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Hi, sorry for this late reply.


How do you guys feel about Chaos Bikers in an IWs army?

2) They don't seem like a unit that fits well in an IWs army according to the fluff even though I was thinking that they could be explained as a scouting team, for example.


There is a very practical reason for IW to use Bikers, beyond even scouting.  I'm drawing inspiration from history and I think it relates to IW's core themes.


In the 2nd World War, German soldiers started using motorcycles for patrolling.  To be clear, that's not scouting like forward reconnaissance where they scout out ahead.  It was to efficiently guard/watch over a lot of areas they already controlled.  An example was that a single soldier could guard miles of railway or road, otherwise they would need more soldiers to cover each stretch by foot.  Of course, they could also do the same with a jeep or car, but motorcycles were cheaper, lighter, and therefore also more fuel efficient.  Those were BMW bikes, and it was seen as pretty successful as the Allies copied their practice with their own motorcycles.


Bringing that into the context of the Horus Heresy and 40k, IW were famous for siegecraft.  They would take a fort, then they would have to KEEP the fort.  Their practice was, after a successful siege, they would keep a minimal skeleton crew to hold that territory (because they need the maximum force to take over the NEXT fort.)  Part of the reason why they're so Cold and Bitter is that their Legion was forced to spread themselves thin and they were abandoned and forgotten.


To defend those territories, something like Marine Bikes would have made a lot of sense.  With a small crew left to garrison, it would make sense IW used Bikes to cover more ground.  Considering they're often used to take then defend large forts, I could even see them bringing Bikes up to the walls and patrolling them that way (whereas a Rhino would be way too big to fit).  It'd take some skill and practice, but Iron Warriors have some skill with forts, and as mentioned, a lot of time to practice.


Just an actual thought that came to mind.  Wasn't trying to rationalise Bikes, just remembered watching a documentary why German soldiers started using them.

Just an actual thought that came to mind. Wasn't trying to rationalise Bikes, just remembered watching a documentary why German soldiers started using them.

Thank you for the reply, Not 1 Step Backwards! It's amazing! It hadn't even occured to me that bikes have historically been used in those situations. And your tie-in to 40k is also very fluffy, I just love it! I still want to get those bikers if only because I love the models and with this I'm even more inclined to do so.

Nothing like taking photos to see where all your mistakes are

Still a WIP

Idea was the squad has a mobile bunker

Still deciding on where to mount the combi bolter


I absolutely love the idea, looking good so far!

Check this out by Mark Filsy Phillips, shown over on the Forge World facebook page



Really temped to try convert up a Chaos version of this tank now!!!

Gotta love the the FB post:

The Minotaur Artillery Tank is *very* Iron Warriors - after all, why bring one massive siege cannon when you could have two?

Also, looks like you had a lot of fun in that event!

Sorry for double posting, but since this is an almost completely different subject I'd rather write a new post.


I'm going to do a 2v2 or 3v3 game with some friends on the 9th of December and I want to use my IWs for the first time but I need some help with what to take. I am a newbie and it will be a friend's first game so we are going small: 750pts if we have to go 2v2 or 600pts if we can find a 6th player for the 3v3.


I also wanted to go to to my fave non-GW store to return a product and possibly get those bikers if they still have them because they have a small discount for Black Friday and so I can use them in this game. Well, I'll use them if it's posible to put them on the list, of course!


Which is why I came here, could you guys help me with the list? I'm still not sure who I'll be teaming up with but so far we have: my Iron Warriors, Harlequins, Drukhari (possibly 2) and possibly Grey Knights, Ynnari or Death Watch. I'm hoping one of those that hasn't comfirmed yet might bring Death Guard but so far I might be the only Chaos player. It's going to be fun to come up with a narrative for this game. 


With all of that in mind, I had started preparing some posible 600pts lists (I haven't delved into the weapon options yet):




HQ: Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour




Cultists - either 1 unit of 20 of 2 units of 10 each (depending if I want the Battalion detachment or not)


CSM - a unit of 10 dudes


Fast Attack:


Chaos Bikers - unit of 3 dudes


Heavy support:


Obliterators - unit of 3 dudes




HQ: Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour/Warpsmith


Troops: same as in list 1




Helbrute x1


Heavy Support:


Havocs - unit of 5 guys  (will have to proxy)


Dedicated Transport:


Chaos Rhino x1 (will have to proxy or ask another friend to lend me theirs)



List 2 sounds nicer I guess, but here are other units I have but I haven't put in the lists:


Warpsmith x1

Daemon Prince (of Nurgle) with Wings x1

Defiler x1

Plague Marines x14 (2 units of Dark Imperium)



Thanks beforehand!

Playing in those type of games i find the best thing to do is bring units which you think are fun rather than bringing a competitive list. Usually i would leave stuff like troops at home and take an all dreadnought list or maybe all special characters. That's just me though

If i was choosing a list i would bring warpsmith, havocs in rhino, defiler, bikes and helbrute. You could keep your force together and your narrative could be you are going in for a specific objective while the other factions duke it out

Got myself those bikers in the end, love the models!!


Moreover, I was reading the Beast Arises #6, Echoes of the Long War, yesterday and what shows up? Iron Warriors bikers! Sweet!


Which reminds me, TBA series is not listed in the novels of the Black Library in the opening post of the thread, should it be updated?

Yeh that was a cool bit on the story. I re read the beast arises for the IW story. I particularly like when he is describing the terminators all covered in barbed wire


Which Beast novel this in?  I still need to get around & read them.  I think I will need to try get the whole series soon & also need to catch up the Horus Heresy :D


I should also have the list of novel updated during the Christmas holidays.  Just right now I'm extremely busy & trying to get a lot done before I stop for the Christmas holidays.  Also going to add Will of Iron comic by Titan comics.

I'm still slogging my way through the series for the first time so I don't know until when Warsmith Kalkator and his Iron Warriors are part of the story. Their first appearance though is in book 4, The Last Wall. They only appear briefly in that one but in the 5th (Throneworld) and 6th (Echoes of the Long War) books they finally become relevant.


I haven't read the Will of Iron comic yet, is it good?

Yep, that's exactly where I am right now.But actually, it was the Warsmith who had suggested going there after escaping the Mandeville point (hoping they could all hold the old Iron Warrior fortresses in there). The Fists Exemplars go first and find what the orks have done with the place, then Kalkator descends along with his bikers and terminators.


I may be mistaken in how the IWs and FE got to the planet as I read/listen to the audiobook on my way to/back from work but that's how I understood the events take place..

I checked, their first appearance is in book 4 (The Last Wall) but we don't see much of them in that book. Just that Kalkator's worlds are under Ork attack and they are forced to leave with Magneric of the Black Templars chasing them as well.

I'm still slogging my way through the series for the first time so I don't know until when Warsmith Kalkator and his Iron Warriors are part of the story. Their first appearance though is in book 4, The Last Wall. They only appear briefly in that one but in the 5th (Throneworld) and 6th (Echoes of the Long War) books they finally become relevant.


I haven't read the Will of Iron comic yet, is it good?


​I think Will of Iron been really good.  It a bit short, but I really like the art work.  I'm thinking converting up another Sorcerer base on Astorax.


​It on it third series so you've got 

Will of Iron






​Fallen has issue 11 due out on the 6th December.  With Issue 12 in January.  Money permitting, I might order them tomorrow.

​Just check google see where selling them.  I know UK wise, Forbidden planet sell them.  I've got complete Will of Iron & Revelation arrive.  Just order issue 9 & 10 


  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished reading book 6 of the Beast Arises (Echoes of the Long War). It seems the Iron Warriors are still going to be around for a while longer. :biggrin.:


I still need to track down those Will of Iron comics!


If you google - Warhammer 40,000 Will of Iron comic.  Then go to shopping part, it should list the comic.  If you want the complete Will of Iron (series 1, 4 comic) then your looking for the art work has white background, the =][=, a Dark Angel Battle Brother & a Dark Angel Chaplain.


Revelation is the second part to this & again just a quick google search should help out.  You can get the complete series for that as well.

I'm not on my lap top other wise I'd add the links.

Hope this help out.  Also the third series & one with issue 4 been release 3rd January is called - Fallen.


Turns out Will of Iron was released in my country last August. However, I'd prefer a copy in English as translations of 40k books in Spain are known to be atrocious. I guess I could also get a digital copy but I prefer comics in paper, specially if the artwork is good.


I think next time I go to the comic store I will look for a Spanish copy and to help me decide if it's worth buying one in English in my usual online bookstore and also pay the shipping costs.

I haven't but I wanted to!


I decided to stop The Beast Arises series for a while to read Fabius Bile - Primogenitor. Just finished chapter 2 and, lo and behold! an Iron Warrior! The cast so far seems to come from several legions I hope it stays that diverse!

I've been working on my BA for the past couple of years, but I'm feeling the call of chaos once more.


My next purchase will be a dark Imperium box, I think, the marines go to my blood angels, while the plague marines will become allied to the lord of iron.

Welcome brother, the call to iron is strong

Hah, thanks - I already have a sizeable iron warriors army, but stopped playing chaos regularly in 4th ed, and completely in 6th as it was no longer fun for me. I just really want to iron warrior up the plague marines!

Updated my Plog with some weathering I did on my Vindicators - the plog has a step by step as to how I did it. Needless to say, Ryza rust and Typhus Corrosion are great paints and fun to use, and I'll be rusting up a lot more stuff.





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