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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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So, I'm still gravitating around the Horus Heresy :D I have so much trouble picking a Legion because many of them are super awesome ! So far, I'm circling between Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, Raven Guard, Sons of Horus, Dark Angels and back again :p


Althought, because I'm a devil's advocate, I think I would enjoy a Legion that is not very well represented amongst the players for many reasons. Amongst the Legions that currently have published rules, which ones are less represented in your opinion amonst the playerbase ? I'd rather go for a Legion with published rules/ROW than a Legion that does not (in order to make sure I've well invested in the proper units, considering the price...).


Cheers !

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@Greycrow  If you re able to wait until February there will be the next book and the Black Shields and Shattered Legions.  Since they are new, and have no primarch they might be under played.  Other then that all legions seem to have fans, there are only 18 of them, and full rules for 13(?).


Go to your local shops and ask around what the popular legions are, find what people aren't playing.

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I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me :(

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth


What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

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I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me sad.png

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth

What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

Well, seems like you're already nicely stocked up :P. Have you got any fluff preference for the history and/or character traits of these two legions ? And have you got a prefered playstyle ?

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I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me :(

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth


What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

The legions are big and I think book 3 had pictures of Imperial fists that weren't yellow.


What isn't there to like about having walls of marines with huge shields and accurate bolter fire?


Templars in a land raider of some kind should scare anyone not running a Primarch deathstar.


I guess the Ultramarines are ok, but the only reason I didn't use battle of calth to start a imperial fists army was that it didn't have breachers, and my idea for an imperial fist army requires lots of breachers.

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I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me sad.png

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth

What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

Play Salamanders. When a yellow marine and a blue marine love each other very much... tongue.png

But seriously, I'd say go with the legion you already own kits for. It just makes your life so much simpler.

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I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me sad.png

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth

What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

Well, seems like you're already nicely stocked up tongue.png. Have you got any fluff preference for the history and/or character traits of these two legions ? And have you got a prefered playstyle ?

I like the idea of the Ultramarines... the calculations, the logic, and the roman-esque feel

However, I feel myself more and more leaning towards the mechanics of the Fists

i.e. deep strike and storm shields for terminators, benefits from cover, templars, etc


I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me sad.png

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth

What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

The legions are big and I think book 3 had pictures of Imperial fists that weren't yellow.

What isn't there to like about having walls of marines with huge shields and accurate bolter fire?

Templars in a land raider of some kind should scare anyone not running a Primarch deathstar.

I guess the Ultramarines are ok, but the only reason I didn't use battle of calth to start a imperial fists army was that it didn't have breachers, and my idea for an imperial fist army requires lots of breachers.

I am hoping the next book takes a look at a different facet of the legion. Dorn is repeatedly referrenced as being both steadfast, loyal, and zealous, hence 3 of the main offshoots during the Second Founding

Go with fists. The Prætorian armour can be justified by having your force be part of the Retribution Fleet who re-stocked at Maccrage during Imperium Secundus.

I actually had this thought already... it works, especially since i like the look of the armor. I would just need to scrape off the Ultra symbol. I also like that this roots me heavily in a theme...


I am torn between the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.

-I am a little scared of yellow, but will probably go metallic (gunmetal with yellow glaze)

-Rite of War is important to me (I like the concept), but neither of these legion's Rites appeal to me sad.png

-I like all of their unique units, but struggle to find ways to make them seem useful

-I really like Guilliman's model, but of course we haven't seen Dorn

-I also really like Polux and Sigismund

-I already have like 40 Fists upgrade shoulders and 2 sets of chests

-I also have 2 sets of praetorian upgrades... whoops

-I have Betrayal at Calth

What sets these two legions apart? How do I decide???

Play Salamanders. When a yellow marine and a blue marine love each other very much... tongue.png

But seriously, I'd say go with the legion you already own kits for. It just makes your life so much simpler.

I have some for both!!!

Thanks for the input so far guys. A few questions:

Can Templars be useful?

What are Phalanx warders for?

Do you have to use breachers to be effective or enjoy Imperial Fists?

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Templars crush anything not in 2+ armour, with WS5, Furious charge, 2 attacks base and power swords for all.  Even small units of 2+ probably don't want to deal with the volume of attacks.


No an expert on Phalanx warders, but they seem like the guys you send forward in a land raider to camp on an objective with a couple hidden power axes and your choice of special weapon per 5 guys.


Breachers are needed if you want to run their rite of war, otherwise no.

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So i have been giving it some more thought and reading rules... I remember why I wanted Ultras in the first place. I saw Roboute's model for the first time and just felt... inspired!


Also, as has been discussed before, Dorn's rules are wanting (a sweet model will make up for this).


And Phalanx Warders seem... self defeating? Their unique special rule gives them +1 Init (a huge deal in marine on marine games), but they can only be given power axes (except the sargent). So their bonus is just negated if you arm them for CC


maybe my only hold up is that i already have all this fist resin and i really like polux and sigismund... hmmmm

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So i have been giving it some more thought and reading rules... I remember why I wanted Ultras in the first place. I saw Roboute's model for the first time and just felt... inspired!


Also, as has been discussed before, Dorn's rules are wanting (a sweet model will make up for this).


And Phalanx Warders seem... self defeating? Their unique special rule gives them +1 Init (a huge deal in marine on marine games), but they can only be given power axes (except the sargent). So their bonus is just negated if you arm them for CC


maybe my only hold up is that i already have all this fist resin and i really like polux and sigismund... hmmmm

Do you like the models of Pollux and Siggy G or the fluff? If it is the models then I think both would look cool in Ultramarines colors, though you would have to do a little bit of conversion work. 


Yah unfornutatley Phalanax Warders aren't to hot. They really shine in Zone Mortalis though. If you like CC boarding marines the ultras have a straight up better one. 


Are you more fluff inclined or gaming? If fluff then I would reccomend you read some heresy books for both. Though it does seem that gaming appeals to you a bit more. If then, are you a more offensive player or defensive? Do you enjoy an army that primarily relies on synergy or through individual strength? Also do you enjoy the Romans or the old Knights of the mediviel ages?


Hope this helps

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Phalanx Warders are shipboard fighters. Their special rule benefits them in Zone Mortalis games where instead of Overwatch, you take initiative tests to make a "Reaction Fire." It's not supposed to work with their power axes.


You can always use the fist chest parts you have with Ultramarines. Just shave the fist emblems off and throw stuff like UM brass etch over where it's really noticeable. Or you could always do Ultramarines now and some allied Fists way later.

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I don`t know for how many weeks I am already sitting here, asking me which Legion I should play.


Originally I wanted to start with Ultramarines. As an Italian I love the roman theme, the fluff, the colour, the feeling for honour and so on.Also they where my first army when I started 40K.


But the Iron Warriors were always lingering in the back of my head. Since reading Storm of Iron I started repainting my CSM to IW.

I love the underestimated genius Perturabo, the bitterness, that you can just toss a bunch of Marines in the meat grinder and their colour scheme is pretty easy to paint.

Also I wanted the Legion to have mainly MKII and MKIII armor.


So I am reading and re-reading all the fluff I can find about the two Legions. For a short time I thought about Salamanders, White Scars or Raven Guard. But I hate painting black/white and the way of warfare is a bit one sided on RG/WS. Salamanders are cool, but they miss this final punch in my eyes.


My thought is always that I could start with IW, and then start Ultramarines some times later.

At least with IW it should be easier to get a playable Legion in short time.

I started playing against myself with 2 Legion Champions, seeing who would win. Don ´t know if it is a sign that the Ultramarine always won...

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For me, the Ist Legion was my ideal. Procrastination followed.


Then, the Ist Legion called to me again. Procrastination again.


The VIIth Legion screamed at me with Pollux & his Retribution Fleet versus the Iron Warriors. Seeing the Gamesday Battle of Phall battleboard seized my imagination. I accumulated £1500.00 of all marks of armour, IF helms, IF torsos, IF shoulder pads, a few Pollux (one for IF and one later for CF), breachers, etc etc... Real Life intruded and I had to sell off my golden hoard for far less than I wished to.


Then the Mechanicum called to me. The Machine God beckons! Yeah, that would be different. Yeah.... NOPE! More troubles and heartaches.


Now, shadows of iron Hands, Night Lords, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors are circling again to pick what little meat is left on these tired old bones.


Battle of Calth has been an economical godsend recently. Bought a few sets. Dreams of Legion are dancing through my braincase.


Help me brothers. At this point, I love the above mentioned legions for different reasons. I want something relatively easy to paint. I'm at a loss for which legion to represent my state of mind at this point. Quite desperation? Unconquerable determination? Lost in plans after plans? Shattered legions? Blackshields? Too long to wait for those, but then at the rate I seem to move...


Thanks for listening.




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There is a group of loyalist Iron Warriors in Ultramar so there is justification for doing both together.

I thought only Dantioch made it to Ultramar?



He brought some guys with him I thought?  or at least it hasn't been defined enough for you not to say he didn't or hasn't drawn other isolated garrisons to the cause.  There is definitely enough grey area there for a couple thousand point army.

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For me, the Ist Legion was my ideal. Procrastination followed.


Then, the Ist Legion called to me again. Procrastination again.


The VIIth Legion screamed at me with Pollux & his Retribution Fleet versus the Iron Warriors. Seeing the Gamesday Battle of Phall battleboard seized my imagination. I accumulated £1500.00 of all marks of armour, IF helms, IF torsos, IF shoulder pads, a few Pollux (one for IF and one later for CF), breachers, etc etc... Real Life intruded and I had to sell off my golden hoard for far less than I wished to.


Then the Mechanicum called to me. The Machine God beckons! Yeah, that would be different. Yeah.... NOPE! More troubles and heartaches.


Now, shadows of iron Hands, Night Lords, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors are circling again to pick what little meat is left on these tired old bones.


Battle of Calth has been an economical godsend recently. Bought a few sets. Dreams of Legion are dancing through my braincase.


Help me brothers. At this point, I love the above mentioned legions for different reasons. I want something relatively easy to paint. I'm at a loss for which legion to represent my state of mind at this point. Quite desperation? Unconquerable determination? Lost in plans after plans? Shattered legions? Blackshields? Too long to wait for those, but then at the rate I seem to move...


Thanks for listening.




Roll a dice. That's what I would do.
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For me, the Ist Legion was my ideal. Procrastination followed.


Then, the Ist Legion called to me again. Procrastination again.


The VIIth Legion screamed at me with Pollux & his Retribution Fleet versus the Iron Warriors. Seeing the Gamesday Battle of Phall battleboard seized my imagination. I accumulated £1500.00 of all marks of armour, IF helms, IF torsos, IF shoulder pads, a few Pollux (one for IF and one later for CF), breachers, etc etc... Real Life intruded and I had to sell off my golden hoard for far less than I wished to.


Then the Mechanicum called to me. The Machine God beckons! Yeah, that would be different. Yeah.... NOPE! More troubles and heartaches.


Now, shadows of iron Hands, Night Lords, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors are circling again to pick what little meat is left on these tired old bones.


Battle of Calth has been an economical godsend recently. Bought a few sets. Dreams of Legion are dancing through my braincase.


Help me brothers. At this point, I love the above mentioned legions for different reasons. I want something relatively easy to paint. I'm at a loss for which legion to represent my state of mind at this point. Quite desperation? Unconquerable determination? Lost in plans after plans? Shattered legions? Blackshields? Too long to wait for those, but then at the rate I seem to move...


Thanks for listening.




Roll a dice. That's what I would do.



I'd say go Iron Hands. Then you can still follow your Mechanicum dreams and be fluffy as all get out. And you were obviously prepared to paint black, since you were originally thinking of going Dark Angels!

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For me, the Ist Legion was my ideal. Procrastination followed.


Then, the Ist Legion called to me again. Procrastination again.


The VIIth Legion screamed at me with Pollux & his Retribution Fleet versus the Iron Warriors. Seeing the Gamesday Battle of Phall battleboard seized my imagination. I accumulated £1500.00 of all marks of armour, IF helms, IF torsos, IF shoulder pads, a few Pollux (one for IF and one later for CF), breachers, etc etc... Real Life intruded and I had to sell off my golden hoard for far less than I wished to.


Then the Mechanicum called to me. The Machine God beckons! Yeah, that would be different. Yeah.... NOPE! More troubles and heartaches.


Now, shadows of iron Hands, Night Lords, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors are circling again to pick what little meat is left on these tired old bones.


Battle of Calth has been an economical godsend recently. Bought a few sets. Dreams of Legion are dancing through my braincase.


Help me brothers. At this point, I love the above mentioned legions for different reasons. I want something relatively easy to paint. I'm at a loss for which legion to represent my state of mind at this point. Quite desperation? Unconquerable determination? Lost in plans after plans? Shattered legions? Blackshields? Too long to wait for those, but then at the rate I seem to move...


Thanks for listening.




Roll a dice. That's what I would do.



I'd say go Iron Hands. Then you can still follow your Mechanicum dreams and be fluffy as all get out. And you were obviously prepared to paint black, since you were originally thinking of going Dark Angels!


Iron Warriors also fit the described mindset, and they have rules for including battle-automata more easily in your army. Plus they fit with your Battle of Phall vision.


And, first and foremost, the guys in gunmetal and gold just look ssoo much better then the countless legions in black :P

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