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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Nothings stopping you from running both Legions either a single force painted two different ways using a single rule set to represent them or two detachments. 

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So I've really decided on going with a Son's of Horus army after I get bored or wrap up a 40K army. I'd like to post a few questions to the vets.


OK, I've read enough to know that SoH are not the most powerful of the Legions but I think I read that in book 5 they got a boost or something? Are they now more competitive? It's really a matter of curiosity as I like their fluff too much to not take them because of a weak list. The only reason I 3wouldn't take them would be because I have a Dark Angels army, an Iybraesil craftworld army and I'm getting a SoH army. That's a lot of greenish armies. May get tiresome.


Next question. Knowing what you now know and could save me some bucks what units would you consider as essential for a viable army? Obviously I'm going to get a BaC box, but I don't know if I need a second one or not. If it's just a matter of needing say, one more 10 man sprue I'll pick that up off ebay. As for the rest I have no idea. I know I need the red books but that's about it.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Reavers, outflanking Melta bikes, big pods full of Reavers, Horus/ Maloghurs, more Reavers with jump packs, MAYBE some Justaerian, More Reavers.


I just like Reavers. Loken is cool too with his I6, Paragon Chainsword and get back up after dying rule.


Utilise the sheer reliability of reserves and you can't go wrong.


A NICE tactic is surging forward with small but resilient units to lock people in place, then you charge in with a mass of Reavers for rage and merciless fighter bonuses via Legiones Astartes rules and the RoW

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Reavers are the black elite CC guys correct? I was going to include a squad of 5 or 10 either in or out of jump packs. Wish FW just sold CC upgrade sprues and Jump Pack sprues. It would make things cheaper.


Trying to take the long view on my HH army. I know GW is going to be putting out more Age of Darkness plastic kits. And I just prefer to work with plastic over resin if I can. So I think I'm going to scoop up a BaC box and wait until next year when the 30K/40K dual marked boxes start coming out. I might get a second one (boxset) if funds allow or I may go through ebay again (already got a tac sprue to kit bash with my DA 40K army) and pick up another Tac Sprue and possibly a second contemptor. That would be 40 Tacticals and 2 Dreads. that's a good start and may be more preferable than having 60 tacticals. I really don't want to paint up that many. Then again 5 more terminators would be cool...oh the choices!

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Ok lads and ladies.


I'm back again having finished a 3k Ultramarine army that ended up being Shanghaid into 40k. For those that remember or care, I came across some bad sports in my local meta who moaned a lot at me using 30k in 40k campaign. And I ended up having to switch.


Wasn't cool, and it sort of ruined it for me.


But due to BoC coming out, a few of the better players in my local area are starting a 30k group. Aiming to follow a RPG campaign over a few months and follow some scenarios from the books.


The problem, obviously, is Legion. Iv read nearly every thread I can on what to choose and how to choose it. And I'm going to bore you now by pouring my guts out about my choices so you can see how back and forth I am and hopefully help me :)


Dark Angels-


Love the HH books on them. The Lion is probably my favourite Primarch. I love the 40k use of termies but hate the 40k paint schemes. Love the Knightly order theme and what's more manly than a oversized Broadsword. Downsides are obviously lack of rules and special characters/ units. Also it's hard to make them not look.. Boring.


Emperors Children-


Love the fluff and characters. Like Fulgrim but not sure on his model :/ Phoenix Guard are Kings and the paint scheme looks amazing. But their rules are a little shady and obtuse and I'm not a massive fan of glass hammer.


Iron Warriors-


I love Perturabo and his fluff and model and rules. Love their termies and love the siege style. The paint scheme isn't bad at all. The drawbacks (as I can find for me) is lack of CC hammer for them and lack of character. If you don't use the Primarch it sort of loses identity.



Imperial Fists-


The boys I toy with the most. A lot of local 40k players around here play them and pretty much do everything they can with them. I love Pollux and the Phalanx Wardens and I Love Sigismund and the Templars. The only things that put me off are how often I see them on the board, and their RoW is a little odd. Dorn is awesome in the Lightning Tower and so forth but the rules are a shame.




Since I have done my army, the new upgrade kits, Suzerains and Guilliman have come along. I love them in the fluff. I love Ventanus, shame about his Rules. I love Guilliman, SHAME about his model. I really don't like it as an action model. It's such a mantel piece model. And their rules are awful for giving them an identity. Especially compared to Word Bearers and Iron Hands. Also I cannot seem to get excited about seeing them anymore. Everyone's WiP of them are nice but never... Striking. Sorry. That's not meant to be a dis just how I react to them.




Love the Green and love the DragonHide motif that you can do. I saw someone's WiP on here with fantastic use of green stuff and lizard men bits. I love Vulkan, he is No.2 on my Primarch list I think. And Firedrakes are Kings too. They appeal to my "I hate my models dying" way of playing. Naturally very defensive with a well executed Hammer. But pyroclasts are awful rules and models IMO and I am afraid that we will see nothing new for them.


I usually like to play naturally defensive (is why some Legions have not been mentioned). I am also probably playing a Loyalist. If Traitor comes up I will make cases for them but at the moment I would prefer a true loyalist.


I like a decent Praetor type CC beat stick with a support character HQ in there too. I love a balanced mix of vehicles and infantry. Like terminators. And one key feature is to include a Legions flavour in the list. I will be playing a lot and the games will be between 2000-3000 a lot.


Sorry for the huge post guys. Thanks.

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Well, as I understand it, DA are supposedly getting rules in Q1 of 2016, and it sounds to me that you have got your heart set on the 1st Legion. What about them makes them boring? Is it the black? There are a wide variety of 40k DA bits, if you like the robe look, and loads of fantasy bits if you prefer to play in the knightly aspect. Perhaps individual heraldries would make them look more interesting?


There aren't many Dark Angels around in 30k, that I've seen. Could be nice to be unique. You could reference a second or later founding chapter, if you were struggling for a theme? Besides, they have an awesome upgrade sprue, and they FINALLY have shoulder pads. B)


Hope this helps.



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Oh is it first quarter they are supposed to get them? That's interesting.


I actually watched someone play them in 40k last night and I was perving on the models thinking how they would fit into 30k with some customisation. Could definitely work.


Having a meet up with the rest of the boys tomorrow and have a little chat about it all. Are there any hints or anything on what DA are getting?

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The Legions I see fitting your play style you described would be Imperial Fists, Iron Hands (I'm aware they're not on your list but their legion rules and models are epic) and Salamanders. Granted this is all my opinion.


But if your heart is really set on Dark Angels, like it sounds, then do them. The BaC box is a great starting point regardless of legion because you can always use the troop & elite choices it includes.

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Fists would be cool no denying that, but Iv heard some bad things about a Pollux led Phalanx Warder type defensive list. Which is what I would want to run.


Iron Hands yes. I do love. And I do LOVE Ferrus. But a friend of mine has a large army of them already and I'm not super keen on their termies and immortals. But may be I haven't looked enough?


Salamanders again. Yes. Love them. And Vulkan is a boss. But I'm not overly fond of green. But the Dragon style motif and green stuff modifications do look amazing.


Much to consider.


My Mrs just offered to buy a random Primarch from FW for me for Xmas and I have to settle for that haha

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I think i'll go with a world eaters force lead by Khârn.  It could just be because I'm listening to betrayer again, but i love those dudes.  If i get the time and funding i'd go with a Loken lead SoH army as my second.

I wanted to do small allied forces of both of those myself too, except Luna Wolves instead of SoH for Loken

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True! Mortarion even comes with infinite candy for persistent trick-or-treaters.


...candy is phosphex, right?


That's what the man in the dirty white armor told me...





So, anyway, I'm taking a break from my Crimson Sons project and I need to find a new Legion to put some energy into.


Possibilities are some of my previous choices that didn't quite win out of the VIII, and would like to hear what some of you have to say for or against some of the choices. In no particular order:


1) White Scars

2) Dusk Raiders

3) Wolves

4) Iron Hands

5) Raven Guard

6) Sons of Horus

7) Blood Angels

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By Wolves you mean Luna Wolves, right?msn-wink.gif

Me being a fan of the Terran Legions a lot more than what they became after the finding of the Primarchs, I had considered Luna Wolves the first time around before going with the Crimson Sons of the VIII, but large open expanses of white paint is one of those things that I've never been able to do to my satisfaction. Plus, I really like the SoH green.

Could be a perfect time to invest in Scars!

I have some Calth plastics on the way, and on a slightly slower delivery path, some resin vehicle reinforcements. I just need to determine what Legion number they'll carry.

Dusk Raiders are in the lead because they were the ones that just barely lost to the VIII the last time and I still started building a small force of them, but in the time since, some other Legions have really started to appeal to me. All thanks to Dan Abnett, now that I think about it. The Sons of Horus, Alpha Legion (though I don't have much interested in making an army of them), the Wolves, the Ultramarines (a towering feat in itself) and most recently, the Iron Hands.

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What is it about each of the Legions you picked, that really drew you to them in the first place?


It could be as simple as their colours or as complex as their philosophy on war, but knowing why these legions are on your list will help us help you.

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Dusk Raiders, my good man. That storm grey armour and red right arm just scream awesome. Plus, you'll get to stick it to us Mortarion followers msn-wink.gif!

Of course it would be strange if you ever played against a Death Guard army. Well, you could always say your guys are Loyalists and then pew pew pew happy.png!

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Ugh... I'm split between a few choices now.

-Imperial Fists

-Blood Angels

-Dusk Raiders

-Knights Errant

I can't decide what to first. I'm planning on eventually doing at least some of each. I might do IF/DR first, because they've already got rules, but it's not too long of a wait for BA.

The DR would be played as Loyalists, who were on Terra and got some advanced armor (MKIV or even MKVII, if I do Battle Of Terra era), but still used banned weapons.

The BA would be mechanized, because I also like tanks.

The IF would be a small ZM list, with a shootier squad, some Warders, a Contemptor and Polux.

The Knights Errant... I would just buy all the models.

Help me choose what to do first (DR/BA/IF)

I like the Dusk Raiders b/c they use banned weaponrynuke.gif , are pretty badcensored.gif , and have lots of artillery.

The BA I like for their speed, fury and coolness overall.

IF I like for the fluff and I also really like ZM games.

As I write this, I feel I'm gravitating towards DR and BA. So yeah. Which to do first?

This is the DR scheme I liked (I'd only do the right arm red


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