh well. With some touch ups I'd go with them.



Right now i'm thinking : Does the dark elfes superior just for the opportunity of making a bra save of 6+ on bolt shot..


The wyches aren't terrible but I just worry they will look too dark eldar without a bunch of conversion work. Of course, a fun idea would be to slap some collars on them.



That's why i get the wrack helmets, to hide in Eldar faces. And in a fluff there will be a vox boxes in all those helmets so the Noise marines can hear the scream of despair, anger, fear and ecstatic sadomasochisme of their cultist on the battlefiend, even if they are far away :wub:

I must say this idea of Dark Eldar and Emperor's children playing mouse and cat, who gonna enslave the other is sweet tho


GSC and Escher ganger are great minis. But they dont have the sensation of mouvement and agility i wanna in my Slaanesh army. 


Why not both. You're going to need a lot models anyway so you could just mix&match. ^^



That's maybe the solution..

Edited by DreamIsCollapsing
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Oohhh, I like the wrack helm idea! That is an idea a may "borrow" one day haha.


I also think I got the idea for setting the eldar loose and the Emperor's Children catching up to them from the movie Apocalypto. They're just extra entertainment to go after. Maybe they belong to the lord of a warband and as a treat for his troops he commits some of his eldar slaves to the battle before the rest of the warband is unleashed. It's like a nightmare Easter egg hunt.

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I too originally planned to use the Dark Elf Witches/Sisters of Slaughter for cultists but changed my mind for a couple of reasons:

A. Price! They’re rather expensive for the number you’ll likely want.

B. The poses suited daemonettes better in my opinion.

Hence I kitbashed a box of daemonettes and one of Witches/Sisters of Slaughter (the sisters’ masks are divine! And you get lots :tu:)



And for cultists I have some old Goliaths with Green stuffed masks:


And thralls made from Wood Elves (with their pointy booots filed rounder). The shape of their armour, when painted metallic, was very similar to that of my Daemonettes. Are they humans? The offspring of coupling with Daemonettes?? Who knows? And who says all cultists have to be born on Imperial worlds? These were likely sired and born within the Eye.

Oh and let’s assume they have pistols in holsters under their cloaks ;)


Plus the cloaks are great for a little freehand...

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Leaders Alas poor pose:



And you get to do a nice big cult flag


Catachans might also be doable. A lot of skin there to tattoo, cut and pierce...

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