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I wouldn't put Phosphex at the Medusas because the normal shells are way better. Barrage gives you the opportunity to fire and stay out of sight, which is gold.

The list is pretty solid although I would shift some points here and there to adjust it to my playing style. For instance I don't like Iron Havocs because I think they are overpriced. I'd take normal HSS or make two units of Medusas. 1x1 and 1x2 gives you more flexability. Whith the spare points you could by Meltabombs for your characters, Bulldozer Blades for your Rhinos and the Augury Scanner for the Apothecary. Heavy Bolters with Shrapnel Bolts on Rhinos is pretty usefull too. Last thing you should think of are Combiplasmas for your Rhino riding Tacticals. That way they can shoot the omnipresent Sergeant with Artificer Armour in your opponents units.

Why do you think havocs are overpriced? autocannon and lascannon teams are 25p more than a similar kitted HSS but get tank hunter and deadly aim in exchange. The only time i can see why i would take a HSS over a havoc squad is for heavy bolters or volkites.

First of all... I luuuuv my Volkite Culverin squad. :)

I think HSS are not very good for hunting tanks, because they move but the HSS cannot. That make them very stiff and avoidable. Besides I allready have a Praevian with two Castellax. These nasty guys have Enhanced Targeters and Darkfire Lances which makes them quiet good in killing tanks and the like. So, I don't need Iron Havocs and I think nobody does because there are better tank hunters in the list for the same price.

That said I do think of geting one unit with Rokkit launchas. ;) That is a pretty effective unit against Mechanicum robot madness.

Most tanks have short ranged weaponry in 30K. Stick them in a Firestorm Redoubt which gives you a pair of battlecannons, an escape hatch, and for "hunting tanks", you are deployed quite far forward, as well as having 48" weapons, while the enemy is stuck with 18-24" range weapons. Some other examples exist of course, Medusa, but they're out of sight anyway, and Sicarans, but they're not coming anywhere near an AV14 4HP block anytime soon, especially when they get return fired vs a lascannon volley.


I don't think that they're a remotely "powerful" unit (in the same sense that Gal Vorbak, Mor Deythan, Suzerains or Siege Tyrants are), but they're not inherently worse than existing units. They're an upgrade, with upgraded cost to be worth it.

Thanks for the replies and discussion guys. Took some of the advice from everyone and just things that I think will be cool/fun/fluffy to play on the table top.
So by dropping a single Medusa, swapping the Powerfist on the blob to a Power weapon, and dropping the chain fists, I was able to:
Add the Pinning Heavy Bolters to the 2 Rhinos as well as Combi-Plasma's to the Sergeants.
Only had the points for 1, but added another Tyrant Siege Termi (2 more rockets is better than none!)
And get a bunker with ammo store for the Havocs.
Still 2500 on the nose if I'm not mistaken.

Praetor w/ AA, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Warsmith


Tac Squad (19 guys w/ additional CCW) + Sergeant w/ AA, Power Axe


x2 Tac Squad w/ Nuncio Vox and Serg. w/ Combi-Plasma
    + Rhino w/ Heavy Bolter, Shrapnel Bolts

220 each (440)






Quad Mortar Squad of 3



6 Tyrant Siege Terminators




Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Aiolos Missile Launcher, Shrapnel Bolts



Iron Havoc Support Squad w/ 5 Lascannons



Sicaran w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Shrapnel Bolts, Armoured Ceramite



Artillery Tank Squadron of 2 Medusas


Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker w/ Ammo Stores

I'm not big on your list. Its not bad just a few points of personal preference that we differ on.


(warning i don't have my red books on me so this is going to be ball parked).


First in most legions and especially the iron warriors i never give my sergeants anything aside from a vox (maybe). The iron warriors want wars of attrition, and are perfectly happy taking +80% casualties if it means tabling the opponent. The general rule I find is boys over toys. The AA, power axe, and combi-plasmas are all taking points I would rather use else where.


Second: it seems like your list wants to go forward and castle at the same time. I find that the iron warriors often have this problem, half of their rules want them to advance half to castle. personally I would try to go all one way or the other. something like this



Legion Malcador Assault Tank

battle cannon

armored cermaite/flare shield (if you need defence that bad)

should run something like 350 points



Praetor (same as yours) 




Three Castellax

should run you 280 -300



 Tac Squad 

20 men 


300 points (twice)



Predator squad

three tanks

bolters (shrapnel bolts)

75 for the tanks 25 for the bolters 

total 300















Tyrant squad 




double assault cannons 





ten man terminator squad 


Now my numbers aren't spot on but you should have some wiggle room there. this list just wants to get straight into the enemies face, with the exception of the Medusa (if you include it) shoot while moving forward. It lacks a for anti -armor but the hope would be to just bury the enemy in high strength pie plates and powerfists/melta bombs (if there is room). it might not be the most competitive list but there is my two cents.
Edited by The Lord of Iron

Why not drop the Praetor since you aren't using a RoW and bring a Siege Breaker in Cata armor for a few less points and stick him in with the Tyrants giving them Tank Hunter?

Ah had it in the first post, this list is using the hammer of Olympia RoW, that's why there are 3 troops and 4 heavy support. Woops! should have clarified

Why the Malcador? Same points, you get a S10 AP1 7" Ignores cover blast.


As to some of the advice, it's okay saying boys over toys if you want to win a war of attrition, but if your opponent's character locks himself into a challenge with you, and you're either wailing on his 2+ Save Wall, while he's striking back with his Sword/Axe (on a unit built for CC no less) and getting +2 combat resolution for free, you can't actually win that combat. To win a war of attrition, you must actually win. And have something capable of winning it. I'm not saying turn your sergeants into pseudo miniboss characters like the Emperor's Children wish they could, but an Axe at least gives you the ability to accept a challenge and strike back. Alternatively, drop half the men, and run a Rhino squad, and never actually get into combat.


If the unit is intended to act as a wall/super expensive speedbump with teeth, a Breacher squad does better, using overwatching flamers + combi-flamers as the teeth and 3+/5++ as the wall.


In short Lord of Iron, (tbh, I'm probably guilty of this myself, which is why I try to comment less on specific individual army builds as opposed to general advice now), your list bares little resemblance to the original. Why bother giving advice on a list if you're saying "use this" instead? 

fair enough maybe i did over do it. 


I like the Malcador because i can get two blasts for one, I can buy two at 3000 points, and on a more personal note I just don't like how Typhon has become manditory in every list that doesn't have a Primarch. I would have taken a Stormhammer if i could have.


I have never been sold on the idea of giving servants anything but support equipment in any army list including this one. It just adds up too fast, for what either seems like over kill against certain lists or have little effect against others (World Eaters, Emperor's Children come to mind). What I should do is drop a few hundred points in the list and pick up a third troop choice to run the Hammer of Olympia. It would let the tac squads truly keep up with everything else and enable some powerful multi assaults. As it stands having warsmith on my HQ seems pointless. But if the list were to go that rout it would be better served by removing some of the weaker tanks and replacing them with more terminators and dreadnoughts to have more units capable of assaults.


Breachers are too expensive to be used as a sandbag units (unless you are iron hands, or imperial fists). if i were to dump that many points in so few men I want them to do something.

Edited by The Lord of Iron

I don't believe you have too choose between castling up and moving forward and would thing having a balanced list that was more diverse would be better no? Certainly more fun. Nobody wants to play against a static army and I can't imagine it's much fun having one.


Coming from world eaters, I have my charge forward army sorted. The reason I want to do warriors next is so I can be a bit more shooty however I still want units causing problems in the front lines. The iron warriors tactics are perfect for this.


Reading through this thread there's quite a few comments over confusion of synergy regarding rules e.g perterabo allowing deep strike and giving furious charge in enemy deployment zone. Well for me it seems ideal... Big guns at the back, boots at the front. BesideS people are expecting guns... Bring a combat terminator unit with perty and play the assault game too

Edited by Fangbanger

I don't believe you have too choose between castling up and moving forward and would thing having a balanced list that was more diverse would be better no? Certainly more fun. Nobody wants to play against a static army and I can't imagine it's much fun having one.


Coming from world eaters, I have my charge forward army sorted. The reason I want to do warriors next is so I can be a bit more shooty however I still want units causing problems in the front lines. The iron warriors tactics are perfect for this.


Reading through this thread there's quite a few comments over confusion of synergy regarding rules e.g perterabo allowing deep strike and giving furious charge in enemy deployment zone. Well for me it seems ideal... Big guns at the back, boots at the front. BesideS people are expecting guns... Bring a combat terminator unit with perty and play the assault game too


Plus I heard the new rite of war for the IVth would be to do with marching into battle covered by our artillery. That definitely sounds like it would benefit the combined tactics.

I'm very interested to see how the new right of war works out. There isn't terribly much in the way of artillery in the legion list Artillery tank squads, Scorpius's, and Rapiers seem to be about it unless you count vindicators, or conversion predators. my guess is it will remove the limit on Artillery tank squads, what else I don't really have the faintest idea.


I'm not sold on the idea of a deep striking terminator unit with Perturabo. It should cost you something like 800 points that's a fairly large investment of points even at 2500. Maybe a list with multiple terminator units like this








Siege Breaker

Terminator armor



Command Rhino




Terminator Squad

10 men

2 Chain fists



Terminator Squad

10 men

2 Chain fists



Tyrant Siege Terminators




Quad gun




Tactical squad

10 men 

melta bomb



Tactical Squad

10 men

melta bomb




Land Raider Proteus 




Artillery tank Squad




2485 total


The list is a little short on guns. I would have liked to give the tactical squads rhinos with heavy bolters and a vindicator but I think it is more along the line of what you guy were thinking. between the land raider and the command rhino your almost sure to get all three terminator squads on the table turn one for a great alpha strike. still I'm not sure 49 bodies, 3 tanks, and 1 artillery piece is enough for 2500.


Alternately you can drop the thud gun and Perturabo's to afford the two rhinos for the tac squads.

At 3k, I made the following:



Siege Breaker in Cataphractii



10 Tyrants

10 Tyrants

10 Tyrants


Heavy Support:

Deredeo w/ Pavise

Deredeo w/ Pavise

Deredeo w/ Missile



Pert w/ Hammer

-Pride of the Legion.


Deepstrike Pert + 1 Tyrant Squad + Siege Breaker T1 for 20 Tank Hunting Krakk Missiles, Orbital Bombardments from Pert.


2 Other Tyrant Squads hug the Deredeo's for 3++

3rd Deredeo is for Dakka


Should have some free points for some extra gear.





Rather than pure rocket vomit to prevent being hard countered by a particular build (there is no counter a Spartan short of a single Tank Hunter's Precision Bombardment for example), I'd consider a list more akin to something like;


Perturabo, Hammer = 490pts


Centurion, Vigilator = 85

Centurion, Vigilator = 85

Damocles Rhino = 100


Legion Dread, dual Grav Fists, DreadPod = 220

Legion Dread, dual Grav Fists, DreadPod = 220

Triple Grav Cannon = 225

Double Grav Cannon = 150


3x 5 Man Terminator Squad (525), 3x Power Fists split however (15), or meltabombs on a Vigilator

3x 5 man Tyrants (885)


Comes to 15. 


Go second. Attach vigilator to perty, scout forward. Attach vigilator to Grav Cannons, scout into Line of Sight if possible. Double down with Orbital Strikes. Bring in units on a 2+. Walk forwards.


Pod in to empty places to counter enemy alpha strikes. Could trade one Podnaught for a Deredeo with Aiolos. 

Me and Hesh Respectively made these for 3k.

800 is about the same price as a Spartan loaded out with guys in, more if a primarch is in it.


Sure deep strike doesn't allow you to assault and you are out in the open, but I feel it offers me a nice variation to "chuck everything in a Spartan, charge forward". It also gets quite stale when you have a Spartan vs another waiting until one person gets out.

Deep striking termies without Perty....


Erasmus Golg (orbital assault)


9 x Cataphractii: 2 x Chainfist, 3 x p.fist, twin Claws. Sarge has Fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist



Contemptor with c.fist, ccw, 2 x grav. Pod


Contemptor with c.fist, ccw, 2 x grav. Pod


5 x Tyrant Siege, c.fist


5 x Tyrant Siege, c.fist



Lightning: 3 x Kraken pen, g.t.a, b.s.c






Just for fun. Obviously a lot depends on reserve rolls but each unit hits hard. Can even jiggle points for leviathan instead of one contemptor

800 is about the same price as a Spartan loaded out with guys in, more if a primarch is in it.


Sure deep strike doesn't allow you to assault and you are out in the open, but I feel it offers me a nice variation to "chuck everything in a Spartan, charge forward". It also gets quite stale when you have a Spartan vs another waiting until one person gets out.


True it is about the same, I just don't build list with either all that often. Just personal preference but I'm not big on death star units before 3500 points or so. I think it goes against the spirit that the heresy was meant to be played in. That being said both methods are obviously hilariously effective in a more competitive style of play.


Deep striking termies without Perty....


Erasmus Golg (orbital assault)


9 x Cataphractii: 2 x Chainfist, 3 x p.fist, twin Claws. Sarge has Fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist


6 x Cataphractii: 4 x Combi Plas, Plasma blaster, chain Fist. Sarge has fist



Contemptor with c.fist, ccw, 2 x grav. Pod


Contemptor with c.fist, ccw, 2 x grav. Pod


5 x Tyrant Siege, c.fist


5 x Tyrant Siege, c.fist



Lightning: 3 x Kraken pen, g.t.a, b.s.c






Just for fun. Obviously a lot depends on reserve rolls but each unit hits hard. Can even jiggle points for leviathan instead of one contemptor


I like the list, Godspeed if you actually play it. I've always run Golg as a way to bring lots of terminators in a non deep striking list, and have them advance out in the open along side the tanks, and dreads.

Plan formulating in my head to do with a Pert and semi reserves centric army. Plan is basically using the Turn one Reserves rules to bring on a Lightning and Caestus as early as possible. You bring a Damocles to ensure thier arrival too.


Essentially this allows you to get a Caestus to overcome it's biggest weakness, turn two arrival and a turn one Kraken bombing run will ruin a Spartans day.


Combine with some scoring troops and whatever else for flavour and you get some decent stuff. Bombardments from Pert and the Damocles too!


Or shame is that IW don't have a unique death star to take full advantage of the Caestus, but Pert and some terms will still cause havoc I imagine. Hell, blow up thier spartan with Krakens then either finish it off or what's inside with the magna Melta, twin barrages and tyrant missiles...


It's an anti meta list for sure (depending on yours) but it should work quite well I imagine...

I have been looking at getting into 30k for some time and have been writing various lists and really, the Iron Warriors just seem to come out as far superior to the other legions.


Just take Iron havocs with missiles for example. For the same points as a basic HSS with missile launchers and flakk missiles you get Tank Hunter, night vision and -1 to enemy cover saves.


Tyrant terminators are beasts. Ok the ultra smurfs get a better version, but they cost more points and you can replicate them by adding in a couple of consuls.


But really what makes them great is their primarch.

In combat he will only lose to Horus (like everyone) and Guilliman (really what is with the ultrmarines and Iron Warriors?)

The ability to call in reserves Turn 1 is just fantastic.

He makes your whole army Stubborn. 


Is there something I am missing? Some massive drawback I cant see?


The only thing I think they lack are decent troops choices, but really with so many options having 2 or 3 units of 10 marines in rhino's could be better. Or just take pride of the legion and run veterans / tyrant terminators as troops, your own ROW sucks anyway.




I am really starting to fall in love with the 4th legion, but my only problem with them is I hate their colour scheme.

Did the iron warriors ever use a different colour apart from metallic silver?

With "And They Shal Know No Fear" not existing in 30k the no running away thing is huge! Combine that with the ability of all their heavy bolters to gain pinning and you have some truly terrifying infantry and artillery options. My person favourite are the Quad Heavy Bolter rapiers that don't run when they take casualties and can pin the hell out of most infantry units in the game for only 40 points a pop. I have played and played against Iron Warriors extensively and they are definitely a power house on the tabletop.

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