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Heh! Oh well!


I just like the relic a lot :D

Then there's a better way of using it.

Bastion with Escape Hatch.

18 Tactical dudes with Bolters and CCW.


Chaplain with said relic.

Turn one you get out and fire. Turn two you cause mayhem.

So I'm considering ordering a LOW for under 2000 point games, has anyone found an effective way to use Perturabo in more of a gunline list, not a Terminator one? Right now I like Kyr and Iron Havocs with Tac blobs, but I have some wiggle room in the list to add a retinue and/or transport for Perturabo. Would he be useful in a Land Raider of some type, perhaps a Spartan with a Termy retinue? 

Can Perturabo even be taken in sub 2k games due to the 20% Limitation?


*25%. So yes for Perturabo with and without Forgebreaker in 2000, no for Perturabo with Forgebreaker in 1850. Base Perturabo barely makes the cut (1820 points and below @455).


There are two solid, obvious ways to run him: Deep Strike Terminator funtimes or loaded into an assault transport (probably also with Terminators). If he's just sitting in a gunline, you're paying 455 points and chewing up your LoW slot for what boils down to a very beefy Master of Signals and army-wide Stubborn. Lots of potential wasted in his melee statline and special deep strike/reserve/deploy zone bonuses. And if you do run him in a Spartan w/ bros it's going to cost you well over a thousand points... so, not so much on that at 2k or under, unless you want your games to be incredibly polar. If you're looking for a LoW at that range it might be a better idea to look into some of the cheaper super-heavies, like the Typhon or Stormblade.


Can Perturabo even be taken in sub 2k games due to the 20% Limitation?


*25%. So yes for Perturabo with and without Forgebreaker in 2000, no for Perturabo with Forgebreaker in 1850. Base Perturabo barely makes the cut (1820 points and below @455).


There are two solid, obvious ways to run him: Deep Strike Terminator funtimes or loaded into an assault transport (probably also with Terminators). If he's just sitting in a gunline, you're paying 455 points and chewing up your LoW slot for what boils down to a very beefy Master of Signals and army-wide Stubborn. Lots of potential wasted in his melee statline and special deep strike/reserve/deploy zone bonuses. And if you do run him in a Spartan w/ bros it's going to cost you well over a thousand points... so, not so much on that at 2k or under, unless you want your games to be incredibly polar. If you're looking for a LoW at that range it might be a better idea to look into some of the cheaper super-heavies, like the Typhon or Stormblade.




Agree with your assessment but Lords of War can only be taken in games of 2,000 points or greater to start with, so the first point is moot. He cannot be in any game under 2k points

Edited by Marshal Loss



Can Perturabo even be taken in sub 2k games due to the 20% Limitation?


*25%. So yes for Perturabo with and without Forgebreaker in 2000, no for Perturabo with Forgebreaker in 1850. Base Perturabo barely makes the cut (1820 points and below @455).


There are two solid, obvious ways to run him: Deep Strike Terminator funtimes or loaded into an assault transport (probably also with Terminators). If he's just sitting in a gunline, you're paying 455 points and chewing up your LoW slot for what boils down to a very beefy Master of Signals and army-wide Stubborn. Lots of potential wasted in his melee statline and special deep strike/reserve/deploy zone bonuses. And if you do run him in a Spartan w/ bros it's going to cost you well over a thousand points... so, not so much on that at 2k or under, unless you want your games to be incredibly polar. If you're looking for a LoW at that range it might be a better idea to look into some of the cheaper super-heavies, like the Typhon or Stormblade.




Agree with your assessment but Lords of War can only be taken in games of 2,000 points or greater to start with, so the first point is moot. He cannot be in any game under 2k points



D'oh. Well that settles that then :P 

This seems a pretty brutal Perturabo list:



Siege Breaker in Terminator armour: Void Shield Harness; Cataphractii armour; combi-bolter; chainfist 185



9 Tyrant Siege Terminators: + 1 Tyrant Siege Master 545

4 Terminators: Cataphractii armour; 4× combi-weapon; 4× power weapon; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (combi-weapon; power weapon) 210

4 Terminators: Cataphractii armour; 4× combi-weapon; 4× power weapon; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (combi-weapon; power weapon) 210



3 x Vindicators



The Primarch Perturabo: Forgebreaker; Pride of the Legion 490


2,000 points

At 3k, I made the following:



Siege Breaker in Cataphractii



10 Tyrants

10 Tyrants

10 Tyrants


Heavy Support:

Deredeo w/ Pavise

Deredeo w/ Pavise

Deredeo w/ Missile



Pert w/ Hammer

-Pride of the Legion.


Deepstrike Pert + 1 Tyrant Squad + Siege Breaker T1 for 20 Tank Hunting Krakk Missiles, Orbital Bombardments from Pert.


2 Other Tyrant Squads hug the Deredeo's for 3++

3rd Deredeo is for Dakka


Should have some free points for some extra gear.

Edited by Slipstreams

Considering it only applies to models, rather than units, you're probably better off splitting the unit into 2x5. It's a bit more expensive (45pts more per 2 units), but gives you more flexibility when firing, can force enemies into disordered charge by intermingling the units, and can counter charge if necessary with a further 3 power fist attacks. Splitting the unit into 2 allows you to shoot and charge at 4 different units, or combi-charge 1 unit and 2 others. 

Yeah, this is only a concept list so its very much open for customization.


2x5 Man squads, if you have the points, would be the preferable size for Deredeo-Hugging since you make for a slightly-less juicy Template Fodder.


It also ups your scoring units from 3-4. While pretty minor, it might be all the difference in the world.


However, like any massed 2+ Save army, your main weakness is Ap2, obviously, and being drowned in Saves. With so little on the board (6-7 units at most), you're likely to be making a lot of saves. So in this sense, its very much a 1-2 punch list to drown anything that can pose a problem in Krakk for Frag Shells ASAP to neuter them.



Rather than pure rocket vomit to prevent being hard countered by a particular build (there is no counter a Spartan short of a single Tank Hunter's Precision Bombardment for example), I'd consider a list more akin to something like;


Perturabo, Hammer = 490pts


Centurion, Vigilator = 85

Centurion, Vigilator = 85

Damocles Rhino = 100


Legion Dread, dual Grav Fists, DreadPod = 220

Legion Dread, dual Grav Fists, DreadPod = 220

Triple Grav Cannon = 225

Double Grav Cannon = 150


3x 5 Man Terminator Squad (525), 3x Power Fists split however (15), or meltabombs on a Vigilator

3x 5 man Tyrants (885)


Comes to 15. 


Go second. Attach vigilator to perty, scout forward. Attach vigilator to Grav Cannons, scout into Line of Sight if possible. Double down with Orbital Strikes. Bring in units on a 2+. Walk forwards.


Pod in to empty places to counter enemy alpha strikes. Could trade one Podnaught for a Deredeo with Aiolos. 


Can Perturabo even be taken in sub 2k games due to the 20% Limitation?


*25%. So yes for Perturabo with and without Forgebreaker in 2000, no for Perturabo with Forgebreaker in 1850. Base Perturabo barely makes the cut (1820 points and below @455).


There are two solid, obvious ways to run him: Deep Strike Terminator funtimes or loaded into an assault transport (probably also with Terminators). If he's just sitting in a gunline, you're paying 455 points and chewing up your LoW slot for what boils down to a very beefy Master of Signals and army-wide Stubborn. Lots of potential wasted in his melee statline and special deep strike/reserve/deploy zone bonuses. And if you do run him in a Spartan w/ bros it's going to cost you well over a thousand points... so, not so much on that at 2k or under, unless you want your games to be incredibly polar. If you're looking for a LoW at that range it might be a better idea to look into some of the cheaper super-heavies, like the Typhon or Stormblade.



sadly I have to agree with you. Like I pointed out a while ago Perturabo seems a little lack luster when it comes to gun lines. 


Before I begin this is my first post so if i make any mistakes posting or break any of the rules of this forum it would be appreciated if someone would point it out and correct me for future posts. Thank you :smile.:


like so much else in our legion Perturabo's rules range from fairly weak to incoherent. He possesses arguably the greatest ability to alpha-strike of any legion or primarch. Turn one reserves is big and when combined with a Damocles Command Rhino for a +1 to reserves and a Land Raider with explorator augury web for re-rolls you almost guarantee all of your reserves will be coming in turn 1 (1 in 36 chance they don't) . natural this works well with large amounts of reserves outflanking, flyers, and especially terminators. And that is to say nothing of why the primarch of the IRON WARRIORS even has such alpha strike capabilities.


the rest of his rules tend to be as incongruous with his fluff.


Furious charge in the enemy deployment zone. this directly clashes with our Row hail of fire you either get to use one or the other not both. And why would a gun line army be in the enemy deployment zone to begin with?


tank hunter and wrecker on his attacks only beyond his bombardment this will rarely if ever come into effect if you are sitting in your deployment zone. his ranged weapon would be lucky to glance most Vehicles and is too short to reach the enemy fortifications.


Army wide stubborn. Useful in assault and assault based armies as it mean our troops will almost never take a step back for anything. It is of questionable value in a list where you will want to avoid assault at all cost.


His bombardment is strong but is one shot and subject to all the usual problems random number of shots, liable to miss, etc.


his armour gives him nothing of note for a shooting heavy army besides a cognis signum. And you're going to want to ignore Forgebreaker if you have no intention of having him in close combat


so to sum up if you want to play a gun line style army with Perturabo you're already going to be losing some of his greatest rules. All that he has left is a cognis signum, a bombardment, and army wide stubborn. Essentially making him nothing but a super charged Master of Signal. Our primarch wants to be leading a charge into a breach not sitting back directing the action. 


Do i like how he is portrayed? Not really but we have to live with it. for what he gives a gun line army my suggestion would be to adopt the iron warrior mentality and do the math. Are these rules worth 455 points? not really. Personally I would leave leave the primarch at home and turn those points into more boots on the ground and guns in peoples hands. 


Perturabo always seemed a little weird to me rules wise. He has so many rules that would be great on other Primarchs. Why of all the Primarchs he was the one to get first turn reserves baffles me when it would seem much more appropriate on Fulgrim, Corax, Konrad, Alphrius, or even Horus. Likewise there are so many other special rules other Primarchs have that would be more at home on Perturabo, Fulgrim's strategic planning, a Reverse of Dorn's Unshakable defense, Guilliman's preternatural strategy. I Get that they wanted to make him the offensive siege specialist, I just don't think he feels that way.

He very much feels like an Alpha Strike with as many Tyrants down your throat type deal since, in the above Rocket Vomit list examples above, he serves the army very well.

Yup! I'd say first turn reserves suits him wonderfully. No one could plan a siege like old Pert. He'd make sure everything was calculated so that his air support was there when needed.


He's easily one of the strongest Primarchs in game terms, and also one of the best at beating down the others. He math hammers (quite literally):


Angron (if he can't kill him quick enough)





Lorgar (bar Psychic Shenanigans)




Corax (destroys him)


Guilliman will have a hard time but eventually win.

Horus obviously wins, but the hammer gives him a good go.


Obviously Primarch v Primarch is stupid in hame terms but hey, the odds are in your favour. Just like Pert insured it would be.

Hey guys, started looking at breaking into the wonderful world of 30k recently!

I started an army list thread in the appropriate section but thought I'd drop it in here for some veteran advice, hope that's okay.

I've been looking at the Hammer of Olympia RoW purely for the 4th heavy slot and free extra armour (not interested in using allies really) and I want to fit as many tanks and pie plates as I can into the list.

So for 2500 here it is,

Praetor w/ AA, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Warsmith


Tac Squad (19 guys w/ additional CCW) + Sergeant w/ AA, Power Fist


x2 Tac Squad w/ Nuncio Vox + Rhino

195 each






Quad Mortar Squad of 3



Tyrant Siege Terminators w/ 2 Chainfist




Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Aiolos Missile Launcher, Shrapnel Bolts



Iron Havoc Support Squad w/ 5 Lascannons



Sicaran w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Shrapnel Bolts, Armoured Ceramite



Artillery Tank Squadron of 3 Medusas



So the Rhinos with Vox's can hit flanks or baby sit home base and provide LoS to the different Artillery in the list, the Apothecary, Praetor, and 20 man blob foot slog to charge something, and pretty much everything else shoots! I figured the free extra armour on everything lets the Medusas continue firing even if they take the odd pen causing shaken or whatever.

Comments, thoughts? This is my first attempt at a list so I'm open to anything, just wanted to keep with the Iron Warriors artillery/infantry theme.
Should I shuffle points for a Siege Breaker to give the Medusas Phosphex Shells and the tyrant termis tank hunter? Not sure if it's worth dropping the Apothecary and downgrading the lascannons really...



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