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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Sure, but then being WE you're going for Combat Efficiency and Khârn/Angron pretty much trump any non-support HQs. If points are a concern then Delegatus.


But otherwise, IDK.

That makes sense. Plus, I'd want to take a superheavy. I really like the Stormlord, and plan to buy a knight Acheron. I wanna use the Sacrificial Offering ROW with 'em.

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I actually like the praetor tribune. I think he is a very points efficient hq for us. 10pts cheaper than Khârn, LD10 instead of 9, same damage output in most situations. You lose rampage and armorbane but my Khârn goes in a despoiler blob so not a lot of rampaging and S5 armorbane isn't exactly the hotness, lol.
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Sure, but then being WE you're going for Combat Efficiency and Khârn/Angron pretty much trump any non-support HQs. If points are a concern then Delegatus.


But otherwise, IDK.

That makes sense. Plus, I'd want to take a superheavy. I really like the Stormlord, and plan to buy a knight Acheron. I wanna use the Sacrificial Offering ROW with 'em.



Do you mind if I ask what your thinking is behind this? I'm curious what the Sacraficial Offering is going to do for a World Eater army that a small allied Militia force wouldn't. 


I actually like the praetor tribune. I think he is a very points efficient hq for us. 10pts cheaper than Khârn, LD10 instead of 9, same damage output in most situations. You lose rampage and armorbane but my Khârn goes in a despoiler blob so not a lot of rampaging and S5 armorbane isn't exactly the hotness, lol.


Ah sadly this is why I'm kinda falling out of love with Khârn, and it really hurts my heart to say it. Rampage is awesome, but he's typically just not laying down enough damage to make the dent he needs to with cheaper units, and more expensive things tend to outdo him.


On the charge with rampage he's got, what like 7-9 attacks? Even with 9, you're hitting with 6, wounding with 4 on standard marines. Against other Praetors, while the boosted WS is nice, his Ini is equal so he can't break a Paragon Blade deadlock, and he doesn't have EW so you have a good chance of getting him pasted by powerfists. Actually that and the occasional round of rubber axing followed by a terrible LD roll is typically how I lose him the most often.


When every despoiler I've got is also swinging at Str5, it seems a little underwhelming, especially since Khârn costs as much as 17.5 despoilers. This is like the ultimate example of girls over pearls for me. 


I love him so so much, but with Ini5, no EW, and no way to keep him from getting run down after a bad round of combat, I'm starting to look more at other more budget friendly options. He's better than a garden variety Praetor, easily, but admittedly I don't use those anymore either. If I didn't need a Master of the Legion for Berzerker Assault, I probably would have switched to a Forge Lord as my compulsory quite some time ago.  


Maybe a Delegatus that runs like half Khârn's price would be a good way to go? 

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Actually the Tribune has 1 more attack also...so slightly better output than Khârn in most scenarios.


S5 armorbane wrecks the pants off dreads... and well anything else with less than av14

Hmm, S5 armor bane is going to throw 11, 12, or 13 regularly so I wouldn't count on it to hit better than 12 when doing my "do I charge this math", so light armor for sure but still a little lacking imo.

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Here's a version of the list I'm trying to throw together:


I still have 127 points I need help spending


Age of Darkness Detachment:


Crusade Force Organization Chart:




Khârn: Gorechild

Gahlan Surlak





Inductii x19: Chainaxes, Vexilla, Artificer Armor + Power Fist Sergeant <== Joned by Apothecary, embarked in Stormlord

Inductii x19: Chainaxes, Vexilla, Artificer Armor + Power Fist Sergeant <== Joined by Surlak, embarked in Stormlord

World Eaters Tactical Support Squad x8: Volkite Chargers, Chainaxes, Artificer Armor + Power Fist Sergeant <== Joined by Khârn and Apothecary




Apothecarion Detachment: 2x Apothecary: Chainaxe

Veteran Squad x10: Chainaxes, Rhino

Veteran Squad x10: Chainaxes, Rhino

Cortus Contemptor Talon: 2x Cortus Contemptor: DCCW, Chainfist, 2x Meltagun




Land Raider Phobos: Extra Armor, Dozer Blades, Pintle Multi-melta <== Khârn, Apothecary, & Support Squad embarked




Stormlord: Space Marine Crew




Aegis Defense Line: Comms Relay







Force Commander: Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh

Levies x50

Levies x20

Edited by Venomlust
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So I have a question on apothecary weapon I feel like using a power sword is a wash on them either chain axe or one of the cadre weapons what are people's thoughts on this in say an assault squad to sneak some more higher str attacks in
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Depends on opponents really?


If you face MEQ/ Legions then the AP3 will mean a lot more than wounding slightly better - always an okay-ish chance of culling a marine (hitting/ wounding on a 4+ without any extra rules, so that's 25% chance assuming 2 attacks)


But against SA/ Mechanicum/ Militia the S5AP4 will probably serve you better.

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^If its a choice between how to spend the 10pts, I'd go artificer armor with a chainaxe every time. 


Apothecary's aren't combat powerhouses (though ours are better than average :D ). They're there to give everyone 5+ FnP, amp the nails when we need extra attacks to really ruin someone's day, and occasionally act as an auxiliary artificer armor tank, in that order. 

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I'm having a bit of a dilemma with my 3000pt list as I forgot to add a Flare Shield, so needed to find directions 45 pt's


2 options ..


Forgelord with rad nades in AA to run with butchers or Angron/surlak and 15 dudes


Standard Centurion with AA just for compols hq and 1 apoth for my inductii squad?


I figure later is better as I'm thinking ingredients the extra attack and fnp will be more beneficial than rad nades?

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So I've got the updated legions book (special legion rules) and red butchers are listed as FNP 6+ but somehow my brain remembers an faq making it base FnP can someone point me in the right direction if something truly exists
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Have we thought about knights now they we can take them as lords of war?  I am thinking an atrapos might be pretty useful to support the charging inductii horde.  Twin linked weapons vs super heavies and GMCs, S8 armorbane with a large blast, plus some short range D action once the army is stuck in?

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Be a real man and get two Gallants to run forward with the horde!


(if they can be taken in 30k)


Nah, be a real woman. Take a couple Cerastus chassis, probs a Lancer and Acheron, and kick over all the silly, stumpy GW knights.  

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