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Been considering running Kyr with a command squad of bolt pistol, chainsword and volkite charger armed chosen in a rhino. Idea being it’s part of the push alongside 3x tacticals in rhinos for capping objectives, and goes with his own armament set up.


Anyone else found much success or is he generally better left back with havoks/darkfire castellaxes?

Been considering running Kyr with a command squad of bolt pistol, chainsword and volkite charger armed chosen in a rhino. Idea being it’s part of the push alongside 3x tacticals in rhinos for capping objectives, and goes with his own armament set up.


Anyone else found much success or is he generally better left back with havoks/darkfire castellaxes?


As cool as the unit is, there is no point making them a command squad sadly - especially if you are keeping them with just chainswords.


So the way I see it you have two options:


  1. As they are fearless with WS5 so you want power weapons at least to take advantage of that, and then combat shields so they have an invuln in melee.
  2. For a lot fewer points you could take a Volkite charger support squad who can also take additional combat weapons for Kyr to roll with if you really wanted. However I'd recommend a flamer squad, as he forces a single Disordered charge per game and can combine that with nasty flamer Overwatch to great effect.

I think if you are running a gunline, option 1 is best, as you can keep them back in cover projecting a fearless bubble and act as nice counter-charge unit.

  • 2 weeks later...

How do people reckon an Angel's Wrath led by Perturabo would work? I mean, that sweet sweet turn 1 flyer attack wave, all while playing Ride of the Valkyries?



-Naked Centurion, 50pts



-Terminator Squad w. 1 Chainfist 185pts

--Dreadclaw 115pts



-Tactical Squad, 10 men 125pts

--Storm Eagle w. TL Multi-Melta, TL Lascannons 265pts

-Tactical Squad, 10 men 125pts

--Storm Eagle w. TL Multi-Melta, TL Lascannons 265pts



-Primaris-Lightning w. 4 Kraken Penetrators, Ground-Tracking, Battle Servitor 230pts
-Primaris-Lightning w. 4 Kraken Penetrators, Ground-Tracking, Battle Servitor 230pts
-Primaris-Lightning w. 4 Kraken Penetrators, Ground-Tracking, Battle Servitor 230pts
-Fire Raptor w. 4 Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannons 230pts
-Fire Raptor w. 4 Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannons 230pts
-Fire Raptor w. 4 Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannons 230pts
-The Primarch Perturabo, After Isstvan 490pts
3000 points on the nose. Is it TOO spammy? I was considering dropping the dreadclaw and a fire raptor for a caestus (and 4 chainfists) so Perturabo can join the terminators and form a proper assault unit, but the pod is a guarantee that something comes in on round 1 (meaning that I get two attempts at rolling for everything before I auto-lose if I fail all my other rolls but the pod survives). The fire raptor is also my favourite flyer model bar none, so losing one of them would sting as this would legitimize getting three. :whistling:
While it's not immediately very IW in theme, I reckon even the 4th needed to start a siege by clearing a landing zone for their transports in orbit, no?

It's really cool and I've seen it be done before rather well!


Your first issue I see is that your troops are all lacking in the basic equipment they need to function, sure a 50pt centurion is cheap but he's doing nothing other than eating a losing challenge somewhere. You want some Combi-weapons on the terminators as well as another chainfist and maybe a power fist or two. Centurion needs some wargear or to be upgraded to a Consul (Forgelord?)


I think it could certainly do with some variety however - change out a Lightning for some Land Speeders to save on points and give you more deployment options, not to mention Lightnings are just free kills once they have dropped their payload.


The Caestus is a great idea, if only to give you some variety in heavy support. You could pop Perturabo, Forge Lord and the Terminators in one to give it some nice repairs and a solid combat/ shooting unit.


You want some artificer armour on your tacticals at least, but it could be worth investing in Apothecaries and some more numbers for them, seeing as how the Stromeagle has a MASSIVE 20 capacity - not to mention some additional close combat weapons to take advantage of the Furious Charge Perturabo provides them in the enemy deployment zone.

Yeah, it's a concept that'd be rather flat on the table I suppose. I'll be scaling it back to a core of a terminator squad and Perturabo in a Caestus, 2 fire raptors and 2 lightnings as a flyer core and then just combine it with ground bound units running another Rite of War. Maybe the Armoured Breakthrough, combining my love for fliers and tanks?



-Master of Armour, Sicaran Battle Tank w. Lascannons, dozer 210pts

-Damocles Command Rhino 100pts


-Sicaran Battle Tank w. Lascannons, dozer 210pts

-Terminator squad w. 5 chainfists, 5 combi-plasma 260pts


-Predator w. Heavy Bolter sponsons, dozer 100pts

-Predator w. Heavy Bolter sponsons, dozer 100pts

-Predator w. Heavy Bolter sponsons, dozer 100pts

-Tactical Support Squad w. 5 Plasma Guns 175pts


-Primaris-Lightning w. 4 Kraken Penetrators, Ground-Tracking, Battle Servitor 230pts

-Primaris-Lightning w. 4 Kraken Penetrators, Ground-Tracking, Battle Servitor 230pts


-Caestus Assault Ram w. Missile Launchers 315pts

-Fire Raptor w. 4 Hellstrike Missiles, Autocannons 230pts

-Fire Raptor w. 4 Hellstrike Missiles, Autocannons 230pts


-The Primarch Perturabo, After Isstvan 490pts

Plasma support squad goes in the damocles, Perty and the gang in the Caestus. If I get first turn I could deploy the Rhino aggressively and deep strike flyers around it, otherwise it'd be hidden and just help out with reserves. I realize it's still thin when it comes to boots on the ground, but investing so much into the aircraft already I'm finding it hard to add in infantry units that pull their weight.
Does this also fall under spam territory? I just really like the redundancy and looks of duplicates on the table. :blush.:

Yes this is spammy. How do you need our help to decide whether pressing Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V when creating your list is spammy or not?


If you let your opponent know that you're playing Flyer Heavy, they might be able to actually bring a list that will allow them to have fun playing vs these lists also.

Yes this is spammy. How do you need our help to decide whether pressing Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V when creating your list is spammy or not?


If you let your opponent know that you're playing Flyer Heavy, they might be able to actually bring a list that will allow them to have fun playing vs these lists also.


I guess my point was, while I know that bringing three of a unit is considered spam does the same apply to bringing two of a unit. The way I write my lists further emphasizes that aspect, I suppose, but people aren't generally referring to i.e. duplicate spartans with land raiders as spam in a judgmental way.


And of course bringing a list with 5+ flyers to a friendly game requires notifying the opponent first, that goes without saying. It'd be for discussed games or games/events with a competitive aspect only.

It's all relative. Taking multiple Recon Squads? Technically spamming, not looked down upon. Taking multiple meta-topping units? Spamming.


I say this as a former competitive player, and one who ran multiple flyers back in 3e (Elysians for life, bru).

  • 2 weeks later...

So what is considered spammimg? Does Pride all terminator army count as spammimg?

Also I don't get this "tell your what you're using before" because it essentially means he can tailor list vs yours which is ridiculous. I agree that bringing this many flyers is far from decent but but I still can't grasp a "spam list" concept (unless it's multiple same unit) especially when playing themed list or having preferences like being fan of flyers, tanks or veterans.

Edited by rendingon1+

So what is considered spammimg? Does Pride all terminator army count as spammimg?

Also I don't get this "tell your what you're using before" because it essentially means he can tailor list vs yours which is ridiculous. I agree that bringing this many flyers is far from decent but but I still can't grasp a "spam list" concept (unless it's multiple same unit) especially when playing themed list or having preferences like being fan of flyers, tanks or veterans.

So all Terminators isn't spam so much because each model is expensive, slow and needs other units to function well.


Planes however are a totally different ballgame due to how they are targetted and they're overall power for the points.


Most people have something that can deal with Terminators; plasma, a combat unit, they're own Terminators! But planes require two things:


1) Dedicated anti-air (usually not great against other units, or in limited supply and easy to remove)

2) Luck. Roll those 6s!

I see, thanks.

So generally more than 2 planes are a no? If I want to run Angel's Wrath like OP and invested in 3 storm eagles, does it make me a PG? Because some RoWs are specifically made for "spamming" some units like Land Raiders, Eagles or veterans so... Just asking.

So what is considered spammimg? Does Pride all terminator army count as spammimg?

Also I don't get this "tell your what you're using before" because it essentially means he can tailor list vs yours which is ridiculous. I agree that bringing this many flyers is far from decent but but I still can't grasp a "spam list" concept (unless it's multiple same unit) especially when playing themed list or having preferences like being fan of flyers, tanks or veterans.

If you are both telling each other what you're bringing, what's the harm? Are you that worried your 'Gotcha' and 'totally off meta tactics' are going to be so game winning you can't afford your opponent to have a good game? That's a scrubs way. If your opponent is capable of building a list which hard counters yours and you can't do anything about it, then your list isn't very competitive. If your opponent still brings a tailored list and you are both able to have fun, then whats the problem. Unless the attitude that the player has is that they actually care about their WLD record as if it's meaningful, in which case I absolutely pity them. If a player cares about being spammy, and then spams, and asks at what point it's no longer spamming, then they are clearly only ever going to take that unit up to their maximum of what other people consider spamming - which is still spamming. If I play a list with 12 Quad Mortars, its spamming. If I do it with Quad Heavy Bolters, barely hear a hoot.


Edit; Spelling Errors Corrected, typed originally from a phone

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
  • 2 weeks later...

I play an Executioner Predator tank with additional Combi-Bolter on a regular basis.

Great tank, nothing to complain.


Now I thought that for only 5 points I get a Heavy Bolter instead which has the same range, two more shots and more strength. Since I shoot at infantry with that tank only anyway it'll be worth the effort of cutting and re-building, no?

Edited by Gorgoff

I'm not sure what you mean, (Sponsons?) but an additional cheap secondary weapon is another 17% resilience to your main gun staying alive, with the ability to shoot more often.

I just realized that I was not precise enough.

My Executioner has a Combi-bolter on top at the moment and I think of replacing it with a heavy one.

A Heavy Bolter is a 36% chance to cause an unsaved wound against MEQ's. A Combi Bolter is an 11% chance (increasing to 21% when within short range). You're looking at spending 5 more points to potentially kill 2 MEQ's in each game, so from a pure mathmatics perspective, it's a straight upgrade, and it can even potentially strip away an additional Rhino Hull Point. If you have 5 points spare that you can't use elsewhere (Melta Bomb, Combat Shield, etc) or can't strip a few extraneous upgrades elsewhere to take more useful upgrades (stripping 5 combi-bolters in a list to take Armoured Ceramite on a Super Heavy for example), then I don't think there's a problem with it.


However, being a triple blast AP2 weapon, it's primarily going to be gibbing Terminators; and the Heavy Bolter is a ~21% chance to cause a single unsaved wound. So you'll be shooting all game and probably only kill a single one on average. It's definitely an increase that is worth 5 pts, again from a pure points per kill perspective.


But is it worth in the grand scheme of things? I'm not particularly sold, mainly because I think you can get more anti-infantry killing power elsewhere. That said, there's not much more fun than simply dakkaring away, and that time it does strip an additional HP or Wound you'll be happy.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Have an event in October coming up. It has a 1000 point ZM component and was considering one of these two lists - 


++  Zone Mortalis - Combatant (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [1000pts] ++
+ Elites +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [200pts]
. Contemptor Dreadnought, Legion: Havoc Launcher, Plasma Cannon
. . Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon: Twin-linked Bolter
Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion [185pts]: Melta Bombs
. Veteran Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword/Combat Blade
. . Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
. Veteran Space Marines, Legion: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade
. . Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
. Veteran Space Marines, Legion: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade
. . Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
. Veteran Space Marines, Legion: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade
. . Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
. Veteran Space Marines, Legion: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade
. . Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
+ HQ +
Chaplain [115pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Jump Pack
. Consul
. . Chaplain: Power Axe
+ Troops +
Assault Squad, Legion [200pts]: 9x Assault Space Marines, Legion
. Assault Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Power Fist
+ Heavy Support +
Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad [300pts]: Chainfist, 4x Tyrant Terminator
+ Allegiance +
Legion and Allegiance:    IV: Iron Warriors, Loyalist
Rite of War
++ Total: [1000pts] ++
++  Zone Mortalis - Combatant (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) [1000pts] ++
+ Elites +
'Iron Circle' Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle-automata Maniple [410pts]: 2x Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle Automata
+ HQ +
Forge Lord [135pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, On Foot
. Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Meltagun
. Consul
. . Forge Lord: Cortex Controller, Rad Grenades, Servo Arm
. Power Weapon: Power Axe
+ Troops +
Tactical Squad, Legion [150pts]: 9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion
. Standard Wargear: Bolters
. Tactical Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Power Fist
+ Heavy Support +
Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad [305pts]: 2x Chainfist, 4x Tyrant Terminator
+ Allegiance +
Legion and Allegiance:    IV: Iron Warriors, Loyalist
Rite of War
++ Total: [1000pts] ++

So the first one will make you friends and the second one will not, even though it is fluffy :P


I've faced Iron Circle at 1000pts (with a tame Custodes list; Sisters, Sagittarum etc). It wasn't ZM but still very dense terrain, they are BRUTAL at this level!

So the first one will make you friends and the second one will not, even though it is fluffy :P


I've faced Iron Circle at 1000pts (with a tame Custodes list; Sisters, Sagittarum etc). It wasn't ZM but still very dense terrain, they are BRUTAL at this level!

Is that true?

Hmmmm..... ;)


I don't like neither of these lists.

I'd always go with Terminators and Breachers although 1000 points are not very much.

A Dreadnought should be in it. One of the very few instances where they work.

Aren't Iron Circle really bad for their points?

I guess starting on arms reach helps them a lot. Although two attacks are lousy for a close combat unit. I field Castellax on a regular bases and they suffer from the same problem.

Sure, they squash evrything they touch but they have to hit first and that is a problem with only two attacks. Especially if you pay 200 points for one dude.


Or do I miss something?

Yeah, same assessment here. I run castellax on the reg and I always give them power blades to make up for the low number of attacks at low WS. They cost less and have better shooting... I mean I'm glad people use them, the models are outstanding, I just have a hard time taking a pair unless it's a really friendly game.

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